예제 #1
 def test_raster_overlap(self):
     m31original = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
     assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31original.data)), "Original is empty"
     flat = create_empty_image_like(m31original)
     for nraster, overlap in [(1, 0),  (1, 16), (4, 8), (4, 16), (8, 8), (16, 4), (9, 5)]:
         m31model = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
         for patch, flat_patch in zip(image_raster_iter(m31model, facets=nraster, overlap=overlap),
                                      image_raster_iter(flat, facets=nraster, overlap=overlap)):
             patch.data *= 2.0
             flat_patch.data[...] += 1.0
         assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31model.data)), "Raster is empty for %d" % nraster
예제 #2
 def test_raster_exception(self):
     m31original = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
     assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31original.data)), "Original is empty"
     for nraster, overlap in [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (2, 128), (1e6, 127)]:
         with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
             m31model = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
             for patch in image_raster_iter(m31model, facets=nraster, overlap=overlap):
                 patch.data *= 2.0
예제 #3
 def test_raster(self):
     m31original = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
     assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31original.data)), "Original is empty"
     for nraster in [1, 2, 4, 8, 9]:
         m31model = create_test_image(polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))
         for patch in image_raster_iter(m31model, facets=nraster):
             assert patch.data.shape[3] == (m31model.data.shape[3] // nraster), \
                 "Number of pixels in each patch: %d not as expected: %d" % (patch.data.shape[3],
                                                                             (m31model.data.shape[3] // nraster))
             assert patch.data.shape[2] == (m31model.data.shape[2] // nraster), \
                 "Number of pixels in each patch: %d not as expected: %d" % (patch.data.shape[2],
                                                                             (m31model.data.shape[2] // nraster))
             patch.data *= 2.0
         diff = m31model.data - 2.0 * m31original.data
         assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(m31model.data)), "Raster is empty for %d" % nraster
         assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(diff)) == 0.0, "Raster set failed for %d" % nraster