예제 #1
	def draw(self, frame, text, x, y, color=0xf, composite_op="copy", tracking=1):
		"""Uses this font's characters to draw the given string at the given position."""
		for ch in text:
			ch, char_x, char_y, width, left = self.char_metrics(ch)
			Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y + self.margin_top, src=self.bitmaps[color], src_x=char_x + left, src_y=char_y + self.top, width=width, height=self.char_size - self.top - self.bottom + self.margin_top, op=composite_op)
			x += width + tracking
		return x
예제 #2
	def __draw_frame(self, y, anim, draw):
		if(self.animation_library is None):
			return y

		src = self.animation_library[anim].frames[0]
		if draw:
			Frame.copy_rect(dst=self.frame, dst_x=0, dst_y=y, src=src, src_x=0, src_y=0, width=self.frame.width, height=src.height)
		return y
    def __draw_frame(self, y, anim, draw):
        if(self.game is None):
            return y
        if(anim not in self.game.animations):
            return y

        src = self.game.animations[anim].frames[0]
        if draw:
            Frame.copy_rect(dst=self.frame, dst_x=0, dst_y=y, src=src, src_x=0, src_y=0, width=self.frame.width, height=src.height)
        return y
예제 #4
 def draw(self, frame, text, x, y):
     """Uses this font's characters to draw the given string at the given position."""
     for ch in text:
         char_offset = ord(ch) - ord(' ')
         if char_offset < 0 or char_offset >= 96:
         char_x = self.char_size * (char_offset % 10)
         char_y = self.char_size * (char_offset / 10)
         width = self.char_widths[char_offset]
         Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y, src=self.bitmap, src_x=char_x, src_y=char_y, width=width, height=self.char_size, op=self.composite_op)
         x += width + self.tracking
     return x
예제 #5
파일: font.py 프로젝트: tomlogic/pyprocgame
	def draw(self, frame, text, x, y):
		"""Uses this font's characters to draw the given string at the given position."""
		for ch in text:
			char_offset = ord(ch) - ord(' ')
			if char_offset < 0 or char_offset >= 96:
			char_x = self.char_size * (char_offset % 10)
			char_y = self.char_size * (char_offset / 10)
			width = self.char_widths[char_offset]
			Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y, src=self.bitmap, src_x=char_x, src_y=char_y, width=width, height=self.char_size, op=self.composite_op)
			x += width + self.tracking
		return x
예제 #6
 def populate_from_dmd_file(self, f):
     f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)  # Go to the end of the file to get its length
     file_length = f.tell()
     f.seek(4)  # Skip over the 4 byte DMD header.
     frame_count = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
     self.width = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
     self.height = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
     if file_length != 16 + self.width * self.height * frame_count:
         raise ValueError, "File size inconsistent with header information.  Old or incompatible file format?"
     for frame_index in range(frame_count):
         str_frame = f.read(self.width * self.height)
         new_frame = Frame(self.width, self.height)
예제 #7
	def populate_from_dmd_file(self, f):
		f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) # Go to the end of the file to get its length
		file_length = f.tell()
		f.seek(4) # Skip over the 4 byte DMD header.
		frame_count = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
		self.width = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
		self.height = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
		if file_length != 16 + self.width * self.height * frame_count:
			raise ValueError, "File size inconsistent with header information.  Old or incompatible file format?"
		for frame_index in range(frame_count):
			str_frame = f.read(self.width * self.height)
			new_frame = Frame(self.width, self.height)
예제 #8
	def convertImageToOldDMD(src):
		pal_image= Image.new("P", (1,1))
		tuplePal = VgaDMD.get_palette()
		flatPal = [element for tupl in tuplePal for element in tupl]
		src_rgb = src.convert("RGB").quantize(palette=pal_image)
		src_p = src_rgb.convert("P")

		(w,h) = src.size
		frame = Frame(w, h)
		for x in range(w):
			for y in range(h):
				color = src_p.getpixel((x,y))
				frame.set_dot(x=x, y=y, value=color)
		return frame
예제 #9
 def load(self, filename):
     """Loads the font from a ``.dmd`` file (see :meth:`Animation.load`).
     Fonts are stored in .dmd files with frame 0 containing the bitmap data
     and frame 1 containing the character widths.  96 characters (32..127,
     ASCII printables) are stored in a 10x10 grid, starting with space (``' '``)
     in the upper left at 0, 0.  The character widths are stored in the second frame
     within the 'raw' bitmap data in bytes 0-95.
     if self.__anim.width != self.__anim.height:
         raise ValueError, "Width != height!"
     if len(self.__anim.frames) == 1:
         # We allow 1 frame for handmade fonts.
         # This is so that they can be loaded as a basic bitmap, have their char widths modified, and then be saved.
         print "Font animation file %s has 1 frame; adding one" % (filename)
         self.__anim.frames += [
             Frame(self.__anim.width, self.__anim.height)
     elif len(self.__anim.frames) != 2:
         raise ValueError, "Expected 2 frames: %d" % (len(
     self.char_size = self.__anim.width / 10
     self.bitmap = self.__anim.frames[0]
     self.char_widths = []
     for i in range(96):
         self.char_widths += [
             self.__anim.frames[1].get_dot(i % self.__anim.width,
                                           i / self.__anim.width)
     return self
 def frame_for_markup(self, markup, y_offset=0):
     """Returns a Frame with the given markup rendered within it.
     The frame width is fixed, but the height will be adjusted
     to fit the contents while respecting min_height.
     The Y offset can be configured supplying *y_offset*.
     lines = markup.split('\n')
     for draw in [False, True]:
         y = y_offset
         for line in lines:
             if line.startswith("{") and line.endswith('}'): # frame!!
                 y = self.__draw_frame(y=y, anim=line[1:-1], draw=draw)
             elif line.startswith('#') and line.endswith('#'): # centered headline!
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line[1:-1], font=self.font_bold, justify='center', draw=draw)
             elif line.startswith('#'): # left-justified headline
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line[1:], font=self.font_bold, justify='left', draw=draw)
             elif line.endswith('#'): # right-justified headline
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line[:-1], font=self.font_bold, justify='right', draw=draw)
             elif line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'): # centered text
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line[1:-1], font=self.font_plain, justify='center', draw=draw)
             elif line.endswith(']'): # right-justified text
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line[:-1], font=self.font_plain, justify='right', draw=draw)
             elif line.startswith('['): # left-justified text
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line[1:], font=self.font_plain, justify='left', draw=draw)
             else: # left-justified but nothing to clip off
                 y = self.__draw_text(y=y, text=line, font=self.font_plain, justify='left', draw=draw)
         if not draw: # this was a test run to get the height
             self.frame = Frame(width=self.width, height=max(self.min_height, y))
     return self.frame
예제 #11
	def convertImage(src):

		image = src.convert("RGB")
		(w,h) = image.size

		frame = Frame(w, h)
		mode = image.mode
		size = image.size
		data = image.tostring()

		#assert mode in 'RGB', 'RGBA'
		surface = pygame.image.fromstring(data, size, mode)


		return frame
예제 #12
    def make_colors(self,colors):
        for c in colors:
            ##print "Making " + str(c)
            frame = Frame(self.__anim.width,self.__anim.height)
            for y in range(self.__anim.height):
                for x in range(self.__anim.width):
                    dot = self.bitmaps[0].get_dot(x,y)
                    if dot > 1:
                        newdot = ((c << 4) | (dot & 0xF))
                        frame.set_dot(x, y, newdot)
                    elif dot == 1:
                        newdot = dot
                        frame.set_dot(x,y, newdot)

            self.bitmaps[c] = frame
예제 #13
파일: font.py 프로젝트: tomlogic/pyprocgame
	def save(self, filename):
		"""Save the font to the given path."""
		out = Animation()
		out.width = self.__anim.width
		out.height = self.__anim.height
		out.frames = [self.bitmap, Frame(out.width, out.height)]
		for i in range(96):
			out.frames[1].set_dot(i%self.__anim.width, i/self.__anim.width, self.char_widths[i])
예제 #14
    def populate_from_image_file(self, path, f):

        if not Image:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot open non-native image types without Python Imaging Library: %s' % (

        src = Image.open(f)

        (w, h) = src.size
        if len(self.frames) > 0 and (w != self.width or h != self.height):
            raise ValueError, "Image sizes must be uniform!  Anim is %dx%d, image is %dx%d" % (
                w, h, self.width, self.height)

        (self.width, self.height) = (w, h)

        if path.endswith('.gif'):
            from . import animgif
            self.frames += animgif.gif_frames(src)
            alpha = None
                alpha = Image.fromstring('L', src.size,
                                         src.tostring('raw', 'A'))
                pass  # No alpha channel available?

            reduced = src.convert("L")

            frame = Frame(w, h)

            # Construct a lookup table from 0-255 to 0-15:
            eight_to_four_map = [0] * 256
            for l in range(256):
                eight_to_four_map[l] = int(round((l / 255.0) * 15.0))

            for x in range(w):
                for y in range(h):
                    color = eight_to_four_map[reduced.getpixel((x, y))]
                    if alpha:
                        color += eight_to_four_map[alpha.getpixel((x, y))] << 4
                    frame.set_dot(x=x, y=y, value=color)

예제 #15
	def drawHD(self, frame, text, x, y, line_color, line_width, interior_color, fill_color):
		"""Uses this font's characters to draw the given string at the given position."""
		#t = self.pygFont.render(text,False,(255,0,255),(0,0,0))
		#surf = self.pygFont.render(text,False,self.color,(0,0,0))
		if(text == ""):
			return x


		surf = self.textHollow(text,line_color, interior_color, 2*line_width, fill_color)
		(w,h) = surf.get_size()

		tmp = Frame(w,h)
		tmp.pySurface = surf
		Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y, src=tmp, src_x=0, src_y=0, width=w, height=h, op=self.composite_op)

		#Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y, src=self.bitmap, src_x=char_x, src_y=char_y, width=width, height=self.char_size, op=self.composite_op)
		return x
예제 #16
	def populate_from_image_file(self, path, f):
		if not Image:
			raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot open non-native image types without Python Imaging Library: %s' % (path)
		src = Image.open(f)

		(w, h) = src.size
		if len(self.frames) > 0 and (w != anim.width or h != anim.height):
			raise ValueError, "Image sizes must be uniform!  Anim is %dx%d, image is %dx%d" % (w, h, self.width, self.height)

		(self.width, self.height) = (w, h)

		if path.endswith('.gif'):
			from . import animgif
			self.frames += animgif.gif_frames(src)
			alpha = None
				alpha = Image.fromstring('L', src.size, src.tostring('raw', 'A'))
				pass # No alpha channel available?

			reduced = src.convert("L")

			frame = Frame(w, h)

			# Construct a lookup table from 0-255 to 0-15:
			eight_to_four_map = [0] * 256
			for l in range(256):
				eight_to_four_map[l] = int(round((l/255.0) * 15.0))
			for x in range(w):
				for y in range(h):
					color = eight_to_four_map[reduced.getpixel((x,y))]
					if alpha:
						color += eight_to_four_map[alpha.getpixel((x,y))] << 4
					frame.set_dot(x=x, y=y, value=color)

예제 #17
	def draw(self, frame, text, x, y, color = None):
		"""Uses this font's characters to draw the given string at the given position."""
		#t = self.pygFont.render(text,False,(255,0,255),(0,0,0))
		if(color is None):

		surf = self.pygFont.render(text,False,color,(0,0,0))
		(w,h) = surf.get_size()
		#surf = pygame.surface.Surface((w, h))
		tmp = Frame(w,h)
		tmp.pySurface = surf
		tmp.composite_op = "blacksrc"
		Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y, src=tmp, src_x=0, src_y=0, width=w, height=h, op=self.composite_op)
		#Frame.copy_rect(dst=frame, dst_x=x, dst_y=y, src=self.bitmap, src_x=char_x, src_y=char_y, width=width, height=self.char_size, op=self.composite_op)
		return x
예제 #18
	def populate_from_dmd_file(self, f):
		f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) # Go to the end of the file to get its length
		file_length = f.tell()
		## MJO: Don't just skip the header!  Check it.
		f.seek(0) # Skip over the 4 byte DMD header.
		dmd_version = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
		dmd_style = 0 # old
		if(dmd_version == 0x00646D64):
			# print("old dmd style")
		elif(dmd_version == 0x00DEFACE):
			# print("full color dmd style")
			dmd_style = 1

		frame_count = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
		self.width = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
		self.height = struct.unpack("I", f.read(4))[0]
			if file_length != 16 + self.width * self.height * frame_count:
				logging.getLogger('game.dmdcache').warning("expected size = {%d} got {%d}", (16 + self.width * self.height * frame_count), (file_length))
				raise ValueError, "File size inconsistent with original DMD format header information.  Old or incompatible file format?"
			if file_length != 16 + self.width * self.height * frame_count * 3:
				raise ValueError, "File size inconsistent with true-color DMD format header information. Old or incompatible file format?"

		for frame_index in range(frame_count):
			new_frame = Frame(self.width, self.height)
				str_frame = f.read(self.width * self.height)
				str_frame = f.read(self.width * self.height * 3)
				surface = pygame.image.fromstring(str_frame, (self.width, self.height), 'RGB')
예제 #19
	def load(self, filename):
		"""Loads the font from a ``.dmd`` file (see :meth:`Animation.load`).
		Fonts are stored in .dmd files with frame 0 containing the bitmap data
		and frame 1 containing the character widths.  96 characters (32..127,
		ASCII printables) are stored in a 10x10 grid, starting with space (``' '``)
		in the upper left at 0, 0.  The character widths are stored in the second frame
		within the 'raw' bitmap data in bytes 0-95.
		if self.__anim.width != self.__anim.height:
			raise ValueError, "Width != height!"
		root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
		metrics_filename = root + ".metrics.json"
		self.metrics = None
		left = 0
		if os.path.exists(metrics_filename):
			with open(metrics_filename) as fp:
				self.metrics = json.load(fp)
			left = self.metrics.get("left", 0)
			self.top = self.metrics.get("top", 0)
			self.margin_top = self.metrics.get("margin_top", 0)
			self.bottom = self.metrics.get("bottom", 0)
		elif len(self.__anim.frames) == 1:
			# We allow 1 frame for handmade fonts.
			# This is so that they can be loaded as a basic bitmap, have their char widths modified, and then be saved.
			print "Font animation file %s has 1 frame; adding one" % (filename)
			self.__anim.frames += [Frame(self.__anim.width, self.__anim.height)]
		elif len(self.__anim.frames) != 2:
			raise ValueError, "Expected 2 frames: %d" % (len(self.__anim.frames))
		self.char_size = self.__anim.width / 10
		self.bitmap = self.__anim.frames[0]

		# FIXME: Create a separate bitmap for each possible color. This makes
		# rendering fast, but could be improved
		self.bitmaps = {}
		self.bitmaps[0xf] = self.bitmap
		for color in xrange(1, 0xf):
			#print color
			width = self.bitmap.width
			height = self.bitmap.height
			self.bitmaps[color] = Frame(width, height)
			bitmap = self.bitmaps[color]
			fill = Frame(width, height)
			sub_color = 0xf - color
			fill.fill_rect(0, 0, width, height, sub_color)
			Frame.copy_rect(bitmap, 0, 0, self.bitmap, 0, 0, width, height)
			Frame.copy_rect(bitmap, 0, 0, fill, 0, 0, width, height, "sub")

			for x in xrange(self.bitmap.width):
				for y in xrange(self.bitmap.height):
					dot = self.bitmap.get_dot(x, y) - (0xf - color)
					if dot > 0:
						self.bitmaps[color].set_dot(x, y, dot)

		self.char_widths = []
		self.left = []
		if not self.metrics:
			for i in xrange(95):
				self.char_widths += [self.__anim.frames[1].get_dot(i%self.__anim.width, i/self.__anim.width)]
				self.left += [0]
			overrides = self.metrics.get("left_override", {})
			for i in xrange(95):
				self.char_widths += [self.metrics["widths"][i][1]]
				ch = chr(ord(' ') + i)
				self.left += [overrides.get(ch, left)]
		return self