예제 #1
def rotational(
    a: np.ndarray,
    b: np.ndarray,
    pad: bool = True,
    translate: bool = False,
    scale: bool = False,
    unpad_col: bool = False,
    unpad_row: bool = False,
    check_finite: bool = True,
    weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    lapack_driver: str = "gesvd",
) -> ProcrustesResult:
    r"""Perform rotational Procrustes.

    Given a matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference matrix :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m
    \times n}`, find the rotational transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{R}_{n \times n}` that
    makes :math:`\mathbf{A}` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}`. In other words,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{R} \left| {\mathbf{R}^{-1} = {\mathbf{R}}^\dagger
                                \atop \left| \mathbf{R} \right| = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \|\mathbf{A}\mathbf{R} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    This Procrustes method requires the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices to
    have the same shape, which is gauranteed with the default ``pad`` argument for any given
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices. In preparing the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices, the (optional) order of operations is: **1)** unpad zero
    rows/columns, **2)** translate the matrices to the origin, **3)** weight entries of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}`, **4)** scale the matrices to have unit norm, **5)** pad matrices with zero
    rows/columns so they have the same shape.

    a : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    lapack_driver : {'gesvd', 'gesdd'}, optional
        Whether to use the more efficient divide-and-conquer approach ('gesdd') or the more robust
        general rectangular approach ('gesvd') to compute the singular-value decomposition with

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    The optimal rotational matrix is obtained by,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{R}_{\text{opt}} =
       \arg \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{R} \left| {\mathbf{R}^{-1} = {\mathbf{R}}^\dagger
                               \atop \left| \mathbf{R} \right| = 1} \right. \right\}}
                               \|\mathbf{A}\mathbf{R} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2 =
       \arg \underbrace{\max}_{\left\{\mathbf{R} \left| {\mathbf{R}^{-1} = {\mathbf{R}}^\dagger
                               \atop \left| \mathbf{R} \right| = 1} \right. \right\}}
                      \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{R}^\dagger {\mathbf{A}}^\dagger \mathbf{B} \right]

    The solution is obtained by taking the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the
    :math:`\mathbf{A}^\dagger \mathbf{B}` matrix,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A}^\dagger \mathbf{B} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{\Sigma}}
                                          \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^{\dagger} \\
       \mathbf{R}_{\text{opt}} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{S}}

    where :math:`\tilde{\mathbf{S}}_{n \times m}` is almost an identity matrix,

    .. math::
       \tilde{\mathbf{S}}_{m \times n} \equiv
           1  &  0  &  \cdots  &  0   &  0 \\
           0  &  1  &  \ddots  & \vdots &0 \\
           0  & \ddots &\ddots & 0 &\vdots \\
           \vdots&0 & 0        & 1     &0 \\
           0 & 0 & 0 \cdots &0 &\operatorname{sgn}

    in which the smallest singular value is replaced by

    .. math::
       \operatorname{sgn} \left(\left|\tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^\dagger\right|\right) =
        +1 \qquad \left|\tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^\dagger\right| \geq 0 \\
        -1 \qquad \left|\tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^\dagger\right| < 0

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> array_a = np.array([[1.5, 7.4], [8.5, 4.5]])
    >>> array_b = np.array([[6.29325035,  4.17193001, 0., 0,],
    ...                     [9.19238816, -2.82842712, 0., 0.],
    ...                     [0.,          0.,         0., 0.]])
    >>> res = rotational(array_a,array_b,translate=False,scale=False)
    >>> res.t   # rotational transformation
    array([[ 0.70710678, -0.70710678],
           [ 0.70710678,  0.70710678]])
    >>> res.error   # one-sided Procrustes error

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(
    if new_a.shape != new_b.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Shape of A and B does not match: {new_a.shape} != {new_b.shape} "
            "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments.")
    # compute SVD of A.T * B
    u, _, vt = scipy.linalg.svd(np.dot(new_a.T, new_b),
    # construct S: an identity matrix with the smallest singular value replaced by sgn(|U*V^t|)
    s = np.eye(new_a.shape[1])
    s[-1, -1] = np.sign(np.linalg.det(np.dot(u, vt)))
    # compute optimal rotational transformation
    r_opt = np.dot(np.dot(u, s), vt)
    # compute one-sided error
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, r_opt)

    return ProcrustesResult(error=error,
예제 #2
def permutation_2sided(
    r"""Perform two-sided permutation Procrustes.

    a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    single : bool, optional
        If `True`, the single-transformation Procrustes is performed to obtain :math:`\mathbf{P}`.
        If `False`, the two-transformations Procrustes is performed to obtain :math:`\mathbf{P}_1`
        and :math:`\mathbf{P}_2`.
    method : str, optional
        The method to solve for permutation matrices. For `single=False`, these include "flip-flop"
        and "k-opt" methods. For `single=True`, these include "approx-normal1", "approx-normal2",
        "approx-umeyama", "approx-umeyama-svd", "k-opt", "soft-assign", and "nmf".
    guess_p1 : np.ndarray, optional
        Guess for :math:`\mathbf{P}_1` matrix given as a 2D-array. This is only required for the
        two-transformations case specified by setting `single=False`.
    guess_p2 : np.ndarray, optional
        Guess for :math:`\mathbf{P}_2` matrix given as a 2D-array.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom are removed.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    options : dict, optional
       A dictionary of method options.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    lapack_driver : {'gesvd', 'gesdd'}, optional
        Whether to use the more efficient divide-and-conquer approach ('gesdd') or the more robust
        general rectangular approach ('gesvd') to compute the singular-value decomposition with

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` and a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`,
    find a permutation of rows/columns of :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` that makes it as close as
    possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
        &\underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \|\mathbf{P}^\dagger \mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2\\
        = &\underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
            \left(\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
        = &\underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{P}\mathbf{B} \right]\\

    Here, :math:`\mathbf{P}_{n \times n}` is the permutation matrix. Given an intial guess, the
    best local minimum can be obtained by the iterative procedure,

    .. math::
       p_{ij}^{(n + 1)} = p_{ij}^{(n)} \sqrt{ \frac{2\left[\mathbf{T}^{(n)}\right]_{ij}}{\left[
                          \mathbf{P}^{(n)} \left( \left(\mathbf{P}^{(n)}\right)^T \mathbf{T} +
                          \left( \left(\mathbf{P}^{(n)}\right)^T \mathbf{T} \right)^T  \right)
                          \right]_{ij}} }


    .. math::
       \mathbf{T}^{(n)} = \mathbf{A} \mathbf{P}^{(n)} \mathbf{B}

    Using an initial guess, the iteration can stops when the change in :math:`d` is below the
    specified threshold,

    .. math::
       d = \text{Tr} \left[\left(\mathbf{P}^{(n+1)} -\mathbf{P}^{(n)} \right)^T
                           \left(\mathbf{P}^{(n+1)} -\mathbf{P}^{(n)} \right)\right]

    The outcome of the iterative procedure :math:`\mathbf{P}^{(\infty)}` is not a permutation
    matrix. So, the closest permutation can be found by setting ``refinement=True``. This uses
    :class:`procrustes.permutation.PermutationProcrustes` to find the closest permutation; that is,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
                            \|\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{P}^{(\infty)}\|_{F}^2
       = \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
         \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{P}^{(\infty)} \right]

    The answer to this problem is a heuristic solution for the matrix-matching problem that seems
    to be relatively accurate.

    **Initial Guess:**

    Two possible initial guesses are inferred from the Umeyama procedure. One can find either the
    closest permutation matrix to :math:`\mathbf{U}_\text{Umeyama}` or to

    Considering the :class:`procrustes.permutation.PermutationProcrustes`, the resulting permutation
    matrix can be specified as initial guess through ``guess=umeyama`` and ``guess=umeyama_approx``,
    which solves:

    .. math::
        \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                         \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{U}_\text{Umeyama} \right] \\
        \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                         \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{U}_\text{Umeyama}^\text{approx.} \right]

    Another choice is to start by solving a normal permutation Procrustes problem. In other words,
    write new matrices, :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0`, with columns like,

    .. math::
        a_{ii} \\
        p \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_\text{max}} \right)
                \underbrace{\text{max}}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\
        p^2 \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_{\text{max}-1}} \right)
                  \underbrace{\text{max}-1}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\

    Here, :math:`\text{max}-1` denotes the second-largest absolute value of elements,
    :math:`\text{max}-2` is the third-largest abosule value of elements, etc.

    The matrices :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0` have the diagonal elements of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` in the first row, and below the first row has the
    largest off-diagonal element in row :math:`i`, the second-largest off-diagonal element, etc.
    The elements are weighted by a factor :math:`0 < p < 1`, so that the smaller elements are
    considered less important for matching. The matrices can be truncated after a few terms; for
    example, after the size of elements falls below some threshold. A reasonable choice would be
    to stop after :math:`\lfloor \frac{-2\ln 10}{\ln p} +1\rfloor` rows; this ensures that the
    size of the elements in the last row is less than 1% of those in the first off-diagonal row.

    There are obviously many different ways to construct the matrices :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}^0`. Another, even better, method would be to try to encode not only what the
    off-diagonal elements are, but which element in the matrix they correspond to. One could do that
    by not only listing the diagonal elements, but also listing the associated off-diagonal element.
    I.e., the columns of :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0` would be,

    .. math::
        a_{ii} \\
        p \cdot a_{j_\text{max} j_\text{max}} \\
        p \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_\text{max}} \right)
                \underbrace{\text{max}}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\
        p^2 \cdot a_{j_{\text{max}-1} j_{\text{max}-1}} \\
        p^2 \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_{\text{max}-1}} \right)
                  \underbrace{\text{max}-1}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\

    In this case, you would stop the procedure after
    :math:`m = \left\lfloor {\frac{{ - 4\ln 10}}{{\ln p}} + 1} \right \rfloor` rows.

    Then one uses the :class:`procrustes.permutation.PermutationProcrustes` to match the constructed
    matrices :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0` instead of :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
        \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                         \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger \left(\mathbf{A^0}^\dagger\mathbf{B^0}\right)\right]

    Please note that the "umeyama_approx" might give inaccurate permutation
    matrix. More specificity, this is a approximated Umeyama method. One example
    we can give is that when we compute the permutation matrix that transforms
    :math:`A` to :math:`B`, the "umeyama_approx" method can not give the exact
    permutation transformation matrix while "umeyama", "normal1" and "normal2" do.

    .. math::
        A =
             4 &  5 & -3 &  3 \\
             5 &  7 &  3 & -5 \\
            -3 &  3 &  2 &  2 \\
             3 & -5 &  2 &  5 \\
        \end{bmatrix} \\
        B =
             73 &  100 &   73 &  -62 \\
            100 &  208 & -116 &  154 \\
             73 & -116 &  154 &  100 \\
            -62 &  154 &  100 &  127 \\
        \end{bmatrix} \\

    [1] C. Ding, T. Li and M. I. Jordan, "Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Combinatorial
          Optimization: Spectral Clustering, Graph Matching, and Clique Finding," 2008 Eighth
           IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Pisa, Italy, 2008, pp. 183-192,
           doi: 10.1109/ICDM.2008.130.
    [2] Papadimitriou, Pythagoras. "Parallel solution of SVD-related problems, with applications."
            PhD diss., University of Manchester, 1993.
    [3] S. Umeyama. An eigendecomposition approach toweighted graph matching problems.
          IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 10:695 –703, 1988.

    # check single argument
    if not isinstance(single, bool):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Argument single is not a boolean! Given type={type(single)}")

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(a, b, unpad_col, unpad_row, pad,
                                      translate, scale, check_finite, weight)

    # check that A & B are square in case of single transformation
    if single and new_a.shape[0] != new_a.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"For single={single}, matrix A should be square but A.shape={new_a.shape}"
            "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments.")

    if single and new_b.shape[0] != new_b.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"For single={single}, matrix B should be square but B.shape={new_b.shape}"
            "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments.")

    # print a statement if user-specified guess is not used
    if method.startswith("approx") and guess_p1 is not None:
            f"Method={method} does not use an initial guess, so guess_p1 is ignored!"
    if method.startswith("approx") and guess_p2 is not None:
            f"Method={method} does not use an initial guess, so guess_p2 is ignored!"

    # get the number of rows & columns of matrix A
    m, n = new_a.shape

    # assign & check initial guess for P1
    if single and guess_p1 is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"For single={single}, P1 is transpose of P2, so guess_p1 should be None."
    if not single:
        if guess_p1 is None:
            guess_p1 = np.eye(m)
        if guess_p1.shape != (m, m):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument guess_p1 should be either None or a ({m}, {m}) array."

    # assign & check initial guess for P2
    if guess_p2 is None:
        guess_p2 = np.eye(n)
    if guess_p2.shape != (n, n):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument guess_p2 should be either None or a ({n}, {n}) array.")

    # check options dictionary & assign default keys
    defaults = {"tol": 1.0e-8, "maxiter": 500, "k": 3}
    if options is not None:
        if not isinstance(options, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument options should be a dictionary. Given type={type(options)}"
        if not all(k in defaults.keys() for k in options.keys()):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument options should only have {defaults.keys()} keys. "
                f"Given options contains {options.keys()} keys!")
        # update defaults dictionary to use the specified options

    # 2-sided permutation Procrustes with two transformations
    # -------------------------------------------------------
    if not single:
        if method == "flip-flop":
            # compute permutations using flip-flop algorithm
            perm1, perm2, error = _permutation_2sided_2trans_flipflop(
                new_a, new_b, defaults["tol"], defaults["maxiter"], guess_p1,
        elif method == "k-opt":
            # compute permutations using k-opt heuristic search
            fun_error = lambda p1, p2: compute_error(new_a, new_b, p2, p1.T)
            perm1, perm2, error = kopt_heuristic_double(fun_error,
            raise ValueError(
                f"Method={method} not supported for single={single} transformation!"

        return ProcrustesResult(error=error,

    # 2-sided permutation Procrustes with one transformation
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # The (un)directed iterative procedure for finding the permutation matrix takes the square
    # root of the matrix entries, which can result in complex numbers if the entries are
    # negative. To avoid this, all matrix entries are shifted (by the smallest amount) to be
    # positive. This causes no change to the objective function, as it's a constant value
    # being added to all entries of a and b.
    shift = 1.0e-6
    if np.min(new_a) < 0 or np.min(new_b) < 0:
        shift += abs(min(np.min(new_a), np.min(new_b)))
    # shift is a float, so even if new_a or new_b are ints, the positive matrices are floats
    # default shift is not zero to avoid division by zero later in the algorithm
    pos_a = new_a + shift
    pos_b = new_b + shift

    if method == "approx-normal1":
        tmp_a = _approx_permutation_2sided_1trans_normal1(a)
        tmp_b = _approx_permutation_2sided_1trans_normal1(b)
        perm = permutation(tmp_a, tmp_b).t

    elif method == "approx-normal2":
        tmp_a = _approx_permutation_2sided_1trans_normal2(a)
        tmp_b = _approx_permutation_2sided_1trans_normal2(b)
        perm = permutation(tmp_a, tmp_b).t

    elif method == "approx-umeyama":
        perm = _approx_permutation_2sided_1trans_umeyama(pos_a, pos_b)

    elif method == "approx-umeyama-svd":
        perm = _approx_permutation_2sided_1trans_umeyama_svd(
            a, b, lapack_driver)

    elif method == "k-opt":
        fun_error = lambda p: compute_error(pos_a, pos_b, p, p.T)
        perm, error = kopt_heuristic_single(fun_error,

    elif method == "soft-assign":
        raise NotImplementedError

    elif method == "nmf":
        # check whether A & B are symmetric (within a relative & absolute tolerance)
        is_pos_a_symmetric = np.allclose(pos_a,
        is_pos_b_symmetric = np.allclose(pos_b,

        if is_pos_a_symmetric and is_pos_b_symmetric:
            # undirected graph matching problem (iterative procedure)
            perm = _permutation_2sided_1trans_undirected(
                pos_a, pos_b, guess_p2, defaults['tol'], defaults['maxiter'])
            # directed graph matching problem (iterative procedure)
            perm = _permutation_2sided_1trans_directed(pos_a, pos_b, guess_p2,
        raise ValueError(
            f"Method={method} not supported for single={single} transformation!"

    # some of the methods for 2-sided-1-transformation permutation procrustes does not produce a
    # permutation matrix. So, their output is treated like a guess, and the closest permutation
    # matrix is found using 1-sided permutation procrustes (where A=I & B=perm)
    # Even though this step is not needed for ALL methods (e.g. k-opt, normal1, & normal2), to
    # make the code simple, this step is performed for all methods as its cost is negligible.
    perm = permutation(
    # compute error
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, t=perm, s=perm.T)

    return ProcrustesResult(error=error,
예제 #3
def permutation(
    r"""Perform one-sided permutation Procrustes.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference matrix :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times
    n}`, find the permutation transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{P}_{n \times n}`
    that makes :math:`\mathbf{AP}` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}`. In other words,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {[\mathbf{P}]_{ij} \in \{0, 1\} \atop
       \sum_{i=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
       \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    This Procrustes method requires the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices to
    have the same shape, which is guaranteed with the default ``pad=True`` argument for any given
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices. In preparing the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices, the (optional) order of operations is: **1)** unpad zero
    rows/columns, **2)** translate the matrices to the origin, **3)** weight entries of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}`, **4)** scale the matrices to have unit norm, **5)** pad matrices with zero
    rows/columns so they have the same shape.

    a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    The optimal :math:`n \times n` permutation matrix is obtained by,

    .. math::
        \mathbf{P}^{\text{opt}} =
        \arg \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {[\mathbf{P}]_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
        \atop \sum_{i=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2
      = \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {[\mathbf{P}]_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
        \atop \sum_{i=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B} \right]

    The solution is found by relaxing the problem into a linear programming problem. The solution
    to a linear programming problem is always at the boundary of the allowed region. So,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {[\mathbf{P}]_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
       \atop \sum_{i=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B} \right] =
       \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {[\mathbf{P}]_{ij} \geq 0
       \atop \sum_{i=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n [\mathbf{P}]_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\left(\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right) \right]

    This is a matching problem and can be solved by the Hungarian algorithm. The cost matrix is
    defined as :math:`\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B}` and the `scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment`
    is used to solve for the permutation that maximizes the linear sum assignment problem.

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(
    # if number of rows is less than column, the arrays are made square
    if (new_a.shape[0] < new_a.shape[1]) or (new_b.shape[0] < new_b.shape[1]):
        new_a, new_b = _zero_padding(new_a, new_b, "square")

    # compute cost matrix C = A.T B
    c = np.dot(new_a.T, new_b)
    # compute permutation matrix using Hungarian algorithm
    p = _compute_permutation_hungarian(c)
    # compute one-sided permutation error
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, p)

    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a, new_b=new_b, t=p, error=error)
예제 #4
def orthogonal(
    a: np.ndarray,
    b: np.ndarray,
    pad: bool = True,
    translate: bool = False,
    scale: bool = False,
    unpad_col: bool = False,
    unpad_row: bool = False,
    check_finite: bool = True,
    weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    lapack_driver: str = "gesvd",
) -> ProcrustesResult:
    r"""Perform orthogonal Procrustes.

    Given a matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference matrix :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m
    \times n}`, find the orthogonal transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{Q}_{n
    \times n}` that makes :math:`\mathbf{AQ}` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}`.
    In other words,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{Q} | \mathbf{Q}^{-1} = {\mathbf{Q}}^\dagger \right\}}
                          \|\mathbf{A}\mathbf{Q} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    This Procrustes method requires the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices to
    have the same shape, which is gauranteed with the default ``pad`` argument for any given
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices. In preparing the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices, the (optional) order of operations is: **1)** unpad zero
    rows/columns, **2)** translate the matrices to the origin, **3)** weight entries of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}`, **4)** scale the matrices to have unit norm, **5)** pad matrices with zero
    rows/columns so they have the same shape.

    a : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    lapack_driver : {'gesvd', 'gesdd'}, optional
        Whether to use the more efficient divide-and-conquer approach ('gesdd') or the more robust
        general rectangular approach ('gesvd') to compute the singular-value decomposition with

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    The optimal orthogonal matrix is obtained by,

    .. math::
        \mathbf{Q}^{\text{opt}} =
        \arg \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{Q} \left| {\mathbf{Q}^{-1} = {\mathbf{Q}}^\dagger}
             \right. \right\}} \|\mathbf{A}\mathbf{Q} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2 =
        \arg \underbrace{\max}_{\left\{\mathbf{Q} \left| {\mathbf{Q}^{-1} = {\mathbf{Q}}^\dagger}
             \right. \right\}} \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{Q^\dagger}\mathbf{A^\dagger}\mathbf{B}\right]

    The solution is obtained using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the
    :math:`\mathbf{A}^\dagger \mathbf{B}` matrix,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A}^\dagger \mathbf{B} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{\Sigma}}
                                          \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^{\dagger} \\
       \mathbf{Q}^{\text{opt}} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^{\dagger}

    The singular values are always listed in decreasing order, with the smallest singular
    value in the bottom-right-hand corner of :math:`\tilde{\mathbf{\Sigma}}`.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from scipy.stats import ortho_group
    >>> from procrustes import orthogonal
    >>> a = np.random.rand(5, 3)   # random input matrix
    >>> q = ortho_group.rvs(3)     # random orthogonal transformation
    >>> b = np.dot(a, q) + np.random.rand(1, 3)   # random target matrix
    >>> result = orthogonal(a, b, translate=True, scale=False)
    >>> print(result.error)      # error (should be zero)
    >>> print(result.t)          # transformation matrix (same as q)
    >>> print(result.new_a)      # translated array a
    >>> print(result.new_b)      # translated array b

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(
    if new_a.shape != new_b.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Shape of A and B does not match: {new_a.shape} != {new_b.shape} "
            "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments."
    # calculate SVD of A.T * B
    u, _, vt = scipy.linalg.svd(np.dot(new_a.T, new_b), lapack_driver=lapack_driver)
    # compute optimal orthogonal transformation
    u_opt = np.dot(u, vt)
    # compute one-sided error
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, u_opt)

    return ProcrustesResult(error=error, new_a=new_a, new_b=new_b, t=u_opt, s=None)
예제 #5
def softassign(
    a: np.ndarray,
    b: np.ndarray,
    pad: bool = True,
    translate: bool = False,
    scale: bool = False,
    unpad_col: bool = False,
    unpad_row: bool = False,
    check_finite: bool = True,
    weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    iteration_soft: int = 50,
    iteration_sink: int = 200,
    beta_r: float = 1.10,
    beta_f: float = 1.0e5,
    epsilon: float = 0.05,
    epsilon_soft: float = 1.0e-3,
    epsilon_sink: float = 1.0e-3,
    k: float = 0.15,
    gamma_scaler: float = 1.01,
    n_stop: int = 3,
    adapted: bool = True,
    beta_0: Optional[float] = None,
    m_guess: Optional[float] = None,
    iteration_anneal: Optional[int] = None,
    kopt: bool = False,
    kopt_k: int = 3,
) -> ProcrustesResult:
    Find the transformation matrix for 2-sided permutation Procrustes with softassign algorithm.

    a : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs. Default=True.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    iteration_soft : int, optional
        Number of iterations for softassign loop.
    iteration_sink : int, optional
        Number of iterations for Sinkhorn loop.
    beta_r : float, optional
        Annealing rate which should greater than 1.
    beta_f : float, optional
        The final inverse temperature.
    epsilon : float, optional
        The tolerance value for annealing loop.
    epsilon_soft : float, optional
        The tolerance value used for softassign.
    epsilon_sink : float, optional
        The tolerance value used for Sinkhorn loop. If adapted version is used, it will use the
        adapted tolerance value for Sinkhorn instead.
    k : float, optional
        This parameter controls how much tighter the coverage threshold for the interior loop should
        be than the coverage threshold for the loops outside. It has be be within the integral
    gamma_scaler : float, optional
        This parameter ensures the quadratic cost function including  self-amplification positive
    n_stop : int, optional
        Number of running steps after the calculation converges in the relaxation procedure.
    adapted : bool, optional
        If adapted, this function will use the tighter covergence threshold for the interior loops.
    beta_0 : float, optional
        Initial inverse temperature.
    beta_f : float, optional
        Final inverse temperature.
    m_guess : ndarray, optional
        The initial guess of the doubly-stochastic matrix.
    iteration_anneal : int, optional
        Number of iterations for annealing loop.
    kopt : bool, optional
        If True, the k_opt heuristic search will be performed.
    kopt_k : int, optional
        Defines the oder of k-opt heuristic local search. For example, kopt_k=3 leads to a local
        search of 3 items and kopt_k=2 only searches for two items locally.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The weighting matrix.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    Quadratic assignment problem (QAP) has played a very special but fundamental role in
    combinatorial optimization problems. The problem can be defined as a optimization problem to
    minimize the cost to assign a set of facilities to a set of locations. The cost is a function
    of the flow between the facilities and the geographical distances among various facilities.

    The objective function (also named loss function in machine learning) is
    defined as

    .. math::
        E_{qap}(M, \mu, \nu) =
            - \frac{1}{2}\Sigma_{aibj}C_{ai;bj}M_{ai}M_{bj}
            + \Sigma_{a}{\mu}_a (\Sigma_i M_{ai} -1) \\
            + \Sigma_i {\nu}_i (\Sigma_i M_{ai} -1)
            - \frac{\gamma}{2}\Sigma_{ai} {M_{ai}}^2
            + \frac{1}{\beta} \Sigma_{ai} M_{ai}\log{M_{ai}}

    where :math:`C_{ai,bj}` is the benefit matrix, :math:`M` is the
    desired :math:`N \times N` permutation matrix. :math:`E` is the
    energy function which comes along with a self-amplification term with
    `\gamma`, two Lagrange parameters :math:`\mu` and :math:`\nu` for
    constrained optimization and :math:`M_{ai} \log{M_{ai}}` servers as a
    barrier function which ensures positivity of :math:`M_{ai}`. The
    inverse temperature :math:`\beta` is a deterministic annealing
    control parameter.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> array_a = np.array([[4, 5, 3, 3], [5, 7, 3, 5],
    ...                     [3, 3, 2, 2], [3, 5, 2, 5]])
        # define a random matrix
    >>> perm = np.array([[0., 0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.],
    ...                  [0., 0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0., 0.]])
        # define b by permuting array_a
    >>> b = np.dot(perm.T, np.dot(a, perm))
    >>> new_a, new_b, M_ai, error = softassign(a,b,unpad_col=False,unpad_row=False)
    >>> M_ai # the permutation matrix
    array([[0., 0., 1., 0.],
           [1., 0., 0., 0.],
           [0., 0., 0., 1.],
           [0., 1., 0., 0.]])
    >>> error # the error

    # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments
    # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-branches
    # todo: add linear_cost_func with default value 0
    # Check beta_r
    if beta_r <= 1:
        raise ValueError("Argument beta_r cannot be less than 1.")
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(a, b, unpad_col, unpad_row, pad,
                                      translate, scale, check_finite, weight)

    # Check that A & B are square and that they match each other.
    if new_a.shape[0] != new_a.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(f"Matrix A should be square but A.shape={new_a.shape}"
                         "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments.")
    if new_b.shape[0] != new_b.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(f"Matrix B should be square but B.shape={new_b.shape}"
                         "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments.")
    if new_a.shape != new_b.shape:
        raise ValueError(f"New matrix A {new_a.shape} should match the new"
                         f" matrix B shape {new_b.shape}.")

    # Initialization
    # Compute the benefit matrix
    array_c = np.kron(new_a, new_b)
    # Get the shape of A (B and the permutation matrix as well)
    row_num = new_a.shape[0]
    c_tensor = array_c.reshape(row_num, row_num, row_num, row_num)
    # Compute the beta_0
    gamma = _compute_gamma(array_c, row_num, gamma_scaler)
    if beta_0 is None:
        c_gamma = array_c + gamma * (np.identity(row_num * row_num))
        eival_gamma = np.amax(np.abs(np.linalg.eigvalsh(c_gamma)))
        beta_0 = gamma_scaler * max(1.0e-10, eival_gamma / row_num)
        beta_0 = 1 / beta_0
        beta_0 *= row_num
    beta = beta_0

    # We will use iteration_anneal if provided even if the final inverse temperature is specified
    # iteration_anneal is not None, beta_f can be None or not
    if iteration_anneal is not None:
        beta_f = beta_0 * np.power(beta_r, iteration_anneal) * row_num
    # iteration_anneal is None and beta_f is not None
    elif iteration_anneal is None and beta_f is not None:
        beta_f *= row_num
    # Both iteration_anneal and beta_f are None
        raise ValueError(
            "We must specify at least one of iteration_anneal and beta_f and "
            "specify only one is recommended.")
    # Initialization of m_ai
    # check shape of m_guess
    if m_guess is not None:
        if np.any(m_guess < 0):
            raise ValueError(
                "The initial guess of permutation matrix cannot contain any negative values."
        if m_guess.shape[0] == row_num and m_guess.shape[1] == row_num:
            array_m = m_guess
                f"The shape of m_guess does not match ({row_num}, {row_num})."
                "Use random initial guess instead.")
            array_m = np.abs(
                np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=0.1, size=(row_num, row_num)))
        # m_relax_old = 1 / N + np.random.rand(N, N)
        array_m = np.abs(
            np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=0.1, size=(row_num, row_num)))
    array_m[array_m < 0] = 0
    array_m = array_m / row_num

    nochange = 0
    if adapted:
        epsilon_sink = epsilon_soft * k
    while beta < beta_f:
        # relaxation
        m_old_beta = deepcopy(array_m)
        # softassign loop
        for _ in np.arange(iteration_soft):
            m_old_soft = deepcopy(array_m)
            # Compute Z in relaxation step
            # C_gamma_tensor = C_gamma.reshape(N, N, N, N)
            # Z = -np.einsum('ijkl,jl->ik', C_gamma_tensor, M)
            # Z -= linear_cost_func
            array_z = np.einsum("aibj,bj->ai", c_tensor, array_m)
            array_z += gamma * array_m
            # soft_assign
            array_m = np.exp(beta * array_z)
            # Sinkhorn loop
            for _ in np.arange(iteration_sink):
                # Row normalization
                array_m = array_m / array_m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1)
                # Column normalization
                array_m = array_m / array_m.sum(axis=0, keepdims=1)
                # Compute the delata_M_sink
                if np.amax(np.abs(array_m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1) -
                                  1)) < epsilon_sink:
                    array_m = array_m / array_m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1)

            change_soft = np.amax(np.abs(array_m - m_old_soft))
            # pylint: disable-msg=no-else-break
            if change_soft < epsilon_soft:
                if adapted:
                    epsilon_sink = change_soft * k

        change_annealing = np.amax(np.abs(array_m - m_old_beta))
        if change_annealing < epsilon:
            nochange += 1
            if nochange > n_stop:
            nochange = 0

        beta *= beta_r
        if adapted:
            epsilon_soft = change_soft * k
            epsilon_sink = epsilon_soft * k

    # Compute the error
    array_m = permutation(np.eye(array_m.shape[0]), array_m)["t"]
    # k-opt heuristic
    if kopt:
        fun_error = lambda p: compute_error(new_a, new_b, p, p.T)
        array_m, error = kopt_heuristic_single(fun_error, p0=array_m, k=kopt_k)
        error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, array_m, array_m.T)
    return ProcrustesResult(error=error,
예제 #6
def symmetric(a,
    r"""Perform symmetric Procrustes.

    Given a matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference matrix :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m
    \times n}` with :math:`m \geqslant n`, find the symmetrix transformation matrix
    :math:`\mathbf{X}_{n \times n}` that makes :math:`\mathbf{AX}` as close as possible to
    :math:`\mathbf{B}`. In other words,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{X} \left| \mathbf{X} = \mathbf{X}^\dagger
                        \right. \right\}} \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{X} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    This Procrustes method requires the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices to
    have the same shape with :math:`m \geqslant n`, which is guaranteed with the default ``pad``
    argument for any given :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices.
    In preparing the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices, the (optional) order of operations is: **1)** unpad zero
    rows/columns, **2)** translate the matrices to the origin, **3)** weight entries of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}`, **4)** scale the matrices to have unit norm, **5)** pad matrices with zero
    rows/columns so they have the same shape.

    a : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    lapack_driver : {'gesvd', 'gesdd'}, optional
        Whether to use the more efficient divide-and-conquer approach ('gesdd') or the more robust
        general rectangular approach ('gesvd') to compute the singular-value decomposition with

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    The optimal symmetrix matrix is obtained by,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{X}_{\text{opt}} = \arg
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{X} \left| \mathbf{X} = \mathbf{X}^\dagger
                        \right. \right\}} \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{X} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2 =
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{X} \left| \mathbf{X} = \mathbf{X}^\dagger
                        \right. \right\}}
                \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{X} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
                         \left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{X} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right]

    Considering the singular value decomposition of :math:`\mathbf{A}`,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A}_{m \times n} = \mathbf{U}_{m \times m}
                                 \mathbf{\Sigma}_{m \times n}
                                 \mathbf{V}_{n \times n}^\dagger

    where :math:`\mathbf{\Sigma}_{m \times n}` is a rectangular diagonal matrix with non-negative
    singular values :math:`\sigma_i = [\mathbf{\Sigma}]_{ii}` listed in descending order, define

    .. math::
       \mathbf{C}_{m \times n} = \mathbf{U}_{m \times m}^\dagger
                                 \mathbf{B}_{m \times n} \mathbf{V}_{n \times n}

    with elements denoted by :math:`c_{ij}`.
    Then we compute the symmetric matrix :math:`\mathbf{Y}_{n \times n}` with

    .. math::
       [\mathbf{Y}]_{ij} = \begin{cases}
              0 && i \text{ and } j > \text{rank} \left(\mathbf{A}\right) \\
              \frac{\sigma_i c_{ij} + \sigma_j c_{ji}}{\sigma_i^2 +
              \sigma_j^2} && \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

    It is worth noting that the first part of this definition only applies in the unusual case where
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` has rank less than :math:`n`. The :math:`\mathbf{X}_\text{opt}` is given by

    .. math::
       \mathbf{X}_\text{opt} = \mathbf{V Y V}^{\dagger}

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> a = np.array([[5., 2., 8.],
    ...               [2., 2., 3.],
    ...               [1., 5., 6.],
    ...               [7., 3., 2.]])
    >>> b = np.array([[ 52284.5, 209138. , 470560.5],
    ...               [ 22788.5,  91154. , 205096.5],
    ...               [ 46139.5, 184558. , 415255.5],
    ...               [ 22788.5,  91154. , 205096.5]])
    >>> res = symmetric(a, b, pad=True, translate=True, scale=True)
    >>> res.t   # symmetric transformation array
    array([[0.0166352 , 0.06654081, 0.14971682],
          [0.06654081, 0.26616324, 0.59886729],
          [0.14971682, 0.59886729, 1.34745141]])
    >>> res.error   # error

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(

    # if number of rows is less than column, the arrays are made square
    if (new_a.shape[0] < new_a.shape[1]) or (new_b.shape[0] < new_b.shape[1]):
        new_a, new_b = _zero_padding(new_a, new_b, "square")

    # if new_a.shape[0] < new_a.shape[1]:
    #     raise ValueError(f"Shape of A {new_a.shape}=(m, n) needs to satisfy m >= n.")
    # if new_b.shape[0] < new_b.shape[1]:
    #     raise ValueError(f"Shape of B {new_b.shape}=(m, n) needs to satisfy m >= n.")

    # compute SVD of A & matrix C
    u, s, vt = scipy.linalg.svd(new_a, lapack_driver=lapack_driver)
    c = np.dot(np.dot(u.T, new_b), vt.T)

    # compute intermediate matrix Y
    n = new_a.shape[1]
    y = np.zeros((n, n))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if s[i]**2 + s[j]**2 != 0:
                  j] = (s[i] * c[i, j] + s[j] * c[j, i]) / (s[i]**2 + s[j]**2)

    # compute optimum symmetric transformation matrix X
    x = np.dot(np.dot(vt.T, y), vt)
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, x)

    return ProcrustesResult(error=error, new_a=new_a, new_b=new_b, t=x, s=None)
예제 #7
def orthogonal_2sided(
    a: np.ndarray,
    b: np.ndarray,
    single: bool = True,
    pad: bool = True,
    translate: bool = False,
    scale: bool = False,
    unpad_col: bool = False,
    unpad_row: bool = False,
    check_finite: bool = True,
    weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    lapack_driver: str = "gesvd",
) -> ProcrustesResult:
    r"""Perform two-sided orthogonal Procrustes with one- or two-transformations.

    **Two Transformations:** Given a matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference matrix
    :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`, find two :math:`n \times n` orthogonal
    transformation matrices :math:`\mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger` and :math:`\mathbf{Q}_2` that makes
    :math:`\mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{Q}_2` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}`.
    In other words,

    .. math::
          \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{ {\mathbf{Q}_1 \atop \mathbf{Q}_2} \left|
            {\mathbf{Q}_1^{-1} = \mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger \atop \mathbf{Q}_2^{-1} =
            \mathbf{Q}_2^\dagger} \right. \right\}}
            \|\mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger \mathbf{A} \mathbf{Q}_2 - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    **Single Transformations:** Given a **symmetric** matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` and
    a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`, find one orthogonal transformation
    matrix :math:`\mathbf{Q}_{n \times n}` that makes :math:`\mathbf{A}` as close as possible to
    :math:`\mathbf{B}`. In other words,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{Q} | \mathbf{Q}^{-1} = {\mathbf{Q}}^\dagger \right\}}
                          \|\mathbf{Q}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{Q} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    This Procrustes method requires the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices to
    have the same shape, which is gauranteed with the default ``pad`` argument for any given
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices. In preparing the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices, the (optional) order of operations is: **1)** unpad zero
    rows/columns, **2)** translate the matrices to the origin, **3)** weight entries of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}`, **4)** scale the matrices to have unit norm, **5)** pad matrices with zero
    rows/columns so they have the same shape.

    a : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    single : bool, optional
        If True, single transformation is used (i.e., :math:`\mathbf{Q}_1=\mathbf{Q}_2=\mathbf{Q}`),
        otherwise, two transformations are used.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    lapack_driver : {"gesvd", "gesdd"}, optional
        Used in the singular value decomposition function from SciPy. Only allowed two options,
        with "gesvd" being less-efficient than "gesdd" but is more robust. Default is "gesvd".

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    **Two-Sided Orthogonal Procrustes with Two Transformations:**
    The optimal orthogonal transformations are obtained by:

    .. math::
       \mathbf{Q}_{1}^{\text{opt}}, \mathbf{Q}_{2}^{\text{opt}} = \arg
          \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{ {\mathbf{Q}_1 \atop \mathbf{Q}_2} \left|
            {\mathbf{Q}_1^{-1} = \mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger \atop \mathbf{Q}_2^{-1} =
            \mathbf{Q}_2^\dagger} \right. \right\}}
            \|\mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger \mathbf{A} \mathbf{Q}_2 - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2 = \arg
       \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{ {\mathbf{Q}_1 \atop \mathbf{Q}_2} \left|
             {\mathbf{Q}_1^{-1} = \mathbf{Q}_1^\dagger \atop \mathbf{Q}_2^{-1} =
             \mathbf{Q}_2^\dagger} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{Q}_2^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{Q}_1\mathbf{B} \right]

    This is solved by taking the singular value decomposition (SVD) of :math:`\mathbf{A}` and

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{\Sigma}_A \mathbf{V}_A^\dagger \\
       \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{U}_B \mathbf{\Sigma}_B \mathbf{V}_B^\dagger

    Then the two optimal orthogonal matrices are given by,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{Q}_1^{\text{opt}} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{U}_B^\dagger \\
       \mathbf{Q}_2^{\text{opt}} = \mathbf{V}_A \mathbf{V}_B^\dagger

    **Two-Sided Orthogonal Procrustes with Single-Transformation:**
    The optimal orthogonal transformation is obtained by:

    .. math::
       \mathbf{Q}^{\text{opt}} = \arg
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{Q} | \mathbf{Q}^{-1} = {\mathbf{Q}}^\dagger \right\}}
                          \|\mathbf{Q}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{Q} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2 = \arg
       \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{Q} | \mathbf{Q}^{-1} = {\mathbf{Q}}^\dagger\right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{Q}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{Q}\mathbf{B} \right]

    Using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}`,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{\Lambda}_A \mathbf{U}_A^\dagger \\
       \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{U}_B \mathbf{\Lambda}_B \mathbf{U}_B^\dagger

    The optimal orthogonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{Q}^\text{opt}` is obtained through,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{Q}^\text{opt} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{S} \mathbf{U}_B^\dagger

    where :math:`\mathbf{S}` is a diagonal matrix with :math:`\pm{1}` elements,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{S} =
        { \pm 1} & 0       &\cdots &0 \\
        0        &{ \pm 1} &\ddots &\vdots \\
        \vdots   &\ddots   &\ddots &0\\
        0        &\cdots   &0      &{ \pm 1}

    The matrix :math:`\mathbf{S}` is chosen to be the identity matrix.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> a = np.array([[30, 33, 20], [33, 53, 43], [20, 43, 46]])
    >>> b = np.array([[ 22.78131838, -0.58896768,-43.00635291, 0., 0.],
    ...               [ -0.58896768, 16.77132475,  0.24289990, 0., 0.],
    ...               [-43.00635291,  0.2428999 , 89.44735687, 0., 0.],
    ...               [  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        , 0., 0.]])
    >>> res = orthogonal_2sided(a, b, single=True, pad=True, unpad_col=True)
    >>> res.t
    array([[ 0.25116633,  0.76371527,  0.59468855],
           [-0.95144277,  0.08183302,  0.29674906],
           [ 0.17796663, -0.64034549,  0.74718507]])
    >>> res.error

    # if translate:
    #     warnings.warn(
    #         "The translation matrix was not well defined. \
    #             Two sided rotation and translation don't commute.",
    #         stacklevel=2,
    #     )

    # Check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(

    # check symmetry if single_transform=True
    if single:
        if not np.allclose(new_a.T, new_a):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Array A with {new_a.shape} shape is not symmetric. "
                "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments."
        if not np.allclose(new_b.T, new_b):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Array B with {new_b.shape} shape is not symmetric. "
                "Check pad, unpad_col, and unpad_row arguments."

    # two-sided orthogonal Procrustes with one-transformations
    if single:
        _, ua = np.linalg.eigh(new_a)
        _, ub = np.linalg.eigh(new_b)
        u_opt = np.dot(ua, ub.T)
        # compute one-sided error
        error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, u_opt, u_opt.T)
        return ProcrustesResult(error=error, new_a=new_a, new_b=new_b, t=u_opt, s=u_opt.T)

    # two-sided orthogonal Procrustes with two-transformations
    ua, _, vta = scipy.linalg.svd(new_a, lapack_driver=lapack_driver)
    ub, _, vtb = scipy.linalg.svd(new_b, lapack_driver=lapack_driver)
    u_opt1 = np.dot(ua, ub.T)
    u_opt2 = np.dot(vta.T, vtb)
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, u_opt2, u_opt1.T)
    return ProcrustesResult(error=error, new_a=new_a, new_b=new_b, t=u_opt2, s=u_opt1.T)
예제 #8
def rotational(array_a,
    Compute optimal rotational transformation array.

    The Procrustes analysis requires two 2d-arrays with the same number of rows, so the
    array with the smaller number of rows will automatically be padded with zero rows.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference array.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (values less than 1e-8) on the right side will be removed.
        Default= True.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (values less than 1e-8) on the bottom will be removed.
        Default= True.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin, ie columns of the arrays
        will have mean zero.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized to one with respect to the Frobenius norm, ie
        :math:`Tr(A^T A) = 1`.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    new_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray :math:`A`.
    new_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray :math:`B`.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum rotational transformation matrix.
    error : float
        One-sided orthogonal Procrustes error.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`,
    find the transformation of :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` that makes it as close as possible
    to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} \left| {\mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
                                \atop \left| \mathbf{U} \right| = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \|\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2
       &= \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} \left| {\mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
                                   \atop \left| \mathbf{U} \right| = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
                         \left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
       &= \underbrace{\max}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} \left| {\mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
                                   \atop \left| \mathbf{U} \right| = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{U}^\dagger {\mathbf{A}}^\dagger \mathbf{B} \right]

    Here, :math:`\mathbf{U}_{n \times n}` is the permutation matrix. The solution is obtained by
    taking the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the product of the matrix,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A}^\dagger \mathbf{B} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{\Sigma}}
                                          \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^{\dagger} \\
       \mathbf{U}_{\text{optimum}} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{S}}

    Where :math:`\tilde{\mathbf{S}}_{n \times m}` is almost an identity matrix,

    .. math::
       \tilde{\mathbf{S}}_{m \times n} \equiv
           1  &  0  &  \cdots  &  0   &  0 \\
           0  &  1  &  \ddots  & \vdots &0 \\
           0  & \ddots &\ddots & 0 &\vdots \\
           \vdots&0 & 0        & 1     &0 \\
           0 & 0 & 0 \cdots &0 &\operatorname{sgn}

    I.e. the smallest singular value is replaced by

    .. math::
       \operatorname{sgn} \left(\left|\tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^\dagger\right|\right) =
        +1 \qquad \left|\tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^\dagger\right| \geq 0 \\
        -1 \qquad \left|\tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^\dagger\right| < 0

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> array_a = np.array([[1.5, 7.4], [8.5, 4.5]])
    >>> array_b = np.array([[6.29325035,  4.17193001, 0., 0,],
    ...                     [9.19238816, -2.82842712, 0., 0.],
    ...                     [0.,          0.,         0., 0.]])
    >>> res = rotational(array_a, array_b, translate=False, scale=False)
    >>> res['array_u'] # rotational array
    array([[ 0.70710678, -0.70710678],
           [ 0.70710678,  0.70710678]])
    >>> res['error'] # error

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)
    # compute SVD of A.T * A
    array_u, _, array_vt = np.linalg.svd(np.dot(new_a.T, new_b))
    # construct S which is an identity matrix with the smallest
    # singular value replaced by sgn(|U*V^t|).
    s_value = np.eye(new_a.shape[1])
    s_value[-1, -1] = np.sign(np.linalg.det(np.dot(array_u, array_vt)))
    # compute optimum rotation matrix
    u_opt = np.dot(np.dot(array_u, s_value), array_vt)
    # compute single-sided error error
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, u_opt)

    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
예제 #9
def generic(
    a: np.ndarray,
    b: np.ndarray,
    pad: bool = True,
    translate: bool = False,
    scale: bool = False,
    unpad_col: bool = False,
    unpad_row: bool = False,
    check_finite: bool = True,
    weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    use_svd: bool = False,
) -> ProcrustesResult:
    r"""Perform generic one-sided Procrustes.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference matrix :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times
    n}`, find the transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{T}_{n \times n}` that makes
    :math:`\mathbf{AT}` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}`. In other words,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\mathbf{T}} \quad \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{T} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    This Procrustes method requires the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices to
    have the same shape, which is gauranteed with the default ``pad`` argument for any given
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices. In preparing the :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices, the (optional) order of operations is: **1)** unpad zero
    rows/columns, **2)** translate the matrices to the origin, **3)** weight entries of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}`, **4)** scale the matrices to have unit norm, **5)** pad matrices with zero
    rows/columns so they have the same shape.

    a : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{A}` which is going to be transformed.
    b : ndarray
        The 2D-array :math:`\mathbf{B}` representing the reference matrix.
    pad : bool, optional
        Add zero rows (at the bottom) and/or columns (to the right-hand side) of matrices
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` so that they have the same shape.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are centered at origin (columns of the arrays will have mean zero).
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\right] = 1` and
        :math:`\text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{B}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right] = 1`.
    unpad_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (with values less than 1.0e-8) on the right-hand side of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    unpad_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (with values less than 1.0e-8) at the bottom of the intial
        :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` matrices are removed.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If True, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray, optional
        The 1D-array representing the weights of each row of :math:`\mathbf{A}`. This defines the
        elements of the diagonal matrix :math:`\mathbf{W}` that is multiplied by :math:`\mathbf{A}`
        matrix, i.e., :math:`\mathbf{A} \rightarrow \mathbf{WA}`.
    use_svd : bool, optional
        If True, the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse is computed by singular-value decomposition
        (SVD) including all 'large' singular values (using `scipy.linalg.pinv2`).
        If False, the the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse is computed by least-squares solver
        (using `scipy.linalg.pinv`). The least-squares implementation is less efficient, but more
        robust, than the SVD implementation.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        The Procrustes result represented as a class:`utils.ProcrustesResult` object.

    The optimal transformation matrix is obtained by solving the least-squares equations,

    .. math::
        \mathbf{X}_\text{opt} = {(\mathbf{A}^{\top}\mathbf{A})}^{-1} \mathbf{A}^{\top} \mathbf{B}

    If :math:`m < n`, the transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{T}_\text{opt}` is not unique,
    because the system of equations is underdetermined (i.e., there are fewer equations than

    if not isinstance(use_svd, bool):
        raise TypeError(
            f"The use_svd parameter {type(use_svd)} should be type bool.")

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(
    # compute the generic solution
    if use_svd:
        # Use the singular value decomposition, much faster but less robust.
        a_inv = pinv2(np.dot(new_a.T, new_a))
        # Uses the least-squared method.
        a_inv = pinv(np.dot(new_a.T, new_a))

    array_x = np.linalg.multi_dot([a_inv, new_a.T, new_b])
    # compute one-sided error
    e_opt = compute_error(new_a, new_b, array_x)
    return ProcrustesResult(error=e_opt,
예제 #10
def permutation(array_a,
    Single sided permutation Procrustes.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, the zero columns on the right side will be removed. Default= True.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, the zero rows on the top will be removed. Default= True.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin, ie columns of the arrays
        will have mean zero.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized to one with respect to the Frobenius norm, ie
        :math:`Tr(A^T A) = 1`.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs. Default=True.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res: ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    A : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray A.
    B : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray B.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum permutation transformation matrix.
    error : float
        One-sided permutation Procrustes error.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` and reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`
    find a permutation of the rows and/or columns of :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` that makes
    it as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
                            \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2
       &= \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
                   \left(\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
       &= \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B} \right]

    Here, :math:`\mathbf{P}_{n \times n}` is the permutation matrix. The solution is to relax the
    problem into a linear programming problem and note that the solution to a linear programming
    problem is always at the boundary of the allowed region, which means that the solution can
    always be written as a permutation matrix,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                   \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B} \right] =
       \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \geq 0
                   \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\left(\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{B}\right) \right]

    This is a matching problem and can be solved by the Hungarian method. Note that if
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` have different numbers of items, you choose
    the larger matrix as :math:`\mathbf{B}` and then pad :math:`\mathbf{A}` with rows/columns
    of zeros.

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)
    # compute permutation Procrustes matrix
    array_p = np.dot(new_a.T, new_b)
    array_c = np.full(array_p.shape, np.max(array_p))
    array_c -= array_p
    array_u = np.zeros(array_p.shape)
    # set elements to 1 according to Hungarian algorithm (linear_sum_assignment)
    array_u[linear_sum_assignment(array_c)] = 1
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, array_u)
    # return new_a, new_b, array_u, error
    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
예제 #11
def permutation_2sided_explicit(array_a,
    Two sided permutation Procrustes by explicit method.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, near zero columns (less than 1e-8) on the right side will be removed.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, near zero rows (less than 1e-8) on the bottom will be removed. Default= True.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin. Default=False.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are column normalized to unity. Default=False.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs. Default=True.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    new_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray A.
    new_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray B.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum permutation transformation matrix.
    error : float
        Two-sided orthogonal Procrustes error.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` and a reference
    :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`, find a permutation of rows/columns of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` that makes it as close as
    possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`. But be careful that we are
    using a brutal way to loop over all the possible permutation matrices and
    return the one that gives the minimum error(distance). This method can be
    used as a checker for small dataset.

    print("Warning: This brute-strength method is computational expensive! \n"
          "But it can be used as a checker for a small dataset.")
    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)
    perm1 = np.zeros(np.shape(new_a))
    perm_error1 = np.inf
    for comb in it.permutations(np.arange(np.shape(new_a)[0])):
        # Compute the permutation matrix
        size = np.shape(new_a)[1]
        perm2 = np.zeros((size, size))
        perm2[np.arange(size), comb] = 1
        perm_error2 = compute_error(new_a, new_b, perm2, perm2)
        if perm_error2 < perm_error1:
            perm_error1 = perm_error2
            perm1 = perm2
    # return new_a, new_b, perm1, perm_error1
    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
예제 #12
def permutation_2sided(array_a,
    r"""Double sided permutation Procrustes.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference.
    transform_mode : str, optional
        When transform_mode="single", it is the two-sided permutation Procrustes with one
        (1). If the input matrices (adjacency matrices) are symmetric within the threshold of 1.e-5,
        undirected graph matching algorithm will be applied.
        (2). If the input matrices (adjacency matrices) are asymmetric, the directed graph
        matching is applied.
        When transform_mode="double", the problem becomes two-sided permutation Procrustes with
        two transformations (denoted as regular two-sided permutation Procrustes here). An flip-flop
        algorithm taken from  *Parallel solution of SVD-related problems, with applications,
        Pythagoras Papadimitriou, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, 1993* is used to solve
        the problem.
    Otherwise, transform_mode="double", the
        two-sided permutation Procrustes with two transformations will be performed.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (values less than 1e-8) on the right side will be removed.
        Default= True.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (values less than 1e-8) on the bottom will be removed. Default= True.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin, ie columns of the arrays
        will have mean zero.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized to one with respect to the Frobenius norm, ie
        :math:`Tr(A^T A) = 1`.
    mode : string, optional
        Option for choosing the initial guess methods, including "normal1",
        "normal2", "umeyama" and "umeyama_approx". "umeyama_approx" is the
        approximated umeyama method.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    iteration : int, optional
        Maximum number for iterations. Default=500.
    add_noise : bool, optional
        Add small noise if the arrays are non-diagonalizable. Default=False.
    tol : float, optional
        The tolerance value used for updating the initial guess. Default=1.e-8.
    kopt : bool, optional
        If True, the k_opt heuristic search will be performed. Default=False.
    kopt_k : int, optional
        Defines the oder of k-opt heuristic local search. For example, kopt_k=3 leads to a local
        search of 3 items and kopt_k=2 only searches for two items locally. Default=3.
    kopt_tol : float, optional
        Tolerance value to check if k-opt heuristic converges. Default=1.e-8.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    new_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray A.
    new_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray B.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum permutation transformation matrix.
    array_p : ndarray
        The optimum permutation transformation matrix when using double transform mode.
    array_q : ndarray
        The optimum permutation transformation matrix when using double transform mode.
    error : float
        Two-sided permutation Procrustes error.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` and a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`,
    find a permutation of rows/columns of :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` that makes it as close as
    possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
        &\underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \|\mathbf{P}^\dagger \mathbf{A} \mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2\\
        = &\underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
            \left(\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
        = &\underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
            \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{P}\mathbf{B} \right]\\

    Here, :math:`\mathbf{P}_{n \times n}` is the permutation matrix. Given an intial guess, the
    best local minimum can be obtained by the iterative procedure,

    .. math::
       p_{ij}^{(n + 1)} = p_{ij}^{(n)} \sqrt{ \frac{2\left[\mathbf{T}^{(n)}\right]_{ij}}{\left[
                          \mathbf{P}^{(n)} \left( \left(\mathbf{P}^{(n)}\right)^T \mathbf{T} +
                          \left( \left(\mathbf{P}^{(n)}\right)^T \mathbf{T} \right)^T  \right)
                          \right]_{ij}} }


    .. math::
       \mathbf{T}^{(n)} = \mathbf{A} \mathbf{P}^{(n)} \mathbf{B}

    Using an initial guess, the iteration can stops when the change in :math:`d` is below the
    specified threshold,

    .. math::
       d = \text{Tr} \left[\left(\mathbf{P}^{(n+1)} -\mathbf{P}^{(n)} \right)^T
                           \left(\mathbf{P}^{(n+1)} -\mathbf{P}^{(n)} \right)\right]

    The outcome of the iterative procedure :math:`\mathbf{P}^{(\infty)}` is not a permutation
    matrix. So, the closest permutation can be found by setting ``refinement=True``. This uses
    :class:`procrustes.permutation.PermutationProcrustes` to find the closest permutation; that is,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
                            \|\mathbf{P} - \mathbf{P}^{(\infty)}\|_{F}^2
       = \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                            \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
         \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{P}^{(\infty)} \right]

    The answer to this problem is a heuristic solution for the matrix-matching problem that seems
    to be relatively accurate.

    **Initial Guess:**

    Two possible initial guesses are inferred from the Umeyama procedure. One can find either the
    closest permutation matrix to :math:`\mathbf{U}_\text{Umeyama}` or to

    Considering the :class:`procrustes.permutation.PermutationProcrustes`, the resulting permutation
    matrix can be specified as initial guess through ``guess=umeyama`` and ``guess=umeyama_approx``,
    which solves:

    .. math::
        \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                         \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{U}_\text{Umeyama} \right] \\
        \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                         \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger\mathbf{U}_\text{Umeyama}^\text{approx.} \right]

    Another choice is to start by solving a normal permutation Procrustes problem. In other words,
    write new matrices, :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0`, with columns like,

    .. math::
        a_{ii} \\
        p \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_\text{max}} \right)
                \underbrace{\text{max}}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\
        p^2 \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_{\text{max}-1}} \right)
                  \underbrace{\text{max}-1}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\

    Here, :math:`\text{max}-1` denotes the second-largest absolute value of elements,
    :math:`\text{max}-2` is the third-largest abosule value of elements, etc.

    The matrices :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0` have the diagonal elements of
    :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{B}` in the first row, and below the first row has the
    largest off-diagonal element in row :math:`i`, the second-largest off-diagonal element, etc.
    The elements are weighted by a factor :math:`0 < p < 1`, so that the smaller elements are
    considered less important for matching. The matrices can be truncated after a few terms; for
    example, after the size of elements falls below some threshold. A reasonable choice would be
    to stop after :math:`\lfloor \frac{-2\ln 10}{\ln p} +1\rfloor` rows; this ensures that the
    size of the elements in the last row is less than 1% of those in the first off-diagonal row.

    There are obviously many different ways to construct the matrices :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}^0`. Another, even better, method would be to try to encode not only what the
    off-diagonal elements are, but which element in the matrix they correspond to. One could do that
    by not only listing the diagonal elements, but also listing the associated off-diagonal element.
    I.e., the columns of :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0` would be,

    .. math::
        a_{ii} \\
        p \cdot a_{j_\text{max} j_\text{max}} \\
        p \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_\text{max}} \right)
                \underbrace{\text{max}}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\
        p^2 \cdot a_{j_{\text{max}-1} j_{\text{max}-1}} \\
        p^2 \cdot \text{sgn}\left( a_{ij_{\text{max}-1}} \right)
                  \underbrace{\text{max}-1}_{1 \le j \le n} \left(\left|a_{ij}\right|\right)\\

    In this case, you would stop the procedure after
    :math:`m = \left\lfloor {\frac{{ - 4\ln 10}}{{\ln p}} + 1} \right \rfloor` rows.

    Then one uses the :class:`procrustes.permutation.PermutationProcrustes` to match the constructed
    matrices :math:`\mathbf{A}^0` and :math:`\mathbf{B}^0` instead of :math:`\mathbf{A}` and
    :math:`\mathbf{B}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
        \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{P} \left| {p_{ij} \in \{0, 1\}
                         \atop \sum_{i=1}^n p_{ij} = \sum_{j=1}^n p_{ij} = 1} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{P}^\dagger \left(\mathbf{A^0}^\dagger\mathbf{B^0}\right)\right]

    Please note that the "umeyama_approx" might give inaccurate permutation
    matrix. More specificity, this is a approximated Umeyama method. One example
    we can give is that when we compute the permutation matrix that transforms
    :math:`A` to :math:`B`, the "umeyama_approx" method can not give the exact
    permutation transformation matrix while "umeyama", "normal1" and "normal2" do.

    .. math::
        A =
             4 &  5 & -3 &  3 \\
             5 &  7 &  3 & -5 \\
            -3 &  3 &  2 &  2 \\
             3 & -5 &  2 &  5 \\
        \end{bmatrix} \\
        B =
             73 &  100 &   73 &  -62 \\
            100 &  208 & -116 &  154 \\
             73 & -116 &  154 &  100 \\
            -62 &  154 &  100 &  127 \\
        \end{bmatrix} \\

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)
    # np.power() can not handle the negatives values
    # Try to convert the matrices to non-negative
    # shift the the matrices to avoid negative values
    # otherwise it will cause an error in the Eq. 28 in the research notes
    maximum = max(np.amax(np.abs(new_a)), np.amax(np.abs(new_b)))
    new_a_positive = new_a.astype(np.float) + maximum
    new_b_positive = new_b.astype(np.float) + maximum
    # Do single-transformation computation if requested
    transform_mode = transform_mode.lower()
    if transform_mode == "single":
        # algorithm for undirected graph matching problem
        # check if two matrices are symmetric within a relative tolerance and absolute tolerance.
        if np.allclose(new_a_positive, new_a_positive.T, rtol=1.e-05, atol=1.e-08) and \
                np.allclose(new_b_positive, new_b_positive.T, rtol=1.e-05, atol=1.e-08):
            # the initial guess
            guess = _guess_initial_permutation_undirected(
                new_a_positive, new_b_positive, mode, add_noise)
            # Compute the permutation matrix by iterations
            array_u = _compute_transform(new_a_positive, new_b_positive, guess,
                                         tol, iteration)
            error = compute_error(new_a_positive, new_b_positive, array_u,
            # k-opt heuristic
            if kopt:
                array_u, error = kopt_heuristic_single(array_a=new_a_positive,

        # algorithm for directed graph matching problem
            # the initial guess
            guess = _2sided_1trans_initial_guess_directed(
                new_a_positive, new_b_positive)
            # Compute the permutation matrix by iterations
            array_u = _compute_transform_directed(new_a_positive,
                                                  new_b_positive, guess, tol,
            error = compute_error(new_a_positive, new_b_positive, array_u,
            # k-opt heuristic
            if kopt:
                array_u, error = kopt_heuristic_single(array_a=new_a_positive,
        return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,

    # Do regular computation
    elif transform_mode == "double":
        array_m = new_a
        array_n = new_b
        array_p, array_q, error = _2sided_regular(array_m, array_n, tol,
        # perform k-opt heuristic search twice
        if kopt:
            array_p, array_q, error = kopt_heuristic_double(array_m=array_m,
        # return array_m, array_n, array_p, array_q, error
        return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
        raise ValueError(
            """Invalid transform_mode argument, use "single"or "double".""")
예제 #13
def orthogonal(array_a,
    One-sided orthogonal Procrustes.

    The Procrustes analysis requires two 2d-arrays with the same number of rows, so the
    array with the smaller number of rows will automatically be padded with zero rows.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference array.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, the zero columns on the right side will be removed.
        Default= True.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, the zero rows on the top will be removed.
        Default= True.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin, ie columns of the arrays
        will have mean zero.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized to one with respect to the Frobenius norm, ie
        :math:`Tr(A^T A) = 1`.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res: ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    new_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray :math:`A`.
    new_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray :math:`B`.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum orthogonal transformation matrix.
    error : float
        One-sided orthogonal Procrustes error.

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`,
    find the unitary/orthogonal transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{U}_{n \times n}` that makes
    :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} | \mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger \right\}}
                          \|\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2
       &= \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} | \mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
          \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
                         \left(\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
       &= \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} | \mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{U}^\dagger {\mathbf{A}}^\dagger \mathbf{B} \right]

    The solution is obtained by taking the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the product of the

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A}^\dagger \mathbf{B} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{\Sigma}}
                                          \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^{\dagger} \\
       \mathbf{U}_{\text{optimum}} &= \tilde{\mathbf{U}} \tilde{\mathbf{V}}^{\dagger}

    The singular values are always listed in decreasing order, with the smallest singular
    value in the bottom-right-hand corner of :math:`\tilde{\mathbf{\Sigma}}`.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> array_a = np.array([[-7.3,  2.8], [-7.1, -0.2],
    ...                     [ 4. ,  1.4], [ 1.3,  0. ]])
    >>> array_b = np.array([[-5.90207845, -5.12791088],
    ...                     [-6.74021234, -2.24043246],
    ...                     [ 4.23759847,  0.05252849],
    ...                     [ 1.22159856,  0.44463126]])
    >>> new_a, new_b, array_u, error_opt = orthogonal(array_a, array_b)
    >>> new_a
    array([[-7.3,  2.8],
           [-7.1, -0.2],
           [ 4. ,  1.4],
           [ 1.3,  0. ]])
    >>> new_b
    array([[-5.90207845, -5.12791088],
           [-6.74021234, -2.24043246],
           [ 4.23759847,  0.05252849],
           [ 1.22159856,  0.44463126]])
    >>> array_u # the optimum orthogonal transformation array
    array([[ 0.9396912 ,  0.34202404],
           [ 0.34202404, -0.9396912 ]])
    >>> error_opt #error

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)

    # calculate SVD of array_a.T * array_b
    array_u, _, array_vt = np.linalg.svd(np.dot(new_a.T, new_b))
    # compute optimum orthogonal transformation
    array_u_opt = np.dot(array_u, array_vt)
    # compute the error
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, array_u_opt)
    # return new_a, new_b, array_u_opt, error
    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
예제 #14
def orthogonal_2sided(array_a,
    Two-Sided Orthogonal Procrustes.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference array.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (values less than 1e-8) on the right side will be removed.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (values less than 1e-8) on the bottom will be removed.
        Default= True.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are column normalized to unity. Default=False.
    single_transform : bool
        If True, two-sided orthogonal Procrustes with one transformation
        will be performed. Default=False.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    array_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray :math:`A`.
    array_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray :math:`B`.
    array_u : ndarray
        The transformation ndarray if "single_transform=False".
    array_p : ndarray
        The optimal orthogonal left-multiplying transformation ndarray if "single_transform=True".
    array_q : ndarray
        The second transformation ndarray if "single_transform=True".
    error : float
        The single- or double- sided orthogonal Procrustes error.

        When input array :math:`A` or :math:`A` is not symmetric.

    **Two-Sided Orthogonal Procrustes:**

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` and a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`,
    find two unitary/orthogonal transformation of :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` that makes it as
    as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
          \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{ {\mathbf{U}_1 \atop \mathbf{U}_2} \left|
            {\mathbf{U}_1^{-1} = \mathbf{U}_1^\dagger \atop \mathbf{U}_2^{-1} =
            \mathbf{U}_2^\dagger} \right. \right\}}
            \|\mathbf{U}_1^\dagger \mathbf{A} \mathbf{U}_2 - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2
       &= \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{ {\mathbf{U}_1 \atop \mathbf{U}_2} \left|
             {\mathbf{U}_1^{-1} = \mathbf{U}_1^\dagger \atop \mathbf{U}_2^{-1} =
             \mathbf{U}_2^\dagger} \right. \right\}}
        \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{U}_1^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U}_2 - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
                   \left(\mathbf{U}_1^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U}_2 - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
       &= \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{ {\mathbf{U}_1 \atop \mathbf{U}_2} \left|
             {\mathbf{U}_1^{-1} = \mathbf{U}_1^\dagger \atop \mathbf{U}_2^{-1} =
             \mathbf{U}_2^\dagger} \right. \right\}}
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{U}_2^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{U}_1\mathbf{B} \right]

    We can get the solution by taking singular value decomposition of the matrices. Having,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{\Sigma}_A \mathbf{V}_A^\dagger \\
       \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{U}_B \mathbf{\Sigma}_B \mathbf{V}_B^\dagger

    The transformation is foubd by,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{U}_1 = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{U}_B^\dagger \\
       \mathbf{U}_2 = \mathbf{V}_B \mathbf{V}_B^\dagger

    **Two-Sided Orthogonal Procrustes with Single-Transformation:**

    Given matrix :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` and a reference :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`,
    find one unitary/orthogonal transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{U}_{n \times n}` that makes
    :math:`\mathbf{A}_{n \times n}` as close as possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}_{n \times n}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
       \underbrace{\min}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} | \mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger \right\}}
                          \|\mathbf{U}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2
       &= \underbrace{\text{min}}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} | \mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
          \text{Tr}\left[\left(\mathbf{U}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B} \right)^\dagger
                         \left(\mathbf{U}^\dagger\mathbf{A}\mathbf{U} - \mathbf{B} \right)\right] \\
       &= \underbrace{\text{max}}_{\left\{\mathbf{U} | \mathbf{U}^{-1} = {\mathbf{U}}^\dagger
          \text{Tr}\left[\mathbf{U}^\dagger\mathbf{A}^\dagger\mathbf{U}\mathbf{B} \right]

    Taking the eigenvalue decomposition of the matrices:

    .. math::
       \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{\Lambda}_A \mathbf{U}_A^\dagger \\
       \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{U}_B \mathbf{\Lambda}_B \mathbf{U}_B^\dagger

    the solution is obtained by,

    .. math::
       \mathbf{U} = \mathbf{U}_A \mathbf{S} \mathbf{U}_A^\dagger

    where :math:`\mathbf{S}` is a diagonal matrix for which every diagonal element is

    .. math::
       \mathbf{S} =
        { \pm 1} & 0       &\cdots &0 \\
        0        &{ \pm 1} &\ddots &\vdots \\
        \vdots   &\ddots   &\ddots &0\\
        0        &\cdots   &0      &{ \pm 1}

    The matrix :math:`\mathbf{S}` is chosen to be the identity matrix.

    Please note that the translation operation is not well defined for two sided orthogonal
    procrustes since two sided rotation and translation don't commute. Therefore, please be careful
    when setting translate=True.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> array_a = np.array([[30, 33, 20], [33, 53, 43], [20, 43, 46]])
    >>> array_b = np.array([[ 22.78131838, -0.58896768,-43.00635291, 0., 0.],
    ...                     [ -0.58896768, 16.77132475,  0.24289990, 0., 0.],
    ...                     [-43.00635291,  0.2428999 , 89.44735687, 0., 0.],
    ...                     [  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        , 0., 0.]])
    >>> new_a, new_b, array_u, error_opt = orthogonal_2sided(
    ...     array_a, array_b, single_transform=True,
    ...     remove_zero_col=True, remove_zero_rwo=True, mode='exact')
    >>> array_u
    array([[ 0.25116633,  0.76371527,  0.59468855],
        [-0.95144277,  0.08183302,  0.29674906],
        [ 0.17796663, -0.64034549,  0.74718507]])
    >>> error_opt

    if translate:
        warnings.warn("The translation matrix was not well defined. \
                Two sided rotation and translation don't commute.",
    # Check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)

    # Check symmetry if single_transform=True
    if single_transform:
        if not np.allclose(new_a.T, new_a):
            raise ValueError(
                "array_a, after removal/padding, should be symmetric.")
        if not np.allclose(new_b.T, new_b):
            raise ValueError(
                "array_b, after removal/padding, should be symmetric.")

    # Do single-transformation computation if requested
    if single_transform:
        _, array_ua = np.linalg.eigh(new_a)
        _, array_ub = np.linalg.eigh(new_b)
        u_opt = array_ua.dot(array_ub.T)

        error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, u_opt, u_opt)
        return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
    # Do regular two-sided orthogonal Procrustes calculations
    u_opt1, u_opt2 = _2sided(new_a, new_b)
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, u_opt1, u_opt2)
    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
예제 #15
def generic(array_a,
    Solve the generic right-sided Procrustes problem.

    The generic Procrustes solves the least squares optimization problem without any constraints. It
    assumed that each matrix has the same dimension, if not padding will occur.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, the zero columns on the right side will be removed.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, the zero rows on the top will be removed.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are column normalized to unity. Default=False.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    new_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray array_a.
    new_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray array_b.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum symmetric transformation array.
    error : float
        One-sided Procrustes error.

    Given a source matrix :math:`\mathbf{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}` and a target matrix
    :math:`\mathbf{B} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}`, find the transformation matrix
    :math:`\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}` for which :math:`\mathbf{AX}` is as close as
    possible to :math:`\mathbf{B}`. I.e.,

    .. math::
       \text{min} \quad \|\mathbf{A} \mathbf{X} - \mathbf{B}\|_{F}^2

    The optimal transformation matrix :math:`\mathbf{X}` is given by

    .. math::
        \mathbf{X} = {(\mathbf{A}^{\top}\mathbf{A})}^{-1} \mathbf{A}^{\top} \mathbf{B}

    1. Gower, J. C. Procrustes Methods. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics,
       2(4), 503-508, 2010.

    # check inputs
    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)
    # compute the generic solution
    a_inv = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(new_a.T, new_a))
    array_x = np.linalg.multi_dot([a_inv, new_a.T, new_b])
    e_opt = compute_error(new_a, new_b, array_x)
    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,
예제 #16
def softassign(array_a,
    Find the transformation matrix for 2-sided permutation Procrustes with softassign algorithm.

    array_a : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{A}_{m \times n}` which is going to be transformed.
    array_b : ndarray
        The 2d-array :math:`\mathbf{B}_{m \times n}` representing the reference.
    iteration_soft : int, optional
        Number of iterations for softassign loop. Default=50.
    iteration_sink : int, optional
        Number of iterations for Sinkhorn loop. Default=50.
    linear_cost_func :  ndarray
        Linear cost function. Default=0.
    beta_r : float, optional
        Annealing rate which should greater than 1. Default=1.10.
    beta_f : float, optional
        The final inverse temperature. Default=1.e5.
    epsilon : float, optional
        The tolerance value for annealing loop. Default=0.05.
    epsilon_soft : float, optional
        The tolerance value used for softassign. Default=1.e-3.
    epsilon_sink : float, optional
        The tolerance value used for Sinkhorn loop. If adapted version is used, it will use the
        adapted tolerance value for Sinkhorn instead. Default=1.e-3.
    k : float, optional
        This parameter controls how much tighter the coverage threshold for the interior loop should
        be than the coverage threshold for the loops outside. It has be be within the integral
        :math:`\(0,1\)`. Default=0.15.
    gamma_scaler : float
        This parameter ensures the quadratic cost function including  self-amplification positive
        define. Default=1.01.
    n_stop : int, optional
        Number of running steps after the calculation converges in the relaxation procedure.
    pad_mode : str, optional
        Specifying how to pad the arrays, listed below. Default="row-col".

            - "row"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows so that both have the same
                number of rows.
            - "col"
                The array with fewer columns is padded with zero columns so that both have the
                same number of columns.
            - "row-col"
                The array with fewer rows is padded with zero rows, and the array with fewer
                columns is padded with zero columns, so that both have the same dimensions.
                This does not necessarily result in square arrays.
            - "square"
                The arrays are padded with zero rows and zero columns so that they are both
                squared arrays. The dimension of square array is specified based on the highest
                dimension, i.e. :math:`\text{max}(n_a, m_a, n_b, m_b)`.
    remove_zero_col : bool, optional
        If True, zero columns (values less than 1e-8) on the right side will be removed.
    remove_zero_row : bool, optional
        If True, zero rows (values less than 1e-8) on the bottom will be removed.
    translate : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are translated to be centered at origin, ie columns of the arrays
        will have mean zero.
    scale : bool, optional
        If True, both arrays are normalized to one with respect to the Frobenius norm, ie
        :math:`Tr(A^T A) = 1`.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        If true, convert the input to an array, checking for NaNs or Infs. Default=True.
    adapted : bool, optional
        If adapted, this function will use the tighter covergence threshold for the interior loops.
    beta_0 : float, optional
        Initial inverse temperature. Default=None.
    beta_f : float, optional
        Final inverse temperature. Default=None.
    m_guess : ndarray, optional
        The initial guess of the doubly-stochastic matrix. Default=None.
    iteration_anneal : int, optional
        Number of iterations for annealing loop. Default=None.
    weight : ndarray
        The weighting matrix. Default=None.

    res : ProcrustesResult
        Procrustes analysis result object.

    new_a : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray A.
    new_b : ndarray
        The transformed ndarray B.
    array_u : ndarray
        The optimum permutation transformation matrix.
    error : float
        Two-sided Procrustes error.

    Quadratic assignment problem (QAP) has played a very special but fundamental role in
    combinatorial optimization problems. The problem can be defined as a optimization problem to
    minimize the cost to assign a set of facilities to a set of locations. The cost is a function
    of the flow between the facilities and the geographical distances among various facilities.

    The objective function (also named loss function in machine learning) is
    defined as [1]_

    .. math::
        E_{qap}(M, \mu, \nu) =
            - \frac{1}{2}\Sigma_{aibj}C_{ai;bj}M_{ai}M_{bj}
            + \Sigma_{a}{\mu}_a (\Sigma_i M_{ai} -1) \\
            + \Sigma_i {\nu}_i (\Sigma_i M_{ai} -1)
            - \frac{\gamma}{2}\Sigma_{ai} {M_{ai}}^2
            + \frac{1}{\beta} \Sigma_{ai} M_{ai}\log{M_{ai}}

    where :math:`C_{ai,bj}` is the benefit matrix, :math:`M` is the
    desired :math:`N \times N` permutation matrix. :math:`E` is the
    energy function which comes along with a self-amplification term with
    `\gamma`, two Lagrange parameters :math:`\mu` and :math:`\nu` for
    constrained optimization and :math:`M_{ai} \log{M_{ai}}` servers as a
    barrier function which ensures positivity of :math:`M_{ai}`. The
    inverse temperature :math:`\beta` is a deterministic annealing
    control parameter. More detailed information about the algorithm can be
    referred to Rangarajan's paper and the details about the algorithm can be found at [2]_.

    .. [1] Rangarajan, Anand and Yuille, Alan L and Gold, Steven and
       Mjolsness, Eric, "A convergence proof for the softassign quadratic
       assignment algorithm", Advances in Neural Information Processing
       Systems, page 620-626, 1997.
    .. [2] Stefan Roth, "Analysis of a Deterministic Annealing Method for Graph Matching and
       Quadratic Assignment", Ph.D. thesis, University of Mannheim, 2001

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> array_a = np.array([[4, 5, 3, 3], [5, 7, 3, 5],
    ...                     [3, 3, 2, 2], [3, 5, 2, 5]])
        # define a random matrix
    >>> perm = np.array([[0., 0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.],
    ...                  [0., 0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0., 0.]])
        # define array_b by permuting array_a
    >>> array_b = np.dot(perm.T, np.dot(array_a, perm))
    >>> new_a, new_b, M_ai, error = softassign(array_a, array_b,
    ...                                        remove_zero_col=False,
    ...                                        remove_zero_row=False)
    >>> M_ai # the permutation matrix
    array([[0., 0., 1., 0.],
           [1., 0., 0., 0.],
           [0., 0., 0., 1.],
           [0., 1., 0., 0.]])
    >>> error # the error

    # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments
    # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-branches
    # todo: add linear_cost_func with default value 0
    # Check beta_r
    if beta_r <= 1:
        raise ValueError("Argument beta_r cannot be less than 1.")

    new_a, new_b = setup_input_arrays(array_a, array_b, remove_zero_col,
                                      remove_zero_row, pad_mode, translate,
                                      scale, check_finite, weight)
    # Initialization
    # Compute the benefit matrix
    array_c = np.kron(new_a, new_b)
    # Get the shape of A (B and the permutation matrix as well)
    row_num = new_a.shape[0]
    c_tensor = array_c.reshape(row_num, row_num, row_num, row_num)
    # Compute the beta_0
    gamma = _compute_gamma(array_c, row_num, gamma_scaler)
    if beta_0 is None:
        c_gamma = array_c + gamma * (np.identity(row_num * row_num))
        eival_gamma = np.amax(np.abs(np.linalg.eigvalsh(c_gamma)))
        beta_0 = gamma_scaler * max(1.e-10, eival_gamma / row_num)
        beta_0 = 1 / beta_0
        beta_0 *= row_num
    beta = beta_0

    # We will use iteration_anneal if provided even if the final inverse temperature is specified
    # iteration_anneal is not None, beta_f can be None or not
    if iteration_anneal is not None:
        beta_f = beta_0 * np.power(beta_r, iteration_anneal) * row_num
    # iteration_anneal is None and beta_f is not None
    elif iteration_anneal is None and beta_f is not None:
        beta_f *= row_num
    # Both iteration_anneal and beta_f are None
        raise ValueError(
            "We must specify at least one of iteration_anneal and beta_f and "
            "specify only one is recommended.")
    # Initialization of m_ai
    # check shape of m_guess
    if m_guess is not None:
        if np.any(m_guess < 0):
            raise ValueError(
                "The initial guess of permutation matrix cannot contain any negative values."
        if m_guess.shape[0] == row_num and m_guess.shape[1] == row_num:
            array_m = m_guess
            warnings.warn("The shape of m_guess does not match ({0}, {0})."
                          "Use random initial guess instead.".format(row_num))
            array_m = np.abs(
                np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=0.1, size=(row_num, row_num)))
        # m_relax_old = 1 / N + np.random.rand(N, N)
        array_m = np.abs(
            np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=0.1, size=(row_num, row_num)))
    array_m[array_m < 0] = 0
    array_m = array_m / row_num

    nochange = 0
    if adapted:
        epsilon_sink = epsilon_soft * k
    while beta < beta_f:
        # relaxation
        m_old_beta = deepcopy(array_m)
        # softassign loop
        for _ in np.arange(iteration_soft):
            m_old_soft = deepcopy(array_m)
            # Compute Z in relaxation step
            # C_gamma_tensor = C_gamma.reshape(N, N, N, N)
            # Z = -np.einsum('ijkl,jl->ik', C_gamma_tensor, M)
            # Z -= linear_cost_func
            array_z = np.einsum('aibj,bj->ai', c_tensor, array_m)
            array_z += gamma * array_m
            # soft_assign
            array_m = np.exp(beta * array_z)
            # Sinkhorn loop
            for _ in np.arange(iteration_sink):
                # Row normalization
                array_m = array_m / array_m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1)
                # Column normalization
                array_m = array_m / array_m.sum(axis=0, keepdims=1)
                # Compute the delata_M_sink
                if np.amax(np.abs(array_m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1) -
                                  1)) < epsilon_sink:
                    array_m = array_m / array_m.sum(axis=1, keepdims=1)

            change_soft = np.amax(np.abs(array_m - m_old_soft))
            # pylint: disable-msg=no-else-break
            if change_soft < epsilon_soft:
                if adapted:
                    epsilon_sink = change_soft * k

        change_annealing = np.amax(np.abs(array_m - m_old_beta))
        if change_annealing < epsilon:
            nochange += 1
            if nochange > n_stop:
            nochange = 0

        beta *= beta_r
        if adapted:
            epsilon_soft = change_soft * k
            epsilon_sink = epsilon_soft * k

    # Compute the error
    array_m = permutation(np.eye(array_m.shape[0]), array_m)["array_u"]
    error = compute_error(new_a, new_b, array_m, array_m)
    return ProcrustesResult(new_a=new_a,