p_sp = production.P_sp(z, nuc) mu = muon.P_mu_total(z, alt, nuc, full_data=True) C_steady = sim.steady_erosion(z, p_sp, mu['P_fast'], mu['P_neg'], eros_rate, nuc, t, t_exp) t_gl = 15000 t_int = 85000 t_cycle = t_gl + t_int n_gl = int(np.floor(t_exp / t_cycle)) dz_scalar = eros_rate * t_cycle dz = np.ones(n_gl) * dz_scalar # interpolate a really awesome production rate function max_possible_depth = n_gl * dz_scalar + z_max npts = 500 # points to interpolate through p = production.interpolate_P_tot(max_possible_depth, npts, alt, lat, nuc) C_gl = sim.multiglaciate(dz, t_gl, t_int, 0, z, nuc, p, n_gl=n_gl) t_mid_postgl = 15000 # yr C_post15k = sim.simple_expose(z, t_mid_postgl, nuc, p) fig_height = 6 # in. fig_width = 5 # in. fig = Figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) fig_dpi = 500 canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.set_title('Steady v.s. glacial erosion', fontsize=14) ax.semilogx(C_steady, z_m, 'k--', label='Steady erosion') leg = ax.legend(loc='lower right', prop=leg_prop) ax.invert_yaxis()
#ax.invert_xaxis() #ax.invert_yaxis() #plt.xlabel('Time Before Present (Myr)') #plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') #plt.grid(linestyle='-', color='0.75') #plt.xlim(left=2) #plt.ylim(bottom=75) #plt.savefig('true_hist.png') # interpolate a production function max_possible_depth = con['n_gl'] * con['max_dz'] + con['bottom_depth'] # if production file exists already p = production.interpolate_P_tot(max_possible_depth, npts=con['interp_pts'], alt=con['alt'], lat=con['lat'], n=con['nuclide']) # calculate the true concentration profile (w/ many points, not sample depths) z_true_manypts = np.linspace(0, con['bottom_depth'], 200) C_true_manypts = sim.multiglaciate(con['dz'], con['t_gl'], con['t_int'], con['t_postgl'], z_true_manypts, con['nuclide'], p, con['n_gl'], postgl_shielding=con['postgl_shielding'])
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.13) ax.set_xlim(left=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=75) canvas.print_figure('var_hist.png', dpi=500) ax.set_title('Steady Erosion History', fontsize=12) const_line, = ax.plot(con['t'] * 1e-6, z_const, 'b') ax.lines.remove(var_line) canvas.print_figure('const_hist.png', dpi=500) fig_height = 5 # in. fig_width = 3.5 # in. # interpolate a production function max_possible_depth = con['n_gl'] * con['max_dz'] + con['bottom_depth'] p = production.interpolate_P_tot(max_possible_depth, npts=con['n_prod_interp_pts'], alt=con['alt'], lat=con['lat'], n=con['nuclide']) # make target concentration graph z_target = np.linspace(0, con['bottom_depth']) C_target = sim.multiglaciate(con['dz'], con['t_gl'], con['t_int'], con['t_postgl'], z_target, con['nuclide'], p, con['n_gl'], postgl_shielding=con['postgl_shielding']) conc_fig = Figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) conc_canvas = FigureCanvas(conc_fig) ax = conc_fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title('Target Concentration Profile', fontsize=12) ax.semilogx(C_target, z_target / con['rho'] / 100)
p_sp = production.P_sp(z, nuc) mu = muon.P_mu_total(z, alt, nuc, full_data=True) C_steady = sim.steady_erosion(z, p_sp, mu["P_fast"], mu["P_neg"], eros_rate, nuc, t, t_exp) t_gl = 15000 t_int = 85000 t_cycle = t_gl + t_int n_gl = int(np.floor(t_exp / t_cycle)) dz_scalar = eros_rate * t_cycle dz = np.ones(n_gl) * dz_scalar # interpolate a really awesome production rate function max_possible_depth = n_gl * dz_scalar + z_max npts = 500 # points to interpolate through p = production.interpolate_P_tot(max_possible_depth, npts, alt, lat, nuc) C_gl = sim.multiglaciate(dz, t_gl, t_int, 0, z, nuc, p, n_gl=n_gl) t_mid_postgl = 15000 # yr C_post15k = sim.simple_expose(z, t_mid_postgl, nuc, p) fig_height = 6 # in. fig_width = 5 # in. fig = Figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) fig_dpi = 500 canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.set_title('Steady v.s. glacial erosion', fontsize=14) ax.semilogx(C_steady, z_m, "k--", label="Steady erosion") leg = ax.legend(loc="lower right", prop=leg_prop) ax.invert_yaxis()