예제 #1
def get_interacting_atoms(parsed, resi, resn):
    if resi[1:].isdigit():  # removes all insertion codes
        target = parsed.select('chain %s and resnum %s_' % (resi[0], resi[1:]))
    else:  # has insertion code
        target = parsed.select('chain %s and resnum %s' %
                               (resi[0], resi[1:].upper()))

    assert len(list(set(target.getResnames()))) == 1
    assert constants.one_letter_code[target.getResnames()[0]] == resn

    # find out if interaction is BB or SC
    other_chain = parsed.select('not (chain {})'.format(resi[0], resi[1:]))
    polar = ['O', 'N']
    interacting_atoms = []
    for atom in target:
        radius = 3.5
        if atom.getName()[0] in polar:
            radius = 3.5
            radius = 4.8
        for nbr in pr.findNeighbors(atom, radius, other_chain):
            ifgatom, vdmatom, dist = nbr
            ifgindex, vdmindex = ifgatom.getIndex(), vdmatom.getIndex()
            ifgatomelem, vdmatomelem = ifgatom.getName(), vdmatom.getName()
            if ifgatom.getElement() != 'H' and vdmatom.getElement() != 'H':
                if dist <= 3.5:
                    interacting_atoms.append((ifgindex, vdmindex))
                    if ifgatomelem[0] == 'C' and vdmatomelem[0] == 'C':
                        interacting_atoms.append((ifgindex, vdmindex))
    return list(set(interacting_atoms))
예제 #2
def get_interacting_atoms(parsed, resi, resn):
    target = parsed.select('chain %s and resnum %s' % (resi[0], resi[1:]))
    assert len(list(set(target.getResnames()))) == 1
    assert constants.one_letter_code[target.getResnames()[0]] == resn

    # find out if interaction is BB or SC
    other_chain = parsed.select('not chain %s' % resi[0])
    bb = ['C', 'O', 'OXT', 'CA', 'N']
    polar = ['O', 'N']
    interacting_atoms = []
    #print(resi, resn)
    for atom in target:
        radius = 3.5
        #if atom.getName()[0] in polar:
        #    radius = 3.5
        #    radius = 4.8
        for nbr in pr.findNeighbors(atom, radius, other_chain):
            ifgatom, vdmatom, dist = nbr
            ifgindex, vdmindex = ifgatom.getIndex(), vdmatom.getIndex()
            ifgatomelem, vdmatomelem = ifgatom.getName(), vdmatom.getName()
            if dist <= 3.5:
                interacting_atoms.append((ifgindex, vdmindex))
            #    if ifgatomelem[0]=='C' and vdmatomelem[0]=='C':
            #        interacting_atoms.append(vdmindex)
            #        print(ifgatom, vdmatom, vdmatom.getResname())
    return list(set(interacting_atoms))
예제 #3
 def set_contacts(self, calpha_distance=10.5):
     """Sets contacts between surface residues. A contact is by default defined
     as a pair of C alpha atoms with a distance less than 10 angstroms."""
     self.nbrs_f = pr.findNeighbors(self.surf_sel_f, calpha_distance)
     self.nbrs_r = pr.findNeighbors(self.surf_sel_r, calpha_distance)
     self.contacts_f = list()
     for nbr in self.nbrs_f:
         resnum_0 = nbr[0].getResnum()
         resnum_1 = nbr[1].getResnum()
         filter = True
         if np.abs(resnum_0 - resnum_1) > 6:
             resind_0 = nbr[0].getResindex()
             resind_1 = nbr[1].getResindex()
             ca_0 = nbr[0]
             cb_0 = self.pdb_f.select('name CB and resindex ' +
             ca_1 = nbr[1]
             cb_1 = self.pdb_f.select('name CB and resindex ' +
             ang1 = pr.calcAngle(ca_0, cb_0, cb_1)
             ang2 = pr.calcAngle(ca_1, cb_1, cb_0)
             if (ang1 < 80) or (ang2 < 80):
                 filter = False
         if filter:
             self.contacts_f.append((resnum_0, resnum_1))
     self.contacts_r = list()
     for nbr in self.nbrs_r:
         resnum_0 = nbr[0].getResnum()
         resnum_1 = nbr[1].getResnum()
         filter = True
         if np.abs(resnum_0 - resnum_1) > 6:
             resind_0 = nbr[0].getResindex()
             resind_1 = nbr[1].getResindex()
             ca_0 = nbr[0]
             cb_0 = self.pdb_r.select('name CB and resindex ' +
             ca_1 = nbr[1]
             cb_1 = self.pdb_r.select('name CB and resindex ' +
             ang1 = pr.calcAngle(ca_0, cb_0, cb_1)
             ang2 = pr.calcAngle(ca_1, cb_1, cb_0)
             if (ang1 < 80) or (ang2 < 80):
                 filter = False
         if filter:
             self.contacts_r.append((resnum_0, resnum_1))
예제 #4
def freqaai(ligand_vdm_pair, ifg_name, ifgatoms, lookup_dir):
    parsed = pr.parsePDB(ligand_vdm_pair)
    # automatically select vdm
    v = parsed.select('chain X and resnum 10 and not element H D')
    vdm_name = v.getResnames()[0]

    # find out if interaction is BB or SC
    bb = ['C', 'O', 'OXT', 'CA', 'N']
    polar = ['O', 'N']
    ifg = parsed.select('resnum 1 and name %s'%(' '.join(ifgatoms)))
    vdmatoms = []
    for atom in ifg:
        if atom.getName()[0] in polar:
            radius = 3.5
            radius = 4.8
        for nbr in pr.findNeighbors(atom, radius, v):
            ifgatom, vdmatom, dist = nbr
            ifgatom, vdmatom = ifgatom.getName(), vdmatom.getName()
            if dist <= 3.5:
                if ifgatom[0]=='C' and vdmatom[0]=='C':
    vdmatoms = list(set(vdmatoms))
    bbinteraction = sum([x in bb for x in vdmatoms])
    scinteraction = sum([x not in bb for x in vdmatoms])

    # get lookup info for ifg
    pklfile = lookup_dir + 'AAi_freq_combed_%s.pkl'%ifg_name
    lookup = pkl.load(open(pklfile,'rb'))
    # get database frequencies 
    db_dict = analysis.EnergyTerms.AAi_db_lookup(lookup_dir)
    if bbinteraction > 0:
        score = lookup.ix[vdm_name, 'vdm_freq_bb']
        bbscore = -np.log10(score / db_dict[vdm_name])
        bbscore = None 
    if scinteraction > 0: 
        score = lookup.ix[vdm_name, 'vdm_freq_sc']
        scscore = -np.log10(score / db_dict[vdm_name])
        scscore = None
    return bbscore, scscore
예제 #5
    def find_contact_atoms(self, parsed_pdb, comb, radius1=3.5, radius2=4.8):
        """Takes a prody contacts object and a radius (integer) and finds the neighboring atoms of the iFG.  The
        atoms are saved as all, protein, waters, ligands, and metals. The atoms do not include atoms of the
        iFG residue itself.

        parsed_pdb: an instance of class ParsedPDB having attributes .contacts, .fs_struct, .fs_result, .dssp
        radius: an integer

        if comb.probe_path:
                scratch_dir = comb.scratch or comb.output_dir_csv
                resnum = np.unique(self.sele.getResnums())[0]
                chain = np.unique(self.sele.getChids())[0]
                resname = np.unique(self.sele.getResnames())[0]
                ifg_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

                selfsele = '"seg___A chain' + chain + ' ' + str(resnum) + ' ' + comb.probe_ifgatoms[resname] + '"'
                targsele = '"seg___A not (' + str(resnum) + ' chain' + chain + ')"'
                # Probe output abbr: wc: wide contact, cc: close contact, so: small overlap, bo: bad overlap, hb: H-bonds
                with os.popen(comb.probe_path + 'probe -quiet -MC -docho -condense -unformated -once '
                                      + selfsele + ' ' + targsele + ' ' + comb.input_dir_pdb
                                      + parsed_pdb.pdb_acc_code + 'H.pdb') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        spl = line.split(':')[1:]
                        probe_type = spl[1]
                        ifg_name = spl[2][10:15].strip()
                        ifg_atomtype = spl[12]
                        vdm_chid = spl[3][:2].strip()
                        vdm_resnum = int(spl[3][2:6])
                        vdm_resname = spl[3][6:10].strip()
                        if vdm_resname == 'HOH':
                            vdm_name = 'O'
                            vdm_name = spl[3][10:15].strip()
                        vdm_atomtype = spl[13]
                        pr_score = spl[11]
                            (ifg_name, ifg_atomtype, 'A', vdm_chid, vdm_resnum, vdm_resname, vdm_name, vdm_atomtype, pr_score))
                        self.contact_dict[(vdm_resnum, vdm_chid, 'A')].add(ifg_name)
                        self.contact_pair_dict[(vdm_resnum, vdm_chid, 'A')].append((ifg_name, vdm_name, spl[1], pr_score))
                        if probe_type == 'hb':
                                (ifg_name, ifg_atomtype, 'A', vdm_chid, vdm_resnum, vdm_resname, vdm_name, vdm_atomtype))

                for seg in parsed_pdb.segnames[1:]:
                    s = '____'
                    s = s[:-len(seg):] + seg
                    selfsele = '"seg___A chain' + chain + ' ' + str(resnum) + ' ' + comb.probe_ifgatoms[resname] + '"'
                    targsele = '"seg' + s + '"'
                    with os.popen(comb.probe_path + 'probe -quiet -MC -docho -condense -unformated -once '
                                          + selfsele + ' ' + targsele + ' ' + comb.input_dir_pdb
                                          + parsed_pdb.pdb_acc_code + 'H.pdb') as infile:
                        for line in infile:
                            spl = line.split(':')[1:]
                            probe_type = spl[1]
                            ifg_name = spl[2][10:15].strip()
                            ifg_atomtype = spl[12]
                            vdm_chid = spl[3][:2].strip()
                            vdm_resnum = int(spl[3][2:6])
                            vdm_resname = spl[3][6:10].strip()
                            if vdm_resname == 'HOH':
                                vdm_name = 'O'
                                vdm_name = spl[3][10:15].strip()
                            vdm_atomtype = spl[13]
                            pr_score = spl[11]
                            self.contact_dict[(vdm_resnum, vdm_chid, seg)].add(ifg_name)
                            self.contact_pair_dict[(vdm_resnum, vdm_chid, seg)].append((ifg_name, vdm_name, spl[1], pr_score))
                                (ifg_name, ifg_atomtype, seg, vdm_chid, vdm_resnum, vdm_resname, vdm_name, vdm_atomtype,
                            if probe_type == 'hb':
                                    ifg_name, ifg_atomtype, seg, vdm_chid, vdm_resnum, vdm_resname, vdm_name, vdm_atomtype))

                contact_atom_seles = [parsed_pdb.prody_pdb.select('segment ' + c[2]
                                                        + ' chain ' + c[3]
                                                        + ' resnum ' + str(c[4])
                                                        + ' name ' + c[6]) for c in ifg_dict['contacts']]
                self.probe_hbonds = ifg_dict['hbonds']

                if contact_atom_seles != []:
                    self.contact_atoms_all = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, contact_atom_seles)
                    nbrs = pr.findNeighbors(self.sele, 4.8, self.contact_atoms_all)
                    nbrs_info = [(nbr[1], nbr[1].getResindex(), nbr[1].getResnum(), nbr[1].getChid(), nbr[0].getName(),
                                  nbr[1].getName(), nbr[2]) for nbr in nbrs]
                    nbrs_info_full = sorted(nbrs_info, key=lambda x: x[1])
                    contact_names_dist = {}
                    resind_resnum_chids = []
                    for resind_resnum_chid, contact_group in itertools.groupby(nbrs_info_full, key=lambda x: x[1:4]):
                        contact_names_dist[resind_resnum_chid[0]] = [c[4:] for c in contact_group]
                    self.contact_atoms_all = None
            except Exception:
                self.contact_atoms_all = None

            nbrs = pr.findNeighbors(self.sele, radius2,
                                    parsed_pdb.prody_pdb.select('not element H D and not resindex '
                                                                + ' '.join(str(ri) for ri in self.resindex)))

            if nbrs:
                nbrs_info = [(nbr[1], nbr[1].getResindex(), nbr[1].getResnum(), nbr[1].getChid(), nbr[0].getName(),
                             nbr[1].getName(), nbr[2]) for nbr in nbrs]
                nbrs_info_3p5 = [c for c in nbrs_info if c[-1] <= radius1]
                nbrs_info_4p8 = [c for c in nbrs_info if c[-1] > radius1 and c[-2][0] == 'C']
                nbrs_info_full = sorted(nbrs_info_3p5 + nbrs_info_4p8, key=lambda x: x[1])

                if nbrs_info_full:
                    contact_names_dist = {}
                    resind_resnum_chids = []
                    for resind_resnum_chid, contact_group in itertools.groupby(nbrs_info_full, key=lambda x: x[1:4]):
                        contact_names_dist[resind_resnum_chid[0]] = [c[4:] for c in contact_group]
                    self.contact_atoms_all = self.get_contact_atoms(nbrs_info_full)

        # selects the subsets of atoms
        if self.contact_atoms_all is not None:
            self.contact_atoms_water = self.contact_atoms_all.select('water')
            if self.contact_atoms_water is not None:
                self.contact_info_water = ' '.join('(' + b[0] + ' ' + b[1] + ' ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(b[2]) + ')'
                                           for c in [contact_names_dist[ri]
                                           for ri in np.unique(self.contact_atoms_water.getResindices())]
                                                   for b in c)

            self.contact_atoms_ligand = self.contact_atoms_all.select('hetero and not (water or element NA MG CA K '
                                                                       'FE ZN CO CU NI MN MO V)')
            if self.contact_atoms_ligand is not None:
                self.contact_info_ligand = ' '.join('(' + b[0] + ' ' + b[1] + ' ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(b[2]) + ')'
                                           for c in [contact_names_dist[ri]
                                           for ri in np.unique(self.contact_atoms_ligand.getResindices())]
                                                    for b in c)

            self.contact_atoms_metal = self.contact_atoms_all.select('element NA MG CA K FE ZN CO CU NI MN MO V')
            if self.contact_atoms_metal is not None:
                self.contact_info_metal = ' '.join('(' + b[0] + ' ' + b[1] + ' ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(b[2]) + ')'
                                           for c in [contact_names_dist[ri]
                                           for ri in np.unique(self.contact_atoms_metal.getResindices())]
                                                   for b in c)

            self.contact_atoms_protein = self.contact_atoms_all.select('resname ' + resnames_aa_20_join)
            if self.contact_atoms_protein is not None:
                _resin, _ind = np.unique(self.contact_atoms_protein.getResindices(), return_index=True)
                self.contact_resnums = self.contact_atoms_protein.getResnums()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_chids = self.contact_atoms_protein.getChids()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_resindices = self.contact_atoms_protein.getResindices()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_segments = self.contact_atoms_protein.getSegnames()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_info_protein = [contact_names_dist[ri] for ri in self.contact_resindices]
                comb.ifg_count += 1
예제 #6
    def find_contact_atoms(self, parsed_pdb, comb, radius1=3.5, radius2=4.8):
        """Takes a prody contacts object and a radius (integer) and finds the neighboring atoms of the iFG.  The
        atoms are saved as all, protein, waters, ligands, and metals. The atoms do not include atoms of the
        iFG residue itself.

        parsed_pdb: an instance of class ParsedPDB having attributes .contacts, .fs_struct, .fs_result, .dssp
        radius: an integer
        # assert isinstance(self.sele, pr.atomic.selection.Selection), 'selection is not a valid prody selection'
        # assert isinstance(parsed_pdb.contacts, pr.measure.contacts.Contacts), 'pdb_contacts is not a valid parsed ' \
        #                                                                       'prody contact object'
        # assert isinstance(radius1, float), 'radius needs to be a float'

        # atoms1 = parsed_pdb.contacts.select(radius1, self.sele).select('not element H D and not resindex '
        #                                                                + ' '.join(str(ri) for ri in self.resindex))
        # # The following selects carbons within radius2 distance of any carbon in the iFG
        # atoms2 = parsed_pdb.contacts.select(radius2, self.sele.select('element C')).select('element C and not resindex '
        #                                                                                    + ' '.join(str(ri) for ri in
        #                                                                                              self.resindex))
        # if atoms1 is not None and atoms2 is not None:
        #     self.contact_atoms_all = atoms1 | atoms2
        # elif atoms1 is not None:
        #     self.contact_atoms_all = atoms1
        # elif atoms2 is not None:
        #     self.contact_atoms_all = atoms2
        nbrs = pr.findNeighbors(self.sele, radius2,
                                parsed_pdb.prody_pdb.select('not element H D and not resindex '
                                                            + ' '.join(str(ri) for ri in self.resindex)))

        if nbrs:
            nbrs_info = [(nbr[1], nbr[1].getResindex(), nbr[1].getResnum(), nbr[1].getChid(), nbr[0].getName(),
                         nbr[1].getName(), nbr[2]) for nbr in nbrs]
            nbrs_info_3p5 = [c for c in nbrs_info if c[-1] <= radius1]
            nbrs_info_4p8 = [c for c in nbrs_info if c[-1] > radius1 and c[-2][0] == 'C']
            nbrs_info_full = sorted(nbrs_info_3p5 + nbrs_info_4p8, key=lambda x: x[1])

            if nbrs_info_full:
                contact_names_dist = {}
                resind_resnum_chids = []
                for resind_resnum_chid, contact_group in itertools.groupby(nbrs_info_full, key=lambda x: x[1:4]):
                    contact_names_dist[resind_resnum_chid[0]] = [c[4:] for c in contact_group]
                self.contact_atoms_all = self.get_contact_atoms(nbrs_info_full)

    # selects the subsets of atoms
        if self.contact_atoms_all is not None:
            self.contact_atoms_water = self.contact_atoms_all.select('water')
            if self.contact_atoms_water is not None:
                self.contact_info_water = ' '.join('(' + b[0] + ' ' + b[1] + ' ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(b[2]) + ')'
                                           for c in [contact_names_dist[ri]
                                           for ri in np.unique(self.contact_atoms_water.getResindices())]
                                                   for b in c)

            self.contact_atoms_ligand = self.contact_atoms_all.select('hetero and not (water or element NA MG CA K '
                                                                       'FE ZN CO CU NI MN MO V)')
            if self.contact_atoms_ligand is not None:
                self.contact_info_ligand = ' '.join('(' + b[0] + ' ' + b[1] + ' ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(b[2]) + ')'
                                           for c in [contact_names_dist[ri]
                                           for ri in np.unique(self.contact_atoms_ligand.getResindices())]
                                                    for b in c)

            self.contact_atoms_metal = self.contact_atoms_all.select('element NA MG CA K FE ZN CO CU NI MN MO V')
            if self.contact_atoms_metal is not None:
                self.contact_info_metal = ' '.join('(' + b[0] + ' ' + b[1] + ' ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(b[2]) + ')'
                                           for c in [contact_names_dist[ri]
                                           for ri in np.unique(self.contact_atoms_metal.getResindices())]
                                                   for b in c)

            self.contact_atoms_protein = self.contact_atoms_all.select('protein')
            if self.contact_atoms_protein is not None:
                _resin, _ind = np.unique(self.contact_atoms_protein.getResindices(), return_index=True)
                self.contact_resnums = self.contact_atoms_protein.getResnums()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_chids = self.contact_atoms_protein.getChids()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_resindices = self.contact_atoms_protein.getResindices()[_ind].tolist()
                self.contact_info_protein = [contact_names_dist[ri] for ri in self.contact_resindices]
                comb.ifg_count += 1