def checked(request, itemname): if request.user.is_authenticated == False: return redirect('items:login') url = random_server() response_url = checks.check(itemname, request.user.username, request.POST['check'], request.user.username, url) resp = finder_saw.find(itemname, 'ubuntu', url) nc_add = finder_wal.query(resp[itemname].c_addr, 'ubuntu', url) user_profile = _deserialize_key(nc_add) nc_add = user_profile = finder_wal.query(nc_add, 'ubuntu', url) user_profile = _deserialize_key(user_profile) resp[itemname].c_addr = nc_add #get the checks list checks_list = checks.item_checks_list(resp[itemname].check, user_profile.profile) #hist goes through transactions in BC, so returns in human readble form hist = his.item_history(itemname, url) requested_user = request.user.username context = { 'resp': resp, 'hist': hist, "checks_list": checks_list, 'requested_user': requested_user } return render(request, 'items/detail.html', context)
def detail(request, itemname): if request.user.is_authenticated == False: return redirect('items:login') url = random_server() #find item uses state list # finding the details of itemname in the state database resp = finder_saw.find(itemname, 'ubuntu', url) # nc_add is the human readable name nc_add = finder_wal.query(resp[itemname].c_addr, 'ubuntu', url) # breaking apart the string with commas user_profile = _deserialize_key(nc_add) nc_add = # finding the profile user_profile = finder_wal.query(nc_add, 'ubuntu', url) user_profile = _deserialize_key(user_profile) resp[itemname].c_addr = nc_add #get the checks list checks_list = checks.item_checks_list(check_status=resp[itemname].check, profile=user_profile.profile) #hist goes through transactions in block chain, so returns in human readble form #serialized make that into an item history class with all the attributes so that django #will not complain #we can do the serializtion and breaking up stuff in the # looks through all the transactions to find history hist = his.item_history(itemname, url) requested_user = request.user.username # submit button is only shown in the current address of the item is the same as the current user of the page. context = { 'resp': resp, 'hist': hist, "checks_list": checks_list, 'requested_user': requested_user } return render(request, 'items/detail.html', context)
def map(request): if request.user.is_authenticated == False: return redirect('items:login') url = random_server() #GeoLocations of users Probably change this entire charade to some other file ???? locations = { 'admin': { 'lat': 42.34, 'longi': -71.55 }, 'Larry@lab': { 'lat': 42.34, 'longi': -71.64 }, 'Mike@manufacturing': { 'lat': 42.342, 'longi': -71.52 }, 'Susan@sterilization': { 'lat': 42.339, 'longi': -71.53 }, 'Quinn@quality': { 'lat': 42.39, 'longi': -71.54 } } response = querying.query_all_items(url) resp = {} usersdata = {} for s in response: name, checks, c_add, prev_add = response[s].decode().split(",") try: nc_add = finder_wal.query(c_add, 'ubuntu', url) nc_add = _deserialize_key(nc_add).name resp[name] = Item(name, checks, nc_add, prev_add) try: usersdata[nc_add].iheld += 1 except: usersdata[nc_add] = userinfo(nc_add, float(locations[nc_add]['lat']), float(locations[nc_add]['longi'])) except: pass context = {'resp': resp, 'usersdata': usersdata} return render(request, 'items/map.html', context)
def send(request, itemname): if request.user.is_authenticated == False: return redirect('items:login') url = random_server() send_saw.snd(itemname, forwarding.from_user(request.user.username), request.user.username, url) #find item uses state list resp = finder_saw.find(itemname, 'ubuntu', url) #######VERY IMPOSRTANT CHANGE TO BE APPLIED HERE TOOO nc_add = finder_wal.query(resp[itemname].c_addr, 'ubuntu', url) user_profile = _deserialize_key(nc_add) nc_add = user_profile = finder_wal.query(nc_add, 'ubuntu', url) user_profile = _deserialize_key(user_profile) resp[itemname].c_addr = nc_add #get the checks list checks_list = checks.item_checks_list(check_status=resp[itemname].check, profile=user_profile.profile) #hist goes through transactions in block chain, so returns in human readble form #serialized make that into an item history class with all the attributes so that django #will not complain #we can do the serializtion and breaking up stuff in the hist = his.item_history(itemname, url) requested_user = request.user.username context = { 'resp': resp, 'hist': hist, "checks_list": checks_list, 'requested_user': requested_user, 'sent_to': forwarding.from_user(request.user.username) } return render(request, 'items/send.html', context)
def user_detail(request, username): if request.user.is_authenticated == False: return redirect('items:login') url = random_server() if not request.GET.get('q'): resp = querying.query_user_held(username, url) #returns from state table all the datas with c_add as username else: resp = querying.query_possible_items(request.GET.get("q"), url) #takes care of search form for name, item_obj in resp.items(): #finding out human name of the public key holder ######HERE TOOOO nc_add = finder_wal.query(item_obj.c_addr, request.user.username, url) nc_add = _deserialize_key(nc_add).name resp[name].c_addr = nc_add context = {'resp': resp, 'username': username} return render(request, 'items/user-detail.html', context)