예제 #1
def process_one(cg, func, xform_pass):
    global subiter_cnt, update_cnt
    upward_queue = [func]
    downward_queue = []
    cnt = 0

    cur_queue = upward_queue
    while upward_queue or downward_queue:
        subiter_cnt += 1
        cnt += 1
        if not cur_queue:
            if cur_queue is upward_queue:
                cur_queue = downward_queue
                cur_queue = upward_queue
        func = cur_queue.pop(0)

        print("--- Next to process: %s ---" % func)

        cfg = CFG_MAP["pre"][func].copy()

        call_lo_union = xform_inter.calc_callsites_live_out(cg, func)
        progdb.update_cfg_prop(cfg, "callsites_live_out", call_lo_union)
        print("%s: callsites_live_out set to %s" %
              (func, utils.repr_stable(call_lo_union)))
        if "modifieds" in progdb.FUNC_DB[func]:
            progdb.FUNC_DB[func]["returns"] = arch.ret_filter(
                progdb.FUNC_DB[func]["modifieds"] & call_lo_union)
            print("%s: doesn't yet have modifieds!" % func)


        if progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS:
            assert len(progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS) == 1, repr(progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS)
            func2 = progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS.pop()
            assert func2 == func
            update_cnt += 1

            save_cfg(cfg, ".1")
            CFG_MAP["pre"][func].props = cfg.props


            for callee in maybesorted(cg.succ(func)):
                print("! updating callee", callee)
                if callee not in downward_queue:
                    downward_queue.insert(0, callee)

            print("--- Finished processing: %s ---" % func)
            print("# New up (caller) queue:", upward_queue)
            print("# New down (callee) queue:", downward_queue)
            print("%s not updated" % func)

    print("Subiters:", cnt)
예제 #2
def process_one(cg, func, xform_pass):
    global subiter_cnt, update_cnt
    upward_queue = [func]
    downward_queue = []
    cnt = 0

    cur_queue = upward_queue
    while upward_queue or downward_queue:
        subiter_cnt += 1
        cnt += 1
        if not cur_queue:
            if cur_queue is upward_queue:
                cur_queue = downward_queue
                cur_queue = upward_queue
        func = cur_queue.pop(0)

        print("--- Next to process: %s ---" % func)

        cfg = CFG_MAP["pre"][func].copy()

        call_lo_union = xform_inter.calc_callsites_live_out(cg, func)
        progdb.update_cfg_prop(cfg, "callsites_live_out", call_lo_union)
        print("%s: callsites_live_out set to %s" % (func, utils.repr_stable(call_lo_union)))
        if "modifieds" in progdb.FUNC_DB[func]:
            progdb.FUNC_DB[func]["returns"] = arch.ret_filter(progdb.FUNC_DB[func]["modifieds"] & call_lo_union)
            print("%s: doesn't yet have modifieds!" % func)


        if progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS:
            func_stats[func][0] += 1
            assert len(progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS) == 1, repr(progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS)
            func2 = progdb.UPDATED_FUNCS.pop()
            assert func2 == func
            update_cnt += 1

            save_cfg(cfg, ".1")
            dot.save_dot(cfg, ".1")
            CFG_MAP["pre"][func].props = cfg.props

            for x in maybesorted(cg.pred(func)):
                if x not in upward_queue:

            for callee in maybesorted(cg.succ(func)):
                print("! updating callee", callee)
                if callee not in downward_queue:

            print("--- Finished processing: %s ---" % func)
            print("# New up (caller) queue:", upward_queue)
            print("# New down (callee) queue:", downward_queue)
            func_stats[func][1] += 1
            print("%s not updated" % func)
            # Maybe funcdb properties not updated, but bblocks props can very well be
            save_cfg(cfg, ".1")
            dot.save_dot(cfg, ".1")

    print("Subiters:", cnt)
예제 #3
            print("# New up (caller) queue:", upward_queue)
            print("# New down (callee) queue:", downward_queue)
            print("%s not updated" % func)

    print("Subiters:", cnt)

import script_i_func_params_returns

iter_cnt = 1

while True:
    print("=== Iteration %d ===" % iter_cnt)
    old_funcdb = copy.deepcopy(progdb.FUNC_DB)

    for e in maybesorted(callgraph.exits()):
        print("Processing leaf", e)
        process_one(callgraph, e, script_i_func_params_returns)

    progdb.save_funcdb(sys.argv[1] + "/funcdb.yaml.out%d" % iter_cnt)

    if progdb.FUNC_DB == old_funcdb:

    iter_cnt += 1
#    if iter_cnt > 3:
#        break

print("Done in %d iterations, %d sub-iterations, %d updates" %
예제 #4
            print("%s not updated" % func)
            # Maybe funcdb properties not updated, but bblocks props can very well be
            save_cfg(cfg, ".1")
            dot.save_dot(cfg, ".1")

    print("Subiters:", cnt)

import script_i_func_params_returns

iter_cnt = 1

while True:
    print("=== Iteration %d ===" % iter_cnt)
    old_funcdb = copy.deepcopy(progdb.FUNC_DB)

    # We start with some leaf node (then eventually with all the rest of
    # leafs). With leaf (call-less) function, we can know everything about
    # its parameters. So, we learn that, and then propagate this information
    # to all its callers, then to callers of its callers. We go in this
    # upward fashion (propagating parameter information) until we can, and
    # then we start downward motion, hoping to collect as much information
    # as possible about function live-outs, i.e. returns. We go in this
    # zig-zag fashion, until there's something to update.
    for e in maybesorted(callgraph.exits()):
        print("Processing leaf", e)
        process_one(callgraph, e, script_i_func_params_returns)

    progdb.save_funcdb(sys.argv[1] + "/funcdb.yaml.out%d" % iter_cnt)