def solve_psg(states, reqs, prob_vec_c, prob_vec_r): reqlen = len(reqs) one_step_vecs = vecprob_combined(reqs, prob_vec_c, prob_vec_r) a = [] b = [] idx = 0 key2idx = {} j = states[-1] states1 = [s for s in states if s != j] print('creating matrix...') prog = Progress(total_iter=len(states1)**2) for i in states1: key2idx[i] = idx idx += 1 row = [] for k in states1: if k == i: row.append(1.0 - get_p(i, i, reqs, one_step_vecs, j)) else: row.append(-1.0 * get_p(i, k, reqs, one_step_vecs, j)) prog.count() a.append(row.copy()) b = [1] * len(states1) a = np.array(a) b = np.array(b) print('solving linear system...') x, info = lin.bicgstab(a, b) # print(x) print('solve info: ', info) # x = np.linalg.solve(a,b) v0 = tuple([0] * reqlen) return x[key2idx[v0]]
def exphands(req, rounds=20000): iters = [] prog = Progress(total_iter=rounds) for i in range(rounds): tmp = gethand(req) iters.append(tmp) prog.count() return sum(iters) / (len(iters) * 1.0)
for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) min_num = 0 min_quotient = 2 primes = [] for i in range(9999, 1000, -2): if is_prime(i): primes.append(i) progress_ = Progress("Problem 070: Totient permutations", 0, len(primes)) done = 0 for a in range(len(primes)): progress_.count = a progress_.progress() for b in range(a, len(primes)): i = primes[a] * primes[b] totient_i = (primes[a] - 1) * (primes[b] - 1) if i < 10**7: if sorted(str(i)) == sorted(str(totient_i)): if i / totient_i < min_quotient: min_quotient = i / totient_i min_num = i break progress_.count = min_num = answers_list[70] progress_.progress()
all_pentagons = [] all_hexagons = [] all_heptagons = [] all_octagons = [] all_nums = [ all_triangles, all_squares, all_pentagons, all_hexagons, all_heptagons, all_octagons ] for i in range(1000, 10000): for j in range(6): if all_functions[j](i): all_nums[j].append(i) progress_ = Progress("Problem 061: Cyclical figurate numbers", 0, len(all_triangles)) for triangle in all_triangles: progress_.count += 1 progress_.progress() if find_cycle(all_nums[1:], triangle // 100, triangle % 100, triangle): break progress_.count = find_cycle(all_nums[1:], triangle // 100, triangle % 100, triangle) = answers_list[61] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 029: Distinct powers", 0, answers_list[29]) result = [] for a in range(2, 101): progress_.count = len(list(set(result))) progress_.progress() for b in range(2, 101): result.append(a**b) progress_.count = len(list(set(result))) progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 058: Spiral primes", 0, answers_list[58]) a = 2 n = 0 while (n/(4*a - 3) >= 0.10) or (n == 0): if is_prime(4*a**2 - 10*a + 7): n += 1 if is_prime(4*a**2 - 8*a + 5): n += 1 if is_prime(4*a**2 - 6*a + 3): n += 1 #bottom-right diagonal is always an odd square a += 1 if a % 11 == 0: #arbitrary number for display purposes progress_.count = 2*a - 1 progress_.progress() progress_.count = 2*a - 1 progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
import math if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 015: Lattice paths", 0, answers_list[15]) n = math.factorial(40) // (math.factorial(20)**2) progress_.count = n progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
continue count = 0 first = 0 for x in range(0, 10): if (a != 0) and (b != 0) and (x == 0): continue num = i + 10**(n - a) * k + 10**(n - b) * j for l in range(0, n): if (l == a) or (l == b): continue num += 10**(n - l) * x if is_prime(num): if (first == 0): first = num count += 1 if count == 8: break else: continue break else: continue break progress_.count = first = answers_list[51] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 071: Ordered fractions", 0, 1000001) min_distance = 1 min_number = 0 for d in range(2, 1000001): if d % 283 == 0: #arbitrary number for display purposes progress_.count = d progress_.progress() i = 3 * d // 7 if (3 / 7 - i / d > 0) and (3 / 7 - i / d < min_distance): min_distance = 3 / 7 - i / d min_number = i progress_.count = min_number = answers_list[71] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 056: Powerful digit sum", 0, 100) max_digital_sum = 0 for a in range(1, 100): progress_.count = a progress_.progress() for b in range(1, 100): digits = [int(i) for i in str(a**b)] max_digital_sum = max(max_digital_sum, sum(digits)) progress_.count = max_digital_sum = answers_list[56] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 059: XOR decryption", 0, 26**3 - 1) with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\data\\problem_59_data.txt') as f: string = f.readline() nums = string.split(',') nums_int = [int(i) for i in nums] key = 'aaa' with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\data\\problem_59_output.txt', 'w') as f: for i in range(26**3 - 1): progress_.count = i progress_.progress() key_nums = [ord(i) for i in key] new_nums = [] for j in range(len(nums_int)): new_nums.append(key_nums[j % 3] ^ nums_int[j]) new_chars = [chr(j) for j in new_nums] new_string = ''.join(new_chars) if new_string.count(' ') > 120: f.write(str(sum(new_nums)) + ' ' + new_string + '\n') key = increment(key) progress_.count = answers_list[59] = answers_list[59] progress_.progress()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 040: Champernowne's constant", 0, answers_list[40]) number = '' a = 1 while len(number) < 1000000: number += str(a) a += 1 progress_.count = int(number[0]) * int(number[9]) * int(number[99]) * int( number[999]) * int(number[9999]) * int(number[99999]) * int(number[999999]) progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 030: Digit fifth powers", 0, 354295) total = 0 for n in range(2, 354295): if n % 1729 == 0: progress_.count = n progress_.progress() power_digits = 0 for i in str(n): power_digits += int(i)**5 if n == power_digits: total += n progress_.count = total = answers_list[30] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 048: Self powers", 0, 1000) sum_power = 0 for i in range(1, 1001): progress_.count = i progress_.progress() sum_power += i**i progress_.count = int(str(sum_power)[-10:]) = answers_list[48] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 041: Pandigital prime", 0, 2) progress_.progress() all_nums = '1234567' all_rearrangements = [] for i in range(1, 8): rearrangements_lists = itertools.permutations(all_nums[:i], i) rearrangements_str = [ ''.join(rearrangement) for rearrangement in rearrangements_lists ] all_rearrangements.extend(rearrangements_str) progress_.count = 1 progress_.progress() all_rearrangements_int = [int(i) for i in all_rearrangements] all_rearrangements_int.sort(reverse=True) for rearrangement in all_rearrangements_int: if is_prime(rearrangement): break progress_.count = rearrangement = answers_list[41] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
def product_horizontal(x, y): return(all_rows[y][x]*all_rows[y][x + 1]*all_rows[y][x + 2]*all_rows[y][x + 3]) def product_vertical(x, y): return(all_rows[y][x]*all_rows[y + 1][x]*all_rows[y + 2][x]*all_rows[y + 3][x]) def product_diagonal_forward(x, y): return(all_rows[y][x]*all_rows[y + 1][x + 1]*all_rows[y + 2][x + 2]*all_rows[y + 3][x + 3]) def product_diagonal_backward(x, y): return(all_rows[y][x]*all_rows[y + 1][x - 1]*all_rows[y + 2][x - 2]*all_rows[y + 3][x - 3]) for y_position in range(20): for x_position in range(20): if x_position < 17: progress_.count = max(progress_.count, product_horizontal(x_position, y_position)) progress_.progress() if y_position < 17: progress_.count = max(progress_.count, product_vertical(x_position, y_position)) progress_.progress() if (x_position < 17) and (y_position < 17): progress_.count = max(progress_.count, product_diagonal_forward(x_position, y_position)) progress_.progress() if (x_position > 2) and (y_position < 17): progress_.count = max(progress_.count, product_diagonal_backward(x_position, y_position)) progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 006: Sum square difference", 1, 101) sum = 0 squared_sum = 0 for n in range(1, 101): sum += n squared_sum += n**2 progress_.count = n progress_.progress() progress_.count = sum**2 - squared_sum = answers_list[6] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 009: Special Pythagorean triplet", 1, 1000) for a in range(1, 1000): progress_.count = a progress_.progress() for b in range(a, 1000): if a**2 + b**2 == (1000 - a - b)**2: break else: continue break progress_.count = a*b*(1000 - a - b) = answers_list[9] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
# Count lines total_entries = num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(filename)) - 1 progress = Progress(total_entries) start = time.time() wrongs = [] with open(filename) as fd: data = csv.DictReader(fd, delimiter="\t", quotechar='"', escapechar='') for r in data: raw_id = r['raw_id'] # Check if valid with regex match = re.match(r"^(tt)*(?P<id>\d{7,10}).*", raw_id) if not match: progress.count() wrongs.append(raw_id) continue imdb_id = film_node = n['Movie/tt' + imdb_id] # Create a node for dbpedia uri = r['uri'] wiki_node = URIRef(uri) g.add((film_node, n['has' + source + 'Node'], wiki_node)) progress.count() if progress.finished(): break
from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 044: Pentagon numbers", 1, 2200) #arbitrary number for display purposes pentagon_list = [1] while True: pentagon_list.append(progress_.count*(3*progress_.count - 1)//2) for i in range(len(pentagon_list) - 1): sum_ = pentagon_list[progress_.count] + pentagon_list[i] diff_ = pentagon_list[progress_.count] - pentagon_list[i] if is_pentagon(sum_) and is_pentagon(diff_): break else: progress_.count += 1 if progress_.count % 11 == 0: #arbitrary number for display purposes progress_.progress() continue break progress_.count = diff_ = answers_list[44] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 074: Digit factorial chains", 0, 1000000) chain_lengths_dict = {} count = 0 for a in range(3, 1000000): chain = [] n = a if a % 3871 == 0: #arbitrary number for display purposes progress_.count = a progress_.progress() while True: if n in chain: chain_lengths_dict[a] = len(chain) break elif n in chain_lengths_dict: chain_lengths_dict[a] = len(chain) + chain_lengths_dict[n] break else: chain.append(n) n = sum_factorial_digits(n) if chain_lengths_dict[a] == 60: count += 1 progress_.count = count
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt') as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 039: Integer right triangles", 0, 1000) max_count = 0 max_num = 0 for p in range(120, 1000, 2): progress_.count = p progress_.progress() count = count_triangles(p) if count > max_count: max_count = count max_num = p progress_.count = max_num = answers_list[39] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 045: Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal", 0, answers_list[45]) n = 144 while True: progress_.count = n * (2 * n - 1) progress_.progress() if is_pentagon(progress_.count): break n += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': input()
from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) all_lines = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open( 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\data\\problem_13_data.txt' ) ] all_nums = [int(i) for i in all_lines] progress_ = Progress("Problem 013: Large sum", 0, len(all_nums)) sum_ = 0 for i in range(len(all_nums)): progress_.count = i progress_.progress() sum_ += all_nums[i] progress_.count = int(str(sum_)[:10]) = answers_list[13] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
import math if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 073: Counting fractions in a range", 0, 12001) count = 0 for n in range(2, 12001): progress_.count = n progress_.progress() for i in range(math.floor(n / 3) + 1, math.ceil(n / 2)): if math.gcd(n, i) == 1: count += 1 progress_.count = count = answers_list[73] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 066: Diophantine equation", 0, 1000) max_x = 0 max_D = 0 for D in range(2, 1001): progress_.count = D progress_.progress() if not is_square(D): d = minimal_solution(D) if d > max_x: max_x = d max_D = D progress_.count = max_D = answers_list[66] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 050: Consecutive prime sum", 0, 1000000) prime_sum = 0 primes = [] num = 2 while True: if is_prime(num): primes.append(num) if prime_sum + num >= 1000000: break prime_sum += num progress_.count = prime_sum progress_.progress() num += 1 while not is_prime(prime_sum): prime_sum -= primes[0] del primes[0] progress_.count = prime_sum = answers_list[50] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 065: Convergents of e", 0, answers_list[65]) progress_.progress() progress_.count = sum_numerator_fraction_expansion_e(99) progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()
from functions import * from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) progress_ = Progress("Problem 049: Prime permutations", 1000, int(str(answers_list[49])[:4])) done = 0 n = 1488 while True: if is_prime(n): progress_.count = n progress_.progress() for a in range(1000, 5000): if is_prime(n + a) and is_prime(n + 2 * a): digits_1 = [int(i) for i in str(n)] digits_2 = [int(i) for i in str(n + a)] digits_3 = [int(i) for i in str(n + 2 * a)] if (sorted(digits_1) == sorted(digits_2)) and (sorted(digits_1) == sorted(digits_3)): done = 1 break if done: break n += 1
import math if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler') from progress import Progress answers_list = ['dummy'] with open('C:\\Users\\James Jiang\\Documents\\Project Euler\\answers.txt' ) as answers: for line in answers: answers_list.append(int(line)) digits = [int(i) for i in str(math.factorial(100))] progress_ = Progress("Problem 020: Factorial digit sum", 0, len(digits)) sum_ = 0 for i in range(len(digits)): progress_.count = i progress_.progress() sum_ += digits[i] progress_.count = sum_ = answers_list[20] progress_.progress() if __name__ == '__main__': input()