def optimal_gauss_kernel_size(train, optimize_steps, progress=None): """ Return the optimal kernel size for a spike density estimation of a spike train for a gaussian kernel. This function takes a single spike train, which can be a superposition of multiple spike trains (created with :func:`collapsed_spike_trains`) that should be included in a spike density estimation. Implements the algorithm from (Shimazaki, Shinomoto. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2010). :param train: The spike train for which the kernel size should be optimized. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param optimize_steps: Array of kernel sizes to try (the best of these sizes will be returned). :type optimize_steps: Quantity 1D :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. Will be advanced by len(`optimize_steps`) steps. :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Best of the given kernel sizes :rtype: Quantity scalar """ if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() x = train.rescale(optimize_steps.units) N = len(train) C = {} sampling_rate = 1024.0 / (x.t_stop - x.t_start) dt = float(1.0 / sampling_rate) y_hist = tools.bin_spike_trains({0: [x]}, sampling_rate)[0][0][0] y_hist = sp.asfarray(y_hist) / N / dt for step in optimize_steps: s = float(step) yh = sigproc.smooth(y_hist, sigproc.GaussianKernel(2 * step), sampling_rate, num_bins=2048, ensure_unit_area=True) * optimize_steps.units # Equation from Matlab code, 7/2012 c = (sp.sum(yh**2) * dt - 2 * sp.sum(yh * y_hist) * dt + 2 * 1 / sp.sqrt(2 * sp.pi) / s / N) C[s] = c * N * N progress.step() # Return kernel size with smallest cost return min(C, key=C.get) * optimize_steps.units
def optimal_gauss_kernel_size(train, optimize_steps, progress=None): """ Return the optimal kernel size for a spike density estimation of a spike train for a gaussian kernel. This function takes a single spike train, which can be a superposition of multiple spike trains (created with :func:`collapsed_spike_trains`) that should be included in a spike density estimation. Implements the algorithm from (Shimazaki, Shinomoto. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2010). :param train: The spike train for which the kernel size should be optimized. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param optimize_steps: Array of kernel sizes to try (the best of these sizes will be returned). :type optimize_steps: Quantity 1D :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. Will be advanced by len(`optimize_steps`) steps. :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Best of the given kernel sizes :rtype: Quantity scalar """ if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() x = train.rescale(optimize_steps.units) N = len(train) C = {} sampling_rate = 1024.0 / (x.t_stop - x.t_start) dt = float(1.0 / sampling_rate) y_hist = tools.bin_spike_trains({0: [x]}, sampling_rate)[0][0][0] y_hist = sp.asfarray(y_hist) / N / dt for step in optimize_steps: s = float(step) yh = sigproc.smooth( y_hist, sigproc.GaussianKernel(2 * step), sampling_rate, num_bins=2048, ensure_unit_area=True) * optimize_steps.units # Equation from Matlab code, 7/2012 c = (sp.sum(yh ** 2) * dt - 2 * sp.sum(yh * y_hist) * dt + 2 * 1 / sp.sqrt(2 * sp.pi) / s / N) C[s] = c * N * N progress.step() # Return kernel size with smallest cost return min(C, key=C.get) * optimize_steps.units
def optimal_gauss_kernel_size(train, optimize_steps, progress=None): """ Return the optimal kernel size for a spike density estimation of a spike train for a gaussian kernel. This function takes a single spike train, which can be a superposition of multiple spike trains (created with :func:`collapsed_spike_trains`) that should be included in a spike density estimation. Implements the algorithm from (Shimazaki, Shinomoto. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2010). :param train: The spike train for which the kernel size should be optimized. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param optimize_steps: Array of kernel sizes to try (the best of these sizes will be returned). :type optimize_steps: Quantity 1D :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. Will be advanced by len(`optimize_steps`) steps. :type progress: :class:`spykeutils.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Best of the given kernel sizes :rtype: Quantity scalar """ if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() x = train.rescale(optimize_steps.units) steps = sp.asarray(optimize_steps) N = len(train) C = {} bins = sp.linspace(x.t_start, x.t_stop, 1025) dt = float(bins[1] - bins[0]) y_hist = sp.histogram(x, bins)[0] / N / dt for step in steps: s = float(step) yh = _hist_density(y_hist, gauss_kernel, step, train.t_start, train.t_stop) # Equation from Matlab code, 7/2012 c = (sp.sum(yh**2) * dt - 2 * sp.sum(yh * y_hist) * dt + 2 * 1 / sp.sqrt(2 * sp.pi) / s / N) C[s] = c * N * N progress.step() # Return kernel size with smallest cost return min(C, key=C.get)*train.units
def get_refperiod_violations(spike_trains, refperiod, progress=None): """ Return the refractory period violations in the given spike trains for the specified refractory period. :param dict spike_trains: Dictionary of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. :param refperiod: The refractory period (time). :type refperiod: Quantity scalar :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Two values: * The total number of violations. * A dictionary (with the same indices as ``spike_trains``) of arrays with violation times (Quantity 1D with the same unit as ``refperiod``) for each spike train. :rtype: int, dict """ if type(refperiod) != pq.Quantity or \ refperiod.simplified.dimensionality != pq.s.dimensionality: raise ValueError('refperiod must be a time quantity!') if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() total_violations = 0 violations = {} for u, tL in spike_trains.iteritems(): violations[u] = [] for i, t in enumerate(tL): st = t.copy() st.sort() isi = sp.diff(st) violations[u].append(st[isi < refperiod].rescale(refperiod.units)) total_violations += len(violations[u][i]) progress.step() return total_violations, violations
def get_refperiod_violations(spike_trains, refperiod, progress=None): """ Return the refractory period violations in the given spike trains for the specified refractory period. :param dict spike_trains: Dictionary of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. :param refperiod: The refractory period (time). :type refperiod: Quantity scalar :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Two values: * The total number of violations. * A dictionary (with the same indices as ``spike_trains``) of arrays with violation times (Quantity 1D with the same unit as ``refperiod``) for each spike train. :rtype: int, dict """ if type(refperiod) != pq.Quantity or refperiod.simplified.dimensionality != pq.s.dimensionality: raise ValueError("refperiod must be a time quantity!") if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() total_violations = 0 violations = {} for u, tL in spike_trains.iteritems(): violations[u] = [] for i, t in enumerate(tL): st = t.copy() st.sort() isi = sp.diff(st) violations[u].append(st[isi < refperiod].rescale(refperiod.units)) total_violations += len(violations[u][i]) progress.step() return total_violations, violations
def spike_amplitude_histogram(trains, num_bins, uniform_y_scale=True, unit=pq.uV, progress=None): """ Return a spike amplitude histogram. The resulting is useful to assess the drift in spike amplitude over a longer recording. It shows histograms (one for each ``trains`` entry, e.g. segment) of maximum and minimum spike amplitudes. :param list trains: A list of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. Each entry of the outer list will be one point on the x-axis (they could correspond to segments), all amplitude occurences of spikes contained in the inner list will be added up. :param int num_bins: Number of bins for the histograms. :param bool uniform_y_scale: If True, the histogram for each channel will use the same bins. Otherwise, the minimum bin range is computed separately for each channel. :param Quantity unit: Unit of Y-Axis. :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`spykeutils.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :return: A tuple with three values: * A three-dimensional histogram matrix, where the first dimension corresponds to bins, the second dimension to the entries of ``trains`` (e.g. segments) and the third dimension to channels. * A list of the minimum amplitude value for each channel (all values will be equal if ``uniform_y_scale`` is true). * A list of the maximum amplitude value for each channel (all values will be equal if ``uniform_y_scale`` is true). :rtype: (ndarray, list, list) """ if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() num_channels = 1 for t in trains: if not t: continue num_channels = t[0].waveforms.shape[2] break progress.set_ticks(2 * len(trains)) progress.set_status("Calculating Spike Amplitude Histogram") # Find maximum and minimum amplitudes on all channels up = [0] * num_channels down = [0] * num_channels for t in trains: for s in t: if s.waveforms is None: continue if s.waveforms.shape[2] != num_channels: raise SpykeException( "All spikes need to have the same " + "numer of channels for Spike Amplitude Histogram!" ) a = sp.asarray(s.waveforms.rescale(unit)) u = a.max(1) d = a.min(1) for c in xrange(num_channels): up[c] = max(up[c], sp.stats.mstats.mquantiles(u[:, c], [0.999])[0]) down[c] = min(down[c], sp.stats.mstats.mquantiles(d[:, c], [0.001])[0]) progress.step() if uniform_y_scale: up = [max(up)] * num_channels down = [min(down)] * num_channels # Create histogram bins = [sp.linspace(down[c], up[c], num_bins + 1) for c in xrange(num_channels)] hist = sp.zeros((num_bins, len(trains), num_channels)) for i, t in enumerate(trains): for s in t: if s.waveforms is None: continue a = sp.asarray(s.waveforms.rescale(unit)) upper = a.max(1) lower = a.min(1) for c in xrange(num_channels): hist[:, i, c] += sp.histogram(upper[:, c], bins[c])[0] hist[:, i, c] += sp.histogram(lower[:, c], bins[c])[0] progress.step() return hist, down, up
def correlogram(trains, bin_size, max_lag=500 *, border_correction=True, per_second=True,, progress=None): """ Return (cross-)correlograms from a dictionary of spike train lists for different units. :param dict trains: Dictionary of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` lists. :param bin_size: Bin size (time). :type bin_size: Quantity scalar :param max_lag: Cut off (end time of calculated correlogram). :type max_lag: Quantity scalar :param bool border_correction: Apply correction for less data at higher timelags. Not perfect for bin_size != 1*``unit``, especially with large ``max_lag`` compared to length of spike trains. :param bool per_second: If ``True``, counts returned are per second. Otherwise, counts per spike train are returned. :param Quantity unit: Unit of X-Axis. :param progress: A ProgressIndicator object for the operation. :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :returns: Two values: * An ordered dictionary indexed with the indices of ``trains`` of ordered dictionaries indexed with the same indices. Entries of the inner dictionaries are the resulting (cross-)correlograms as numpy arrays. All crosscorrelograms can be indexed in two different ways: ``c[index1][index2]`` and ``c[index2][index1]``. * The bins used for the correlogram calculation. :rtype: dict, Quantity 1D """ if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() bin_size.rescale(unit) max_lag.rescale(unit) # Create bins, making sure that 0 is at the center of central bin half_bins = sp.arange(bin_size / 2, max_lag, bin_size) all_bins = list(reversed(-half_bins)) all_bins.extend(half_bins) bins = sp.array(all_bins) * unit middle_bin = len(bins) / 2 - 1 indices = trains.keys() num_trains = len(trains[indices[0]]) if not num_trains: raise SpykeException('Could not create correlogram: No spike trains!') for u in range(1, len(indices)): if len(trains[indices[u]]) != num_trains: raise SpykeException('Could not create correlogram: All units ' + 'need the same number of spike trains!') progress.set_ticks(sp.sum(range(len(trains) + 1) * num_trains)) corrector = 1 if border_correction: # Need safe min/max functions def safe_max(seq): if len(seq) < 1: return 0 return max(seq) def safe_min(seq): if len(seq) < 1: return 2 ** 22 # Some arbitrary large value return min(seq) max_w = max([max([safe_max(t) for t in l]) for l in trains.itervalues()]) min_w = min([min([safe_min(t) for t in l]) for l in trains.itervalues()]) train_length = (max_w - min_w) l = int(round(middle_bin)) + 1 cE = max(train_length - (l * bin_size) + 1 * unit, 1 * unit) corrector = (train_length / sp.concatenate( (sp.linspace(cE, train_length, l - 1, False), sp.linspace(train_length, cE, l)))).magnitude correlograms = OrderedDict() for i1 in xrange(len(indices)): # For each index # For all later indices, including itself for i2 in xrange(i1, len(indices)): histogram = sp.zeros(len(bins) - 1) for t in xrange(num_trains): train1 = trains[indices[i1]][t].rescale(unit).reshape((1, -1)) train2 = trains[indices[i2]][t].rescale(unit).reshape((-1, 1)) histogram += sp.histogram( sp.subtract(train1, train2), bins=bins)[0] if i1 == i2: # Correction for autocorrelogram histogram[middle_bin] -= len(train2) progress.step() if per_second: l = train1.t_stop - train1.t_start if train2.t_stop - train2.t_start != l: raise SpykeException( 'A spike train pair does not have equal length,' 'cannot calculate count per second.') histogram /= l.rescale(pq.s) crg = corrector * histogram / num_trains if indices[i1] not in correlograms: correlograms[indices[i1]] = OrderedDict() correlograms[indices[i1]][indices[i2]] = crg if i1 != i2: if indices[i2] not in correlograms: correlograms[indices[i2]] = OrderedDict() correlograms[indices[i2]][indices[i1]] = crg[::-1] return correlograms, bins
def spike_amplitude_histogram(trains, num_bins, uniform_y_scale=True, unit=pq.uV, progress=None): """ Return a spike amplitude histogram. The resulting is useful to assess the drift in spike amplitude over a longer recording. It shows histograms (one for each ``trains`` entry, e.g. segment) of maximum and minimum spike amplitudes. :param list trains: A list of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` objects. Each entry of the outer list will be one point on the x-axis (they could correspond to segments), all amplitude occurences of spikes contained in the inner list will be added up. :param int num_bins: Number of bins for the histograms. :param bool uniform_y_scale: If True, the histogram for each channel will use the same bins. Otherwise, the minimum bin range is computed separately for each channel. :param Quantity unit: Unit of Y-Axis. :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator` :return: A tuple with three values: * A three-dimensional histogram matrix, where the first dimension corresponds to bins, the second dimension to the entries of ``trains`` (e.g. segments) and the third dimension to channels. * A list of the minimum amplitude value for each channel (all values will be equal if ``uniform_y_scale`` is true). * A list of the maximum amplitude value for each channel (all values will be equal if ``uniform_y_scale`` is true). :rtype: (ndarray, list, list) """ if not progress: progress = ProgressIndicator() num_channels = 1 for t in trains: if not t: continue num_channels = t[0].waveforms.shape[2] break progress.set_ticks(2*len(trains)) progress.set_status('Calculating Spike Amplitude Histogram') # Find maximum and minimum amplitudes on all channels up = [0] * num_channels down = [0] * num_channels for t in trains: for s in t: if s.waveforms is None: continue if s.waveforms.shape[2] != num_channels: raise SpykeException('All spikes need to have the same ' + 'numer of channels for Spike Amplitude Histogram!') a = sp.asarray(s.waveforms.rescale(unit)) u = a.max(1) d = a.min(1) for c in xrange(num_channels): up[c] = max(up[c], sp.stats.mstats.mquantiles( u[:,c], [0.999])[0]) down[c] = min(down[c], sp.stats.mstats.mquantiles( d[:,c], [0.001])[0]) progress.step() if uniform_y_scale: up = [max(up)] * num_channels down = [min(down)] * num_channels # Create histogram bins = [sp.linspace(down[c],up[c], num_bins+1) for c in xrange(num_channels)] hist = sp.zeros((num_bins, len(trains), num_channels)) for i, t in enumerate(trains): for s in t: if s.waveforms is None: continue a = sp.asarray(s.waveforms.rescale(unit)) upper = a.max(1) lower = a.min(1) for c in xrange(num_channels): hist[:,i,c] += sp.histogram(upper[:,c], bins[c])[0] hist[:,i,c] += sp.histogram(lower[:,c], bins[c])[0] progress.step() return hist, down, up