예제 #1
파일: shop.py 프로젝트: KalinaR1/SoftUni
class Shop:
    def __init__(self):
        self.product_repository = ProductRepository()
        self.customer_repository = CustomerRepository()

    def deliver(self, product_type: str, name: str):
        if product_type == 'Food':
            return self.product_repository.add(Food(name))
        elif product_type == 'Drink':
            return self.product_repository.add(Drink(name))

    def sell(self, customer_name: str, **shopping_list):
        result = []
        customer = Customer(customer_name)
        if self.customer_repository.find(customer_name) == 'None':
        for product_name, quantity in shopping_list.items():
            product = self.product_repository.find(product_name)
            if product is not 'None':
                if product.quantity - quantity <= 0:
                    customer.products[product_name] = product.quantity
                    result.append(f"Left quantity of {product_name}: {0}")
                    customer.products[product_name] = product.quantity - quantity
                    result.append(self.product_repository.decrease(product, quantity))
        return '\n'.join(result)
class Shop:
    def __init__(self):
        self.product_repository = ProductRepository()
        self.customer_repository = CustomerRepository()

    def __create_product(product_type, product_name):
        product = None
        if product_type == 'Drink':
            product = Drink(product_name)
        elif product_type == 'Food':
            product = Food(product_name)
        return product

    def deliver(self, product_type: str, name: str):
        product = self.__create_product(product_type, name)
        if product in self.product_repository.products:
            raise ValueError(f"Product {product.name} already exists.")
        return self.product_repository.add(product)

    def sell(self, customer_name: str, **shopping_list):
        customer = self.customer_repository.find(customer_name)
        if customer == "None":
            customer = Customer(customer_name)
        result = ""
        for product_name, quantity in shopping_list.items():
            product = self.product_repository.find(product_name)
            if not product == "None":
                if quantity < product.quantity:
                    customer.products[product_name] = quantity
                    result += self.product_repository.decrease(product, quantity)
                    customer.products[product_name] = product.quantity
                    result += self.product_repository.decrease(product, product.quantity)
        return result
예제 #3
파일: shop.py 프로젝트: Beshkov/Python_OOP
class Shop:

    def __init__(self):
        self.product_repository = ProductRepository()
        self.customer_repository = CustomerRepository()

    def deliver(self, product_type: str, name: str):
        product = self.create_product(product_type, name)

        if self.check_if_product_in_products(product):
            raise ValueError(f'Product {product.name} already exists.')

        if product:
            return f"Product {product.name} successfully added to inventory."

    def sell(self, customer_name, **kwargs):

        if not customer_name in [c.name for c in self.customer_repository.customers]:

            customer = self.create_customer(customer_name)

            customer = self.customer_repository.find(customer_name)

        for product, value in kwargs.items():
            if str(product) in [p.name for p in self.product_repository.products]:

                prod = [p for p in self.product_repository.products if p.name == str(product)][0]
                if prod.quantity <= value:
                    prod_quality = prod.quantity
                    prod_quality = value
                    self.product_repository.decrease(prod, value)

                customer.products[str(product)] = prod_quality
        result = ''
        for product_name, product_quantity in customer.products.items():
            result + "\n".join(f"Left quantity of {product_name}: {product_quantity}")

    def create_product(product_type, name):
        if product_type == 'Drink':
            return Drink(name)

        if product_type == 'Food':
            return Food(name)

    def check_if_product_in_products(self, product):
        return product.name in [p.name for p in self.product_repository.products]

    # def customer_operator(self, customer_name):
    #     if self.customer_repository.find(customer_name) == 'None':
    #         c = Customer(customer_name)

    def create_customer(customer_name):
        return Customer(customer_name)
예제 #4
파일: shop.py 프로젝트: Beshkov/Python_OOP
 def __init__(self):
     self.product_repository = ProductRepository()
     self.customer_repository = CustomerRepository()
예제 #5
class Shop:
    def __init__(self):
        self.product_repository = ProductRepository()
        self.customer_repository = CustomerRepository()

    def deliver(self, product_type: str, name: str):
        if product_type in ["Drink", "Food"]:
            if product_type == "Drink":
                product = Drink(name)
                product_exists = [
                    prod for prod in self.product_repository.products
                    if prod.name == name
                if product_exists:
                    raise ValueError(f"Product {product.name} already exists.")
                return f"Product {name} successfully added to inventory."
            elif product_type == "Food":
                product = Food(name)
                product_exists = [
                    prod for prod in self.product_repository.products
                    if prod.name == name
                if product_exists:
                    raise ValueError(f"Product {product.name} already exists.")
                return f"Product {name} successfully added to inventory."
        # product_exists = [prod for prod in self.product_repository.products if prod.name == name]

    def sell(
        self, customer_name: str, **shopping_list
    ):  #  shopping_list contains product name (str) as key argument and quantity (int) as value argument
        customer_exists = [
            cust for cust in self.customer_repository.customers
            if customer_name == cust.name
        if not customer_exists:
            customer = Customer(customer_name)
            products_bought = {}
            shop_list = shopping_list
            for product_name, qty in shop_list.items():
                product_exist = [
                    prod for prod in self.product_repository.products
                    if product_name == prod.name
                if product_exist:
                    product = product_exist[0]
                    if product.quantity < qty:
                            product_name] = qty - product.quantity
                        products_bought[product_name] = product.quantity
                        products_bought[product_name] = product.quantity - qty
                            product_name] = product.quantity - qty
                        self.product_repository.decrease(product, qty)

            data = ""
            for prod_name, quantity in products_bought.items():
                data += f"Left quantity of {prod_name}: {quantity}" + '\n'
            return data
예제 #6
class Shop:
    def __init__(self):
        self.product_repository = ProductRepository()
        self.customer_repository = CustomerRepository()

    def deliver(self, product_type: str, name: str):
        product = None
        if product_type == "Drink":
            return self.product_repository.add(Drink(name))
        elif product_type == "Food":
            return self.product_repository.add(Food(name))

# method sell version 1:

    def customer_create_or_find(self, customer_name):
        if self.customer_repository.find(customer_name) == "None":
            customer = [
                c for c in self.customer_repository.customers
                if c.name == customer_name
            customer = self.customer_repository.find(customer_name)
        return customer

    def sell(self, customer_name: str, **shopping_list):
        res = ""
        customer = self.customer_create_or_find(customer_name)
        for item, quantity in shopping_list.items():
            product = self.product_repository.find(item)
            if product.quantity > shopping_list[item]:
                res += self.product_repository.decrease(
                    product, shopping_list[item])
                res += "\n"
                customer.products[item] = quantity
                res += f"Left quantity of {product.name}: 0\n"
                customer.products[item] = product.quantity
        return res

# method sell version 2:
#     def sell(self, customer_name: str, **shopping_list):
#         bought_products_left_quantities = {}
#         customer = self.customer_repository.find(customer_name)
#         if customer == "None":
#             customer = self.customer_repository.add(Customer(customer_name))
#         customer = [c for c in self.customer_repository.customers if c.name == customer_name][0]
#         item_names = [i.name for i in self.product_repository.products]
#         for item, quantity in shopping_list.items():
#             if item in item_names:
#                 item_in_shop = [i for i in self.product_repository.products if i.name == item][0]
#                 if item_in_shop.quantity > quantity:
#                     item_in_shop.quantity -= quantity
#                     customer.products[item] = quantity
#                     bought_products_left_quantities[item] = item_in_shop.quantity
#                 elif item_in_shop.quantity <= quantity:
#                     customer.products[item] = item_in_shop.quantity
#                     self.product_repository.products.remove(item_in_shop)
#                     bought_products_left_quantities[item] = 0
#         ll = []
#         for key, value in bought_products_left_quantities.items():
#             ll.append(key)
#         last_item = ll[-1]
#         res = ""
#         for item, quantity in bought_products_left_quantities.items():
#             if not item == last_item:
#                 res += f"Left quantity of product {item}: {quantity}\n"
#             else:
#                 res += f"Left quantity of product {item}: {quantity}"
#         return res

# # version 3
# def sell(self, customer_name: str, **shopping_list):
# res = ""
# if self.customer_repository.find(customer_name) == "None":
#     self.customer_repository.add(Customer(customer_name))
#     customer = [c for c in self.customer_repository.customers if c.name == customer_name][0]
# else:
#     customer = self.customer_repository.find(customer_name)
# for item, quantity in shopping_list.items():
#     product = self.product_repository.find(item)
#     try:
#         res += self.product_repository.decrease(product, shopping_list[item])
#         res += "\n"
#         customer.products[item] = quantity
#     except ValueError:
#         customer.products[item] = quantity
#         res += f"Left quantity of {product.name}: 0\n"
#         self.product_repository.products.remove(product)
# return res