def start_api(account_id: str, iroha_host: str, private_key: str, timer): """Starts REST API""" if not account_id: account_id = click.prompt( "Please enter the API AccountID e.g. admin@test") if not private_key: try: # look for file first private_key_file = f"./{account_id}.priv" private_key = open(private_key_file, "rb+").read() except FileNotFoundError: _print("Private key file not found") private_key = click.prompt( f"Please enter private key for AccountID: {account_id}") if not private_key: use_demo_key = click.prompt( f"Do you want to use the demo private key for: {account_id}?" ) if str(use_demo_key).lower() == "y": private_key = "164879bd94411cb7c88308b6423f7dde1e6df19a98961c8aebf7d70990ade5b7" else: _print( "Exiting...\nPlease set all required params and restart." ) sys.exit() if not timer: timer = click.prompt("Block Parser Cron Job in Minutes") os.environ["IROHA_DB_CRON"] = timer try: timer = int(timer) iroha_api = IrohaBlockAPI(api_user=account_id, private_key=private_key, iroha_host=iroha_host) _print(f"Current Iroha WSV Height: {iroha_api.get_wsv_height()}") schedule.every(timer) except: raise worker_active = True while worker_active: schedule.run_pending()
def main_menu(iroha_api, cli_active): while cli_active: _print(menu_text) user_choice = click.prompt( "Please Select Your Option", show_choices=["1", "2", "3"] ) if user_choice == "1": _print(f"[bold green]Starting Genesis Block Parsing...[/bold green]") iroha_api.parse_genesis_iroha_block_to_db() elif user_choice == "2": scan_range = click.prompt( "How many blocks must be parsed?", default=100, type=int ) iroha_api.run_block_paser(scan_range) elif user_choice == "3": scan_range = click.prompt( "How often in seconds should the cro", default=100, type=int ) iroha_api.run_block_paser(scan_range) else: cli_active = False
def start_worker(account_id: str, iroha_host: str, private_key: str, timer): """Starts DB Cronjob Worker""" if not account_id: account_id = click.prompt( "Please enter the API AccountID e.g. admin@test") if not private_key: try: # look for file first script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rel_path = f"{account_id}.priv" private_key_file = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) private_key = open(private_key_file, "rb+").read() except FileNotFoundError: _print("Private key file not found") private_key = click.prompt( f"Please enter private key for AccountID: {account_id}") if not private_key: _print( "Exiting...\nPlease set all required params and restart.") sys.exit() if not timer: timer = click.prompt("Block Parser Cron Job in Minutes") os.environ["API_DB_CRON"] = timer try: timer = int(timer) iroha_api = IrohaBlockAPI(api_user=account_id, private_key=private_key, iroha_host=iroha_host) _print(f"Current Iroha WSV Height: {iroha_api.get_wsv_height()}") schedule.every(timer) except Exception: _print(Exception) worker_active = True while worker_active: schedule.run_pending()
def start_api(account_id: str, iroha_host, private_key): """Starts REST API""" if not account_id: account_id = click.prompt( "Please enter the API AccountID e.g. admin@test") if not private_key: try: script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rel_path = f"{account_id}.priv" private_key_file = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) private_key = open(private_key_file, "rb+").read() os.environ["IROHA_DB_API_SECRET"] = private_key except FileNotFoundError: _print("[bold red]Private key file not found[/bold red]") sys.exit() os.environ["IROHA_HOST"] = iroha_host
def main(account_id, iroha_host, private_key): "Command Line Interface for Block DB API" _print(welcome_msg) if not account_id: account_id = click.prompt( "Please enter the API AccountID e.g. admin@test") if not private_key: try: script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rel_path = f"{account_id}.priv" private_key_file = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) private_key = open(private_key_file, "rb+").read() except FileNotFoundError: _print("Private key not found") sys.exit() try: iroha_api = IrohaBlockAPI(api_user=account_id, private_key=private_key, iroha_host=iroha_host) print(iroha_api.get_wsv_height()) cli_active = True main_menu(iroha_api, cli_active) except Exception as error: _print(error)