예제 #1
def _check(args):
    '''Check consistency of project.'''
    project = Project()
    logging.info('Check project %s ...', args.project)
    logging.info('Check project OK.')
예제 #2
def _build(args):
    '''Build project, obfuscate all scripts in the project.'''
    project = Project()
    logging.info('Build project %s ...', args.project)

    logging.info('Check project')

    pro_path = args.project \
        if args.project == '' or os.path.exists(args.project) \
        else os.path.dirname(args.project)

    capsule = build_path(project.capsule, pro_path)
    logging.info('Use capsule: %s', capsule)

    output = build_path(project.output, pro_path) \
        if args.output is None else os.path.normpath(args.output)
    logging.info('Output path is: %s', output)

    platform = args.platform if args.platform else project.get('platform')
    if platform:
        logging.info('Taget platform is: %s', platform)

    restrict = project.get('restrict_mode',
                           0 if project.get('disable_restrict_mode') else 1)

    if not args.only_runtime:
        src = project.src
        if os.path.abspath(output).startswith(src):
            excludes = ['prune %s' % os.path.abspath(output)[len(src)+1:]]
            excludes = []

        files = project.get_build_files(args.force, excludes=excludes)
        soutput = os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(src)) \
            if project.get('is_package') else output

        logging.info('Save obfuscated scripts to "%s"', soutput)
        if not os.path.exists(soutput):

        logging.info('Read public key from capsule')
        prokey = get_product_key(capsule)

        logging.info('%s increment build',
                     'Disable' if args.force else 'Enable')
        logging.info('Search scripts from %s', src)

        logging.info('Obfuscate scripts with mode:')
        if hasattr(project, 'obf_mod'):
            obf_mod = project.obf_mod
            obf_mod = project.obf_module_mode == 'des'
        if hasattr(project, 'wrap_mode'):
            wrap_mode = project.wrap_mode
            obf_code = project.obf_code
        elif project.obf_code_mode == 'wrap':
            wrap_mode = 1
            obf_code = 1
            wrap_mode = 0
            obf_code = 0 if project.obf_code_mode == 'none' else 1

        adv_mode = (1 if project.advanced_mode else 0) \
            if hasattr(project, 'advanced_mode') else 0

        def v(t):
            return 'on' if t else 'off'
        logging.info('Obfuscating the whole module is %s', v(obf_mod))
        logging.info('Obfuscating each function is %s', v(obf_code))
        logging.info('Autowrap each code object mode is %s', v(wrap_mode))
        logging.info('Advanced mode is %s', v(adv_mode))
        logging.info('Restrict mode is %s', restrict)

        entries = [build_path(s.strip(), project.src)
                   for s in project.entry.split(',')] if project.entry else []
        protection = project.cross_protection \
            if hasattr(project, 'cross_protection') else 1
        if platform:
            if protection == 1:
                protection = platform
            elif not isinstance(protection, int):
                protection = ','.join([protection, platform])

        for x in files:
            a, b = os.path.join(src, x), os.path.join(soutput, x)
            logging.info('\t%s -> %s', x, b)

            d = os.path.dirname(b)
            if not os.path.exists(d):

            if entries and (os.path.abspath(a) in entries):
                vmode = adv_mode | 8
                pcode = protection
                if hasattr(project, 'plugins'):
                    plugins = project.plugins
                vmode = adv_mode
                pcode = 0
                plugins = None

            encrypt_script(prokey, a, b, obf_code=obf_code, obf_mod=obf_mod,
                           wrap_mode=wrap_mode, adv_mode=vmode,
                           rest_mode=restrict, protection=pcode,
                           plugins=plugins, rpath=project.runtime_path)

        logging.info('%d scripts has been obfuscated', len(files))
        project['build_time'] = time.time()

        if project.entry:
            soutput = os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(project.src)) \
                if project.get('is_package') else output
            package_runtime = project.get('package_runtime', 0) \
                if args.package_runtime is None else args.package_runtime
            make_entry(project.entry, project.src, soutput,
                       inner=(package_runtime != 2) and (not args.no_runtime))

    if not args.no_runtime:
        routput = output if args.output is not None and args.only_runtime \
            else os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(project.src)) \
            if project.get('is_package') else output
        if not os.path.exists(routput):
            logging.info('Make path: %s', routput)

        package = project.get('package_runtime', 0) \
            if args.package_runtime is None else args.package_runtime
        make_runtime(capsule, routput, platform=platform, package=package)

        if not restrict:
            licode = '*FLAGS:%c*CODE:PyArmor-Project' % chr(1)
            licpath = os.path.join(routput, 'pytransform') if package \
                else routput
            licfile = os.path.join(licpath, license_filename)
            logging.info('Generate no restrict mode license file: %s', licfile)
            make_project_license(capsule, licode, licfile)

    logging.info('Build project OK.')