class FromEditorial: def __init__(self, testInfo, launch): self.testInfo = testInfo self.launch = launch self.projectBrowser = self.launch.projectBrowser self.editorialProjectBrowser = ProjectBrowser(self.testInfo) self.assetsDir = "%s/assets/fromEditorial" % self.testInfo.testPath self.editorialDir = self.testInfo.getEditorialDir() self.mp3Dir = "%s/mp3" % self.editorialDir self.movDir = "%s/mov" % self.editorialDir self.fromEditorialCheck = FromEditorialCheck(self) def publishToFlix2(self, comment="Publish to Flix", assetName="refsFromPremiere", toShotgun=False, branch="main", asStills=True): log('##### publishToFlix') branch = "main" log("publishToFlix: branch set to 'main' by default as other branches aren't supported yet") self.testInfo.allAudio = pyUtils.countFiles(self.mp3Dir, "*.mp3") self.launch.openEditorialGUI(20, True) self.editorialProjectBrowser.selectEditorialProject() click(sikuli.Pattern('toAvidToFlix.png').targetOffset(20, 0)); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) movPath = "%s/" % (self.assetsDir, assetName) type(movPath) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) edlPathBase = "%s/%s" % (self.assetsDir, assetName) edlPathAvid = "%s.txt" % edlPathBase edlPathFcp = "%s.xml" % edlPathBase if os.path.exists(edlPathAvid): edlPath = edlPathAvid elif os.path.exists(edlPathFcp): edlPath = edlPathFcp else: log("publishToFlix: Could not find EDL file for %s editorial asset." % assetName, "error") # Close the Editorial GUI sikuliUtils.closeChromeTab() # Come back to Flix self.launch.openFlixGUI(10) self.projectBrowser.loadShow() self.projectBrowser.loadSequence() click("loadLatestVersion.png") return # settings['edl'] = edlPath type(edlPath) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) if toShotgun: type(sikuli.Key.SPACE); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) if branch != "main": type(sikuli.Key.ENTER); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) if not asStills: type(sikuli.Key.SPACE); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) type(comment); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.ENTER) loadLatestVersion = self.fromEditorialCheck.publishToFlixCheck2(comment, assetName, toShotgun, branch, asStills) # Close the Editorial GUI sikuliUtils.closeChromeTab() # Come back to Flix self.launch.openFlixGUI(10) self.projectBrowser.loadShow() self.projectBrowser.loadSequence() if branch != "main" and loadLatestVersion: self.projectBrowser.switchToBranch(branch) elif loadLatestVersion: click('loadLatestVersion.png') else: self.projectBrowser.createCleanVersion()
class ToEditorial: def __init__(self, testInfo, launch): log("Constructing ToEditorial object...", "debug") self.testInfo = testInfo self.launch = launch self.projectBrowser = self.launch.projectBrowser self.editorialProjectBrowser = ProjectBrowser(self.testInfo) self.editorialDir = self.testInfo.getEditorialDir() self.fcpDir = "%s/fcp" % self.editorialDir self.sbpDir = "%s/sbp" % self.editorialDir self.aafDir = "%s/aaf" % self.editorialDir self.aleDir = "%s/ale" % self.editorialDir self.sgDir = '%s/flix/shotgun/published/' % self.testInfo.getSequenceDir() self.toAvidOutputDir = "%s/toAvid/" % self.testInfo.outDir self.toEditorialCheck = ToEditorialCheck(self) log("Done!", "debug") # Private Methods def __publishFromFlix(self, methodName, comment, checkMethod, windowName="fcp", importAAFs=False, createSgSeq=False): """Method that will select the specified editorial plugin, publish with a comment and call the relevant check method :param methodName: Name of the method calling me :param comment: Comment to add to the publish :param checkMethod: Method to call to check the publish results :param windowName: Name of the Explorer window Flix reveals after publishing :param importAAFs: Set to True to import AAFs after Avid publish (not relevant for other editorial publishes) :param createSgSeq: Set to True to create the Flix sequence in Shotgun (only relevant for Shotgun publish) :return: None """ log("##### toEditorial: %s" % methodName) if methodName == "toShotgun" and createSgSeq: sikuliUtils.createShotgunSequence(self.testInfo) if self.testInfo.flixVersion < '5.2': click(sikuliUtils.switchPlugin('editorial', '%s.png' % methodName)); wait(1) else: sikuliUtils.switchPlugin('editorial', '%s.png' % methodName); wait(1) click('publishComment.png'); wait(1) type(comment); wait(1) type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(.5) type(sikuli.Key.ENTER) # Assuming .5 sec/frame is enough to publish an edit to editorial # timeout = self.testInfo.getDurationFromShotEdit()/2 # Assuming 2 sec/panel for stills and 1.5 sec/frame for animated panels is enough to publish an edit stillPanels = len(self.testInfo.editPanels["p"]) + len(self.testInfo.editPanels["s"]) animPanels = self.testInfo.editPanels["a"] animFrames = 0 for panel in animPanels: animFrames += self.testInfo.getPanelDurationFromShotEdit(panel) if methodName == "toAvid": stillTimeout = 2 animFrameTimeout = 1.5 else: stillTimeout = 0.5 animFrameTimeout = 0.5 timeout = int((stillTimeout*stillPanels) + (animFrameTimeout*animFrames)) if timeout < 20: timeout = 20 checkMethod(timeout) if methodName in ["toSbp", "toPremiere"]: sikuliUtils.closeExplorerWindow("%s" % windowName) elif importAAFs: self.launch.openEditorialGUI(10) self.editorialProjectBrowser.selectEditorialProject() self.__importToAvid() def __importToAvid(self): """Imports the AAFs, ALE and marker.txt files that were created when publishing to Avid :return: None """ log('##### importToAvid') if os.path.isdir(self.toAvidOutputDir): try: shutil.rmtree(self.toAvidOutputDir) except OSError, e: log('importToAvid: Could not delete %s.\n%s' % (self.toAvidOutputDir, e), 'debug') os.makedirs(self.toAvidOutputDir) for _ in range(8): type(sikuli.Key.TAB); wait(.5) type(self.toAvidOutputDir); wait(1) click('aafImport.png') self.toEditorialCheck.importToAvidCheck() sikuliUtils.closeExplorerWindow('%s_shotEdit_v%s.xml' % (self.testInfo.sequence, self.testInfo.mainVersion)) # Close the Editorial GUI sikuliUtils.closeChromeTab()