예제 #1
def post_remotes(user, project, domain, application):
	'''Bind project to application.
	return projects.clone_remote(user, project, projects.Application(domain, application, None, None, None))
예제 #2
def post_application(user, domain):
	headers = bottle.HeaderDict(bottle.request.headers)
	headers.pop('content-length', None)
	body = request_params()

	#TODO: fix default gear_profile on broker
	if 'gear_profile' not in body:

	is_dev_gear = body['gear_profile'] == app.config.provider.openshift.devel_gear_profile
	name = body['name']
	app_name = '{name}-{domain}'.format(name=name, domain=domain)

	# For dev gears, the project already exists.
	# We simply add the new app as a remote to the project.
	# The project name is extracted from :initial_git_url, given
	# as a parameter to this request.
	# The git url MUST be inside our domain (ex: [email protected]/<project>.git)
	if is_dev_gear and 'initial_git_url' in body:
		match = re.match('(?:[a-z]+://)?git@git\.getupcloud\.com/(?P<project>[^.]+)\.git$', body['initial_git_url'], re.IGNORECASE)
		if not match:
			raise bottle.HTTPError(status=500, body='invalid git repository: {repo}'.format(repo=body['initial_git_url']))
		project = match.group('project')
		body.pop('initial_git_url', None)
		project = '{name}-{domain}'.format(name=name, domain=domain)

	print 'Creatin application:'
	print ' - user:      {user.email}'.format(user=user)
	print ' - name:      {name}'.format(name=name)
	print ' - domain:    {domain}'.format(domain=domain)
	print ' - project:   {project}'.format(project=project)
	print ' - gear:      {body[gear_profile]}'.format(body=body)

	# create git repo
	if not is_dev_gear:

	# create the app
	print 'creating application: name={app_name}'.format(app_name=app_name)
	openshift = provider.OpenShift(user, hostname=app.config.provider.openshift.ops_hostname)
	uri = '?'.join(filter(None, [ bottle.request.fullpath, bottle.request.query_string ]))

	body = json.dumps(body) if bottle.request.json else dict(body)

	os_res = openshift(uri).POST(verify=False, data=body, headers=headers)
	print 'creating application: name={app_name} (done with {status})'.format(app_name=app_name, status=os_res.status_code)
	if not os_res.ok:
		print 'ERROR:', os_res.text
		return to_bottle_response(os_res)

		if is_dev_gear:
			res = projects.add_remote(user, project, projects.Application(domain, name, None, None, None))
			os_res.json['data']['git_url'] = 'ssh://[email protected]/{project}.git'.format(project=project)
			res = projects.clone_remote(user, project, projects.Application(domain, name, None, None, None))

		if not res.ok:
			print 'ERROR:', res.body
		# account the app
		print 'accounting new application: name={project}'.format(project=project)
		aaa.create_app(user, domain, request_params())

	return to_bottle_response(os_res)