class XSplitButton(QWidget): """ ~~>[img:widgets/xsplitbutton.png] The XSplitButton class provides a simple class for creating a multi-checkable tool button based on QActions and QActionGroups. === Example Usage === |>>> from projexui.widgets.xsplitbutton import XSplitButton |>>> import projexui | |>>> # create the widget |>>> widget = projexui.testWidget(XSplitButton) | |>>> # add some actions (can be text or a QAction) |>>> widget.addAction('Day') |>>> widget.addAction('Month') |>>> widget.addAction('Year') | |>>> # create connections |>>> def printAction(act): print act.text() |>>> widget.actionGroup().triggered.connect(printAction) """ __designer_icon__ = projexui.resources.find('img/ui/multicheckbox.png') clicked = Signal() currentActionChanged = Signal(object) currentIndexChanged = Signal(int) hovered = Signal(object) triggered = Signal(object) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(XSplitButton, self).__init__(parent) # define custom properties self._actionGroup = QActionGroup(self) self._padding = 5 self._cornerRadius = 10 self._checkable = True # set default properties layout = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.LeftToRight) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.setLayout(layout) self.clear() # create connections self._actionGroup.hovered.connect(self.emitHovered) self._actionGroup.triggered.connect(self.emitTriggered) def actions(self): """ Returns a list of the actions linked with this widget. :return [<QAction>, ..] """ return self._actionGroup.actions() def actionTexts(self): """ Returns a list of the action texts for this widget. :return [<str>, ..] """ return map(lambda x: x.text(), self._actionGroup.actions()) def actionGroup(self): """ Returns the action group linked with this widget. :return <QActionGroup> """ return self._actionGroup def addAction(self, action, checked=None, autoBuild=True): """ Adds the inputed action to this widget's action group. This will auto-\ create a new group if no group is already defined. :param action | <QAction> || <str> :return <QAction> """ # clear the holder actions = self._actionGroup.actions() if actions and actions[0].objectName() == 'place_holder': self._actionGroup.removeAction(actions[0]) actions[0].deleteLater() # create an action from the name if not isinstance(action, QAction): action_name = nativestring(action) action = QAction(action_name, self) action.setObjectName(action_name) action.setCheckable(self.isCheckable()) # auto-check the first option if checked or (not self._actionGroup.actions() and checked is None): action.setChecked(True) elif self.isCheckable(): action.setCheckable(True) if not self.currentAction(): action.setChecked(True) self._actionGroup.addAction(action) if autoBuild: self.rebuild() return action def clear(self, autoBuild=True): """ Clears the actions for this widget. """ for action in self._actionGroup.actions(): self._actionGroup.removeAction(action) action = QAction('', self) action.setObjectName('place_holder') self._actionGroup.addAction(action) if autoBuild: self.rebuild() def cornerRadius(self): """ Returns the corner radius for this widget. :return <int> """ return self._cornerRadius def count(self): """ Returns the number of actions associated with this button. :return <int> """ actions = self._actionGroup.actions() if len(actions) == 1 and actions[0].objectName() == 'place_holder': return 0 return len(actions) def currentAction(self): """ Returns the action that is currently checked in the system. :return <QAction> || None """ return self._actionGroup.checkedAction() def direction(self): """ Returns the direction for this widget. :return <QBoxLayout::Direction> """ return self.layout().direction() def emitClicked(self): """ Emits the clicked signal whenever any of the actions are clicked. """ if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.clicked.emit() def emitHovered(self, action): """ Emits the hovered action for this widget. :param action | <QAction> """ if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.hovered.emit(action) def emitTriggered(self, action): """ Emits the triggered action for this widget. :param action | <QAction> """ self.currentActionChanged.emit(action) self.currentIndexChanged.emit(self.indexOf(action)) if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.triggered.emit(action) def findAction(self, text): """ Looks up the action based on the inputed text. :return <QAction> || None """ for action in self.actionGroup().actions(): if text in (action.objectName(), action.text()): return action return None def indexOf(self, action): """ Returns the index of the inputed action. :param action | <QAction> || None :return <int> """ for i, act in enumerate(self.actionGroup().actions()): if action in (act, act.objectName(), act.text()): return i return -1 def isCheckable(self): """ Returns whether or not the actions within this button should be checkable. :return <bool> """ return self._checkable def padding(self): """ Returns the button padding amount for this widget. :return <int> """ return self._padding def rebuild(self): """ Rebuilds the user interface buttons for this widget. """ self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) # sync up the toolbuttons with our actions actions = self._actionGroup.actions() btns = self.findChildren(QToolButton) horiz = self.direction() in (QBoxLayout.LeftToRight, QBoxLayout.RightToLeft) # remove unnecessary buttons if len(actions) < len(btns): rem_btns = btns[len(actions) - 1:] btns = btns[:len(actions)] for btn in rem_btns: btn.close() btn.setParent(None) btn.deleteLater() # create new buttons elif len(btns) < len(actions): for i in range(len(btns), len(actions)): btn = QToolButton(self) btn.setAutoFillBackground(True) btns.append(btn) self.layout().addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(self.emitClicked) # determine coloring options palette = self.palette() checked = palette.color(palette.Highlight) checked_fg = palette.color(palette.HighlightedText) unchecked = palette.color(palette.Button) unchecked_fg = palette.color(palette.ButtonText) border = palette.color(palette.Mid) # define the stylesheet options options = {} options['top_left_radius'] = 0 options['top_right_radius'] = 0 options['bot_left_radius'] = 0 options['bot_right_radius'] = 0 options['border_color'] = options['checked_fg'] = options['checked_bg'] = options['checked_bg_alt'] = checked.darker(120).name() options['unchecked_fg'] = options['unchecked_bg'] = options['unchecked_bg_alt'] = unchecked.darker(120).name() options['padding_top'] = 1 options['padding_bottom'] = 1 options['padding_left'] = 1 options['padding_right'] = 1 if horiz: options['x1'] = 0 options['y1'] = 0 options['x2'] = 0 options['y2'] = 1 else: options['x1'] = 0 options['y1'] = 0 options['x2'] = 1 options['y2'] = 1 # sync up the actions and buttons count = len(actions) palette = self.palette() font = self.font() for i, action in enumerate(actions): btn = btns[i] # assign the action for this button if btn.defaultAction() != action: # clear out any existing actions for act in btn.actions(): btn.removeAction(act) # assign the given action btn.setDefaultAction(action) options['top_left_radius'] = 1 options['bot_left_radius'] = 1 options['top_right_radius'] = 1 options['bot_right_radius'] = 1 if horiz: options['padding_left'] = self._padding options['padding_right'] = self._padding else: options['padding_top'] = self._padding options['padding_bottom'] = self._padding if not i: if horiz: options['top_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['bot_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_left'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 else: options['top_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['top_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_top'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 if i == count - 1: if horiz: options['top_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['bot_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_right'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 else: options['bot_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['bot_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_bottom'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 btn.setFont(font) btn.setPalette(palette) btn.setStyleSheet(TOOLBUTTON_STYLE % options) if horiz: btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) else: btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) def setActions(self, actions): """ Sets the actions for this widget to th inputed list of actions. :param [<QAction>, ..] """ self.clear(autoBuild=False) for action in actions: self.addAction(action, autoBuild=False) self.rebuild() def setActionTexts(self, names): """ Convenience method for auto-generating actions based on text names, sets the list of actions for this widget to the inputed list of names. :param names | [<str>, ..] """ self.setActions(names) def setActionGroup(self, actionGroup): """ Sets the action group for this widget to the inputed action group. :param actionGroup | <QActionGroup> """ self._actionGroup = actionGroup self.rebuild() def setCheckable(self, state): """ Sets whether or not the actions within this button should be checkable. :param state | <bool> """ self._checkable = state for act in self._actionGroup.actions(): act.setCheckable(state) def setCornerRadius(self, radius): """ Sets the corner radius value for this widget to the inputed radius. :param radius | <int> """ self._cornerRadius = radius def setCurrentAction(self, action): """ Sets the current action for this button to the inputed action. :param action | <QAction> || <str> """ self._actionGroup.blockSignals(True) for act in self._actionGroup.actions(): act.setChecked(act == action or act.text() == action) self._actionGroup.blockSignals(False) def setDirection(self, direction): """ Sets the direction that this group widget will face. :param direction | <QBoxLayout::Direction> """ self.layout().setDirection(direction) self.rebuild() def setFont(self, font): """ Sets the font for this widget and propogates down to the buttons. :param font | <QFont> """ super(XSplitButton, self).setFont(font) self.rebuild() def setPadding(self, padding): """ Sets the padding amount for this widget's button set. :param padding | <int> """ self._padding = padding self.rebuild() def setPalette(self, palette): """ Rebuilds the buttons for this widget since they use specific palette options. :param palette | <QPalette> """ super(XSplitButton, self).setPalette(palette) self.rebuild() def sizeHint(self): """ Returns the base size hint for this widget. :return <QSize> """ return QSize(35, 22) x_actionTexts = Property(QStringList, actionTexts, setActionTexts) x_checkable = Property(bool, isCheckable, setCheckable)
class XSplitButton(QWidget): """ ~~>[img:widgets/xsplitbutton.png] The XSplitButton class provides a simple class for creating a multi-checkable tool button based on QActions and QActionGroups. === Example Usage === |>>> from projexui.widgets.xsplitbutton import XSplitButton |>>> import projexui | |>>> # create the widget |>>> widget = projexui.testWidget(XSplitButton) | |>>> # add some actions (can be text or a QAction) |>>> widget.addAction('Day') |>>> widget.addAction('Month') |>>> widget.addAction('Year') | |>>> # create connections |>>> def printAction(act): print act.text() |>>> widget.actionGroup().triggered.connect(printAction) """ __designer_icon__ = projexui.resources.find('img/ui/multicheckbox.png') clicked = Signal() currentActionChanged = Signal(object) currentIndexChanged = Signal(int) hovered = Signal(object) triggered = Signal(object) def __init__( self, parent = None ): super(XSplitButton, self).__init__( parent ) # define custom properties self._actionGroup = QActionGroup(self) self._padding = 5 self._cornerRadius = 10 self._checkable = True # set default properties layout = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.LeftToRight) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.setLayout(layout) self.clear() # create connections self._actionGroup.hovered.connect(self.emitHovered) self._actionGroup.triggered.connect(self.emitTriggered) def actions(self): """ Returns a list of the actions linked with this widget. :return [<QAction>, ..] """ return self._actionGroup.actions() def actionTexts(self): """ Returns a list of the action texts for this widget. :return [<str>, ..] """ return map(lambda x: x.text(), self._actionGroup.actions()) def actionGroup(self): """ Returns the action group linked with this widget. :return <QActionGroup> """ return self._actionGroup def addAction(self, action, checked=None, autoBuild=True): """ Adds the inputed action to this widget's action group. This will auto-\ create a new group if no group is already defined. :param action | <QAction> || <str> :return <QAction> """ # clear the holder actions = self._actionGroup.actions() if actions and actions[0].objectName() == 'place_holder': self._actionGroup.removeAction(actions[0]) actions[0].deleteLater() # create an action from the name if not isinstance(action, QAction): action_name = nativestring(action) action = QAction(action_name, self) action.setObjectName(action_name) action.setCheckable(self.isCheckable()) # auto-check the first option if checked or (not self._actionGroup.actions() and checked is None): action.setChecked(True) elif self.isCheckable(): action.setCheckable(True) if not self.currentAction(): action.setChecked(True) self._actionGroup.addAction(action) if autoBuild: self.rebuild() return action def clear(self, autoBuild=True): """ Clears the actions for this widget. """ for action in self._actionGroup.actions(): self._actionGroup.removeAction(action) action = QAction('', self) action.setObjectName('place_holder') self._actionGroup.addAction(action) if autoBuild: self.rebuild() def cornerRadius( self ): """ Returns the corner radius for this widget. :return <int> """ return self._cornerRadius def count(self): """ Returns the number of actions associated with this button. :return <int> """ actions = self._actionGroup.actions() if len(actions) == 1 and actions[0].objectName() == 'place_holder': return 0 return len(actions) def currentAction(self): """ Returns the action that is currently checked in the system. :return <QAction> || None """ return self._actionGroup.checkedAction() def direction( self ): """ Returns the direction for this widget. :return <QBoxLayout::Direction> """ return self.layout().direction() def emitClicked(self): """ Emits the clicked signal whenever any of the actions are clicked. """ if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.clicked.emit() def emitHovered(self, action): """ Emits the hovered action for this widget. :param action | <QAction> """ if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.hovered.emit(action) def emitTriggered(self, action): """ Emits the triggered action for this widget. :param action | <QAction> """ self.currentActionChanged.emit(action) self.currentIndexChanged.emit(self.indexOf(action)) if not self.signalsBlocked(): self.triggered.emit(action) def findAction(self, text): """ Looks up the action based on the inputed text. :return <QAction> || None """ for action in self.actionGroup().actions(): if text in (action.objectName(), action.text()): return action return None def indexOf(self, action): """ Returns the index of the inputed action. :param action | <QAction> || None :return <int> """ for i, act in enumerate(self.actionGroup().actions()): if action in (act, act.objectName(), act.text()): return i return -1 def isCheckable(self): """ Returns whether or not the actions within this button should be checkable. :return <bool> """ return self._checkable def padding( self ): """ Returns the button padding amount for this widget. :return <int> """ return self._padding def rebuild( self ): """ Rebuilds the user interface buttons for this widget. """ self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) # sync up the toolbuttons with our actions actions = self._actionGroup.actions() btns = self.findChildren(QToolButton) horiz = self.direction() in (QBoxLayout.LeftToRight, QBoxLayout.RightToLeft) # remove unnecessary buttons if len(actions) < len(btns): rem_btns = btns[len(actions)-1:] btns = btns[:len(actions)] for btn in rem_btns: btn.close() btn.setParent(None) btn.deleteLater() # create new buttons elif len(btns) < len(actions): for i in range(len(btns), len(actions)): btn = QToolButton(self) btn.setAutoFillBackground(True) btns.append(btn) self.layout().addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(self.emitClicked) # determine coloring options palette = self.palette() checked = palette.color(palette.Highlight) checked_fg = palette.color(palette.HighlightedText) unchecked = palette.color(palette.Button) unchecked_fg = palette.color(palette.ButtonText) border = palette.color(palette.Mid) # define the stylesheet options options = {} options['top_left_radius'] = 0 options['top_right_radius'] = 0 options['bot_left_radius'] = 0 options['bot_right_radius'] = 0 options['border_color'] = options['checked_fg'] = options['checked_bg'] = options['checked_bg_alt'] = checked.darker(120).name() options['unchecked_fg'] = options['unchecked_bg'] = options['unchecked_bg_alt'] = unchecked.darker(120).name() options['padding_top'] = 1 options['padding_bottom'] = 1 options['padding_left'] = 1 options['padding_right'] = 1 if horiz: options['x1'] = 0 options['y1'] = 0 options['x2'] = 0 options['y2'] = 1 else: options['x1'] = 0 options['y1'] = 0 options['x2'] = 1 options['y2'] = 1 # sync up the actions and buttons count = len(actions) palette = self.palette() font = self.font() for i, action in enumerate(actions): btn = btns[i] # assign the action for this button if btn.defaultAction() != action: # clear out any existing actions for act in btn.actions(): btn.removeAction(act) # assign the given action btn.setDefaultAction(action) options['top_left_radius'] = 1 options['bot_left_radius'] = 1 options['top_right_radius'] = 1 options['bot_right_radius'] = 1 if horiz: options['padding_left'] = self._padding options['padding_right'] = self._padding else: options['padding_top'] = self._padding options['padding_bottom'] = self._padding if not i: if horiz: options['top_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['bot_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_left'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 else: options['top_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['top_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_top'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 if i == count - 1: if horiz: options['top_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['bot_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_right'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 else: options['bot_left_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['bot_right_radius'] = self.cornerRadius() options['padding_bottom'] += self.cornerRadius() / 3.0 btn.setFont(font) btn.setPalette(palette) btn.setStyleSheet(TOOLBUTTON_STYLE % options) if horiz: btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) else: btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) def setActions(self, actions): """ Sets the actions for this widget to th inputed list of actions. :param [<QAction>, ..] """ self.clear(autoBuild=False) for action in actions: self.addAction(action, autoBuild=False) self.rebuild() def setActionTexts(self, names): """ Convenience method for auto-generating actions based on text names, sets the list of actions for this widget to the inputed list of names. :param names | [<str>, ..] """ self.setActions(names) def setActionGroup( self, actionGroup ): """ Sets the action group for this widget to the inputed action group. :param actionGroup | <QActionGroup> """ self._actionGroup = actionGroup self.rebuild() def setCheckable(self, state): """ Sets whether or not the actions within this button should be checkable. :param state | <bool> """ self._checkable = state for act in self._actionGroup.actions(): act.setCheckable(state) def setCornerRadius( self, radius ): """ Sets the corner radius value for this widget to the inputed radius. :param radius | <int> """ self._cornerRadius = radius def setCurrentAction(self, action): """ Sets the current action for this button to the inputed action. :param action | <QAction> || <str> """ self._actionGroup.blockSignals(True) for act in self._actionGroup.actions(): act.setChecked(act == action or act.text() == action) self._actionGroup.blockSignals(False) def setDirection( self, direction ): """ Sets the direction that this group widget will face. :param direction | <QBoxLayout::Direction> """ self.layout().setDirection(direction) self.rebuild() def setFont(self, font): """ Sets the font for this widget and propogates down to the buttons. :param font | <QFont> """ super(XSplitButton, self).setFont(font) self.rebuild() def setPadding( self, padding ): """ Sets the padding amount for this widget's button set. :param padding | <int> """ self._padding = padding self.rebuild() def setPalette(self, palette): """ Rebuilds the buttons for this widget since they use specific palette options. :param palette | <QPalette> """ super(XSplitButton, self).setPalette(palette) self.rebuild() def sizeHint(self): """ Returns the base size hint for this widget. :return <QSize> """ return QSize(35, 22) x_actionTexts = Property(QStringList, actionTexts, setActionTexts) x_checkable = Property(bool, isCheckable, setCheckable)