예제 #1
import numpy as _np
import scipy as _scipy

import matplotlib.pylab as pylab

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

len_derivs = 2
len_dofs = 1

p = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
    'dofs': len_dofs, 
    'g': len_derivs,
    'gphi': len_derivs, 
    'gtilde': len_derivs,
    }, name='test_2')

from promep import _kumaraswamy

#create a set of "observations:"
num = 100
duration = 1.0

kv = _np.array((0.0, 0.0))
kp = _np.array((10.0, 1.0))
observations = []
free_variables = []
import numpy as _np
import scipy as _scipy

import matplotlib.pylab as pylab

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

len_derivs = 2
len_dofs = 1
trajectory_parameters = 8

p = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
    'dofs': len_dofs, 
    'g': len_derivs,
    'gphi': len_derivs, 
    'gtilde': len_derivs,
    }, name='test_6a')

modelfreepromp = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
    'dofs': len_dofs, 
    'g': len_derivs,
    'gphi': len_derivs, 
    'gtilde': len_derivs,
    }, name='test_6b')

from promep import _kumaraswamy
예제 #3
Test whether interface functions work in the default
@author: Raphael Deimel

import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, "../src/")
import promep

import numpy as _np
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

p_different = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
    'gphi': 1
})  #create promep where all indices used are of different size

#promps only model motion,
promp = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
    'r': 2,
    'rtilde': 2,
    'g': 2,
    'gphi': 2,
    'gtilde': 1
promp = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={'derivatives': 1, 'realms': 1})

promp_modelfree = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={'g': 2, 'gphi': 1, 'gtilde': 3})

dofs = 4
예제 #4
def learnGraphFromDemonstration(demonstrationSessionConfig,
    Main function to create a state graph and learn the primitives associated with the edges
    as well as the static goals associated with states
    jointsList = []
    #get the state graph:
    if observationsHDFStore is None:  #if no database is given, try to look up its name from the config file:
        observationsHDFStore = _pd.HDFStore(config['hdf5_filename'])

    #get metadata from database:
    observationsMetadata = observationsHDFStore.get('metadata')
    avilableLabels = observationsHDFStore.get('available_labels')

    graphconfig = ExtractStateGraph(observationsMetadata)
    print("GraphConfig: {}".format(graphconfig))
    if 'joint_indices_list' in demonstrationSessionConfig:
        jointsList = demonstrationSessionConfig['joint_indices_list']
        jointsList = None

    if jointsList is None:
        graphconfig['dofs'] = None
        graphconfig['dofs'] = len(jointsList)

    observationsPerLabel = observationsMetadata['label'].value_counts()
    for label in observationsPerLabel.index:
        if observationsPerLabel[label] < demonstrationSessionConfig[
                "Warning: Transition {0} has only {1} observations!. ProMeP quality may suffer."
                .format(label, observationsPerLabel[label]))

    primitives = []
    for label in graphconfig['transition_names']:
        print("Learning {0} using {1} observations ...".format(
            label, observationsPerLabel[label]))

        if label in ('None', 'unlabeled', 'discarded'):
            continue  #skip

        #load/combine parameters for the promep to learn:
        learningParams = dict(
        if label in demonstrationSessionConfig[u'promep_learning_prior']:

        observations_indices = observationsMetadata[
            observationsMetadata['label'] == label]['i']

        if learningParams['trim_strategy'] != 'inpoint_outpoint':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only trim_stragey: inpoint_outpoint is supported!")
        observations = []
        for i in observations_indices:
            observation_untrimmed = observationsHDFStore.get(
            metadata = observationsMetadata.iloc[i]

            #trim data:
            observation = (

            #annotate observations with phase values (maybe learn in the future, or use phasta simulation to generate more accurate profiles)
            t = observation['observed', 'time', 't']
            duration = t.iloc[-1] - t.iloc[0]
            time_normalized = (t - t[0]) / duration

            phaseVelocityProfileAssumption = learningParams[

            if phaseVelocityProfileAssumption == 'constant':
                phi = time_normalized
            elif phaseVelocityProfileAssumption == 'beta22':
                phi = _betainc(
                    2, 2, time_normalized.as_matrix())  # expensive to compute
            elif phaseVelocityProfileAssumption == 'kumaraswamy1.400,1.455':
                phi = _promep._kumaraswamy.cdf(
                    1.400, 1.455, time_normalized.as_matrix(
                    ))  #cheap approximation of beta(2,2)
            elif phaseVelocityProfileAssumption == 'kumaraswamy1.645,1.800':
                phi = _promep._kumaraswamy.cdf(
                    1.645, 1.800, time_normalized.as_matrix(
                    ))  #closer to phase-state-machine's usual phase profile
            elif phaseVelocityProfileAssumption == 'sine':  #sinusoidal phase velocity
                phi = 1.0 - 0.5 * _np.cos(time_normalized * _np.pi)
                raise ValueError("Unknown phase velocity profile specified")
            phi = _pd.Series(phi)

            #synthesize phase observations and add them to the observation:
            dt = t.diff()
            dphi = phi.diff()
            ddphi = dphi.diff()
            observation[('observed', 'phi', 0)] = phi
            observation[('observed', 'phi',
                         1)] = (dphi / dt).interpolate(method='index',
            observation[('observed', 'phi', 2)] = (ddphi / dt**2).interpolate(
                method='index', limit_direction='both')  #todo: check

            #append to the observations:

        index_sizes = {
            'r': 2,
            'rtilde': 2,
            'g': 2,
            'gtilde': 2,
            'gphi': 2,
            'stilde': learningParams['supports_count'],
            'd': graphconfig['dofs'],
            'dtilde': graphconfig['dofs'],
        p = _promep.ProMeP(name=label, index_sizes=index_sizes)

    #set the phasta parameters:
    if "phasta_parameters" in demonstrationSessionConfig:
        graphconfig["phasta_parameters"] = demonstrationSessionConfig[
        graphconfig["phasta_parameters"] = {
            'alpha': 20.0,
            'epsilon': 1e-5,
            'nu': 2.0,
            'dt': 1e-2,
            'initial_bias': 1e-9,
            'initial_transition_velocity_exponents': -5,

        'state_controllers'] = createPDControllerParamsFromDemonstration(
            graphconfig, primitives, demonstrationSessionConfig)

    graphconfig['mixer_weighing_method'] = demonstrationSessionConfig[

    return (graphconfig, primitives)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import promep._trajectorycompositors

from promep import _kumaraswamy

len_derivs = 2
len_dofs = 1

for repeatExtremal in (0, 3):
    for len_trajectoryparameters in (3, 5, 11):

        p = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
            'dofs': len_dofs,
            'interpolation_parameters': len_trajectoryparameters,
            'g': len_derivs,
            'gphi': len_derivs,
            'gtilde': len_derivs

        num = 100

        observed_phases = _kumaraswamy.cdf(1.45, 1.68,
                                           _np.linspace(0, 1.0, num))
        observed_phases = _np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num)

        tc = _np.array([
            p.trajectorycompositor.getPhi(phase) for phase in observed_phases
sys.path.insert(0, "../src/")
import promep

import numpy as _np
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

realms = 2
derivatives = 3
interpolation_parameters = 5
dofs = 7
p = promep.ProMeP(index_sizes={
    'dofs': dofs,
    'interpolation_parameters': interpolation_parameters,
    'realms': realms,
    'derivatives': derivatives

if p.tns['Wcov'].index_tuples != (
    ('rtilde', 'gtilde', 'stilde', 'dtilde'),
    ('rtilde_', 'gtilde_', 'stilde_',
     'dtilde_')):  #make sure we have the same notion of index order
    raise Exception()

Wcov = p.tns['Wcov'].data
Wcov_flat = p.tns['Wcov'].data_flat

cov_dofs = _np.linspace(-1, 1.0, dofs)[:, None] * _np.linspace(-1, 1.0,
                                                               dofs)[None, :]