def test_adjust_brightness_style_transformation(default_attrs):
    tr = AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(.5, 1.0)

    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ff0000'))
    assert attrs.color == 'ff7f7f'

    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='00ffaa'))
    assert attrs.color == '7fffd4'

    # When a background color is given, nothing should change.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='00ffaa', bgcolor='white'))
    assert attrs.color == '00ffaa'

    # Test ansi colors.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ansiblue'))
    assert attrs.color == '6666ff'

    # Test 'ansidefault'. This shouldn't change.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ansidefault'))
    assert attrs.color == 'ansidefault'

    # When 0 and 1 are given, don't do any style transformation.
    tr2 = AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(0, 1)

    attrs = tr2.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ansiblue'))
    assert attrs.color == 'ansiblue'

    attrs = tr2.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='00ffaa'))
    assert attrs.color == '00ffaa'
예제 #2
    def __init__(

            # For internal use.

        self.get_globals = get_globals or (lambda: {})
        self.get_locals = get_locals or self.get_globals

        self._completer = _completer or PythonCompleter(
            self.get_globals, self.get_locals)
        self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator(
        self._lexer = _lexer or PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer)

        if history_filename:
            self.history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(history_filename))
            self.history = InMemoryHistory()

        self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height
        self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body or []
        self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or []
        self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or []

        self.extra_key_bindings = extra_key_bindings or KeyBindings()

        # Settings.
        self.show_signature = False
        self.show_docstring = False
        self.show_meta_enter_message = True
        self.completion_visualisation = CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN
        self.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 1

        self.show_line_numbers = False
        self.show_status_bar = True
        self.wrap_lines = True
        self.complete_while_typing = True
        self.paste_mode = False  # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline.
        self.confirm_exit = True  # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed.
        self.accept_input_on_enter = 2  # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times.
        # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required.
        self.enable_open_in_editor = True
        self.enable_system_bindings = True
        self.enable_input_validation = True
        self.enable_auto_suggest = False
        self.enable_mouse_support = False
        self.enable_history_search = False  # When True, like readline, going
        # back in history will filter the
        # history on the records starting
        # with the current input.

        self.enable_syntax_highlighting = True
        self.swap_light_and_dark = False
        self.highlight_matching_parenthesis = False
        self.show_sidebar = False  # Currently show the sidebar.
        self.show_sidebar_help = True  # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text.
        self.show_exit_confirmation = False  # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?'
        self.terminal_title = None  # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.)
        self.exit_message = 'Do you really want to exit?'
        self.insert_blank_line_after_output = True  # (For the REPL.)

        # The buffers.
        self.default_buffer = self._create_buffer()
        self.search_buffer = Buffer()
        self.docstring_buffer = Buffer(read_only=True)

        # Tokens to be shown at the prompt.
        self.prompt_style = 'classic'  # The currently active style.

        self.all_prompt_styles = {  # Styles selectable from the menu.
            'ipython': IPythonPrompt(self),
            'classic': ClassicPrompt(),

        self.get_input_prompt = lambda: \

        self.get_output_prompt = lambda: \

        #: Load styles.
        self.code_styles = get_all_code_styles()
        self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles()
        self._current_code_style_name = 'default'
        self._current_ui_style_name = 'default'

        if is_windows():
            self._current_code_style_name = 'win32'

        self._current_style = self._generate_style()
        self.color_depth = color_depth or ColorDepth.default()

        self.max_brightness = 1.0
        self.min_brightness = 0.0

        # Options to be configurable from the sidebar.
        self.options = self._create_options()
        self.selected_option_index = 0

        #: Incremeting integer counting the current statement.
        self.current_statement_index = 1

        # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.)
        self.signatures = []

        # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running.
        # (Never run more than one at the same time.)
        self._get_signatures_thread_running = False

        self.output = output or create_output()
        self.input = input or create_input(sys.stdin)

        self.style_transformation = merge_style_transformations([
                filter=Condition(lambda: self.swap_light_and_dark)),
            AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(lambda: self.min_brightness,
                                                lambda: self.max_brightness),
        self.ptpython_layout = PtPythonLayout(
            lexer=DynamicLexer(lambda: self._lexer if self.
                               enable_syntax_highlighting else SimpleLexer()),
            extra_toolbars=self._extra_toolbars) = self._create_application()

        if vi_mode:
   = EditingMode.VI
def test_adjust_brightness_style_transformation(default_attrs):
    tr = AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(.5, 1.0)

    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ff0000'))
    assert attrs.color == 'ff7f7f'

    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='00ffaa'))
    assert attrs.color == '7fffd4'

    # When a background color is given, nothing should change.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='00ffaa', bgcolor='white'))
    assert attrs.color == '00ffaa'

    # Test ansi colors.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ansiblue'))
    assert attrs.color == '6666ff'

    # Test 'ansidefault'. This shouldn't change.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ansidefault'))
    assert attrs.color == 'ansidefault'

    # When 0 and 1 are given, don't do any style transformation.
    tr2 = AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(0, 1)

    attrs = tr2.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='ansiblue'))
    assert attrs.color == 'ansiblue'

    attrs = tr2.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color='00ffaa'))
    assert attrs.color == '00ffaa'
예제 #4
    def __init__(
        get_globals: Optional[_GetNamespace] = None,
        get_locals: Optional[_GetNamespace] = None,
        history_filename: Optional[str] = None,
        vi_mode: bool = False,
        color_depth: Optional[ColorDepth] = None,
        # Input/output.
        input: Optional[Input] = None,
        output: Optional[Output] = None,
        # For internal use.
        extra_key_bindings: Optional[KeyBindings] = None,
        _completer: Optional[Completer] = None,
        _validator: Optional[Validator] = None,
        _lexer: Optional[Lexer] = None,
    ) -> None:

        self.get_globals: _GetNamespace = get_globals or (lambda: {})
        self.get_locals: _GetNamespace = get_locals or self.get_globals

        self._completer = _completer or FuzzyCompleter(
                lambda: self.enable_dictionary_completion,
            enable_fuzzy=Condition(lambda: self.enable_fuzzy_completion),
        self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator(
        self._lexer = _lexer or PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer)

        self.history: History
        if history_filename:
            self.history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(history_filename))
            self.history = InMemoryHistory()

        self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height
        self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body or []
        self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or []
        self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or []

        self.extra_key_bindings = extra_key_bindings or KeyBindings()

        # Settings.
        self.title: AnyFormattedText = ""
        self.show_signature: bool = False
        self.show_docstring: bool = False
        self.show_meta_enter_message: bool = True
        self.completion_visualisation: CompletionVisualisation = CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN
        self.completion_menu_scroll_offset: int = 1

        self.show_line_numbers: bool = False
        self.show_status_bar: bool = True
        self.wrap_lines: bool = True
        self.complete_while_typing: bool = True
        self.paste_mode: bool = False  # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline.
        self.confirm_exit: bool = True  # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed.
        self.accept_input_on_enter: int = 2  # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times.
        # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required.
        self.enable_open_in_editor: bool = True
        self.enable_system_bindings: bool = True
        self.enable_input_validation: bool = True
        self.enable_auto_suggest: bool = False
        self.enable_mouse_support: bool = False
        self.enable_history_search: bool = False  # When True, like readline, going
        # back in history will filter the
        # history on the records starting
        # with the current input.

        self.enable_syntax_highlighting: bool = True
        self.enable_fuzzy_completion: bool = False
        self.enable_dictionary_completion: bool = False
        self.swap_light_and_dark: bool = False
        self.highlight_matching_parenthesis: bool = False
        self.show_sidebar: bool = False  # Currently show the sidebar.

        # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text.
        self.show_sidebar_help: bool = True

        # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?'
        self.show_exit_confirmation: bool = False

        # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.)
        self.terminal_title: Optional[str] = None

        self.exit_message: str = "Do you really want to exit?"
        self.insert_blank_line_after_output: bool = True  # (For the REPL.)

        # The buffers.
        self.default_buffer = self._create_buffer()
        self.search_buffer: Buffer = Buffer()
        self.docstring_buffer: Buffer = Buffer(read_only=True)

        # Tokens to be shown at the prompt.
        self.prompt_style: str = "classic"  # The currently active style.

        # Styles selectable from the menu.
        self.all_prompt_styles: Dict[str, PromptStyle] = {
            "ipython": IPythonPrompt(self),
            "classic": ClassicPrompt(),

        self.get_input_prompt = lambda: self.all_prompt_styles[

        self.get_output_prompt = lambda: self.all_prompt_styles[

        #: Load styles.
        self.code_styles: Dict[str, BaseStyle] = get_all_code_styles()
        self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles()
        self._current_code_style_name: str = "default"
        self._current_ui_style_name: str = "default"

        if is_windows():
            self._current_code_style_name = "win32"

        self._current_style = self._generate_style()
        self.color_depth: ColorDepth = color_depth or ColorDepth.default()

        self.max_brightness: float = 1.0
        self.min_brightness: float = 0.0

        # Options to be configurable from the sidebar.
        self.options = self._create_options()
        self.selected_option_index: int = 0

        #: Incremeting integer counting the current statement.
        self.current_statement_index: int = 1

        # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.)
        self.signatures: List[Any] = []

        # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running.
        # (Never run more than one at the same time.)
        self._get_signatures_thread_running: bool = False

        # Get into Vi navigation mode at startup
        self.vi_start_in_navigation_mode: bool = False

        # Preserve last used Vi input mode between main loop iterations
        self.vi_keep_last_used_mode: bool = False

        self.style_transformation = merge_style_transformations([
                filter=Condition(lambda: self.swap_light_and_dark),
            AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(lambda: self.min_brightness,
                                                lambda: self.max_brightness),
        self.ptpython_layout = PtPythonLayout(
            lexer=DynamicLexer(lambda: self._lexer if self.
                               enable_syntax_highlighting else SimpleLexer()),
        ) = self._create_application(input, output)

        if vi_mode:
   = EditingMode.VI
def test_adjust_brightness_style_transformation(default_attrs):
    tr = AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(0.5, 1.0)

    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color="ff0000"))
    assert attrs.color == "ff7f7f"

    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color="00ffaa"))
    assert attrs.color == "7fffd4"

    # When a background color is given, nothing should change.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(
        default_attrs._replace(color="00ffaa", bgcolor="white"))
    assert attrs.color == "00ffaa"

    # Test ansi colors.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color="ansiblue"))
    assert attrs.color == "6666ff"

    # Test 'ansidefault'. This shouldn't change.
    attrs = tr.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color="ansidefault"))
    assert attrs.color == "ansidefault"

    # When 0 and 1 are given, don't do any style transformation.
    tr2 = AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(0, 1)

    attrs = tr2.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color="ansiblue"))
    assert attrs.color == "ansiblue"

    attrs = tr2.transform_attrs(default_attrs._replace(color="00ffaa"))
    assert attrs.color == "00ffaa"