예제 #1
def getdata(property_id):
    return jsonify(getpropertyraw(property_id))
예제 #2
def ask_aspx():
  if "api" not in args:
    return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})


  #getbalance	prop, address	Requests the available balance for a given property ID and address
  if api=="getbalance":
    if 'prop' not in args or 'address' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})

    #if is_valid_bitcoin_address(address):
      #jsonify encapsulates in a string, just return number
    return balance_propid(address,prop)
    #  return jsonify({"error":"invalid address"})
#getreservedbalance	prop, address	Requests the reserved balance for a given property ID and address

  #getpropertybalances	prop	Requests the balances of all addresses holding tokens of a given property ID
  elif api=="getpropertybalances":
    if 'prop' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request, missing prop"})
    #weird formatting, to match legacy oe need to remove curly brackets
    return jsonify(getpropdistraw(args['prop']))

  #gettx	txid	Requests the transaction details for a given transaction ID
  elif api=="gettx":
    if 'txid' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request, missing txid"})
    #weird formatting, to match legacy oe need to remove curly brackets
    return json.dumps(gettxjson(args['txid']))[1:][:-1]

  #gettxvalidity	txid	Requests the validity of a given transaction ID
  elif api=="gettxvalidity":
    if 'txid' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request, missing txid"})
    #weird formatting, to match legacy oe need to remove curly brackets
    return json.dumps(gettxjson(args['txid'])['valid'])[1:][:-1]

  #gettxblock	txid	Requests the block number for a given transaction ID
  elif api=="gettxblock":
    if 'txid' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request, missing txid"})
    #weird formatting, to match legacy oe need to remove curly brackets
    return json.dumps(gettxjson(args['txid'])['block'])

  #gettxconfirmations	txid	Requests the number of confirmations for a given transaction ID
  elif api=="gettxconfirmations":
    if 'txid' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request, missing txid"})
    #weird formatting, to match legacy oe need to remove curly brackets
    return json.dumps(gettxjson(args['txid'])['confirmations'])[1:][:-1]

  #getblocktx	block	Requests the transaction details for all Omni Layer transactions in a given block
  elif api=="getblocktx":
    if 'block' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request, missing block"})
    return jsonify(getblocktxjson(args['block']))

  #getlastblockprocessed	-	Requests the last block processed by OmniExplorer.info
  elif api=="getlastblockprocessed":
    return json.dumps(raw_revision()['last_block'])

  #gethistory	address	Requests the historical transactions for a given address
  elif api=="gethistory":
    if 'address' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})

    #if is_valid_bitcoin_address(address):
    return jsonify( getaddrhist(address,'both'))
    #  return jsonify({"error":"invalid address"})

  #getsenderhistory	address	Requests the historical transactions sent from a given address
  elif api=="getsenderhistory":
    if 'address' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})

    #if is_valid_bitcoin_address(address):
    return jsonify( getaddrhist(address,'send'))
    #  return jsonify({"error":"invalid address"})

  #getrecipienthistory	address	Requests the historical transactions received by a given address
  elif api=="getrecipienthistory":
    if 'address' not in args:
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})

    #if is_valid_bitcoin_address(address):
    return jsonify( getaddrhist(address,'receive'))
    #  return jsonify({"error":"invalid address"})

  #getpropertyname	prop	Requests the display name for a given property ID
  elif api=="getpropertyname":
      if 'prop' not in args:
        raise "missing arg"
      return raw['name']
    except Exception, e:
      print_debug("getpropertyname error: "+str(e),4)
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})
예제 #3
      if 'prop' not in args:
        raise "missing arg"
      return raw['name']
    except Exception, e:
      print_debug("getpropertyname error: "+str(e),4)
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})

  #getpropertydivisibility	prop	Requests the divisibility for a given property ID
  elif api=="getpropertydivisibility":
      if 'prop' not in args:
        raise "missing arg"
      return json.dumps(raw['divisible'])
    except Exception, e:
      print_debug("getpropertydivisibility error: "+str(e),4)
      return jsonify({"error":"invalid request"})

  #getpropertytotaltokens	prop	Requests the total number of tokens for a given property ID
  elif api=="getpropertytotaltokens":
      if 'prop' not in args:
        raise "missing arg"
      return raw['totaltokens']
    except Exception, e:
      print_debug("getpropertytotaltokens error: "+str(e),4)
예제 #4
def getBalanceData(address, btcdata):
    addr = re.sub(r'\W+', '', address)  #check alphanumeric
    rev = raw_revision()
    cblock = rev['last_block']
    ckey = "data:baldata:" + str(addr) + ":" + str(cblock)
        #check cache
        balance_data = json.loads(lGet(ckey))
        print_debug(("cache looked success", ckey), 7)
        out = btcdata['bal']
        err = btcdata['error']
        if err != None or out == '':
            btc_bal = str(long(0))
            btc_bal_err = True
                btc_bal = str(long(out))
                btc_bal_err = False
            except ValueError:
                btc_bal = str(long(0))
                btc_bal_err = True
        for brow in balance_data['balance']:
            if brow['id'] == 0:
                brow['value'] = btc_bal
                brow['error'] = btc_bal_err
                brow['errormsg'] = btcdata['error']
        print_debug(("cache looked failed", ckey), 7)
        ROWS = dbSelect(
                       f1.propertyid, sp.propertytype, f1.balanceavailable, f1.pendingpos, f1.pendingneg, f1.balancereserved, f1.balancefrozen
                          COALESCE(s1.propertyid,s2.propertyid) as propertyid, COALESCE(s1.balanceavailable,0) as balanceavailable, COALESCE(s1.balancefrozen,0) as balancefrozen,
                          COALESCE(s2.pendingpos,0) as pendingpos,COALESCE(s2.pendingneg,0) as pendingneg, COALESCE(s1.balancereserved,0) as balancereserved
                          (select propertyid,balanceavailable,balancereserved,balancefrozen
                           from addressbalances
                           where address=%s) s1
                        full join
                          (SELECT atx.propertyid,
                             sum(CASE WHEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit > 0 THEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit ELSE 0 END) AS pendingpos,
                             sum(CASE WHEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit < 0 THEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit ELSE 0 END) AS pendingneg
                             addressesintxs atx, transactions tx
                             and tx.txstate='pending'
                             and tx.txdbserialnum<-1
                             and atx.address=%s
                           group by
                             atx.propertyid) s2
                        on s1.propertyid=s2.propertyid) f1
                     inner join smartproperties sp
                     on f1.propertyid=sp.propertyid and (sp.protocol='Omni' or sp.protocol='Bitcoin')
                     order by f1.propertyid""", (addr, addr))
        balance_data = {'balance': []}
        out = btcdata['bal']
        err = btcdata['error']
        for balrow in ROWS:
            cID = str(int(balrow[0]))  #currency id
            sym_t = ('BTC' if cID == '0' else
                     ('OMNI' if cID == '1' else
                      ('T-OMNI' if cID == '2' else 'SP' + cID))
                     )  #symbol template
            #1 = new indivisible property, 2=new divisible property (per spec)
            divi = True if int(balrow[1]) == 2 else False
            res = {'symbol': sym_t, 'divisible': divi, 'id': cID}
            #inject property details but remove issuanecs
            res['propertyinfo'] = getpropertyraw(cID)
            if 'issuances' in res['propertyinfo']:
            res['pendingpos'] = str(long(balrow[3]))
            res['pendingneg'] = str(long(balrow[4]))
            res['reserved'] = str(long(balrow[5]))
            res['frozen'] = str(long(balrow[6]))
            if cID == '0':
                #get btc balance from bc api's
                if err != None or out == '':
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                    res['value'] = str(long(0))
                    res['error'] = True
                    res['errormsg'] = btcdata['error']
                        #if balrow[4] < 0:
                        #  res['value'] = str(long( out ) + long(balrow[4]))
                        res['value'] = str(long(out))
                    except ValueError:
                        #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                        res['value'] = str(long(0))
                        res['error'] = True
                #get regular balance from db
                #if balrow[4] < 0 and not balrow[6] > 0:
                #  #update the 'available' balance immediately when the sender sent something. prevent double spend as long as its not frozen
                #  res['value'] = str(long(balrow[2]+balrow[4]))
                res['value'] = str(long(balrow[2]))
            #res['reserved_balance'] = ('%.8f' % float(balrow[5])).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
        #check if we got BTC data from DB, if not trigger manually add
        addbtc = True
        for x in balance_data['balance']:
            if "BTC" in x['symbol']:
                addbtc = False
        if addbtc:
            btc_balance = {
                'symbol': 'BTC',
                'divisible': True,
                'id': '0',
                'error': False
            if err != None or out == '':
                #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                btc_balance['error'] = True
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]))
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long( json.loads( out )['data']['balance']*1e8 ))
                    btc_balance['value'] = str(long(out))
                except ValueError:
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                    btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                    btc_balance['error'] = True
            btc_balance['pendingpos'] = str(long(0))
            btc_balance['pendingneg'] = str(long(0))
            btc_balance['propertyinfo'] = getpropertyraw(btc_balance['id'])
        #cache result for 1 min
        lSet(ckey, json.dumps(balance_data))
        lExpire(ckey, 60)
    return balance_data
예제 #5
def get_balancedata1(address):
    print ">>> enter into get_balancedata", address
    addr = re.sub(r'\W+', '', address)  #check alphanumeric
    ROWS = get_balancedata_db_ROWS(address)
    #ROWS = get_balancedata_rpc_ROWS(address)
    print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
    print ROWS
    balance_data = {'balance': []}
    ret = bc_getbalance(addr)
    out = ret['bal']
    err = ret['error']
    for balrow in ROWS:
        cID = str(int(balrow[0]))  #currency id
        sym_t = ('BTC' if cID == '0' else
                 ('OMNI' if cID == '1' else
                  ('T-OMNI' if cID == '2' else 'SP' + cID)))  #symbol template
        #1 = new indivisible property, 2=new divisible property (per spec)
        divi = True if int(balrow[1]) == 2 else False
        res = {'symbol': sym_t, 'divisible': divi, 'id': cID}
        #inject property details but remove issuanecs
        res['propertyinfo'] = getpropertyraw(cID)
        if 'issuances' in res['propertyinfo']:
        res['pendingpos'] = str(long(balrow[3]))
        res['pendingneg'] = str(long(balrow[4]))
        res['reserved'] = str(long(balrow[5]))
        res['frozen'] = str(long(balrow[6]))
        if cID == '0':
            #get btc balance from bc api's
            if err != None or out == '':
                #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                btc_balance['error'] = True
                    if balrow[4] < 0:
                        #res['value'] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]) + str(long(balrow[4]))
                        #res['value'] = str(long( json.loads( out )['data']['balance']*1e8) + str(long(balrow[4]))
                        res['value'] = str(long(out) + long(balrow[4]))
                        #res['value'] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]))
                        #res['value'] = str(long( json.loads( out )['data']['balance']*1e8))
                        res['value'] = str(long(out))
                except ValueError:
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                    btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                    btc_balance['error'] = True
            #get regular balance from db
            if balrow[4] < 0 and not balrow[6] > 0:
                #update the 'available' balance immediately when the sender sent something. prevent double spend as long as its not frozen
                res['value'] = str(long(balrow[2] + balrow[4]))
                res['value'] = str(long(balrow[2]))

        #res['reserved_balance'] = ('%.8f' % float(balrow[5])).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

    #check if we got BTC data from DB, if not trigger manually add
    addbtc = True
    for x in balance_data['balance']:
        if "BTC" in x['symbol']:
            addbtc = False

    if addbtc:
        btc_balance = {
            'symbol': 'BTC',
            'divisible': True,
            'id': '0',
            'error': False
        if err != None or out == '':
            #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
            btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
            btc_balance['error'] = True
                #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]))
                #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long( json.loads( out )['data']['balance']*1e8 ))
                btc_balance['value'] = str(long(out))
            except ValueError:
                #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                btc_balance['error'] = True
        btc_balance['pendingpos'] = str(long(0))
        btc_balance['pendingneg'] = str(long(0))
        btc_balance['propertyinfo'] = getpropertyraw(btc_balance['id'])
    #print "<<< end get_balancedata",balance_data
    return balance_data
예제 #6
def get_bulkbalancedata(addresses):
    btclist = bc_getbulkbalance(addresses)

    retval = {}

    for address in addresses:
        addr = re.sub(r'\W+', '', address)  #check alphanumeric
        ROWS = dbSelect(
                       f1.propertyid, sp.propertytype, f1.balanceavailable, f1.pendingpos, f1.pendingneg, f1.balancereserved, f1.balancefrozen
                          COALESCE(s1.propertyid,s2.propertyid) as propertyid, COALESCE(s1.balanceavailable,0) as balanceavailable, COALESCE(s1.balancefrozen,0) as balancefrozen,
                          COALESCE(s2.pendingpos,0) as pendingpos,COALESCE(s2.pendingneg,0) as pendingneg, COALESCE(s1.balancereserved,0) as balancereserved
                          (select propertyid,balanceavailable,balancereserved,balancefrozen
                           from addressbalances
                           where address=%s) s1
                        full join
                          (SELECT atx.propertyid,
                             sum(CASE WHEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit > 0 THEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit ELSE 0 END) AS pendingpos,
                             sum(CASE WHEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit < 0 THEN atx.balanceavailablecreditdebit ELSE 0 END) AS pendingneg
                             addressesintxs atx, transactions tx
                             and tx.txstate='pending'
                             and tx.txdbserialnum<-1
                             and atx.address=%s
                           group by
                             atx.propertyid) s2
                        on s1.propertyid=s2.propertyid) f1
                     inner join smartproperties sp
                     on f1.propertyid=sp.propertyid and (sp.protocol='Omni' or sp.protocol='Bitcoin')
                     order by f1.propertyid""", (addr, addr))

        balance_data = {'balance': []}
            if address in btclist:
                out = btclist[address]
                err = None
                out = ''
                err = "Missing"
        except TypeError:
            out = ''
            err = "Missing"

        for balrow in ROWS:
            cID = str(int(balrow[0]))  #currency id
            sym_t = ('BTC' if cID == '0' else
                     ('OMNI' if cID == '1' else
                      ('T-OMNI' if cID == '2' else 'SP' + cID))
                     )  #symbol template
            #1 = new indivisible property, 2=new divisible property (per spec)
            divi = True if int(balrow[1]) == 2 else False
            res = {'symbol': sym_t, 'divisible': divi, 'id': cID}
            #inject property details but remove issuanecs
            res['propertyinfo'] = getpropertyraw(cID)
            if 'issuances' in res['propertyinfo']:
            res['pendingpos'] = str(long(balrow[3]))
            res['pendingneg'] = str(long(balrow[4]))
            res['reserved'] = str(long(balrow[5]))
            res['frozen'] = str(long(balrow[6]))
            if cID == '0':
                #get btc balance from bc api's
                if err != None or out == '':
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                    btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                    btc_balance['error'] = True
                        if balrow[4] < 0:
                            #res['value'] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]) + str(long(balrow[4]))
                            res['value'] = str(long(out) + long(balrow[4]))
                            #res['value'] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]))
                            res['value'] = str(long(out))
                    except ValueError:
                        #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                        btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                        btc_balance['error'] = True
                #get regular balance from db
                if balrow[4] < 0 and not balrow[6] > 0:
                    #update the 'available' balance immediately when the sender sent something. prevent double spend
                    res['value'] = str(long(balrow[2] + balrow[4]))
                    res['value'] = str(long(balrow[2]))

            #res['reserved_balance'] = ('%.8f' % float(balrow[5])).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

        #check if we got BTC data from DB, if not trigger manually add
        addbtc = True
        for x in balance_data['balance']:
            if "BTC" in x['symbol']:
                addbtc = False

        if addbtc:
            btc_balance = {
                'symbol': 'BTC',
                'divisible': True,
                'id': '0',
                'error': False
            if err != None or out == '':
                #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                btc_balance['error'] = True
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long( json.loads( out )[0][ 'paid' ]))
                    btc_balance['value'] = str(long(out))
                except ValueError:
                    #btc_balance[ 'value' ] = str(long(-555))
                    btc_balance['value'] = str(long(0))
                    btc_balance['error'] = True
            btc_balance['pendingpos'] = str(long(0))
            btc_balance['pendingneg'] = str(long(0))
            btc_balance['propertyinfo'] = getpropertyraw(btc_balance['id'])

        retval[address] = balance_data
    return retval