def lint_text(text):
    lint_results = []
    suggestions = lint(str(text))
    for s in suggestions:
        excerpt = " ..." + str(text[s[4]-15:s[5]+15]) + "..."
        while "\n\n" in excerpt:
            excerpt = excerpt.replace("\n\n", "  ")
        while "  " in excerpt:
            excerpt = excerpt.replace("  ", " ")
        lint_results.append((s[0], s[1][:-1], excerpt))
    return lint_results
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, path):
        Create document instance for analysis.

        Opens and reads document to string raw_text.
        Textract interprets the document format and
        opens to plain text string (docx, pdf, odt, txt)

            path (str): path to file to open, anaylze, close

        Public attributes:
        -user: (str) optional string to set username.
        -path: (str) relative path to document.
        -abs_path: (str) the absolute path to the document.
        -file_name:  (str) the file name with extension of document (base
        -mime:  tbd
        -guessed_type:  makes best guess of mimetype of document.
        -file_type:  returns index[0] from guessed_type.
        -raw_text:  (str) plain text extracted from .txt, .odt, .pdf, .docx,
        and .doc.
        -ptext:  (str) raw text after a series of regex expressions to
        eliminate special characters.
        -text_no_feed:  (str) ptext with most new line characters eliminated
        /n/n stays intact.
        -sentence_tokens:  list of all sentences in a comma separated list
        derived by nltk.
        -sentence_count:  (int) count of sentences found in list.
        -passive_sentences:  list of passive sentences identified by the
        passive module.
        -passive_sentence_count:  count of the passive_sentences list.
        -percent_passive:  (float) ratio of passive sentences to all sentences
        in percent form.
        -be_verb_analysis:  (int) sum number of occurrences of each to be verb
        (am, is, are, was, were, be, being been).
        -be_verb_count: tbd
        -be_verb_analysis: tbd
        -weak_sentences_all:  (int) sum of be verb analysis.
        -weak_sentences_set:  (set) set of all sentences identified as
        having to be verbs.
        -weak_sentences_count:  (int) count of items in weak_sentences_set.
        -weak_verbs_to_sentences:  (float) proportion of sentences with to
        be to all sentences in percent (this might not be sound).
        -word_tokens:  list of discreet words in text that breaks
        contractions up (default nltk tokenizer).
        -word_tokens_no_punct:  list of all words in text including
        contractions but otherwise no punctuation.
        -no_punct:  (str) full text string without sentence punctuation.
        -word_tokens_no_punct:  uses white-space tokenizer to create a list
        of all words.
        -readability_flesch_re:  (int) Flesch Reading Ease Score (numeric
        score) made by textstat module.
        -readability_smog_index:  (int) grade level as determined by the
        SMOG algorithum made by textstat module.
        -readability_flesch_kincaid_grade:  (int)  Flesch-Kincaid grade level
        of reader made by textstat module.
        -readability_coleman_liau_index:  (int) grade level of reader as made by
        textstat module.
        -readability_ari:  (int) grade leader of reader determined by
        automated readability index algorithum implemented by textstat.
        -readability_linser_write:  FIX SPELLING grade level as determined
        by Linsear Write algorithum implemented by textstat.
        -readability_dale_chall:  (int) grade level based on Dale-Chall
        readability as determined by textstat.
        -readability_standard:  composite grade level based on readability
        -flesch_re_key:  list for interpreting Flesch RE Score.
        -word_count:  word count of document based on white space tokener,
        this word count should be used.
        -page_length:  (float) page length in decimal format given 250
        words per page.
        -paper_count:  (int) number of printed pages given 250 words per
        -parts_of_speech:  words with parts of speech tags.
        -pos_counts:  values in word, tag couple grouped in a list (Counter).
        -pos_total:  (int) sum of pos_counts values
        -pos_freq:  (dict) word, ratio of whole
        -doc_pages:  (float) page length based on 250 words per page
        (warning, this is the second time this attribute is defined).
        -freq_words:  word frequency count not standardized based on the
        correct word tokener (not ratio, just count).
        modal_dist:  count of auxillary verbs based on word_tokens_no_punct.
        sentence_count (int): Count the sentence tokens
        passive_sentences (list): List of all sentences identified as passive
        passive_sentence_count (int): count of items in passive_sentences
        be_verb_count (int): count "to be" verbs in text
        word_tokens_no_punct (list): words separated, stripped of punctuation,
         made lower case
        flesch_re_key (str): reading ease score to description
        freq_words (list or dict): frequency distribution of all words
        modal_dist (list): frequency distribution of aux verbs
        self.user = ""
        self.path = path
        self.abs_path = os.path.abspath(self.path)
        if os.path.isfile(self.path):
            self.time_stamp = self.timestamp()
            self.file_name = os.path.basename(path)
            self.mime = MimeTypes()
            self.guessed_type = self.mime.guess_type(self.path)
            self.file_type = self.guessed_type[0]
            self.raw_text = textract.process(self.path, encoding="ascii")
            self.ptext = re.sub(u'[\u201c\u201d]', '"', self.raw_text)
            self.ptext = re.sub(u"\u2014", "--", self.ptext)
            self.ptext = re.sub(",", ",", self.ptext)
            self.ptext = re.sub("—", "--", self.ptext)
            self.ptext = re.sub("…", "...", self.ptext)
            self.text_no_feed = self.clean_new_lines(self.ptext)
            self.sentence_tokens = self.sentence_tokenize(self.text_no_feed)
            self.sentence_count = len(self.sentence_tokens)
            self.passive_sentences = passive(self.text_no_feed)
            self.passive_sentence_count = len(self.passive_sentences)
            self.percent_passive = (100 * (float(self.passive_sentence_count) /
            self.percent_passive_round = round(self.percent_passive, 2)

            self.be_verb_analysis = self.count_be_verbs(self.sentence_tokens)
            self.be_verb_count = self.be_verb_analysis[0]
            self.weak_sentences_all = self.be_verb_analysis[1]
            self.weak_sentences_set = set(self.weak_sentences_all)
            self.weak_sentences_count = len(self.weak_sentences_set)
            self.weak_verbs_to_sentences = 100 * float(
                self.weak_sentences_count) / float(self.sentence_count)
            self.weak_verbs_to_sentences_round = round(
                self.weak_verbs_to_sentences, 2)
            self.word_tokens = self.word_tokenize(self.text_no_feed)
            self.word_tokens_no_punct = \
            self.no_punct = self.strip_punctuation(self.text_no_feed)
            # use this! It make lower and strips symbols
            self.word_tokens_no_punct = self.ws_tokenize(self.no_punct)

            self.readability_flesch_re = \
            self.readability_smog_index = \
            self.readability_flesch_kincaid_grade = \
            self.readability_coleman_liau_index = \
            self.readability_ari = \
            self.readability_linser_write = \
            self.readability_dale_chall = \
            self.readability_standard = \

            self.flesch_re_desc_str = self.flesch_re_desc(
            self.polysyllabcount = textstat.polysyllabcount(self.text_no_feed)
            self.lexicon_count = textstat.lexicon_count(self.text_no_feed)
            self.avg_syllables_per_word = textstat.avg_syllables_per_word(
            self.avg_sentence_per_word = textstat.avg_sentence_per_word(
            self.avg_sentence_length = textstat.avg_sentence_length(
            self.avg_letter_per_word = textstat.avg_letter_per_word(
            self.difficult_words = textstat.difficult_words(self.text_no_feed)
            self.rand_passive = self.select_random(self.passive_sentence_count,
            self.rand_weak_sentence = self.select_random(
                len(self.weak_sentences), self.weak_sentences)
            if self.word_tokens_no_punct:
                self.word_count = len(self.word_tokens_no_punct)
                self.page_length = float(self.word_count) / float(250)
                self.paper_count = int(math.ceil(self.page_length))
                self.parts_of_speech = pos_tag(self.word_tokens_no_punct)
                self.pos_counts = Counter(
                    tag for word, tag in self.parts_of_speech)
                self.pos_total = sum(self.pos_counts.values())
                self.pos_freq = dict(
                    (word, float(count) / self.pos_total)
                    for word, count in self.pos_counts.items())
                self.doc_pages = float(float(self.word_count) / float(250))
                self.freq_words = \
                self.modal_dist = self.modal_count(self.word_tokens_no_punct)
                # self.ws_tokens = self.ws_tokenize(self.text_no_cr)
                self.pos_count_dict = self.pos_counts.items()

            # Model - use for any pos
            self.modals = self.pos_isolate('MD', self.pos_count_dict)
            self.preposition_count = self.pos_isolate('IN',
            self.adjective_count = self.pos_isolate_fuzzy(
                'JJ', self.pos_count_dict)
            self.adverb_count = self.pos_isolate_fuzzy('RB',
            self.proper_nouns = self.pos_isolate_fuzzy('NNP',
            self.cc_count = self.pos_isolate('CC', self.pos_count_dict)
            self.commas = self.char_count(",")
            self.comma_sentences = self.list_sentences(",")
            self.comma_example = self.select_random(len(self.comma_sentences),
            self.semicolons = self.char_count(";")
            self.semicolon_sentences = self.list_sentences(";")
            self.semicolon_example = self.select_random(
                len(self.semicolon_sentences), self.semicolon_sentences)
            self.lint_suggestions = lint(self.raw_text)
예제 #3
 def test_on_no_newlines(self):
     """Test that lint works on text without a terminal newline."""
     assert len(lint(self.text_with_no_newline)) == 1
예제 #4
 def test_errors_sorted(self):
     """Test that errors are sorted by line and column number."""
     lines_and_cols = [self.extract_line_col(e) for e in lint(self.text)]
     assert sorted(lines_and_cols) == lines_and_cols
예제 #5
 def test_on_no_newlines(self):
     """Test that lint works on text without a terminal newline."""
     assert len(lint(self.text_with_no_newline)) == 1
예제 #6
 def test_errors_sorted(self):
     """Test that errors are sorted by line and column number."""
     lines_and_cols = [self.extract_line_col(e) for e in lint(self.text)]
     assert sorted(lines_and_cols) == lines_and_cols