예제 #1
 class File(messages.Message):
     path = messages.StringField(1)
     content = messages.BytesField(2)
예제 #2
class BytesMessage(messages.Message):
    field = messages.BytesField(1)
    repfield = messages.BytesField(2, repeated=True)
예제 #3
class ShowPict(messages.Message):
    picture = messages.BytesField(1)
    pname = messages.StringField(2)
    obj_url = messages.StringField(3) 
예제 #4
 def to_field(Model, property, count):
     return messages.BytesField(count, repeated=property._repeated)
예제 #5
파일: api.py 프로젝트: rmistry/luci-py
 class GetConfigByHashResponseMessage(messages.Message):
     content = messages.BytesField(1, required=True)
예제 #6
파일: api.py 프로젝트: rmistry/luci-py
 class GetConfigResponseMessage(messages.Message):
     revision = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
     content_hash = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
     # If request.only_hash is not set to True, the contents of the
     # config file.
     content = messages.BytesField(3)
예제 #7
class History_form(messages.Message):
    history = messages.BytesField(1)
    score = messages.IntegerField(2)
    level = messages.StringField(3)
예제 #8
class StorageRequest(messages.Message):
    """ProtoRPC message representing an entity to be added to the data store."""
    upload_ticket = messages.StringField(1)
    content = messages.BytesField(2)
예제 #9
class FileMessage(messages.Message):
    pod_path = messages.StringField(1)
    content = messages.StringField(2)
    content_b64 = messages.BytesField(3)
    content_url = messages.StringField(4)
    mimetype = messages.StringField(5)
예제 #10
 class BytesGreeting(messages.Message):
     data = messages.BytesField(1)
     when = messages.IntegerField(2)
예제 #11
 class Config(messages.Message):
     """Config for Xml feed preprocessing."""
     url = messages.StringField(1)
     collection = messages.StringField(2)
     field_aliases = messages.BytesField(3)
예제 #12
class ProjectUploadImageMessage(messages.Message):
    """ Message definition to upload a project image *not currently used* """
    image_bytes = messages.BytesField(1)
    image_name = messages.StringField(2)
예제 #13
class TaskProperties(messages.Message):
    """Important metadata about a particular task."""
    # Specifies named caches to map into the working directory. These caches
    # outlives the task, which can then be reused by tasks later used on this bot
    # that request the same named cache.
    caches = messages.MessageField(CacheEntry, 11, repeated=True)
    # CIPD packages to install. These packages are meant to be software that is
    # needed (a dependency) to the task being run. Unlike isolated files, the CIPD
    # packages do not expire from the server.
    cipd_input = messages.MessageField(CipdInput, 10)
    # Command to run. This has priority over a command specified in the isolated
    # files. Only one of 'command' or 'extra_args' can be specified.
    command = messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
    # Relative working directory to start the 'command' in, defaults to the root
    # mapped directory or what is provided in the isolated file, if any.
    relative_cwd = messages.StringField(15)
    # Dimensions are what is used to determine which bot can run the task. The
    # bot must have all the matching dimensions, even for repeated keys with
    # multiple different values. It is a logical AND, all values must match.
    # It should have been a StringListPair but this would be a breaking change.
    dimensions = messages.MessageField(StringPair, 2, repeated=True)
    # Environment variables to set when running the task.
    env = messages.MessageField(StringPair, 3, repeated=True)
    # Swarming-root relative paths to prepend to a given environment variable.
    # These allow you to put certain subdirectories of the task into PATH,
    # PYTHONPATH, or other PATH-like environment variables. The order of
    # operations is:
    #   * Turn slashes into native-platform slashes.
    #   * Make the path absolute
    #   * Prepend it to the current value of the envvar using the os-native list
    #     separator (i.e. `;` on windows, `:` on POSIX).
    # Each envvar can have multiple paths to prepend. They will be prepended in
    # the order seen here.
    # For example, if env_prefixes was:
    #   [("PATH", ["foo", "bar"]),
    #    ("CUSTOMPATH", ["custom"])]
    # The task would see:
    #   PATH=/path/to/swarming/rundir/foo:/path/to/swarming/rundir/bar:$PATH
    #   CUSTOMPATH=/path/to/swarming/rundir/custom
    # The path should always be specified here with forward-slashes, and it must
    # not attempt to escape the swarming root (i.e. must not contain `..`).
    # These are applied AFTER evaluating `env` entries.
    env_prefixes = messages.MessageField(StringListPair, 14, repeated=True)
    # Maximum number of seconds the task can run before its process is forcibly
    # terminated and the task results in TIMED_OUT.
    execution_timeout_secs = messages.IntegerField(4)
    # Extraneous arguments to append to the command specified in the isolated
    # file. Can only be used when an isolated file specifies a command. Only one
    # of 'command' or 'extra_args' can be specified.
    extra_args = messages.StringField(5, repeated=True)
    # Number of second to give the child process after a SIGTERM before sending a
    # SIGKILL. See doc/Bot.md#timeout-handling
    grace_period_secs = messages.IntegerField(6)
    # True if the task does not access any service through the network and is
    # believed to be 100% reproducible with the same outcome. In the case of a
    # successful task, previous results will be reused if possible.
    idempotent = messages.BooleanField(7)
    # Isolated inputs to map in the working directory. The isolated file may
    # optionally specify a command to run. Otherwise, 'command' must be specified.
    inputs_ref = messages.MessageField(FilesRef, 8)
    # Maximum number of seconds the task may be silent (no output to stdout nor
    # stderr) before it is considered hung and it forcibly terminated early and
    # the task results in TIMED_OUT.
    io_timeout_secs = messages.IntegerField(9)
    # Paths in the working directory to archive back.
    outputs = messages.StringField(12, repeated=True)
    # Secret bytes to provide to the task. Cannot be retrieved back.
    secret_bytes = messages.BytesField(13)
예제 #14
class UploadFile(messages.Message):
    messages = messages.BytesField(1)
예제 #15
class UploadRequest(messages.Message):
    change_id = messages.IntegerField(1, required=True)
    url_path = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
    content_type = messages.StringField(3, required=True)
    data = messages.BytesField(4, required=True)
예제 #16
class ValidateRequestMessage(messages.Message):
    config_set = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    path = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
    content = messages.BytesField(3, required=True)
예제 #17
class ImageMessage(messages.Message):
  title = messages.StringField(1)
  correct = messages.BooleanField(2)
  image_url = messages.BytesField(3)
예제 #18
class RetrievedContent(messages.Message):
    """Content retrieved from DB, or GS URL."""
    content = messages.BytesField(1)
    url = messages.StringField(2)
예제 #19
class SimpleMessage(messages.Message):
    field = messages.StringField(1)
    bytes_field = messages.BytesField(2)
예제 #20
파일: api.py 프로젝트: rmistry/luci-py
 class ConfigEntry(messages.Message):
     config_set = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
     revision = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
     content_hash = messages.StringField(3, required=True)
     # None if request.hash_only is True
     content = messages.BytesField(4)
예제 #21
class StandardQueryParameters(messages.Message):
    field = messages.StringField(1)
    prettyPrint = messages.BooleanField(5, default=True)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    pp = messages.BooleanField(6, default=True)
    nextPageToken = messages.BytesField(7)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
예제 #22
class TestBytes(messages.Message):
  """Simple ProtoRPC request/response with a bytes field."""
  bytes_value = messages.BytesField(1)
예제 #23
class IOThought(messages.Message):
	text = messages.StringField(1, default = None)		#string param with ID 1
	img = messages.BytesField(2, default = None)