예제 #1
def fit_plane(x, y, z):
    xx, yy = m.meshgrid(x, y)
    pts = m.isfinite(z)
    xx_, yy_ = xx[pts].flatten(), yy[pts].flatten()
    flat = m.ones(xx_.shape)

    coefs = m.lstsq(m.stack([xx_, yy_, flat]).T, z[pts].flatten(),
    plane_fit = coefs[0] * xx + coefs[1] * yy + coefs[2]
    return plane_fit
예제 #2
파일: lens.py 프로젝트: chllym/prysm
def _spherical_cost_fcn_raw(frequencies, truth_s, truth_t, lens, abervalues):
    ''' TODO - document.  partial() should be used on this and scipy.minimize'd

        abervalues - array of [W020, W040, W060, W080]
    pupil = Seidel(epd=lens.epd,
    psf = PSF.from_pupil(pupil, efl=lens.efl)
    mtf = MTF.from_psf(psf)
    synth_t = mtf.exact_polar(frequencies, 0)
    synth_s = mtf.exact_polar(frequencies, 90)

    truth = m.stack((truth_s, truth_t))
    synth = m.stack((synth_s, synth_t))

    return ((truth - synth)**2).sum()
예제 #3
def fit_sphere(z):
    x, y = m.linspace(-1, 1, z.shape[1]), m.linspace(-1, 1, z.shape[0])
    xx, yy = m.meshgrid(x, y)
    pts = m.isfinite(z)
    xx_, yy_ = xx[pts].flatten(), yy[pts].flatten()
    rho, phi = cart_to_polar(xx_, yy_)
    focus = defocus(rho, phi)

    coefs = m.lstsq(m.stack([focus, m.ones(focus.shape)]).T, z[pts].flatten(), rcond=None)[0]
    rho, phi = cart_to_polar(xx, yy)
    sphere = defocus(rho, phi) * coefs[0]
    return sphere
예제 #4
def fit_plane(x, y, z):
    pts = m.isfinite(z)
    if len(z.shape) > 1:
        x, y = m.meshgrid(x, y)
        xx, yy = x[pts].flatten(), y[pts].flatten()
        xx, yy = x, y

    flat = m.ones(xx.shape)

    coefs = m.lstsq(m.stack([xx, yy, flat]).T, z[pts].flatten(), rcond=None)[0]
    plane_fit = coefs[0] * x + coefs[1] * y + coefs[2]
    return plane_fit
예제 #5
파일: geometry.py 프로젝트: chllym/prysm
def generate_mask(vertices, num_samples=128):
    """Create a filled convex polygon mask based on the given vertices.

    vertices : `iterable`
        ensemble of vertice (x,y) coordinates, in array units
    num_samples : `int`
        number of points in the output array along each dimension

        polygon mask

    vertices = m.asarray(vertices)
    unit = m.arange(num_samples)
    xxyy = m.stack(m.meshgrid(unit, unit), axis=2)

    # use delaunay to fill from the vertices and produce a mask
    triangles = Delaunay(vertices, qhull_options='Qj Qf')
    mask = ~(triangles.find_simplex(xxyy) < 0)
    return mask
예제 #6
def radial_mtf_to_mtfffd_data(tan, sag, imagehts, azimuths, upsample):
    """Take radial MTF data and map it to inputs to the MTFFFD constructor.

    Performs upsampling/interpolation in cartesian coordinates

    tan : `np.ndarray`
        tangential data
    sag : `np.ndarray`
        sagittal data
    imagehts : `np.ndarray`
        array of image heights
    azimuths : iterable
        azimuths corresponding to the first dimension of the tan/sag arrays
    upsample : `float`
        upsampling factor

    out_x : `np.ndarray`
        x coordinates of the output data
    out_y : `np.ndarray`
        y coordinates of the output data
    tan : `np.ndarray`
        tangential data
    sag : `np.ndarray`
        sagittal data

    azimuths = m.asarray(azimuths)
    imagehts = m.asarray(imagehts)

    if imagehts[0] > imagehts[-1]:
        # distortion profiled, values "reversed"
        # just flip imagehts, since spacing matters and not exact values
        imagehts = imagehts[::-1]
    amin, amax = min(azimuths), max(azimuths)
    imin, imax = min(imagehts), max(imagehts)
    aq = m.linspace(amin, amax, int(len(azimuths) * upsample))
    iq = m.linspace(imin, imax, int(
        len(imagehts) * 4))  # hard-code 4x linear upsample, change later
    aa, ii = m.meshgrid(aq, iq, indexing='ij')

    # for each frequency, build an interpolating function and upsample
    up_t = m.empty((len(aq), tan.shape[1], len(iq)))
    up_s = m.empty((len(aq), sag.shape[1], len(iq)))
    for idx in range(tan.shape[1]):
        t, s = tan[:, idx, :], sag[:, idx, :]
        interpft = RGI((azimuths, imagehts), t, method='linear')
        interpfs = RGI((azimuths, imagehts), s, method='linear')
        up_t[:, idx, :] = interpft((aa, ii))
        up_s[:, idx, :] = interpfs((aa, ii))

    # compute the locations of the samples on a cartesian grid
    xd, yd = m.outer(m.cos(m.radians(aq)),
                     iq), m.outer(m.sin(m.radians(aq)), iq)
    samples = m.stack([xd.ravel(), yd.ravel()], axis=1)

    # for the output cartesian grid, figure out the x-y coverage and build a regular grid
    absamin = min(abs(azimuths))
    closest_to_90 = azimuths[m.argmin(azimuths - 90)]
    xfctr = m.cos(m.radians(absamin))
    yfctr = m.cos(m.radians(closest_to_90))
    xmin, xmax = imin * xfctr, imax * xfctr
    ymin, ymax = imin * yfctr, imax * yfctr
    xq, yq = m.linspace(xmin, xmax, len(iq)), m.linspace(ymin, ymax, len(iq))
    xx, yy = m.meshgrid(xq, yq)

    outt, outs = [], []
    # for each frequency, interpolate onto the cartesian grid
    for idx in range(up_t.shape[1]):
        datt = griddata(samples,
                        up_t[:, idx, :].ravel(), (xx, yy),
        dats = griddata(samples,
                        up_s[:, idx, :].ravel(), (xx, yy),

    outt, outs = m.rollaxis(m.asarray(outt), 0,
                            3), m.rollaxis(m.asarray(outs), 0, 3)
    return xq, yq, outt, outs