예제 #1
파일: ps_init.py 프로젝트: Recaiden/pysh
 def sighandler(signum, frame):
     '''Clean and tidy shutdown when killed.'''
     if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', 'Signal %s received.' % signum)
     #print 'removing:', readline.remove_history_item(readline.get_current_history_length()-1)
     # how to clear the line buffer?  there doesn't seem to be a function to do it.
     if signum == signal.SIGINT: sigintreceived = True
예제 #2
 def sighandler(signum, frame):
     '''Clean and tidy shutdown when killed.'''
     if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', 'Signal %s received.' % signum)
     #print 'removing:', readline.remove_history_item(readline.get_current_history_length()-1)
     # how to clear the line buffer?  there doesn't seem to be a function to do it.
     if signum == signal.SIGINT: sigintreceived = True
예제 #3
def getinput():
    'a generator function that returns a line or two from an interactive session.'

    previousline, line = '', ''
    isloop = False
    while True:

        if previousline:  prompt = 'more> '
            if po.color:    prompt = ps_lib.eval_str(po.colorprompt)
            else:           prompt = ps_lib.eval_str(po.prompt)
            line = raw_input(prompt)    # get input from user
        except EOFError:                # sys.exit(1) or ^Z, ^D
            raise StopIteration
        except KeyboardInterrupt:       # ^C ( now caught earlier)
            print;  continue

        if line.isspace():  line = ''   # make sure blank line is false
        if not line and not previousline: continue  # just an enter hit, I think

        # check if we need more input
        if line:
            if isloop:
                #previousline = previousline + '    ' + line + '\n'
                previousline = previousline + line + '\n'
            if line.split()[0] in pi.branch_words:  #ps_lib.
                isloop = True
                previousline = previousline + line + '\n'
            if line[-1] == '\\':
                # get more
                previousline = previousline + line[:-1]

        else: # line is nada '', and a previous line exists, end extended line
            isloop = False
            if previousline:
                line = previousline + ' ' # keeep from triggering EOF downstream
                previousline = ''

        if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', `line`)
        if '\n' in line:
            for item in line.split('\n'):
                #print 'yielding:', `item`
                yield item
            #yield ''
            yield line
예제 #4
def interpret(linelist, namespace):
    '''This function takes a statement and processes it, replacing various syntax
    and variables with their values.  The expanded statement is then returned.
    po.wasunglobbed = False
    destlist = []  # destination for our processing

    # lets check each word for expansions
    for token in linelist:
        if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', 'token:%s' % token)

        # Brace expansion: echo sp{1,2,3}a  > sp1a sp2a sp3a
        if '{' in token and '}' in token:
            token = ps_lib.expand_braces(token)
            if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', '{} exp:%s' % token)

        # tilde expansion
        if token[0] == '~':
            token = os.path.expanduser(token)
            if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', '~ exp:%s' % token)

        # check for any variables to expand '%var'
        if po.sym_expansion in token:
            token = ps_lib.expand_vars(token, po.namespace)
        # look for null args just expanded:
        if token == '\x00': token = ''

        # do command expansion in  `...`
        if pi.sym_cmdsub in token:
                # here expand escape sequences. like removing quotes
                if po.sym_expansion in token:
                    token = ps_lib.expand_escapes(token)
                token = ps_lib.cmd_substition(token)
            except NameError, why:  # not found, halt all processing
                ps_lib.msg('error', str(why))

        # more word splitting
        tokens = token.split()

        # check to see if it needs unglobbage
        for tokinho in tokens:
            globresults = ps_lib.unglob_token(tokinho)
            if globresults:  # glob results probably don't need expansion, or they wouldnt work
                destlist = destlist + globresults  # globs already list
                po.wasunglobbed = True
            else:  # here expand escape sequences. like removing quotes
                if po.sym_expansion in tokinho:
                    tokinho = ps_lib.expand_escapes(tokinho)
예제 #5
def interpret(linelist, namespace):
    '''This function takes a statement and processes it, replacing various syntax
    and variables with their values.  The expanded statement is then returned.
    po.wasunglobbed = False
    destlist = []              # destination for our processing

    # lets check each word for expansions
    for token in linelist:
        if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', 'token:%s' % token)

        # Brace expansion: echo sp{1,2,3}a  > sp1a sp2a sp3a
        if '{' in token and '}' in token:
            token = ps_lib.expand_braces(token)
            if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', '{} exp:%s' % token)

        # tilde expansion
        if token[0] == '~':
         token = os.path.expanduser(token)
         if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', '~ exp:%s' % token)

        # check for any variables to expand '%var'
        if po.sym_expansion in token:
            token = ps_lib.expand_vars(token, po.namespace)
        # look for null args just expanded:
        if token == '\x00': token = ''

        # do command expansion in  `...`
        if pi.sym_cmdsub in token:
                # here expand escape sequences. like removing quotes
                if po.sym_expansion in token:
                    token = ps_lib.expand_escapes(token)
                token = ps_lib.cmd_substition(token)
            except NameError, why:  # not found, halt all processing
                ps_lib.msg('error', str(why)); print
        # more word splitting
        tokens = token.split()
        # check to see if it needs unglobbage
        for tokinho in tokens:
            globresults = ps_lib.unglob_token(tokinho)
            if globresults:  # glob results probably don't need expansion, or they wouldnt work
                destlist = destlist + globresults   # globs already list
                po.wasunglobbed = True
            else:  # here expand escape sequences. like removing quotes
                if po.sym_expansion in tokinho:
                    tokinho = ps_lib.expand_escapes(tokinho)
예제 #6
def getline(infile, mode='line'):

    for line in infile:
        if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', 'line:%r  mode:=%s' % (line, mode) )
        if   mode == 'line':
            if line.isspace():  continue        # blank line, continue
                if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue
            if not line:  raise StopIteration   # null line, EOF, break

        elif mode == 'block':
            if line:
                if line.isspace():  # blank line ends the block
                    #print '     blank:%r' % line
                    raise StopIteration
                    #print '     grabbing line:%r' % line
                    if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue
                    yield line; continue
            else:  raise StopIteration

        elif mode == 'skip':
            if line:
                if line.isspace():  raise StopIteration
                else:               continue
            else:                   raise StopIteration

        line = line.rstrip()
        linelist = line.split()
        firstword = linelist[0]

        if linelist[0] in pi.branch_words:  # evaluate branch
            # IF = if true, read and execute until branch ends
            if firstword == 'if':
                teststr = string.join(linelist[1:])[:-1]  # ditch :
                #print 'debug test:{%s}' % test,
                #test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                try: test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                except Exception, why:
                    ps_lib.msg('error', 'SyntaxError: ' + str(why))
                    if hasattr(infile, 'close'): raise StopIteration # if a real file stop
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'): pass
                if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', '%s (%s)' % (teststr, test) )
                if test:    getline(infile)
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'): pass
            elif firstword == 'while':
                teststr = string.join(linelist[1:])[:-1]  # ditch :
                #print 'debug test:{%s}' % teststr,
                #test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                try: test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                except Exception, why:
                    ps_lib.msg('error', 'SyntaxError: ' + str(why))
                    if hasattr(infile, 'close'): raise StopIteration # if a real file stop
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'): pass
                if po.opts.debug: ps_lib.msg('debug', '%s (%s)' % (teststr, test) )
                if test:
                    # get the block, and then exec block
                    block = []
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='block'):
                    #print 'debug: Block:', repr(block)
                    break2 = False
                    while test:
                        #import time; time.sleep(1)
                        for line in block:
                            firstword = line.split()[0]
                            if firstword == 'break':
                                break2 = True
                                break # get out
                            yield line
                        if break2: break
                        test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'): pass
            elif firstword == 'for':
                var, items = linelist[1], string.join(linelist[3:])[:-1]  # ditch :
                # get the block, and then exec block
                block = []
                for line in getline(infile, mode='block'):
                #print 'debug: Block:', repr(block)
                break2 = False
                    for item in eval(items, po.namespace):
                        po.namespace[var] = item
                        for line in block:
                            firstword = line.split()[0]
                            if firstword == 'break':
                                break2 = True
                                break # get out
                            yield line
                        if break2: break
                except NameError, why:
                    ps_lib.msg('error', 'NameError: ' + str(why))
                    if hasattr(infile, 'close'): raise StopIteration # if a real file stop
예제 #7
파일: ps_cfg.py 프로젝트: Recaiden/pysh
 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
     ps_lib.msg('warning', 'The item %s cannot be changed.' % name)
예제 #8
파일: ps_cfg.py 프로젝트: alex8866/pysh
 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
     ps_lib.msg('warning', 'The item %s cannot be changed.' % name)
예제 #9
        def complete(self, text, index):
            '''Return the next possible completion for 'text'.
            This function is called successively with index == 0, 1, 2, ...
            which returns each match until they run out and then returns None
            as a signal to readline to stop.
                if index == 0:              # on first call, find our matches
                    self.matches = []
                    for kw in po.keywords:              # try pyshell keywords
                        if kw.startswith(text):
                    for kw in keyword.kwlist:           # python keywords
                        if kw.startswith(text):
                    if '.' in text:                     # python namespace
                        # these need to check for nulls or be at end
                        try: matches = self.attr_matches(text)
                        except Exception: matches = None  # which exception?
                        if matches: self.matches += matches
                        matches = self.global_matches(text)
                        if matches: self.matches += matches
                    # check where in the command line we are. necessary to
                    # find out if we should search for executable or document.
                    # This needs to take lines with multiple statements into account.
                    start = readline.get_begidx(); pos = 0
                    if start == 0:                      # simple case
                        findmode = 'executable'
                    else:               # if whitespace in front, find real start
                        for i, char in enumerate(readline.get_line_buffer()):
                            if char not in string.whitespace:
                                pos = i; break
                        if start == pos:
                            findmode = 'executable'
                            findmode = 'document'       # else do document mode
                    #then search filesystem
#                    if text[0] == '~':
#                        text = os.path.expanduser(text)
                    if findmode == 'executable':
                        if os.environ.has_key('PATH'):
                            for folder in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
                                matches = \
                                    glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, text) + '*')
                                #print matches
                                for match in matches:
                                    self.matches += [os.path.basename(match)]
                        else:   self.matches += glob.glob(text + '*')
                    else: # document
                        matches = glob.glob(text + '*')
                        for match in matches:
                            if os.path.isdir(match): match = match + '/'
                            self.matches += [match]
                    if po.opts.debug:
                        print; ps_lib.msg('debug', 'matches: %s' % self.matches)
                return self.matches[index]
            except IndexError:
                return None
            except Exception, why:
                print '\nps_completer err:', str(why)
                return None
예제 #10
                  help='Do not execute startup files')
                  help='Print extra information to the console')
po.opts, po.args = parser.parse_args()

if po.opts.debug:
    #ps_lib.msg('debug', 'ps_builtins namespace: %s' % po.keywords)
               'command line: options=%s \nargs=%s' % (po.opts, po.args))

# Initialize some environment vars...
os.environ['SHELL'] = sys.argv[0]  # or maybe sys.executable
os.environ['PWD'] = os.getcwd()  # needed for default prompt on login shell
import socket

os.environ['HOSTNAME'] = socket.gethostname(
)  # needed for prompt on login shell

# some platform dependent code
if sys.platform == 'win32':
    #os.system('cmd /c title %s' % ps_lib.eval_str(po.title))
    # set title (doesnt work - reset on exit of cmd)
    readline = False
예제 #11
        def complete(self, text, index):
            '''Return the next possible completion for 'text'.
            This function is called successively with index == 0, 1, 2, ...
            which returns each match until they run out and then returns None
            as a signal to readline to stop.
                if index == 0:  # on first call, find our matches
                    self.matches = []
                    for kw in po.keywords:  # try pyshell keywords
                        if kw.startswith(text):
                    for kw in keyword.kwlist:  # python keywords
                        if kw.startswith(text):
                    if '.' in text:  # python namespace
                        # these need to check for nulls or be at end
                            matches = self.attr_matches(text)
                        except Exception:
                            matches = None  # which exception?
                        if matches: self.matches += matches
                        matches = self.global_matches(text)
                        if matches: self.matches += matches

                    # check where in the command line we are. necessary to
                    # find out if we should search for executable or document.
                    # This needs to take lines with multiple statements into account.
                    start = readline.get_begidx()
                    pos = 0
                    if start == 0:  # simple case
                        findmode = 'executable'
                    else:  # if whitespace in front, find real start
                        for i, char in enumerate(readline.get_line_buffer()):
                            if char not in string.whitespace:
                                pos = i
                        if start == pos:
                            findmode = 'executable'
                            findmode = 'document'  # else do document mode

                    #then search filesystem
#                    if text[0] == '~':
#                        text = os.path.expanduser(text)
                    if findmode == 'executable':
                        if os.environ.has_key('PATH'):
                            for folder in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
                                matches = \
                                    glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, text) + '*')
                                #print matches
                                for match in matches:
                                    self.matches += [os.path.basename(match)]
                            self.matches += glob.glob(text + '*')
                    else:  # document
                        matches = glob.glob(text + '*')
                        for match in matches:
                            if os.path.isdir(match): match = match + '/'
                            self.matches += [match]
                    if po.opts.debug:
                        ps_lib.msg('debug', 'matches: %s' % self.matches)

                return self.matches[index]

            except IndexError:
                return None
            except Exception, why:
                print '\nps_completer err:', str(why)
                return None
예제 #12
파일: ps_init.py 프로젝트: Recaiden/pysh
parser.add_option('-c', '--cmd', dest='command',          #bogus
               help='Execute supplied command(s) and exit.', metavar='"echo foo"')
parser.add_option('-d', '--debug',
               action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False,
               help='Print too much information to the console')
parser.add_option('-f', '--faststart',
               action='store_true', dest='faststart', default=False,
               help='Do not execute startup files')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
               action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=True,
               help='Print extra information to the console')
po.opts, po.args = parser.parse_args()

if po.opts.debug:
    #ps_lib.msg('debug', 'ps_builtins namespace: %s' % po.keywords)
    ps_lib.msg('debug', 'command line: options=%s \nargs=%s' % (po.opts, po.args) )

# Initialize some environment vars...
os.environ['SHELL'] = sys.argv[0]       # or maybe sys.executable
os.environ['PWD'] = os.getcwd()         # needed for default prompt on login shell
import socket
os.environ['HOSTNAME'] = socket.gethostname()  # needed for prompt on login shell

# some platform dependent code
if sys.platform == 'win32':
     #os.system('cmd /c title %s' % ps_lib.eval_str(po.title))
    # set title (doesnt work - reset on exit of cmd)
    readline = False
elif os.name == 'posix':
예제 #13
def getline(infile, mode='line'):

    for line in infile:
        if po.opts.debug:
            ps_lib.msg('debug', 'line:%r  mode:=%s' % (line, mode))
        if mode == 'line':
            if line.isspace(): continue  # blank line, continue
                if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue
            if not line: raise StopIteration  # null line, EOF, break

        elif mode == 'block':
            if line:
                if line.isspace():  # blank line ends the block
                    #print '     blank:%r' % line
                    raise StopIteration
                    #print '     grabbing line:%r' % line
                    if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue
                    yield line
                raise StopIteration

        elif mode == 'skip':
            if line:
                if line.isspace(): raise StopIteration
                else: continue
            else: raise StopIteration

        line = line.rstrip()
        linelist = line.split()
        firstword = linelist[0]

        if linelist[0] in pi.branch_words:  # evaluate branch
            # IF = if true, read and execute until branch ends
            if firstword == 'if':
                teststr = string.join(linelist[1:])[:-1]  # ditch :
                #print 'debug test:{%s}' % test,
                #test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                    test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                except Exception, why:
                    ps_lib.msg('error', 'SyntaxError: ' + str(why))
                    if hasattr(infile, 'close'):
                        raise StopIteration  # if a real file stop
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'):
                if po.opts.debug:
                    ps_lib.msg('debug', '%s (%s)' % (teststr, test))
                if test: getline(infile)
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'):

            elif firstword == 'while':
                teststr = string.join(linelist[1:])[:-1]  # ditch :
                #print 'debug test:{%s}' % teststr,
                #test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                    test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                except Exception, why:
                    ps_lib.msg('error', 'SyntaxError: ' + str(why))
                    if hasattr(infile, 'close'):
                        raise StopIteration  # if a real file stop
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'):
                if po.opts.debug:
                    ps_lib.msg('debug', '%s (%s)' % (teststr, test))
                if test:
                    # get the block, and then exec block
                    block = []
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='block'):
                    #print 'debug: Block:', repr(block)
                    break2 = False
                    while test:
                        #import time; time.sleep(1)
                        for line in block:
                            firstword = line.split()[0]
                            if firstword == 'break':
                                break2 = True
                                break  # get out
                            yield line
                        if break2: break
                        test = eval(teststr, po.namespace)
                    for line in getline(infile, mode='skip'):
            elif firstword == 'for':
                var, items = linelist[1], string.join(
                    linelist[3:])[:-1]  # ditch :
                # get the block, and then exec block
                block = []
                for line in getline(infile, mode='block'):
                #print 'debug: Block:', repr(block)
                break2 = False
                    for item in eval(items, po.namespace):
                        po.namespace[var] = item
                        for line in block:
                            firstword = line.split()[0]
                            if firstword == 'break':
                                break2 = True
                                break  # get out
                            yield line
                        if break2: break
                except NameError, why:
                    ps_lib.msg('error', 'NameError: ' + str(why))
                    if hasattr(infile, 'close'):
                        raise StopIteration  # if a real file stop