예제 #1
def log_file_name(lfpath) :
    """Returns (str) log file name like /reg/g/psdm/logs/calibman/lcls2/2018/20180518T122407-dubrovin.txt
    t0_sec = gu.time()
    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', t0_sec) 
    #year_month = gu.str_tstamp('%Y/%m', time_sec=None) 
    year = gu.str_tstamp('%Y', time_sec=None) 
    return '%s/%s/%s-%s.txt' % (lfpath, year, tstamp, gu.get_login())#, os.getpid())
예제 #2
def print_experiments_count_runs():  # ins='CXI'
    d_ins_nruns = {}
    d_ins_nexps = {}
    nruns_tot = 0
    nexps = 0
    for ins in INSTRUMENTS:
        nruns_ins = 0
        exps = experiments(ins)
        nexps += len(exps)
        for exp in exps:
            runs = runs_in_xtc_dir(exp)
            nruns = len(runs)
            nruns_ins += nruns
            nruns_tot += nruns
            print('  %10s  nruns:%4d' % (exp, nruns))
        d_ins_nruns[ins] = nruns_ins
        d_ins_nexps[ins] = len(exps)

    print('\nSummary on %s\n%s' %
          (gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time()), 40 * '_'))
    for ins, nruns in d_ins_nruns.items():
        print('%6d runs in %4d experiments of %s' %
              (nruns, d_ins_nexps[ins], ins))

    dname = '%s/<all-ins>/<all-exp>/' % DIR_INS
    print('%s\n%6d runs in %4d experiments of %s' %
          (40 * '_', nruns_tot, nexps, dname))
예제 #3
def save_txt(fname='nda.txt', arr=None, cmts=(), fmt='%.1f', verbos=False, addmetad=True) :
    """Save n-dimensional numpy array to text file with metadata.
       - fname - file name for text file,
       - arr - numpy array,
       - cmts -list of comments which will be saved in the file header.
    #recs = ['# %03d %s' % (i,cmt) for i, cmt in enumerate(cmts)]
    recs = ['# %s' % cmt for cmt in cmts]
    recs.append('\n# HOST        %s' % gu.get_hostname())
    recs.append('# WORK_DIR    %s' % gu.get_cwd())
    recs.append('# FILE_NAME   %s' % fname)
    recs.append('# DATE_TIME   %s' % gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
    recs.append('# UID         %s' % gu.get_login())
    recs.append('# SHAPE       %s' % str(arr.shape).replace(' ',''))
    recs.append('# DATATYPE    %s' % str(arr.dtype))

    if addmetad :
        recs.append('\n# DTYPE       %s' % str(arr.dtype))
        recs.append('# NDIM        %s' % len(arr.shape))

        for i in range(len(arr.shape)) :
            recs.append('# DIM:%d       %s'   % (i, arr.shape[i]))

    arr2d = nu.reshape_nda_to_2d(arr)

    # pretty formatting
    recs.append('' if len(arr.shape)>1 else '\n')
    nline = '\n' if len(arr.shape)>1 else ' '

    hdr = '\n'.join(recs)

    np.savetxt(fname, arr, fmt, delimiter=' ', newline=nline, header=hdr, comments='') #, footer='\n') #, comments='# ')
    if verbos : print('File %s is saved' % fname)
예제 #4
파일: MDB_CLI.py 프로젝트: monarin/lcls2
    def exportdb(self):
        """Exports database. Equivalent to: mongodump -d <dbname> -o <filename>
           mongodump --host psanaphi105 --port 27017 --db calib-cxi12345 --archive=db.20180122.arc 
        host, port, dbname, fname = self.host_port_dbname_fname()

        tstamp = gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S')
        fname = 'cdb-%s-%s.arc' % (tstamp, dbname) if fname is None else fname

        dbu.exportdb(host, port, dbname, fname)
예제 #5
def deploy_calib_array(cdir,
    """Deploys array in calibration file

       - makes the new file name using make_calib_file_name(...)
       - if file with this name already exists - rename it with current timestamp in the name
       - save array in file
       - add history record

    fname = make_calib_file_name(cdir, src, type, run_start, run_end, pbits)
    path_history = '%s/HISTORY' % os.path.dirname(fname)

    if os.path.exists(fname):
        fname_bkp = '%s-%s' % (fname, gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
        os.system('cp %s %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))
        if pbits & 1:
            print('Existing file %s\nis backed-up  %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))

    # extend dictionary for other parameters
    d = dict(dcmts)
    d['run'] = run_start
    d['fname'] = os.path.basename(fname)
    d['src'] = src
    d['ctype'] = type

    # make list of comments
    cmts = ['%s %s' % (k.upper().ljust(11), v) for k, v in d.iteritems()]

    # save n-dimensional numpy array in the tmp text file
    fntmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+b', suffix='.data')
    if pbits & 2: print('Save constants in tmp file: %s' % fntmp.name)
    save_txt(fntmp.name, arr, cmts, fmt='%.1f')

    if pbits & 1: print('Deploy constants in file: %s' % fname)
    # USE cat in stead of cp and move in order to create output file with correct ACL permissions
    cmd_cat = 'cat %s > %s' % (fntmp.name, fname)
    stream = os.popen(cmd_cat)
    resp = stream.read()
    msg = 'Command: %s\n - resp: %s' % (cmd_cat, resp)
    if pbits & 2: print(msg)

    # add record to the HISTORY file
    hrec = _history_record(d)
    if pbits & 1: print('Add record: %sto the file: %s' % (hrec, path_history))
    gu.save_textfile(hrec, path_history, mode='a')
예제 #6
def msg_to_log(runs=[]):
    """Returns (str) message to the log file for list of (str) runs.
    if len(runs) == 0: return None
    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time())
    login = gu.get_login()
    cwd = gu.get_cwd()
    host = gu.get_hostname()
    cmd = sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]
    recs = [
        '%s %s %s %s cwd:%s cmd:%s' % (s, tstamp, login, host, cwd, cmd)
        for s in runs
    text = '\n'.join(recs)
    return text + '\n'
예제 #7
  def test_insert_constants(expname=TEST_EXPNAME, detname=TEST_DETNAME, ctype='test_ctype', runnum=10, data='test text sampele'):
    """ Inserts constants using direct MongoDB interface from MDBUtils.
    import psana.pyalgos.generic.Utils as gu

    print('test_delete_database 1:', database_names())
    #txt = '%s\nThis is a string\n to test\ncalibration storage' % gu.str_tstamp()
    #data, ctype = txt, 'testtext'; logger.debug('txt: %s' % str(data))
    #data, ctype = get_test_nda(), 'testnda';  logger.debug(info_ndarr(data, 'nda'))
    #data, ctype = get_test_dic(), 'testdict'; logger.debug('dict: %s' % str(data))

    kwa = {'user' : gu.get_login()}
    t0_sec = time()
    ts = gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', time_sec=t0_sec)
    mu.insert_constants('%s - saved at %s'%(data,ts), expname, detname, ctype, runnum+int(tname), int(t0_sec),\
                        time_stamp=ts, **kwa)
    print('test_delete_database 2:', database_names())
예제 #8
def deploy_calib_file(cdir,
    """Deploys calibration file

       - makes the new file name using make_calib_file_name(...)
       - if file with this name already exists - rename it with current timestamp in the name
       - save array in file
       - add history record

    fname = make_calib_file_name(cdir, src, type, run_start, run_end, pbits)
    path_history = '%s/HISTORY' % os.path.dirname(fname)

    if os.path.exists(fname):
        fname_bkp = '%s-%s' % (fname, gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
        os.system('cp %s %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))
        if pbits & 1:
            print('Existing file %s\nis backed-up  %s' % (fname, fname_bkp))

    # extend dictionary for other parameters
    d = dict(dcmts)
    d['run'] = run_start
    d['fname'] = os.path.basename(fname)
    d['ifname'] = ifname
    d['src'] = src
    d['ctype'] = type

    if pbits & 1: print('Deploy constants in file: %s' % fname)
    # USE cat in stead of cp and move in order to create output file with correct ACL permissions
    cmd_cat = 'cat %s > %s' % (ifname, fname)
    stream = os.popen(cmd_cat)
    resp = stream.read()
    msg = 'Command: %s\n - resp: %s' % (cmd_cat, resp)
    if pbits & 2: print(msg)

    # add record to the HISTORY file
    hrec = _history_record(d)
    if pbits & 1: print('Add record: %sto the file: %s' % (hrec, path_history))
    gu.save_textfile(hrec, path_history, mode='a')
예제 #9
def do_work():

    prefix = './%s-figs-ti_vs_tj' % gu.str_tstamp(
        fmt='%Y-%m-%d', time_sec=None)  # '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
    gu.create_directory(prefix, mode=0o775)

    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    print('path to npy flies dir:', path)

    ti_vs_tj = np.load('%s/ti_vs_tj.npy' % path)
    t_all = np.load('%s/t_all.npy' % path)

    trange = (1400., 2900.)

    print_ndarr(ti_vs_tj, 'ti_vs_tj:\n')
    print_ndarr(t_all, 't_all:\n')

    sum_bkg = t_all.sum()
    sum_cor = ti_vs_tj.sum()

    print('sum_bkg:', sum_bkg)
    print('sum_cor:', sum_cor)

    imrange = trange + trange  # (1400., 2900., 1400., 2900.)
    axim = gr.plotImageLarge(ti_vs_tj, img_range=imrange, amp_range=(0,500), figsize=(11,10),\
                             title='ti_vs_tj', origin='lower', window=(0.10, 0.08, 0.88, 0.88), cmap='inferno')
    gr.save('%s/fig-ti_vs_tj.png' % prefix)

    bkg = np.outer(t_all, t_all) / sum_bkg
    print_ndarr(bkg, 'bkg:\n')
    axim = gr.plotImageLarge(bkg, img_range=imrange, amp_range=(0,500), figsize=(11,10),\
                             title='bkg', origin='lower', window=(0.10, 0.08, 0.88, 0.88), cmap='inferno')
    gr.save('%s/fig-ti_vs_tj-bkg.png' % prefix)

    harr = t_all
    nbins = harr.size
    ht = HBins(trange, nbins, vtype=np.float32)  # ht.binedges()
    fig, axhi, hi = gr.hist1d(ht.bincenters(), bins=nbins, amp_range=ht.limits(), weights=harr, color='b', show_stat=True,\
                              log=True, figsize=(7,6), axwin=(0.10, 0.10, 0.88, 0.85), title='1-d bkg',\
                              xlabel='time of all hits (ns)', ylabel='number of hits', titwin='1-d bkg')
    gr.save('%s/fig-time-hits.png' % prefix)
예제 #10
def _history_record(dcmts):
    """Returns history record made of dictionary comments and system info
    user = gu.get_login()
    host = gu.get_hostname()
    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S  zone:%Z')
    rnum = '%04d' % dcmts.get('run')
    exp = '%s' % dcmts.get('exp')
    ifname = '%s' % dcmts.get('ifname')
    ofname = '%s' % dcmts.get('fname')
    app = '%s' % dcmts.get('app')
    cmt = '%s' % dcmts.get('comment')

    return 'file:%s  copy_of:%s  exp:%s  run:%s  app:%s  user:%s  host:%s  cptime:%s  comment:%s\n' % \
예제 #11
파일: MDBUtils.py 프로젝트: monarin/lcls2
def time_and_timestamp(**kwargs):
    """Returns "time_sec" and "time_stamp" from **kwargs.
       If one of these parameters is missing, another is reconstructed from available one.
       If both missing - current time is used.
    time_sec = kwargs.get('time_sec', None)
    time_stamp = kwargs.get('time_stamp', None)

    if time_sec is not None:
        assert isinstance(
            str), 'time_and_timestamp - parameter time_sec should be str'
        int_time_sec = int(time_sec)
        assert 0 < int_time_sec < 5000000000, 'time_and_timestamp - parameter time_sec should be in allowed range'

        if time_stamp is None:
            time_stamp = gu.str_tstamp(TSFORMAT, int_time_sec)
        if time_stamp is None:
            time_sec, time_stamp = gu.time_and_stamp(TSFORMAT)
            time_sec = gu.time_sec_from_stamp(TSFORMAT, time_stamp)

    return str(time_sec), time_stamp
예제 #12
파일: MDBUtils.py 프로젝트: monarin/lcls2
def _timestamp(time_sec) -> str:
    """Converts time_sec in timestamp of adopted format TSFORMAT.
    return gu.str_tstamp(TSFORMAT, int(time_sec))
예제 #13
파일: MDBUtils.py 프로젝트: monarin/lcls2
 def get_test_txt():
     """Returns text for test purpose.
     return '%s\nThis is a string\n to test\ncalibration storage' % gu.str_tstamp(
예제 #14
def proc_control(parser):
    """Dataset processing module

       - Submits job in batch for data processing
       - Checks in loop batch job status
       - Marks in DB that job is processed
       - Save common log file for submission and processing

    (popts, pargs) = parser.parse_args()
    exp = popts.exp
    run = popts.run
    procname = popts.pro
    qname = popts.que
    dt_sec = popts.dts
    sources = popts.srs

    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time())

    logpref = rpu.log_batch_prefix(exp, run, procname)
    logfname = '%s-%s.txt' % (logpref, tstamp)

    for i in range(10):
        if gu.create_path(logfname, depth=6, mode=0774, verb=False): continue

    gu.save_textfile('\nCreated path: %s' % logfname, logfname, mode='a')
    os.chmod(logfname, 0664)

    ofprefix = '%s/nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type.txt' % rpu.work_dir(
        exp, procname)
    gu.save_textfile('\nOutput work files: %s' % ofprefix, logfname, mode='a')

    for i in range(5):
        if gu.create_path(ofprefix, depth=8, mode=0774, verb=False): continue

    msg = '\nproc_control exp: %s run: %s procname: %s qname: %s logfname %s'%\
          (exp, str(run), procname, qname, logfname)
    gu.save_textfile(str(msg), logfname, mode='a')

    cmd = _batch_submit_command(exp, run, procname, qname, logfname, ofprefix,
    if cmd is None: raise IOError('ERROR: batch submission command is None...')

    t0_sec = time()
    out, err, jobid = spu.batch_job_submit(cmd, env=None, shell=False)
    msg = 'bsub subproc time dt=%7.3f sec' % (time() - t0_sec)
    gu.save_textfile(msg, logfname, mode='a')

    #if 'submitted without an AFS token' in err :
    #    print '  Tip: to get rid of error message use commands: kinit; aklog'

    rec = gu.log_rec_on_start()
    msg = '%s\nSubmitted batch job %s to %s\n  cmd: %s\n  out: %s\n  err: "%s"\n%s\n'%\
          (rec, jobid, qname, cmd, out, err.strip('\n'), 80*'_')
    #print msg
    gu.save_textfile(msg, logfname, mode='a')

    # check batch job status in loop
    status = None
    counter = 0
    while status in (None, 'RUN', 'PEND'):
        counter += 1
        out, err, status = spu.batch_job_status(jobid, user=None, qname=qname)
        ts = gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time())
        msg = '%4d %s %s job %s status %s' % (counter, ts, qname, jobid,
        #print msg
        gu.save_textfile('%s\n' % msg, logfname, mode='a')
        if status in ('EXIT', 'DONE'): break

    # change log file name in case of bad status
    if status != 'DONE':
        logfname_bad = '%s-%s' % (logfname, str(status))
        #cmd = 'mv %s %s' % (logfname, logfname_bad)
        os.rename(logfname, logfname_bad)