예제 #1
 def getBasicAuth(self, endPointName):        
     # Get EndPoint data - username, password, and hostname
     handler = Router.getHandler(endPointName)
     endPointInfo = EndPointCache.getInstance().getEndPointInfo(endPointName)
     iemPassword  = endPointInfo.getProperty("PASSWORD").getValue()
     iemUserName = handler.getUserName()
     iemServer = handler.getUrl()
     #Parse the url from the TEMServer
     if (iemServer != None):
         urlarray = iemServer.split(":")
         hostName = str(urlarray[1])
         portStr = urlarray[2]
         # if the url ends with / remove it
         if (portStr.endswith('/')):
             port = int(portStr[:-1])
             port = int(portStr)
         hostName = hostName.replace("/","")
         print "hostName: port = ", hostName, port
     if (iemServer == '' or iemUserName == '' or iemPassword == '' or hostName == None or port == None):
         self.addToSRWorkLog("iem_missing_endpoint_info_sum", "iem_missing_endpoint_info_desc")
         print self.scriptName + "Endpoint Information missing for the IEM Server"
         return None, None, None
     auth = 'Basic ' + string.strip(base64.encodestring(iemUserName + ':' + iemPassword))
     return auth, hostName, port
예제 #2
  worklogDesc = worklogDesc + "The incident ID is: " + incident + "\n"
  worklogDesc = worklogDesc + "CI operated on: " + ipaddress + ":" + port + "\n"

  # get WAS Handler. If not specified - use the default RBA_WAS endpoint name
  if credentials is None:
    credential_to_use = "RBA_WAS"     
    credential_to_use = credentials
  handler = Router.getHandler( credential_to_use)
  print "using end point: ", credential_to_use

  # format Get Applications Running on WebSphere Application Server command
  username = handler.getUserId();
  print "username", username
  endPointInfo = EndPointCache.getInstance().getEndPointInfo(credential_to_use)
  password  = endPointInfo.getProperty("PASSWORD").getValue()
  print "hostname = ", hostname
  props = Properties();
  props.setProperty( AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE, AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE_SOAP );
  props.setProperty( AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, hostname );
  props.setProperty( AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, port );
  props.setProperty( AdminClient.USERNAME, username );
  props.setProperty( AdminClient.PASSWORD, password );
  client = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(props);
  query = "*:type=J2EEApplication,*";
  queryName = ObjectName(query);
  print "query name", queryName
예제 #3
import base64
import string

# get the SR Worklog mboset
originatingTicket = None
workorderSet = mbo.getMboSet("PARENTPROCESS")
workorder = workorderSet.getMbo(0)
originatingTicketSet = workorder.getMboSet("ORIGTICKET")
originatingTicket = originatingTicketSet.getMbo(0)
if (originatingTicket != None):
    srWorklogSet = originatingTicket.getMboSet("MODIFYWORKLOG")

# Get TEM EndPoint data - username, password, and hostname
handler = Router.getHandler(temendpoint)

endPointInfo = EndPointCache.getInstance().getEndPointInfo(temendpoint)
tempassword = endPointInfo.getProperty("PASSWORD").getValue()

temusername = handler.getUserName()
temserver = handler.getUrl()

urlarray = temserver.split(":")
hostname = str(urlarray[1])
port = int(urlarray[2])
hostname = hostname.replace("/", "")
print "In SCCDGETTEMACTIONSTATUS script: hostname : port = ", hostname + " , ", port

auth = 'Basic ' + string.strip(
    base64.encodestring(temusername + ':' + tempassword))

webservice = httplib.HTTPSConnection(hostname, port)
예제 #4
    print "CI in Work Order: [Host] ", hostname
    print "CI in Work Order: [Port] ", port
    print "CI in Work Order: [App] ", appname

    # format the start of the worklog entry
    worklogDesc = worklogDesc + "RBAWASSTP script run for Work Order: " + workorder + "\n"
    worklogDesc = worklogDesc + "CI operated on: " + hostname + ":" + port + "\n"

    # get SSHWO Handler
    handler = Router.getHandler("SSHWO")

    # format Stop application running on a WebSphere Application Server command
    username = handler.getUserId()
    print "username", username

    endPointInfo = EndPointCache.getInstance().getEndPointInfo("SSHWO")
    password = endPointInfo.getProperty("PASSWORD").getValue()

    props = Properties()
    props.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, hostname)
    props.setProperty(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, port)
    props.setProperty(AdminClient.USERNAME, username)
    props.setProperty(AdminClient.PASSWORD, password)
    client = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(props)

    query = "*:type=J2EEApplication,name=" + appname + ",*"
    queryName = ObjectName(query)
    print "query name", queryName
    apps = client.queryNames(queryName, None)