예제 #1
def frequencies(molecule, config):
    print("Determining normal modes and running frequency analysis...")
    total_energy, wavefunc = psi4.frequency(config['config_generator']['method'] + '/' + config['config_generator']['basis'], molecule=molecule, return_wfn=True)
    vib_info_raw = wavefunc.frequency_analysis
    vib_info = psi4.qcdb.vib.filter_nonvib(vib_info_raw)
    frequencies = wavefunc.frequencies().to_array()
    red_masses = vib_info["mu"].data
    normal_modes_raw = vib_info['x'].data
    normal_modes = []
    num_modes = len(frequencies)
    num_atoms = molecule.natom()

    for i in range(num_modes):
        geometry = np.zeros((num_atoms, 3))
        for atom in range(num_atoms):
            geometry[atom][0] = float(normal_modes_raw[3 * atom + 0][i])
            geometry[atom][1] = float(normal_modes_raw[3 * atom + 1][i])
            geometry[atom][2] = float(normal_modes_raw[3 * atom + 2][i])

    print("Normal mode/frequency analysis complete.")
    return normal_modes, frequencies, red_masses
예제 #2
def calc_vib_freq(smiles):
    mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
    xyz, mol = mol_to_xyz(mol)
    psi4.set_memory('4 GB')
    method_basis = args.method + '/' + args.basis
    geom = psi4.geometry(xyz)
    e, wfn = psi4.frequency(method_basis, molecule=geom, return_wfn=True)
    print("SMILES: " + smiles + ", Vibrational Frequency Energy: " + str(e))
    return e
예제 #3
파일: pbeh3c.py 프로젝트: samarjeet/hpka
def main():
    psi4.set_output_file("pbeh3c_mol.dat", True)
    #psi4.set_memory('500 MB')
    numpy_memory = 2
    mol = psi4.geometry("""
    1 1
    C            3.533276577335     0.297516950079    -0.033740208753
    C            2.574760938246     1.278066479179    -0.069835787116
    C            1.253218752224     0.849739147834    -0.039258570370
    C            0.899019257306    -0.495860874701     0.032550031024
    C            1.888860870465    -1.490197119704     0.067078565308
    C            3.204596438039    -1.081456560919     0.033430560670
    O            4.250570460820    -1.915645303151     0.060360861113
    C           -0.521891091036    -0.526599835195     0.052806016194
    C           -0.907216553266     0.796770182506    -0.010855959829
    O            0.163856617883     1.625333309480    -0.070535693831
    C           -2.142468145732     1.509067711325    -0.077871153394
    O           -2.328114248487     2.665835310257    -0.269517118360
    N           -3.421527194392     0.695313957156     0.191159341639
    C           -3.581807216427    -0.692769910170    -0.352292538279
    C           -2.772392782598    -1.705499205563     0.431794190569
    C           -1.307831296645    -1.790976049117     0.040569332872
    H            4.581064582865     0.566654620917    -0.057341951344
    H            2.837749742920     2.324943817097    -0.122662938228
    H            1.625749586779    -2.540289226583     0.117596634162
    H            3.972628181395    -2.834781214964     0.105049915868
    H           -3.557445242160     0.671475310656     1.206814356133
    H           -4.167512313144     1.297833117167    -0.169560281990
    H           -4.646108631113    -0.913660797798    -0.283335352767
    H           -3.313356183445    -0.663729781207    -1.408465575248
    H           -2.877036964703    -1.518274278002     1.505474270168
    H           -3.228135005269    -2.682198217407     0.265368459879
    H           -1.225392070756    -2.220062054576    -0.963992292922
    H           -0.817581075574    -2.508114264473     0.702369958893
    #psi4.energy('mp2/cc-pvdz', molecule=mol)
    #psi4.energy('scf/cc-pvdz', molecule=mol)
    psi4.energy('pbeh3c/', molecule=mol)  # default is def2-mSVP
    #psi4.optimize('pbeh3c/', molecule=mol) # default is def2-mSVP
    psi4.frequency('pbeh3c/', molecule=mol)  # default is def2-mSVP
   H        0.21028        2.41258        0.00000
   H       -1.21638        2.69390       -0.96879
   H       -1.21639        3.11091        0.72802
   H       -1.21639        1.43293        0.24076

# Geometry optimization
psi4.set_output_file(file_prefix + '_geomopt.dat', False)
psi4.set_options({'g_convergence': 'gau_tight'})
psi4.optimize('scf/cc-pVDZ', molecule=ch4)

# Run vibrational frequency analysis
psi4.set_output_file(file_prefix + '_vibfreq.dat', False)
scf_energy, scf_wfn = psi4.frequency('scf/cc-pVDZ', molecule=ch4, return_wfn=True, dertype='gradient')

# Save "raw" frequencies into a variable
scf_wfn_freq = scf_wfn.frequency_analysis['omega'][2]

# Eliminate imaginary parts of frequencies,

# round the frequencies (to the nearest whole number),

# and extract only the *non-zero* frequencies
scf_wfn_nonzero=np.extract(scf_wfn_round>0, scf_wfn_round)

# Determine the unique non-zero frequencies and 
예제 #5
def calculate_frequency(mol: psi4.core.Molecule, method: str = "wB97X/6-31g*"):
    e, wfn = psi4.frequency(method, molecule=mol, return_wfn=True)
    return (e * hartree_to_kJ_mol) * unit.kilojoule_per_mole, wfn
예제 #6
파일: test.py 프로젝트: samarjeet/hpka
import psi4  #as psi4
import numpy as np

psi4.set_output_file("output.dat", True)
psi4.set_memory('500 MB')
numpy_memory = 2

h2o = psi4.geometry("""
O 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 1.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 1.0 0.0
symmetry c1

#psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pcdz'})
psi4.energy('scf/cc-pvdz', molecule=h2o)
psi4.optimize('scf/cc-pvdz', molecule=h2o)

scf_e, scf_wfn = psi4.frequency('scf/cc-pvdz',
 def cmd(method, mol):
     frequency(method, molecule=mol)
예제 #8
파일: vcd.py 프로젝트: yychuang/psi4numpy
SP 3 1.00
      5.0331513 -0.09996723 0.15591627
      1.1695961 0.39951283 0.60768372
      0.3803890 0.70011547 0.39195739
    return basstrings

qcdb.libmintsbasisset.basishorde['STO-3G_DALTON'] = define_custom_basis
core.set_global_option("BASIS", "STO-3G_dalton")


# Perform SCF Energy Calculation
rhf_e, wfn = psi4.frequency('SCF', return_wfn=True)

# Relevant Variables
natoms = mol.natom()
nmo = wfn.nmo()
nocc = wfn.doccpi()[0]
nvir = nmo - nocc

# MO Coefficients
C = wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "ALL")
npC = psi4.core.Matrix.to_array(C)

# Integral generation from Psi4's MintsHelper
mints = psi4.core.MintsHelper(wfn.basisset())

# Build T, V, and S