def test_optrot(): psi4.core.clean() # Set memory psi4.set_memory('2 GB') psi4.core.set_output_file('test_optrot_out.dat', False) np.set_printoptions(precision=12, threshold=np.inf, linewidth=200, suppress=True) # Set Psi4 options mol = psi4.geometry(""" O -0.028962160801 -0.694396279686 -0.049338350190 O 0.028962160801 0.694396279686 -0.049338350190 H 0.350498145881 -0.910645626300 0.783035421467 H -0.350498145881 0.910645626300 0.783035421467 symmetry c1 """) psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pVDZ', 'scf_type': 'pk', 'freeze_core': 'false', 'e_convergence': 1e-10, 'd_convergence': 1e-10, 'save_jk': 'true'}) # Set for CCSD E_conv = 1e-10 R_conv = 1e-10 maxiter = 40 compare_psi4 = False # Set for LPNO #local=True local=False pno_cut = 0.0 # Set for polarizability calculation typ = 'polar' omega_nm = 589.0 # Compute RHF energy with psi4 psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'E_CONVERGENCE': 1e-10}) psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'D_CONVERGENCE': 1e-10}) e_scf, wfn ='SCF', return_wfn=True) print('SCF energy: {}\n'.format(e_scf)) print('Nuclear repulsion energy: {}\n'.format(mol.nuclear_repulsion_energy())) # Create Helper_CCenergy object optrot_lg = ccsd_lpno.do_linresp(wfn, omega_nm, mol, method='optrot', gauge='length', e_conv=E_conv, r_conv=R_conv, localize=local, pno_cut=pno_cut) optrot_mvg = ccsd_lpno.do_linresp(wfn, omega_nm, mol, method='optrot', gauge='velocity', e_conv=E_conv, r_conv=R_conv, localize=local, pno_cut=pno_cut) # Comaprison with Psi4 psi4.set_options({'e_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'r_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'omega': [589, 'nm'], 'gauge': 'both'})'ccsd', properties=['rotation'], ref_wfn=wfn) psi4.compare_values(optrot_lg, psi4.core.variable("CCSD SPECIFIC ROTATION (LEN) @ 589NM"), \ 4, "CCSD SPECIFIC ROTATION (LENGTH GAUGE) 589 nm") #TEST psi4.compare_values(optrot_mvg, psi4.core.variable("CCSD SPECIFIC ROTATION (MVG) @ 589NM"), \ 4, "CCSD SPECIFIC ROTATION (MODIFIED VELOCITY GAUGE) 589 nm") #TEST
def test_cc_uhf_raise2(): psi4.geometry(""" 0 1 O H 1 1.0 H 1 1.0 2 104.5 """) psi4.set_options({"reference": "uhf"}) with pytest.raises(psi4.ValidationError) as e:"ccsd/sto-3g", properties=['polarizability']) assert "Non-RHF CC response properties are not implemented." in str(e.value)
def test_pe_adc1(): """LR-PE-ADC(1)/sto-3g formaldehyde in presence of 6 water molecules cross-reference against PE-CIS from Psi4 itself""" mol = psi4.geometry(__geoms['formaldehyde']) potfile = _dump_potential('pna_6w') psi4.set_options({ 'basis': 'sto-3g', 'pe': True, 'scf_type': 'pk', 'pe__potfile': potfile, 'roots_per_irrep': [5], 'qc_module': 'adcc', 'tdscf_states': 5, 'tdscf_tda': True, }) _, wfn_tdhf ='td-hf', return_wfn=True) _, wfn_adc ='adc(1)', properties=["oscillator_strength", "dipole"], environment='linear_response', return_wfn=True) for i in range(5): assert compare_values( wfn_tdhf.variable(f'TD-HF ROOT 0 -> ROOT {i+1} EXCITATION ENERGY'), wfn_adc.variable(f'ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {i+1} EXCITATION ENERGY'), 5, f"PE-ADC(1) Excitation Energy Root {i+1}")
def test_dipole(inp): h2o = psi4.geometry(""" O H 1 1.0 H 1 1.0 2 101.5 """) psi4.set_options({ 'perturb_h': True, 'perturb_with': 'dipole', 'basis': 'cc-pvdz' }) psi4.set_options(inp['options']) energies = dict() for l in [1, -1, 2, -2]: psi4.set_options({'perturb_dipole': [0, 0, l * perturbation_strength]}) energies[l] =['name']) findif_dipole = [ 0, 0, (8 * energies[1] - 8 * energies[-1] - energies[2] + energies[-2]) / (12 * perturbation_strength) ] psi4.set_options({'perturb_h': False}) wfn =['name'], properties=['dipole'], return_wfn=True)[1] analytic_dipole = wfn.variable(inp['varname'] + " DIPOLE") assert compare_values(findif_dipole, analytic_dipole, 5, "findif vs. analytic dipole")
def test_pe_adc2(): """PE-ADC(2)/cc-pvdz formaldehyde in presence of 6 water molecules including ptSS/ptLR corrections for excitation energies Reference data from Q-Chem calculation""" mol = psi4.geometry(__geoms['formaldehyde']) potfile = _dump_potential('fa_6w') psi4.set_options({ 'basis': 'cc-pvdz', 'pe': True, 'scf_type': 'pk', 'pe__potfile': potfile, 'roots_per_irrep': [5], 'qc_module': 'adcc', }) _, wfn ='adc(2)', properties=["oscillator_strength", "dipole"], environment=True, return_wfn=True) energies_uncorrected = [0.15963251547743104, 0.3125861355885466, 0.36222631191059046, 0.37972031238708653, 0.4118959244399415] pe_ptlr_correction = [-2.9325959339722013e-05, -0.0002702545175242051, -9.683446473705203e-05, -0.0001339512804427152, -0.00270463988662346] pe_ptss_correction = [-0.0005980584740534286, -0.00275711791912612, -0.0008560754671915091, -0.0017443433408762471, -0.0005800145567153289] ref_energies = np.array(energies_uncorrected) ref_energies += np.array(pe_ptlr_correction) + np.array(pe_ptss_correction) for i in range(5): en = wfn.variable(f"ADC(2) ROOT 0 -> ROOT {i+1} EXCITATION ENERGY") assert compare_values(en, ref_energies[i], 5, f"pt-PE-ADC(2) Excitation Energy Root {i+1}")
def test_cppe_scf_alpha(): """Tests the PE-SCF ground state energies and static dipole polarizability""" alpha_diag = [36.14995, 35.10354, 78.45963] ref_pe_energy = -0.03424830892844 ref_scf_energy = -482.9411084900 mol = psi4.geometry(__geoms['pna']) potfile = _dump_potential('pna_6w') psi4.set_options({ 'basis': 'sto-3g', 'pe': True, 'e_convergence': 10, 'd_convergence': 10, 'scf_type': 'pk', 'pe__potfile': potfile, }) scf_energy, wfn ="SCF", properties=["DIPOLE_POLARIZABILITIES"], return_wfn=True) assert compare_values(ref_pe_energy, wfn.variable("PE ENERGY"), 6, "PE Energy contribution") assert compare_values(ref_scf_energy, scf_energy, 6, "Total PE-SCF Energy") alpha_ref = [ psi4.core.variable(f'DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY {cc}') for cc in ['XX', 'YY', 'ZZ'] ] assert compare_arrays(alpha_diag, alpha_ref, 4, 'PE DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY')
def _compute_monomers(self): "Compute monomer wavefunctions in aggregate-centred basis set" self.nmo_t = 0 ofm_n = 0 ofb_n = 0 for n in range(self.aggregate.nfragments()): id_m = [n + 1] if self.acbs is True: id_g = list(range(1, self.aggregate.nfragments() + 1)) id_g.pop(n) current_molecule = self.aggregate.extract_subsets(id_m, id_g) else: current_molecule = self.aggregate.extract_subsets(id_m) c_ene, c_wfn = self.method, molecule=current_molecule, return_wfn=True, properties=['DIPOLE', 'NO_OCCUPATIONS'], **self.kwargs) if self.method.lower().startswith('cc') and self.cc_relax is True: psi4.core.set_global_option("DERTYPE", "FIRST") psi4.core.set_global_option("WFN", self.method.upper()) psi4.core.ccdensity(c_wfn) D = c_wfn.Da().to_array(dense=True) N, C = self.natural_orbitals(D, S=c_wfn.S().to_array(dense=True), C=c_wfn.Ca_subset( "AO", "ALL").to_array(dense=True), orthogonalize_mo=True, order='descending', no_cutoff=0.0, return_ao_orthogonal=False, ignore_large_n=False, renormalize=False, n_eps=self.n_eps) if self.verbose is True: print("Sum of natural orbital occupations for n(%d)= %13.6f" % (n, N.sum()))['wfn'].append(c_wfn)['ene'].append(c_ene)['odm'].append(D)['non'].append(N)['noc'].append(C)['nmo'].append(C.shape[1]) self.nmo_t +=['nmo'][n]['nbf'].append(c_wfn.basisset().nbf())['ofm'].append(ofm_n)['ofb'].append(ofb_n) ofm_n +=['nmo'][n] if self.acbs is False: ofb_n +=['nbf'][n] psi4.core.clean() return
def test_H2O_density_molden(inp_h2o_density, datadir): mol = psi4.geometry(""" 0 1 O H 1 0.951342 H 1 0.951342 2 112.505645 """) psi4.set_options({'basis': 'dz', 'scf_type': 'pk', 'r_convergence': 12}) molden_file = f"{inp_h2o_density['name']}.molden" ref = datadir.join(f"{inp_h2o_density['name']}.ref") e, wfn =['energy'], return_wfn=True, molecule=mol) wfn.write_molden(molden_file, do_virtual=inp_h2o_density['do_virtual'], use_natural=inp_h2o_density['use_natural']) assert compare_moldenfiles(ref, molden_file)
def compute_full_QM(self): "Compute full QM interaction energy" assert self.monomers_computed is True self.aggregate.activate_all_fragments() c_ene, c_wfn =, molecule=self.aggregate, return_wfn=True, properties=["DIPOLE", "NO_OCCUPATIONS"], **self.kwargs) if self.method.lower().startswith('cc') and self.cc_relax is True: psi4.core.set_global_option("DERTYPE", "FIRST") psi4.core.set_global_option("WFN", self.method.upper()) psi4.core.ccdensity(c_wfn) D = c_wfn.Da().to_array(dense=True) S = c_wfn.S().to_array(dense=True) C_hf = c_wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "ALL").to_array(dense=True) N, C = self.natural_orbitals(D, S=S, C=C_hf, orthogonalize_mo=True, order='descending', no_cutoff=0.0, return_ao_orthogonal=False, ignore_large_n=False, renormalize=False, n_eps=self.n_eps) if self.verbose is True: print("Sum of natural orbital occupations for nqm= %13.6f" % N.sum()) self.matrix["dqm"] = D self.matrix["nqm"] = N self.matrix["cqm"] = C self.matrix["sqm"] = S self.matrix["chf"] = C_hf e_fqm_t = c_ene for i in range(self.aggregate.nfragments()): e_fqm_t -=["ene"][i] self.vars["e_fqm_t"] = e_fqm_t self.energy_full_QM_computed = True return
def test_psi4_scfproperty(): """scf-property""" #! UFH and B3LYP cc-pVQZ properties for the CH2 molecule. ref_hf_di_au = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.22531665104559076]) ref_hf_quad_au = np.array([[-5.69804565317, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -4.53353128969, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -5.25978856037]]) ref_b3lyp_di_au = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.252480541747]) ref_b3lyp_quad_au = np.array([[-5.66266837697, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -4.46523692003, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -5.22054902407]]) with open('grid.dat', 'w') as handle: handle.write("""\ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 """) ch2 = psi4.geometry(""" 0 3 c h 1 b1 h 1 b1 2 a1 b1 = 1.0 a1 = 125.0 """) # Get a reasonable guess, to save some iterations psi4.set_options({ "scf_type": "pk", "basis": "6-31G**", "e_convergence": 8, "docc": [2, 0, 0, 1], "socc": [1, 0, 1, 0], "reference": "uhf" }) ch2.update_geometry() assert psi4.compare_values(6.6484189450, ch2.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9, "Nuclear repulsion energy") props = [ 'DIPOLE', 'QUADRUPOLE', 'MULLIKEN_CHARGES', 'LOWDIN_CHARGES', 'WIBERG_LOWDIN_INDICES', 'MAYER_INDICES', 'MAYER_INDICES', 'MO_EXTENTS', 'GRID_FIELD', 'GRID_ESP', 'ESP_AT_NUCLEI', 'MULTIPOLE(5)', 'NO_OCCUPATIONS' ]'scf', properties=props) assert psi4.compare_values(-38.91591819679808, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 6, "SCF energy") assert psi4.compare_values(ref_hf_di_au, psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE'), 4, "SCF DIPOLE") assert psi4.compare_values(ref_hf_quad_au, psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE'), 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE")'B3LYP', properties=props) assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), -39.14134740550916, 6, "B3LYP energy") assert psi4.compare_values(ref_b3lyp_di_au, psi4.variable('B3LYP DIPOLE'), 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE") assert psi4.compare_values(ref_b3lyp_quad_au, psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE'), 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE")
def run(input_json): # detect custom psi4, if we can psiapi_path = os.environ.get('PSIAPI_PATH') if psiapi_path: sys.path.insert(1, psiapi_path) import psi4 mol_json = input_json.pop('molecule') mc_json = input_json.pop('modelchem') output_json = {} output_json['raw_output'] = {} output_json['success'] = False output_json['output'] = {} # set some psi4 global stuff # Scratch files scr_path = os.environ.get("WORK") psi4_io = psi4.core.IOManager.shared_object() psi4_io.set_default_path(scr_path) # raw output file outfile_path = Path('output.dat') psi4.core.set_output_file(str(outfile_path), False) # node (or configured) memory and cores (after setting output file so the changes are registered there?) psi4.set_memory(str(cpu_info.memory()) + " MB") psi4.set_num_threads(cpu_info.ncore()) # set the basis basis = mc_json.get('basis') psi4.core.set_global_option('basis', basis) # set any other options for k, v in mc_json.get('program_options', {}).items(): psi4.core.set_global_option(k, v) try: # create the molecule psi_mol = psi4.geometry(vicMol(mol_json, dtype='json').to_string()) # extract name method = mc_json.get('method') driver = mc_json.get('driver') if driver == 'gradient': ret, wfn = psi4.gradient(method, return_wfn=True, molecule =psi_mol) elif driver == 'hessian': ret, wfn = psi4.hessian(method, return_wfn = True, molecule = psi_mol) elif driver == 'rotation': ret, wfn =, return_wfn = True, molecule = psi_mol, properties=['rotation']) else: raise RuntimeError("invalid driver {}: Validation should have caught this".format(driver)) grad = wfn.gradient() hess = wfn.hessian() rotations = extract_rotations(psi4.core.get_variables()) if hess: output_json['output']['hessian'] = util.pack_json_field(hess.to_array()) if grad: output_json['output']['gradient'] = util.pack_json_field(grad.to_array()) if rotations: output_json['output']['rotations'] = rotations output_json['output']['all_variables'] = psi4.core.get_variables() output_json['success'] = True output_json['raw_output']['outfile'] = outfile_path.read_text() return output_json except Exception as e: output_json['success'] = False output_json['raw_output']['error'] = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) return output_json
psi4.set_memory('2 GB') psi4.core.set_output_file('optrot.dat', False) np.set_printoptions(precision=12, threshold=np.inf, linewidth=200, suppress=True) # Set Psi4 options geom = ccsd_lpno.mollib.mollib["{}".format(args.m)] mol = psi4.geometry(geom) psi4.set_options({ 'basis': 'aug-cc-pvdz', 'scf_type': 'pk', 'freeze_core': 'false', 'e_convergence': 1e-12, 'd_convergence': 1e-12, 'save_jk': 'true' }) psi4.set_options({'omega': [589, 'nm'], 'gauge': 'both'})'ccsd', properties=['rotation', 'polarizability']) print("Correlation energy: {}".format( psi4.core.variable("CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY"))) print("Optical rotation (LG): {}".format( psi4.core.variable("CCSD SPECIFIC ROTATION (LEN) @ 589NM"))) print("Optical rotation (MVG): {}".format( psi4.core.variable("CCSD SPECIFIC ROTATION (MVG) @ 589NM"))) print("Polarizability: {}".format( psi4.core.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY @ 589NM")))
def test_psi4_scfproperty(): """scf-property""" #! UFH and B3LYP cc-pVQZ properties for the CH2 molecule. with open('grid.dat', 'w') as handle: handle.write("""\ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 """) ch2 = psi4.geometry(""" 0 3 c h 1 b1 h 1 b1 2 a1 b1 = 1.0 a1 = 125.0 """) # Get a reasonable guess, to save some iterations psi4.set_options({ "scf_type": "pk", "basis": "6-31G**", "e_convergence": 8, "docc": [2, 0, 0, 1], "socc": [1, 0, 1, 0], "reference": "uhf"}) ch2.update_geometry() assert psi4.compare_values(6.648418918908746, ch2.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9, "Nuclear repulsion energy") props = ['DIPOLE', 'QUADRUPOLE', 'MULLIKEN_CHARGES', 'LOWDIN_CHARGES', 'WIBERG_LOWDIN_INDICES', 'MAYER_INDICES', 'MAYER_INDICES', 'MO_EXTENTS', 'GRID_FIELD', 'GRID_ESP', 'ESP_AT_NUCLEI', 'MULTIPOLE(5)', 'NO_OCCUPATIONS']'scf', properties=props) assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), -38.91591819679808, 6, "SCF energy") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF DIPOLE X'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF DIPOLE X") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF DIPOLE Y'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF DIPOLE Y") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF DIPOLE Z'), 0.572697798348, 4, "SCF DIPOLE Z") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XX'), -7.664066833060, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XX") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE YY'), -6.097755074075, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE YY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE ZZ'), -7.074596012050, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE ZZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XY'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE YZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE YZ")'B3LYP', properties=props) assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), -39.14134740550916, 6, "B3LYP energy") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP DIPOLE X'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE X") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP DIPOLE Y'), -0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE Y") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP DIPOLE Z'), 0.641741521158, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE Z") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XX'), -7.616483183211, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XX") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YY'), -6.005896804551, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE ZZ'), -7.021817489904, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE ZZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XY'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YZ'), -0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YZ")
""" ) nroots = 3 psi4.set_options( { "basis": "6-31G*", "freeze_core": "true", "roots_per_irrep": [nroots], "pe": "true", "puream": "true", "ints_tolerance": 2.5e-11, } ) psi4.set_module_options("pe", {"potfile": "nilered_in_water.pot", "maxiter": 200}) psi4.set_module_options("ccenergy", {"cachelevel": 0}) psi4.set_module_options("cclambda", {"r_convergence": 1e-3, "cachelevel": 0}) psi4.set_module_options( "cceom", {"cachelevel": 0, "r_convergence": 1e-3, "e_convergence": 1e-5} ) cce, ccwfn = "eom-cc2", properties=["dipole"], return_wfn=True, molecule=mol ) ptss = compute_ptss_corrections(ccwfn, nroots)
(cart[0], cart[1], cart[2])) for a in range(0, 3): print(" %s %20.10lf %20.10lf %20.10lf\n" % (cart[a], polar_AB[3 * a + 0], polar_AB[3 * a + 1], polar_AB[3 * a + 2])) # Isotropic polarizability trace = polar_AB[0] + polar_AB[4] + polar_AB[8] Isotropic_polar = trace / 3.0 print( " Isotropic CCSD Dipole Polarizability @ %d nm (Length Gauge): %20.10lf a.u." % (omega_nm, Isotropic_polar)) # Comaprison with PSI4 (if you have near to latest version of psi4) psi4.set_options({'d_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'e_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'r_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'omega': [589, 'nm']})'ccsd', properties=['polarizability']) psi4.compare_values( Isotropic_polar, psi4.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY @ 589NM"), 6, "CCSD Isotropic Dipole Polarizability @ 589 nm (Length Gauge)") #TEST #psi4.compare_values( # Isotropic_polar, 8.5698293248, 6, # "CCSD Isotropic Dipole Polarizability @ 589 nm (Length Gauge)") # TEST # Optical rotation
def test_psi4_scfproperty(): """scf-property""" #! UFH and B3LYP cc-pVQZ properties for the CH2 molecule. with open('grid.dat', 'w') as handle: handle.write("""\ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 """) ch2 = psi4.geometry(""" 0 3 c h 1 b1 h 1 b1 2 a1 b1 = 1.0 a1 = 125.0 """) # Get a reasonable guess, to save some iterations psi4.set_options({ "scf_type": "pk", "basis": "6-31G**", "e_convergence": 8, "docc": [2, 0, 0, 1], "socc": [1, 0, 1, 0], "reference": "uhf" }) ch2.update_geometry() assert psi4.compare_values(6.6484189450, ch2.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9, "Nuclear repulsion energy") props = [ 'DIPOLE', 'QUADRUPOLE', 'MULLIKEN_CHARGES', 'LOWDIN_CHARGES', 'WIBERG_LOWDIN_INDICES', 'MAYER_INDICES', 'MAYER_INDICES', 'MO_EXTENTS', 'GRID_FIELD', 'GRID_ESP', 'ESP_AT_NUCLEI', 'MULTIPOLE(5)', 'NO_OCCUPATIONS' ]'scf', properties=props) assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), -38.91591819679808, 6, "SCF energy") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF DIPOLE X'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF DIPOLE X") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF DIPOLE Y'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF DIPOLE Y") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF DIPOLE Z'), 0.572697798348, 4, "SCF DIPOLE Z") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XX'), -7.664066833060, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XX") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE YY'), -6.097755074075, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE YY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE ZZ'), -7.074596012050, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE ZZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XY'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE YZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE YZ")'B3LYP', properties=props) assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), -39.14134740550916, 6, "B3LYP energy") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP DIPOLE X'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE X") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP DIPOLE Y'), -0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE Y") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP DIPOLE Z'), 0.641741521158, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE Z") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XX'), -7.616483183211, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XX") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YY'), -6.005896804551, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE ZZ'), -7.021817489904, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE ZZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XY'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XY") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XZ") assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.get_variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YZ'), -0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YZ")
H 1 1.1 2 104 symmetry c1 """) opt_dict = { "basis": "sto-3g", "reference": "RHF", "print_MOs": "True", "mp2_type": "conv", "scf_type": "pk", "roots_per_irrep": [40], "e_convergence": 1e-14, "r_convergence": 1e-14 } psi4.set_options(opt_dict)'ccsd', properties=['dipole', 'analyze'])'cc2', properties=['dipole','analyze']) #Start parameters #w0 frequency of the oscillation #A = 0.005#the amplitude of the electric field #t0 = 0.0000 #the start time #dt = 0.0001 #time step #precs = 15 #precision of the t1, t2, l1, l2 amplitudes mol = CC_Calculator(psi4, w0=0.968635, A=0.005, t0=0.0, dt=0.0001, precs=15) #Time-dependent CC2 calculation #mol.TDCC(timeout, 'CC2') #Time-dependent CCSD calculation mol.TDCC(timeout, 'CCSD')
""") mol.fix_com(True) mol.fix_orientation(True) psi4.core.set_num_threads(NUMTHREADS) psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pvdz'}) psi4.set_options({'maxiter': 500}) psi4.set_options({'cachelevel': CCCACHELEVEL}) psi4.set_options({'freeze_core': 'true'}) psi4.set_options({'reference': 'rhf'}) # --- HF calculation --- # E, wf ='scf', molecule=mol, return_wfn=True) # save the some matrixes"D-HF", wf.Da().to_array(False, True))"F-HF", wf.Fa().to_array(False, True))"C-HF", wf.Ca().to_array(False, True))"H-HF", wf.H().to_array(False, True))"e-HF", wf.epsilon_a().to_array(False, True)) props, ccwf ='CCSD', molecule=mol, properties=['MULLIKEN_CHARGES'], return_wfn=True, ref_wfn=wf) # save the some matrixes"D-CCSD", ccwf.Da().to_array(False, True))
def test_cc_polaroptrot(): # cc29 + polarizabilities + tensors mol = psi4.geometry(""" O -0.028962160801 -0.694396279686 -0.049338350190 O 0.028962160801 0.694396279686 -0.049338350190 H 0.350498145881 -0.910645626300 0.783035421467 H -0.350498145881 0.910645626300 0.783035421467 symmetry c1 noreorient """) mw = sum([mol.mass(i) for i in range(0, 4)]) c = psi4.constants.c h = psi4.constants.h h2j = psi4.constants.hartree2J Na = me = hbar = psi4.constants.hbar prefactor = -72E6 * hbar**2 * Na / c**2 / me**2 / mw / 3.0 au_589 = c * h * 1E9 / h2j / 589 au_355 = c * h * 1E9 / h2j / 355 psi4.set_options({"basis": "cc-pVDZ"}) omega = [589, 355, 'nm'] psi4.set_options({ 'gauge': 'both', 'omega': omega, 'freeze_core': True, 'r_convergence': 10 }) e, wfn ='CCSD', properties=["polarizability", "rotation"], return_wfn=True) pol_589 = 8.92296 #TEST pol_355 = 9.16134 #TEST rotlen_589 = -76.93388 #TEST rotvel_589 = 850.24712 #TEST rotmvg_589 = -179.08820 #TEST rotlen_355 = -214.73273 #TEST rotvel_355 = 384.88786 #TEST rotmvg_355 = -644.44746 #TEST polr_589 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY TENSOR @ 589NM").to_array() ) / 3.0 #RESULT polr_355 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY TENSOR @ 355NM").to_array() ) / 3.0 #RESULT rotlenr_589 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (LEN) @ 589NM").to_array() ) * prefactor * au_589 #RESULT rotvelr_589 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (VEL) @ 589NM").to_array() ) * prefactor #RESULT rotmvgr_589 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (MVG) @ 589NM").to_array() ) * prefactor #RESULT rotlenr_355 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (LEN) @ 355NM").to_array() ) * prefactor * au_355 #RESULT rotvelr_355 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (VEL) @ 355NM").to_array() ) * prefactor #RESULT rotmvgr_355 = np.trace( wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (MVG) @ 355NM").to_array() ) * prefactor #RESULT polt_589 = np.array([[5.44184081e+00, -8.30270852e-01, 9.39878004e-14], [-8.30270852e-01, 1.27518991e+01, -6.94720506e-14], [9.39878004e-14, -6.94720506e-14, 8.57516214e+00]]) #TEST polt_355 = np.array([[5.57913165e+00, -8.66951957e-01, 1.02575190e-13], [-8.66951957e-01, 1.31256109e+01, -7.71806997e-14], [1.02575190e-13, -7.71806997e-14, 8.77928702e+00]]) #TEST rottvel_0 = np.array([[3.63702792e-01, -3.62754886e-01, -3.37227243e-14], [-1.16320923e-01, 1.20784891e-02, 1.76483272e-14], [1.90062651e-14, -2.33369227e-15, -3.92022202e-01]]) #TEST rottlen_589 = np.array([[1.41679366e-01, -7.07140738e-02, -2.26060131e-14], [-2.72710108e-01, 1.28928522e-03, 1.01578936e-14], [3.74236371e-14, 3.88522300e-15, -1.27276912e-01]]) #TEST rottvel_589 = np.array([[3.75624000e-01, -3.74245928e-01, -3.61489832e-14], [-1.39409385e-01, 1.26867931e-02, 1.94630079e-14], [2.33993608e-14, -1.61361648e-15, -4.01726048e-01]]) #TEST rottmvg_589 = np.array([[1.19212077e-02, -1.14910412e-02, -2.42625886e-15], [-2.30884623e-02, 6.08303937e-04, 1.81468070e-15], [4.39309571e-15, 7.20075789e-16, -9.70384612e-03]]) #TEST assert psi4.compare_values(pol_589, polr_589, 3, "CCSD polarizability @ 589nm") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values(pol_355, polr_355, 3, "CCSD polarizability @ 355nm") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values(rotlen_589, rotlenr_589, 3, "CCSD rotation @ 589nm in length gauge") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( rotvel_589, rotvelr_589, 3, "CCSD rotation @ 589nm in velocity gauge") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( rotmvg_589, rotmvgr_589, 3, "CCSD rotation @ 589nm in modified velocity gauge") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values(rotlen_355, rotlenr_355, 3, "CCSD rotation @ 355nm in length gauge") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( rotvel_355, rotvelr_355, 3, "CCSD rotation @ 355nm in velocity gauge") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( rotmvg_355, rotmvgr_355, 3, "CCSD rotation @ 355nm in modified velocity gauge") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( polt_589, wfn.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY TENSOR @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD polarizability tensor @ 589nm") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( polt_355, wfn.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY TENSOR @ 355NM"), 3, "CCSD polarizability tensor @ 355nm") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottvel_0, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (VEL) @ 0NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 0NM in velocity guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottlen_589, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (LEN) @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 589NM in length guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottvel_589, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (VEL) @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 589NM in velocity guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottmvg_589, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (MVG) @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 589NM in modified velocity guage") #TEST
def test_cc_roa(): # three tensors for ROA (polar, optrot, and dip-quad) mol = psi4.geometry(""" O -0.028962160801 -0.694396279686 -0.049338350190 O 0.028962160801 0.694396279686 -0.049338350190 H 0.350498145881 -0.910645626300 0.783035421467 H -0.350498145881 0.910645626300 0.783035421467 symmetry c1 noreorient """) psi4.set_options({"basis": "cc-pVDZ"}) omega = [589, 'nm'] psi4.set_options({ 'gauge': 'both', 'omega': omega, 'freeze_core': True, 'r_convergence': 10 }) e, wfn ='CCSD', properties=["roa_tensor"], return_wfn=True) polt_589 = np.array([[5.44184081e+00, -8.30270852e-01, 9.39878004e-14], [-8.30270852e-01, 1.27518991e+01, -6.94720506e-14], [9.39878004e-14, -6.94720506e-14, 8.57516214e+00]]) rottvel_0 = np.array([[3.63702792e-01, -3.62754886e-01, -3.37227243e-14], [-1.16320923e-01, 1.20784891e-02, 1.76483272e-14], [1.90062651e-14, -2.33369227e-15, -3.92022202e-01]]) rottlen_589 = np.array([[1.41679366e-01, -7.07140738e-02, -2.26060131e-14], [-2.72710108e-01, 1.28928522e-03, 1.01578936e-14], [3.74236371e-14, 3.88522300e-15, -1.27276912e-01]]) rottvel_589 = np.array([[3.75624000e-01, -3.74245928e-01, -3.61489832e-14], [-1.39409385e-01, 1.26867931e-02, 1.94630079e-14], [2.33993608e-14, -1.61361648e-15, -4.01726048e-01]]) rottmvg_589 = np.array([[1.19212077e-02, -1.14910412e-02, -2.42625886e-15], [-2.30884623e-02, 6.08303937e-04, 1.81468070e-15], [4.39309571e-15, 7.20075789e-16, -9.70384612e-03]]) quad0 = np.array([[[-2.52229282e-14, -4.33846468e-13, 3.90176525e+00], [-4.33846468e-13, -6.81906994e-15, -5.83659009e+00], [3.90176525e+00, -5.83659009e+00, 3.18177152e-14]], [[1.20834634e-13, 6.99638702e-14, -2.37995874e+00], [6.99638702e-14, -1.17603861e-13, 6.85651590e+00], [-2.37995874e+00, 6.85651590e+00, -3.99609068e-15]], [[-4.55024365e+00, -5.30335671e+00, 1.65990108e-13], [-5.30335671e+00, -1.35415335e+00, -8.75522529e-13], [1.65990108e-13, -8.75522529e-13, 5.90439700e+00]]]) assert psi4.compare_values( polt_589, wfn.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY TENSOR @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD polarizability tensor @ 589nm") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottvel_0, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (VEL) @ 0NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 0NM in velocity guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottlen_589, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (LEN) @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 589NM in length guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottvel_589, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (VEL) @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 589NM in velocity guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_arrays( rottmvg_589, wfn.variable("CCSD OPTICAL ROTATION TENSOR (MVG) @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD optrot tensor @ 589NM in modified velocity guage") #TEST assert psi4.compare_values( quad0, wfn.variable("CCSD QUADRUPOLE POLARIZABILITY TENSOR @ 589NM"), 3, "CCSD quadrupole tensor @ 589nm") #TEST
# Run this with: # python # Make sure helper files are in the same directory # Everything should work as intended if downloaded from # If not, feel free to write me a strongly worded email for not keepting this repo up to date. import psi4 from helper_tdcc import rtcc from opt_einsum import contract import numpy as np mol = psi4.geometry(""" Li H 1 1 symmetry c1 """) psi4.set_options({'basis': 'sto-3g'}) psi4.set_options({'reference': 'rhf'}) rtcc() psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'SCF_TYPE': 'PK'}) psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'E_CONVERGENCE': 1e-14}) psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'D_CONVERGENCE': 1e-14}) psi4.set_module_options('CCENERGY', {'E_CONVERGENCE': 1e-16}) psi4.set_module_options('CCLAMBDA', {'R_CONVERGENCE': 1e-16}) e_ccsd ='ccsd', 'dipole')
def test_adcc_reference_data(case): conf = case["config"] psi4.core.clean() psi4.set_options({ 'reference': conf['reference'], 'basis': conf['basis'], 'guess': 'core', 'scf_type': 'pk', 'roots_per_irrep': [conf['n_states']], 'kind': conf['kind'], 'num_core_orbitals': conf['core_orbitals'], 'freeze_core': conf['frozen_core'], 'num_frozen_uocc': conf['frozen_virtual'], 'e_convergence': 1e-10, 'd_convergence': 1e-8, 'gauge': conf['gauge'], 'adc__r_convergence': 1e-8, }) mol = psi4.core.Molecule.from_string(conf['molstring']) props = [ 'TRANSITION_DIPOLE', 'DIPOLE', 'OSCILLATOR_STRENGTH', 'ROTATIONAL_STRENGTH' ] en_adc, wfn =['method'], properties=props, return_wfn=True, molecule=mol) np.testing.assert_allclose(en_adc, case['energy_gs'], atol=1e-7) np.testing.assert_allclose(wfn.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), case['energy_gs'], atol=1e-7) method = conf['method'].upper() for i in range(conf['n_states']): root_index = i + 1 prop_access_patterns = { 'excitation_energy': ([ f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} EXCITATION ENERGY", f"{method} ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) EXCITATION ENERGY", f"{method} ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) EXCITATION ENERGY", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} EXCITATION ENERGY - A TRANSITION", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} EXCITATION ENERGY", f"ADC ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) EXCITATION ENERGY", f"ADC ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) EXCITATION ENERGY", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} EXCITATION ENERGY - A TRANSITION", ], 1e-6), 'oscillator_strength': ([ f"{method} ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN)", f"{method} ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN)", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN)", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN) - A TRANSITION", f"ADC ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN)", f"ADC ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN)", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN)", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (LEN) - A TRANSITION", ], 1e-5), 'oscillator_strength_velocity': ([ f"{method} ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL)", f"{method} ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL)", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL)", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL) - A TRANSITION", f"ADC ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL)", f"ADC ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL)", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL)", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} OSCILLATOR STRENGTH (VEL) - A TRANSITION", ], 1e-5), 'rotatory_strength': ([ f"{method} ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL)", f"{method} ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL)", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL)", f"{method} ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL) - A TRANSITION", f"ADC ROOT 0 (IN A) -> ROOT {root_index} (IN A) ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL)", f"ADC ROOT 0 (A) -> ROOT {root_index} (A) ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL)", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL)", f"ADC ROOT 0 -> ROOT {root_index} ROTATORY STRENGTH (VEL) - A TRANSITION", ], 1e-5), 'state_dipole_moment': ([ f"{method} ROOT {root_index} (IN A) DIPOLE MOMENT", f"{method} ROOT {root_index} (A) DIPOLE MOMENT", f"{method} ROOT {root_index} DIPOLE MOMENT", f"{method} ROOT {root_index} DIPOLE MOMENT - A TRANSITION", f"ADC ROOT {root_index} (IN A) DIPOLE MOMENT", f"ADC ROOT {root_index} (A) DIPOLE MOMENT", f"ADC ROOT {root_index} DIPOLE MOMENT", f"ADC ROOT {root_index} DIPOLE MOMENT - A TRANSITION", ], 5e-3), } for propname, (vars, atol) in prop_access_patterns.items(): # Psi lets us select only one gauge, so skip length gauge oscillator strength # in case we have selected velocity gauge and vice versa if propname == "oscillator_strength" and conf['gauge'] == "velocity" or \ propname == "oscillator_strength_velocity" and conf['gauge'] == "length": continue for v in vars: ret = wfn.variable(v) if isinstance(ret, psi4.core.Matrix): ret = np.testing.assert_allclose( ret, case[propname][i], atol=atol, err_msg=f"Result for {v} incorrect.")
S 2 1.00 12.2874690000 0.4448700000 4.7568050000 0.2431720000 S 1 1.00 1.0042710000 1.0000000000 S 1 1.00 0.3006860000 1.0000000000 S 1 1.00 0.0900300000 1.0000000000 P 4 1.00 34.8564630000 0.0156480000 7.8431310000 0.0981970000 2.3062490000 0.3077680000 0.7231640000 0.4924700000 P 1 1.00 0.2148820000 1.0000000000 P 1 1.00 0.0638500000 1.0000000000 D 2 1.00 2.3062000000 0.2027000000 0.7232000000 0.5791000000 D 2 1.00 0.2149000000 0.7854500000 0.0639000000 0.5338700000 **** """) ccsd_e, wfn ='ccsd',properties=['dipole'],return_wfn=True) psi4.oeprop(wfn,"DIPOLE", "QUADRUPOLE", title="(OEPROP)CC") psi4.core.print_variables()
def test_polar(): psi4.core.clean() # Set memory psi4.set_memory('2 GB') psi4.core.set_output_file('test_polar_out.dat', False) np.set_printoptions(precision=12, threshold=np.inf, linewidth=200, suppress=True) # Set Psi4 options mol = psi4.geometry(""" 0 1 O H 1 1.1 H 1 1.1 2 104 noreorient symmetry c1 """) psi4.set_options({ 'basis': 'cc-pVDZ', 'scf_type': 'pk', 'freeze_core': 'false', 'e_convergence': 1e-10, 'd_convergence': 1e-10, 'save_jk': 'true' }) # Set for CCSD E_conv = 1e-10 R_conv = 1e-10 maxiter = 40 compare_psi4 = False # Set for LPNO #local=True local = False pno_cut = 0.0 # Set for polarizability calculation typ = 'polar' omega_nm = 589.0 # Compute RHF energy with psi4 psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'E_CONVERGENCE': 1e-10}) psi4.set_module_options('SCF', {'D_CONVERGENCE': 1e-10}) e_scf, wfn ='SCF', return_wfn=True) print('SCF energy: {}\n'.format(e_scf)) print('Nuclear repulsion energy: {}\n'.format( mol.nuclear_repulsion_energy())) # Create Helper_CCenergy object polarizability = ccsd_lpno.do_linresp(wfn, omega_nm, mol, method='polar', e_conv=E_conv, r_conv=R_conv, localize=local, pno_cut=pno_cut) # Comaprison with Psi4 psi4.set_options({'e_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'r_convergence': 1e-10}) psi4.set_options({'omega': [589, 'nm']})'ccsd', properties=['polarizability']) psi4.compare_values( polarizability, psi4.core.variable("CCSD DIPOLE POLARIZABILITY @ 589NM"), 6, "CCSD Isotropic Dipole Polarizability @ 589 nm (Length Gauge)") #TEST