def _run_psi4(self, options: dict, method=None, return_wfn=True, point_group=None, filename: str = None, guess_wfn=None, ref_wfn=None, *args, **kwargs): psi4.core.clean() if self.active_space and not self.active_space.psi4_representable: print("Warning: Active space is not Psi4 representable") if "threads" in kwargs: psi4.set_num_threads(nthread=kwargs["threads"]) if filename is None: filename = "{}_{}.out".format(self.parameters.filename, method) psi4.core.set_output_file(filename) # easier guess read in if guess_wfn is not None: if isinstance(guess_wfn, QuantumChemistryPsi4): guess_wfn = guess_wfn.logs["hf"].wfn if isinstance(guess_wfn, str): guess_wfn = psi4.core.Wavefunction.from_file(guess_wfn) guess_wfn.to_file(guess_wfn.get_scratch_filename(180)) # this is necessary options["guess"] = "read" # prevent known flaws if "guess" in options and options["guess"].lower() == "read": options["basis_guess"] = False # additionally the outputfile needs to be the same # as in the previous guess # this can not be determined here # better pass down a guess_wfn mol = psi4.geometry(self.parameters.get_geometry_string()) mol.set_multiplicity(self.parameters.multiplicity) if self.parameters.multiplicity != 1: raise TequilaPsi4Exception("Multiplicity != 1 no yet supported") mol.set_molecular_charge(self.parameters.charge) if point_group is not None: mol.reset_point_group(point_group.lower()) if ref_wfn is None and hasattr(self, "ref_wfn"): ref_wfn = self.ref_wfn if point_group is not None and point_group.lower() == "c1": ref_wfn = None # ref_wfn.c1_deep_copy(ref_wfn.basisset()) # CC will not converge otherwise guess_wfn = None psi4.activate(mol) psi4.set_options(options) if ref_wfn is None or method.lower() == "hf": energy, wfn =, return_wfn=return_wfn, molecule=mol) else: energy, wfn =, ref_wfn=ref_wfn, return_wfn=return_wfn, molecule=mol, guess_wfn=guess_wfn) self.energies[method.lower()] = energy self.logs[method.lower()] = Psi4Results(filename=filename, variables=copy.deepcopy(psi4.core.variables()), wfn=wfn, mol=mol) return energy, wfn
def test_gpudfcc2(): """gpu_dfcc/tests/gpu_dfcc2""" #! aug-cc-pvdz (H2O) Test DF-CCSD(T) vs GPU-DF-CCSD(T) import psi4 H20 = psi4.geometry(""" O 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 -0.068516219310 H 0.000000000000 -0.790689573744 0.543701060724 H 0.000000000000 0.790689573744 0.543701060724 """) psi4.set_memory(32000000000) psi4.set_options({ 'cc_type': 'df', 'basis': 'aug-cc-pvdz', 'freeze_core': 'true', 'e_convergence': 1e-8, 'd_convergence': 1e-8, 'r_convergence': 1e-8, 'scf_type': 'df', 'maxiter': 30}) psi4.set_num_threads(2) en_dfcc ='ccsd(t)') en_gpu_dfcc ='gpu-df-ccsd(t)') assert psi4.compare_values(en_gpu_dfcc, en_dfcc, 8, "CCSD total energy")
def setup_psi4( dft_radial_points=75, dft_spherical_points=302, num_processors=1, guess_basis="false", use_soscf="false", scf_type="DIRECT", fail_on_maxiter="false", g_convergence=None, max_disp_g_convergence=None, ): """Setup the control parameters for the psi4 job""" opts = dict() # opts['guess'] = 'sad' # defaults to auto opts["scf_type"] = scf_type opts["fail_on_maxiter"] = fail_on_maxiter opts["basis_guess"] = guess_basis opts["soscf"] = use_soscf opts["dft_radial_points"] = dft_radial_points opts["dft_spherical_points"] = dft_spherical_points if g_convergence is not None: opts["g_convergence"] = g_convergence if max_disp_g_convergence is not None: opts["max_disp_g_convergence"] = max_disp_g_convergence psi4.set_options(opts) psi4.set_num_threads(num_processors)
def test_gpu_dfcc(): """gpu_dfcc/tests/gpu_dfcc1""" #! cc-pvdz (H2O)2 Test DF-CCSD vs GPU-DF-CCSD import gpu_dfcc H20 = psi4.geometry(""" O 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 -0.068516219310 H 0.000000000000 -0.790689573744 0.543701060724 H 0.000000000000 0.790689573744 0.543701060724 """) psi4.set_memory(32000000000) psi4.set_options({ 'cc_timings': False, 'num_gpus': 1, 'cc_type': 'df', 'df_basis_cc': 'aug-cc-pvdz-ri', 'df_basis_scf': 'aug-cc-pvdz-jkfit', 'basis': 'aug-cc-pvdz', 'freeze_core': 'true', 'e_convergence': 1e-8, 'd_convergence': 1e-8, 'r_convergence': 1e-8, 'scf_type': 'df', 'maxiter': 30}) psi4.set_num_threads(2) en_dfcc ='ccsd', molecule=H20) en_gpu_dfcc ='gpu-df-ccsd', molecule=H20) assert psi4.compare_values(en_gpu_dfcc, en_dfcc, 8, "CCSD total energy")
def test_gpu_dfcc(): """gpu_dfcc/tests/gpu_dfcc1""" #! cc-pvdz (H2O)2 Test DF-CCSD vs GPU-DF-CCSD import gpu_dfcc H20 = psi4.geometry(""" O 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 -0.068516219310 H 0.000000000000 -0.790689573744 0.543701060724 H 0.000000000000 0.790689573744 0.543701060724 """) psi4.set_memory(32000000000) psi4.set_options({ 'cc_timings': False, 'num_gpus': 1, 'cc_type': 'df', 'df_basis_cc': 'aug-cc-pvdz-ri', 'df_basis_scf': 'aug-cc-pvdz-jkfit', 'basis': 'aug-cc-pvdz', 'freeze_core': 'true', 'e_convergence': 1e-8, 'd_convergence': 1e-8, 'r_convergence': 1e-8, 'scf_type': 'df', 'maxiter': 30 }) psi4.set_num_threads(2) en_dfcc ='ccsd', molecule=H20) en_gpu_dfcc ='gpu-df-ccsd', molecule=H20) assert psi4.compare_values(en_gpu_dfcc, en_dfcc, 8, "CCSD total energy")
def psi4_super(self): self.int_ = [] all_atoms = self.frag_A + self.frag_B au_to_kcal = 627.51 count = 0 output = open(self.outfile, "a") output.write('\n\n--Supermolecular Interaction Energy--\n') output.write( '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) output.write('\n{:>15} {:>15}\n'.format('IRC Point', 'E_int(kcal)')) output.write( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) output.close() for geometry in self.geometries: output = open(self.outfile, "a") psi4.core.set_output_file("psi4_output/irc_%d_sapt.out" % count, False) geometry += "symmetry c1" psi4.geometry(geometry) psi4.set_options({'reference': 'rhf', 'basis': self.basis}) psi4.set_num_threads(self.nthreads) if (self.set_memory): psi4.set_memory(self.memory_allocation) #print("pyREX:SAPT Calculation on IRC Point %d" %(count)) e_int ="%s/%s" % (self.method, self.basis), bsse_type='cp') output.write('\n{:>15} {:>15.4f}\n'.format(count, e_int * au_to_kcal)) output.close() self.int_.append(e_int) count = count + 1 return self.int_
def __init__(self, method='pbe', basis='aug-cc-pvtz', psi4_output='output.dat', memory=20e+09, cores=12, scratch_dir='scratch'): self.basis = basis self.method = method if not os.path.exists(scratch_dir): os.mkdir(scratch_dir) else: shutil.rmtree(scratch_dir) os.mkdir(scratch_dir) self.scratch_dir = scratch_dir # optional psi4.core.IOManager.shared_object().set_default_path(scratch_dir) psi4.set_memory(int(memory)) psi4.set_num_threads(cores) # Overwrites the output.dat psi4.set_output_file(psi4_output, False) print('Psi4 Model initiated with method %s and basis set %s' % (self.method, self.basis))
def surf_psi4(params, output_file): natoms = params.natoms geom = params.geometry #print(geom) geom += "symmetry c1\n" geom += "no_reorient\n" geom += "no_com" #print(geom) #print(geom) mol = psi4.geometry(geom) if (params.constraint_type == 'angle'): coord_constraint = 'fixed_bend' if (params.constraint_type == 'bond'): coord_constraint = 'fixed_distance' if (params.constraint_type == 'dihedral'): coord_constraint = 'fixed_dihedral' output = open(output_file, "a") output.write( '\n\n--%s surface scan for fixed %s of atoms %s--\n' % (params.scan_type, params.constraint_type, params.constrained_atoms)) output.write( '\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) output.write('\n{:>20} {:>20}\n'.format('Coordinate', 'E')) output.write( '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) output.close() surf_out = open("", "w+") surf_out.close() for constrained_value in params.constrained_values: #print(params.constrained_values) fixed_coord = params.constrained_atoms + str(constrained_value) #print(fixed_coord) psi4.set_options(params.keywords) psi4.set_module_options('Optking', {coord_constraint: fixed_coord}) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) psi4.core.set_output_file( "psi4_output/surf_%.2f.out" % constrained_value, False) surf_out = open("", "a") surf_out.write("%s\n" % natoms) surf_out.write( "%s surface scan with fixed %s of %f\n" % (params.scan_type, params.constraint_type, constrained_value)) if (params.scan_type == 'relaxed'): E = psi4.optimize("%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis)) pre_string = mol.create_psi4_string_from_molecule() #print(pre_string) struct = pre_string.split("\n", 7)[7] #print(struct) surf_out.write(struct[:-1]) if (params.scan_type == 'unrelaxed'): E ="%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis)) output = open(output_file, "a") output.write('\n{:>20.4f} {:>20.7f}\n'.format(constrained_value, E)) output.close()
def calc_vib_freq(smiles): mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) xyz, mol = mol_to_xyz(mol) psi4.set_memory('4 GB') psi4.set_num_threads(4) method_basis = args.method + '/' + args.basis geom = psi4.geometry(xyz) e, wfn = psi4.frequency(method_basis, molecule=geom, return_wfn=True) print("SMILES: " + smiles + ", Vibrational Frequency Energy: " + str(e)) return e
def opt_geom(smiles): mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) xyz, mol = mol_to_xyz(mol) psi4.set_memory('4 GB') psi4.set_num_threads(4) method_basis = args.method + '/' + args.basis geom = psi4.geometry(xyz) opt_e = psi4.optimize(method_basis, molecule=geom) print("SMILES: " + smiles + ", Optimization Energy: " + str(opt_e) + " H") return opt_e
def get_HF_wfn(molstring, basis, **options): psi4.core.clean() psi4.set_memory("8 GB") psi4.set_num_threads(8) psi4.set_output_file("psilog.dat") mol = psi4.geometry(molstring) psi4.set_options(options) e, wfn ="HF/{}".format(basis), return_wfn=True, molecule=mol) return wfn
def calc_homo_lumo(smiles): mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) xyz, mol = mol_to_xyz(mol) psi4.set_memory('4 GB') psi4.set_num_threads(4) geom = psi4.geometry(xyz) method_basis = args.method + '/' + args.basis e, wfn =, return_wfn=True) h**o = wfn.epsilon_a_subset('AO', 'ALL').np[wfn.nalpha() - 1] lumo = wfn.epsilon_a_subset('AO', 'ALL').np[wfn.nalpha()] print("SMILES: " + smiles + ", Energy: " + str(e) + " H, H**O: " + str(h**o) + " H, LUMO: " + str(lumo) + " H") return h**o, lumo, e
def test_threaded_blas(args): threads = int(args.nthread) times = {} size = [200, 500, 2000, 4000] threads = [1, threads] for th in threads: psi4.set_num_threads(th) for sz in size: nruns = max(1, int(1.e10 / (sz**3))) a = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) b = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) c = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) tp4 = time.time() for n in range(nruns): c.gemm(False, False, 1.0, a, b, 0.0) retp4 = (time.time() - tp4) / nruns tnp = time.time() for n in range(nruns):, b, out=np.asarray(c)) retnp = (time.time() - tnp) / nruns print( "Time for threads %2d, size %5d: Psi4: %12.6f NumPy: %12.6f" % (th, sz, retp4, retnp)) if sz == 4000: times["p4-n{}".format(th)] = retp4 times["np-n{}".format(th)] = retnp assert psi4.get_num_threads() == th rat1 = times["np-n" + str(threads[-1])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] rat2 = times["p4-n" + str(threads[0])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] print(" NumPy@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~1): %.2f" % (threads[-1], threads[-1], rat1)) print(" Psi4@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~%d): %.2f" % (threads[0], threads[-1], threads[-1], rat2)) if args.passfail: assert math.isclose( rat1, 1.0, rel_tol=0.2), 'PsiAPI:NumPy speedup {} !~= 1.0'.format(rat1) assert math.isclose(rat2, threads[-1], rel_tol=0.4), 'PsiAPI speedup {} !~= {}'.format( rat2, threads[-1])
def energy_calc(params, current_geom, mol): energy = 0.0 if (params.qm_program == 'pyscf'): pymol = gto.Mole() pymol.verbose = 0 geom_vec = [] for i in range(params.natoms): atom = [ params.symbols[i], ] atom_coords = [] for j in range(3): atom_coords.append(current_geom[i][j]) atom_coords = tuple(atom_coords) atom.append(atom_coords) geom_vec.append(atom) #print(geom_vec) pymol.atom = geom_vec pymol.unit = 'Bohr' pymol.basis = params.basis pymol.charge = params.charge pymol.spin = params.mult - 1 if (params.method == "scf"): scf_obj = scf.RHF(pymol) #if(params.method == "mp2"): #TODO Doesn't work yet. Few things left to figure out. # scf_obj = scf.RHF(pymol).run() # scf_obj = mp.MP2(scf_obj).run() #if(params.method == "dft"): # scf_obj = dft.RKS(mol) # scf_obj.xc = params.xc_functional if (params.do_solvent): solv_obj = solvent.ddCOSMO(scf_obj) solv_obj.with_solvent.eps = params.eps energy = solv_obj.kernel() print(energy) else: energy = scf_obj.scf() if (params.qm_program == 'psi4'): mol.set_geometry(psi4.core.Matrix.from_array(current_geom)) grad_method = "%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis) psi4.core.set_output_file("psi4_out.dat", False) psi4.set_options(params.keywords) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) energy = return energy
def disabled_test_threaded_blas(): threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() threads = int(threads / 2) times = {} size = [200, 500, 2000, 5000] threads = [1, threads] for th in threads: psi4.set_num_threads(th) for sz in size: nruns = max(1, int(1.e10 / (sz**3))) a = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) b = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) c = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) tp4 = time.time() for n in range(nruns): c.gemm(False, False, 1.0, a, b, 0.0) retp4 = (time.time() - tp4) / nruns tnp = time.time() for n in range(nruns):, b, out=np.asarray(c)) retnp = (time.time() - tnp) / nruns print( "Time for threads %2d, size %5d: Psi4: %12.6f NumPy: %12.6f" % (th, sz, retp4, retnp)) if sz == 5000: times["p4-n{}".format(th)] = retp4 times["np-n{}".format(th)] = retnp assert psi4.get_num_threads() == th rat1 = times["np-n" + str(threads[-1])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] rat2 = times["p4-n" + str(threads[0])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] print(" NumPy@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~1): %.2f" % (threads[-1], threads[-1], rat1)) print(" Psi4@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~%d): %.2f" % (threads[0], threads[-1], threads[-1], rat2)) assert pytest.approx(rat1, 0.2) == 1.0 assert pytest.approx(rat2, 0.8) == threads[-1]
def calcE(conn, sys1, crd1, sys2, crd2, theory, basis): import psi4 olddir = os.getcwd() tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(dir='/dev/shm') os.chdir( psi4.core.set_output_file('output.dat', False) psi4.set_memory('100 GB') #psi4.set_num_threads(18) psi4.set_num_threads(1) psi4.set_options({'freeze_core': 'true'}) cplx = psi4.geometry("{sys1}\n--\n{sys2}\nunits angstrom".format( sys1=sys1.fmt_psi4(crd1), sys2=sys2.fmt_psi4(crd2))) de ='%s/%s' % (theory, basis), bsse_type='cp', molecule=cplx) conn.send(de * psi4.constants.hartree2kcalmol) os.chdir(olddir) conn.close()
def __init__( self, basis_set, functional, quadrature_spherical, quadrature_radial, qm_charge, qm_spin, scf_type="df", qmmm_pme=False, n_threads=1, read_guess=False, group_part_dict=None, element_symbols=None, charges=None, positions=None, box=None, ): System.__init__(self) self.basis_set = basis_set self.functional = functional self.quadrature_spherical = quadrature_spherical self.quadrature_radial = quadrature_radial self.qm_charge = qm_charge self.qm_spin = qm_spin self.scf_type = scf_type self.qmmm_pme = qmmm_pme psi4.set_num_threads(n_threads) options = { "basis": self.basis_set, "dft_spherical_points": self.quadrature_spherical, "dft_radial_points": self.quadrature_radial, "scf_type": self.scf_type, "qmmm": str(self.qmmm_pme).lower(), } psi4.set_options(options) self.read_guess = read_guess self.wfn = None self.group_part_dict = group_part_dict self.element_symbols = element_symbols self.charges = charges self.positions = positions if box: = box
def execute_job(): job_id = {job_id} molecule = "{molecule}" method = "{method}" basis = "{basis}" number_of_threads = {num_threads} memory = "{memory}" try: max_threads = int(subprocess.check_output(["grep", "-c", "cores", "/proc/cpuinfo"])) print("Maximum threads: {format}".format(max_threads)) except: print("Error detecting number of cores. \n Maxium threads: 1") max_threads = 1 if number_of_threads > max_threads: print("Input number of threads ({format}) greater than max threads ({format}), limiting number of threads to max threads".format(number_of_threads, max_threads)) number_of_threads = max_threads print("Running Job") print("Molcule: {format}".format(molecule)) print("Method: {format}".format(method)) print("Basis: {format}".format(basis)) print("Threads {format}".format(number_of_threads)) print("Memory: {format}".format(memory)) psi4.core.set_output_file("job_{format}.log".format(job_id), False) psi4.set_memory(memory) psi4.geometry(molecule) psi4.set_num_threads(number_of_threads) try: energy ="{format}/{format}".format(method, basis)) print("Energy: {format}".format(energy)) success = True except ValueError: success = False print("Iterations failed to Converge") with open("job_{format}.out".format(job_id), "w") as out_file: out_file.write("Job: {format}\n".format(job_id)) if success: out_file.write("Energy: {format}".format(energy)) else: out_file.write("Failure")
def disabled_test_threaded_blas(): threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() threads = int(threads / 2) times = {} size = [200, 500, 2000, 5000] threads = [1, threads] for th in threads: psi4.set_num_threads(th) for sz in size: nruns = max(1, int(1.e10 / (sz ** 3))) a = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) b = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) c = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) tp4 = time.time() for n in range(nruns): c.gemm(False, False, 1.0, a, b, 0.0) retp4 = (time.time() - tp4) / nruns tnp = time.time() for n in range(nruns):, b, out=np.asarray(c)) retnp = (time.time() - tnp) / nruns print("Time for threads %2d, size %5d: Psi4: %12.6f NumPy: %12.6f" % (th, sz, retp4, retnp)) if sz == 5000: times["p4-n{}".format(th)] = retp4 times["np-n{}".format(th)] = retnp assert psi4.get_num_threads() == th rat1 = times["np-n" + str(threads[-1])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] rat2 = times["p4-n" + str(threads[0])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] print(" NumPy@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~1): %.2f" % (threads[-1], threads[-1], rat1)) print(" Psi4@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~%d): %.2f" % (threads[0], threads[-1], threads[-1], rat2)) assert pytest.approx(rat1, 0.2) == 1.0 assert pytest.approx(rat2, 0.8) == threads[-1]
def test_threaded_blas(args): threads = int(args.nthread) times = {} size = [200, 500, 2000, 4000] threads = [1, threads] for th in threads: psi4.set_num_threads(th) for sz in size: nruns = max(1, int(1.e10 / (sz ** 3))) a = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) b = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) c = psi4.core.Matrix(sz, sz) tp4 = time.time() for n in range(nruns): c.gemm(False, False, 1.0, a, b, 0.0) retp4 = (time.time() - tp4) / nruns tnp = time.time() for n in range(nruns):, b, out=np.asarray(c)) retnp = (time.time() - tnp) / nruns print("Time for threads %2d, size %5d: Psi4: %12.6f NumPy: %12.6f" % (th, sz, retp4, retnp)) if sz == 4000: times["p4-n{}".format(th)] = retp4 times["np-n{}".format(th)] = retnp assert psi4.get_num_threads() == th rat1 = times["np-n" + str(threads[-1])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] rat2 = times["p4-n" + str(threads[0])] / times["p4-n" + str(threads[-1])] print(" NumPy@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~1): %.2f" % (threads[-1], threads[-1], rat1)) print(" Psi4@n%d : Psi4@n%d ratio (want ~%d): %.2f" % (threads[0], threads[-1], threads[-1], rat2)) if args.passfail: assert math.isclose(rat1, 1.0, rel_tol=0.2), 'PsiAPI:NumPy speedup {} !~= 1.0'.format(rat1) assert math.isclose(rat2, threads[-1], rel_tol=0.4), 'PsiAPI speedup {} !~= {}'.format(rat2, threads[-1])
def opt(params, label, natoms, geom): """ Optimizes individual fragments for strain energy calculations. """ level_of_theory = "%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis) output = open(params.outfile, "a") frag = "" geom = geom.split('\n')[:(natoms + 2)] for i in range(natoms + 2): frag += "%s\n" % geom[i] frag += "symmetry c1" print("Geometry Optimization on Fragment %s" % label) psi4.set_options(params.keywords) psi4.geometry(frag) psidump = "psi4_output/fragment_%s_opt.out" % label psi4.core.set_output_file(psidump, False) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) e = psi4.optimize(level_of_theory) #psi4.core.clean() return e
def psi4_scf(params, geometries): """ Function to run SCF along IRC using PSI4, returns array of energies at each geometry. """ print_header(params.outfile) energies = [] wavefunctions = [] count = 0 start = time.time() level_of_theory = "%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis) if (params.do_solvent): set_solvent_parameters(params) for geometry in geometries: output = open(params.outfile, "a") psi4.core.set_output_file("psi4_output/irc_%d.out" % count, False) geom = geometry geom += "\nsymmetry c1" mol = psi4.geometry(geom) psi4.set_options(params.keywords) #print("pyREX:Single Point Calculation on IRC Point %d" %(count)) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) if (params.set_memory): psi4.set_memory(params.memory_allocation) energy, wfn =, return_wfn=True) #wfn =, self.basis) ndocc = wfn.doccpi()[0] #print(ndocc) eps = np.array(wfn.epsilon_a()) #print(eps) homo_energy = eps[ndocc - 1] lumo_energy = eps[ndocc] energies.append(energy) wavefunctions.append(wfn) output.write('{:>20.2f} {:>20.4f} {:>20.4f} {:>20.4f}\n'.format( params.coordinates[count], energy, homo_energy, lumo_energy)) count = count + 1 output.close() print_footer(params.outfile) end = time.time() print("psi4 Time = %f" % (end - start)) return energies, wavefunctions
def compute_hessian(params, geom): # Use PSI4 to calculate Hessian matrix if (params.qm_program == "psi4"): psi4.core.set_output_file("hessian.out", False) mol = psi4.geometry(geom) psi4.set_options(params.keywords) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) H = psi4.hessian("%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis)) Hess = np.array(H) if (params.qm_program == "sparrow"): sparrow_struct = open("", "w+") sparrow_struct.write("%d\n" % params.natoms) sparrow_struct.write("Sparrow Structure Generated by PYREX\n") sparrow_geom = geom[5:] sparrow_struct.write(sparrow_geom) sparrow_struct.close() sparrow_interface.run_sparrow( "", params.molecular_charge, params.molecular_multiplicity, params.method, "output.dat", "--hessian --suppress_normal_modes --output_to_file") Hess = sparrow_interface.sparrow_hessian(params.natoms, "hessian.dat") return Hess
import pandas as pd from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import AllChem from rdkit.Chem.rdDistGeom import ETKDGv3, EmbedMolecule from rdkit.Chem.rdForceFieldHelpers import MMFFHasAllMoleculeParams, MMFFOptimizeMolecule from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole import psi4 import datetime import time time #計算時間を見てみる # ハードウェア側の設定(計算に用いるCPUのスレッド数とメモリ設定) psi4.set_num_threads(nthread=3) psi4.set_memory("3GB") ## SMILESをxyz形式に変換 def smi2xyz(smiles): mol = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)) AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol, AllChem.ETKDGv2()) AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(mol) conf = mol.GetConformer(-1) xyz = '0 1' for atom, (x, y, z) in zip(mol.GetAtoms(), conf.GetPositions()): xyz += '\n' xyz += '{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(atom.GetSymbol(), x, y, z)
def run_json_qc_schema(json_data, clean): """ An implementation of the QC JSON Schema ( implementation in Psi4. Parameters ---------- json_data : JSON Please see for further details. Notes ----- !Warning! This function is experimental and likely to change in the future. Please report any suggestions or uses of this function on Examples -------- """ # Clean a few things _clean_psi_environ(clean) # This is currently a forced override if json_data["schema_name"] != "qc_schema_input": raise KeyError("Schema name of '{}' not understood".format(json_data["schema_name"])) if json_data["schema_version"] != 1: raise KeyError("Schema version of '{}' not understood".format(json_data["schema_version"])) if json_data.get("nthreads", False) is not False: psi4.set_num_threads(json_data["nthreads"], quiet=True) json_data["provenance"] = {"creator": "Psi4", "version": psi4.__version__, "routine": "psi4.json.run_json"} # Build molecule mol = core.Molecule.from_schema(json_data) # Update molecule geometry as we orient and fix_com json_data["molecule"]["geometry"] = mol.geometry().np.ravel().tolist() # Set options for k, v in json_data["keywords"].items(): core.set_global_option(k, v) # Setup the computation method = json_data["model"]["method"] core.set_global_option("BASIS", json_data["model"]["basis"]) kwargs = {"return_wfn": True, "molecule": mol} # Handle special properties case if json_data["driver"] == "properties": if "properties" in json_data["model"]: kwargs["properties"] = [x.lower() for x in json_data["model"]["properties"]] extra = set(kwargs["properties"]) - can_do_properties_ if len(extra): raise KeyError("Did not understand property key %s." % kwargs["properties"]) else: kwargs["properties"] = list(can_do_properties_) # Actual driver run val, wfn = methods_dict_[json_data["driver"]](method, **kwargs) # Pull out a standard set of SCF properties psi_props = psi4.core.get_variables() json_data["psi4:qcvars"] = psi_props # Handle the return result if json_data["driver"] == "energy": json_data["return_result"] = val elif json_data["driver"] in ["gradient", "hessian"]: json_data["return_result"] = elif json_data["driver"] == "properties": ret = {} mtd = json_data["model"]["method"].upper() if "dipole" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["dipole"] = [psi_props[mtd + " DIPOLE " + x] for x in ["X", "Y", "Z"]] if "quadrupole" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["quadrupole"] = [psi_props[mtd + " QUADRUPOLE " + x] for x in ["XX", "XY", "XZ", "YY", "YZ", "ZZ"]] if "mulliken_charges" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["mulliken_charges"] = wfn.get_array("MULLIKEN_CHARGES").np.ravel().tolist() if "lowdin_charges" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["lowdin_charges"] = wfn.get_array("LOWDIN_CHARGES").np.ravel().tolist() if "wiberg_lowdin_indices" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["wiberg_lowdin_indices"] = wfn.get_array("WIBERG_LOWDIN_INDICES").np.ravel().tolist() if "mayer_indices" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["mayer_indices"] = wfn.get_array("MAYER_INDICES").np.ravel().tolist() json_data["return_result"] = ret else: raise KeyError("Did not understand Driver key %s." % json_data["driver"]) props = { "calcinfo_nbasis": wfn.nso(), "calcinfo_nmo": wfn.nmo(), "calcinfo_nalpha": wfn.nalpha(), "calcinfo_nbeta": wfn.nbeta(), "calcinfo_natom": mol.geometry().shape[0], "scf_one_electron_energy": psi_props["ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY"], "scf_two_electron_energy": psi_props["TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY"], "nuclear_repulsion_energy": psi_props["NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY"], "scf_dipole_moment": [psi_props[x] for x in ["SCF DIPOLE X", "SCF DIPOLE Y", "SCF DIPOLE Z"]], "scf_iterations": int(psi_props["SCF ITERATIONS"]), "scf_total_energy": psi_props["SCF TOTAL ENERGY"], "return_energy": psi_props["CURRENT ENERGY"], } # Pull out optional SCF keywords other_scf = [("DFT VV10 ENERGY", "scf_vv10_energy"), ("DFT XC ENERGY", "scf_xc_energy"), ("DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY", "scf_dispersion_correction_energy")] for pkey, skey in other_scf: if (pkey in psi_props) and (psi_props[pkey] != 0): props[skey] = psi_props[pkey] # Write out MP2 keywords if "MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY" in psi_props: props["mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = psi_props["MP2 SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY"] props["mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = psi_props["MP2 OPPOSITE-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY"] props["mp2_singles_energy"] = 0.0 props["mp2_doubles_energy"] = psi_props["MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY"] props["mp2_total_correlation_energy"] = psi_props["MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY"] props["mp2_total_energy"] = psi_props["MP2 TOTAL ENERGY"] json_data["properties"] = props json_data["success"] = True # Reset state _clean_psi_environ(clean) json_data["schema_name"] = "qc_schema_output" return json_data
import psi4 import numpy as np # Initial setup psi4.set_memory('2 GB') psi4.set_num_threads(2) file_prefix = 'methane_HF-DZ' ch4 = psi4.geometry(""" symmetry c1 0 1 C -0.85972 2.41258 0.00000 H 0.21028 2.41258 0.00000 H -1.21638 2.69390 -0.96879 H -1.21639 3.11091 0.72802 H -1.21639 1.43293 0.24076 """) # Geometry optimization psi4.set_output_file(file_prefix + '_geomopt.dat', False) psi4.set_options({'g_convergence': 'gau_tight'}) psi4.optimize('scf/cc-pVDZ', molecule=ch4) # Run vibrational frequency analysis psi4.set_output_file(file_prefix + '_vibfreq.dat', False) scf_energy, scf_wfn = psi4.frequency('scf/cc-pVDZ', molecule=ch4, return_wfn=True, dertype='gradient') # Save "raw" frequencies into a variable
def run_json_qcschema(json_data, clean): """ An implementation of the QC JSON Schema ( implementation in Psi4. Parameters ---------- json_data : JSON Please see for further details. Notes ----- !Warning! This function is experimental and likely to change in the future. Please report any suggestions or uses of this function on Examples -------- """ # Clean a few things _clean_psi_environ(clean) # This is currently a forced override if json_data["schema_name"] in ["qc_schema_input", "qcschema_input"]: json_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_input" else: raise KeyError("Schema name of '{}' not understood".format(json_data["schema_name"])) if json_data["schema_version"] != 1: raise KeyError("Schema version of '{}' not understood".format(json_data["schema_version"])) if json_data.get("nthreads", False) is not False: psi4.set_num_threads(json_data["nthreads"], quiet=True) json_data["provenance"] = {"creator": "Psi4", "version": psi4.__version__, "routine": "psi4.json.run_json"} # Build molecule if "schema_name" in json_data["molecule"]: molschemus = json_data["molecule"] # dtype >=2 else: molschemus = json_data # dtype =1 mol = core.Molecule.from_schema(molschemus) # Update molecule geometry as we orient and fix_com json_data["molecule"]["geometry"] = mol.geometry().np.ravel().tolist() # Set options kwargs = json_data["keywords"].pop("function_kwargs", {}) psi4.set_options(json_data["keywords"]) # Setup the computation method = json_data["model"]["method"] core.set_global_option("BASIS", json_data["model"]["basis"]) kwargs.update({"return_wfn": True, "molecule": mol}) # Handle special properties case if json_data["driver"] == "properties": if "properties" in json_data["model"]: kwargs["properties"] = [x.lower() for x in json_data["model"]["properties"]] extra = set(kwargs["properties"]) - can_do_properties_ if len(extra): raise KeyError("Did not understand property key %s." % kwargs["properties"]) else: kwargs["properties"] = list(can_do_properties_) # Actual driver run val, wfn = methods_dict_[json_data["driver"]](method, **kwargs) # Pull out a standard set of SCF properties if "extras" not in json_data: json_data["extras"] = {} json_data["extras"]["qcvars"] = {} if json_data["extras"].get("wfn_qcvars_only", False): psi_props = wfn.variables() else: psi_props = psi4.core.variables() for k, v in psi_props.items(): if k not in json_data["extras"]["qcvars"]: json_data["extras"]["qcvars"][k] = _json_translation(v) # Still a bit of a mess at the moment add in local vars as well. for k, v in wfn.variables().items(): if k not in json_data["extras"]["qcvars"]: json_data["extras"]["qcvars"][k] = _json_translation(v) # Handle the return result if json_data["driver"] == "energy": json_data["return_result"] = val elif json_data["driver"] in ["gradient", "hessian"]: json_data["return_result"] = elif json_data["driver"] == "properties": ret = {} mtd = json_data["model"]["method"].upper() # Dipole/quadrupole still special case if "dipole" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["dipole"] = [psi_props[mtd + " DIPOLE " + x] for x in ["X", "Y", "Z"]] if "quadrupole" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["quadrupole"] = [psi_props[mtd + " QUADRUPOLE " + x] for x in ["XX", "XY", "XZ", "YY", "YZ", "ZZ"]] ret.update(_convert_variables(wfn.variables(), context="properties")) json_data["return_result"] = ret else: raise KeyError("Did not understand Driver key %s." % json_data["driver"]) props = { "calcinfo_nbasis": wfn.nso(), "calcinfo_nmo": wfn.nmo(), "calcinfo_nalpha": wfn.nalpha(), "calcinfo_nbeta": wfn.nbeta(), "calcinfo_natom": mol.geometry().shape[0], } props.update(_convert_variables(psi_props, context="generics")) if not list(set(['CBS NUMBER', 'NBODY NUMBER', 'FINDIF NUMBER']) & set(json_data["extras"]["qcvars"].keys())): props.update(_convert_variables(psi_props, context="scf")) # Write out MP2 keywords if "MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY" in psi_props: props.update(_convert_variables(psi_props, context="mp2")) json_data["properties"] = props json_data["success"] = True # Reset state _clean_psi_environ(clean) json_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output" return json_data
""" The primary init for the project. """ from . import molecule from . import scf_module from . import jk from . import solvers from . import core from . import mp2 from . import lj from . import driver from .mollib import mollib from .molecule import Molecule from .wavefunction import Wavefunction # Make sure Psi4 respects the global OMP_NUM_THREADS import psi4 import os if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in list(os.environ): psi4.set_num_threads(int(os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"])) psi4.set_output_file("psi_output.out") # Import default params default_params = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'default_params.yml')
## vi: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab import adcc import psi4 mol = psi4.geometry(""" 0 3 O 0 0 0 H 0 0 1.795239827225189 H 1.693194615993441 0 -0.599043184453037 symmetry c1 units au """) # set the number of cores equal to the auto-determined value from # the adcc ThreadPool psi4.set_num_threads(adcc.get_n_threads()) psi4.core.be_quiet() psi4.set_options({ 'basis': "sto-3g", 'scf_type': 'pk', 'e_convergence': 1e-12, 'reference': 'uhf', 'd_convergence': 1e-8 }) scf_e, wfn ='SCF', return_wfn=True) # Run an adc2 calculation: state = adcc.adc2(wfn, n_states=5) print(state.describe())
def run_json_qc_schema(json_data, clean): """ An implementation of the QC JSON Schema ( implementation in Psi4. Parameters ---------- json_data : JSON Please see for further details. Notes ----- !Warning! This function is experimental and likely to change in the future. Please report any suggestions or uses of this function on Examples -------- """ # Clean a few things _clean_psi_environ(clean) # This is currently a forced override if json_data["schema_name"] in ["qc_schema_input", "qcschema_input"]: json_data["schema_name"] = "qc_schema_input" # humor qcel 0.1.3 else: raise KeyError("Schema name of '{}' not understood".format(json_data["schema_name"])) if json_data["schema_version"] != 1: raise KeyError("Schema version of '{}' not understood".format(json_data["schema_version"])) if json_data.get("nthreads", False) is not False: psi4.set_num_threads(json_data["nthreads"], quiet=True) json_data["provenance"] = {"creator": "Psi4", "version": psi4.__version__, "routine": "psi4.json.run_json"} # Build molecule mol = core.Molecule.from_schema(json_data) # Update molecule geometry as we orient and fix_com json_data["molecule"]["geometry"] = mol.geometry().np.ravel().tolist() # Set options for k, v in json_data["keywords"].items(): core.set_global_option(k, v) # Setup the computation method = json_data["model"]["method"] core.set_global_option("BASIS", json_data["model"]["basis"]) kwargs = {"return_wfn": True, "molecule": mol} # Handle special properties case if json_data["driver"] == "properties": if "properties" in json_data["model"]: kwargs["properties"] = [x.lower() for x in json_data["model"]["properties"]] extra = set(kwargs["properties"]) - can_do_properties_ if len(extra): raise KeyError("Did not understand property key %s." % kwargs["properties"]) else: kwargs["properties"] = list(can_do_properties_) # Actual driver run val, wfn = methods_dict_[json_data["driver"]](method, **kwargs) # Pull out a standard set of Psi variables psi_props = psi4.core.scalar_variables() json_data["psi4:qcvars"] = psi_props # Still a bit of a mess at the moment add in local vars as well. for k, v in wfn.variables().items(): if k not in json_data["psi4:qcvars"]: json_data["psi4:qcvars"][k] = _json_translation(v) # Handle the return result if json_data["driver"] == "energy": json_data["return_result"] = val elif json_data["driver"] in ["gradient", "hessian"]: json_data["return_result"] = elif json_data["driver"] == "properties": ret = {} mtd = json_data["model"]["method"].upper() # Dipole/quadrupole still special case if "dipole" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["dipole"] = [psi_props[mtd + " DIPOLE " + x] for x in ["X", "Y", "Z"]] if "quadrupole" in kwargs["properties"]: ret["quadrupole"] = [psi_props[mtd + " QUADRUPOLE " + x] for x in ["XX", "XY", "XZ", "YY", "YZ", "ZZ"]] ret.update(_convert_variables(wfn.variables(), context="properties")) json_data["return_result"] = ret else: raise KeyError("Did not understand Driver key %s." % json_data["driver"]) props = { "calcinfo_nbasis": wfn.nso(), "calcinfo_nmo": wfn.nmo(), "calcinfo_nalpha": wfn.nalpha(), "calcinfo_nbeta": wfn.nbeta(), "calcinfo_natom": mol.geometry().shape[0], } props.update(_convert_variables(psi_props, context="generics")) props.update(_convert_variables(psi_props, context="scf")) # Write out MP2 keywords if "MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY" in psi_props: props.update(_convert_variables(psi_props, context="mp2")) json_data["properties"] = props json_data["success"] = True # Reset state _clean_psi_environ(clean) json_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output" return json_data
def init(config, log_name): psi4.core.set_output_file(log_name + ".log", False) psi4.set_memory(config['psi4']['memory']) psi4.set_num_threads(int(config['psi4']['num_threads']))
def compute_ptss_corrections(ccwfn, nroots): ptss = [] for i in range(nroots): ccdmat = ccwfn.variable("CC ROOT {} DA".format(i + 1)) scfdmat = ccwfn.Da() ccdmat.subtract(scfdmat) ccdmat.scale(2.0) en, op = ccwfn.pe_state.get_pe_contribution(ccdmat, elec_only=True) psi4.core.print_out("ptSS {} {:.5f}\n".format(i, en)) ptss.append(en) return ptss # Set memory psi4.set_memory("120 GiB") psi4.set_num_threads(30) psi4.core.set_output_file("nr_631gd_3roots_water.dat") mol = psi4.geometry( """ C 28.793000 32.803000 28.486000 C 29.488000 32.299000 27.320000 N 30.182000 31.015000 27.451000 C 31.237000 31.117000 28.480000 C 30.762000 30.766000 29.900000 C 29.634000 29.842000 27.026000 C 30.269000 28.672000 27.439000 C 29.682000 27.474000 27.145000 C 28.414000 27.350000 26.510000 C 27.792000 28.529000 26.085000 C 28.350000 29.740000 26.403000
def grad_calc(params, current_geom, mol): """ Uses Psi4/pySCF to calculate the energy gradient and returns the gradient and energy. Here any of the keywords the user provides in the .json input are used to set the options for the energy calculation. Parameters: ---------- params(self) -- contains initialized shared parameters. current_geom(np array) -- Matrix of size natoms x 3 containing the geometry. mol(psi4.Molecule) -- Psi4 molecule object containing the current molecule. Returns: ------- grad_mw(np array) -- Mass weighted gradient matrix of size natoms x 3. E(float) -- single-point energy from Psi4 calculation. """ if (params.qm_program == 'pyscf'): pymol = gto.Mole() pymol.verbose = 0 geom_vec = [] for i in range(params.natoms): atom = [ params.symbols[i], ] atom_coords = [] for j in range(3): atom_coords.append(current_geom[i][j]) atom_coords = tuple(atom_coords) atom.append(atom_coords) geom_vec.append(atom) #print(geom_vec) pymol.atom = geom_vec pymol.unit = 'Bohr' pymol.basis = params.basis pymol.charge = params.molecular_charge pymol.spin = params.molecular_multiplicity - 1 #TODO: PySCF 1.6.2 changes the way solvent is called for gradients, change this here # they also added support for ddPCM, YAY! Let's add it in! if (params.method == "scf"): scf_obj = scf.RHF(pymol) if (params.method == "dft"): scf_obj = dft.RKS(pymol) scf_obj.xc = params.xc_functional if (params.do_solvent): solv_obj = scf_obj.DDCOSMO() solv_obj.with_solvent.eps = params.eps lib.num_threads(params.nthreads) E = solv_obj.scf() grad = solv_obj.nuc_grad_method().kernel() else: lib.num_threads(params.nthreads) E = scf_obj.scf() grad = scf_obj.nuc_grad_method().kernel() if (params.qm_program == 'psi4'): mol.set_geometry(psi4.core.Matrix.from_array(current_geom)) mol.fix_orientation(True) mol.fix_com(True) mol.reset_point_group('c1') grad_method = "%s/%s" % (params.method, params.basis) psi4.core.set_output_file("psi4_out.dat", False) psi4.set_options(params.keywords) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) E, wfn =, return_wfn=True) psi4.set_num_threads(params.nthreads) grad = np.asarray(psi4.gradient(grad_method, ref_wfn=wfn)) #print(grad) return grad
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ## vi: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab import adcc import psi4 # Run SCF in psi4 mol = psi4.geometry(""" 0 3 H 0 0 0 F 0 0 2.5 symmetry c1 units au no_reorient no_com """) psi4.set_num_threads(adcc.thread_pool.n_cores) psi4.core.be_quiet() psi4.set_options({ 'basis': "6-31g", 'e_convergence': 1e-14, 'd_convergence': 1e-9, 'reference': 'uhf' }) scf_e, wfn ='SCF', return_wfn=True) # Run solver and print results states = adcc.adc2(wfn, n_spin_flip=5, conv_tol=1e-8) print(states.describe()) print(states.describe_amplitudes())
#! compare MemJK and DiskJK import psi4 import numpy as np import random mol = psi4.geometry(""" O H 1 1.00 H 1 1.00 2 103.1 """) psi4.set_num_threads(6) memory = 50000 primary =, "ORBITAL", "cc-pVDZ") aux =, "ORBITAL", "cc-pVDZ-jkfit") nbf = primary.nbf() naux = aux.nbf() # construct spaces names = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5'] sizes = [16, 16, 20, 20, 30] spaces = {names[ind]: psi4.core.Matrix.from_array(np.random.rand(nbf, size)) for ind, size in enumerate(sizes)} space_pairs = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4]] # space vectors C_vectors = [[spaces[names[left]], spaces[names[right]]] for left, right in space_pairs] # now construct DiskJK and symm_JK objects