def buildFile(self, fromPath, label="", catg=""): count = self.getCountParts(fromPath) Sys.pwlog([(" Get Hash... ", Const.CLZ_7, True)]) sha256 = hash_sha256_file(fromPath) Sys.pwlog([(" hash : ", Const.CLZ_0), (sha256, Const.CLZ_2, True), (" Build File...", Const.CLZ_0, True)]) kg = KeyGen(128) size = Sys.getsize(fromPath) row = self.idxu.index.get(sha256) if row is None: if label == "": label, ext = Sys.getFileExt(Sys.basename(fromPath)) else: label, ext = Sys.getFileExt(label) if catg == "": catg = self.idxu.index.getAutoCatg(ext) size = Sys.getsize(fromPath) Sys.pwlog( [ (" Splitting ", Const.CLZ_1), (label, Const.CLZ_7), (ext, Const.CLZ_7), (" (", Const.CLZ_0), (Sys.readableBytes(size), Const.CLZ_3), (")", Const.CLZ_0, True), ] ) Sys.cli_emit_progress(0) Sys.sleep(0.2) km = Kirmah(kg.key) km.DIR_OUTBOX = self.outbox # hlst genetate with sha256 hlst =, int(count), True) usr = self.idxu.conf.get("name", "infos") ownerHash = self.idxu.mb.getHashName(usr) km.split(fromPath, hlst) Sys.pwlog([(" done ", Const.CLZ_2, True)]) row = [kg.key, label, ext, count, catg, hlst, usr, ownerHash, sha256, size] self.backupAddMap(row) else: Sys.pwlog( [ (" File Already exist ! ", Const.CLZ_1, True), (" id : ".rjust(10, " "), Const.CLZ_0), (str(row[ImpraIndex.UID]), Const.CLZ_1, True), (" label : ".rjust(10, " "), Const.CLZ_0), (row[ImpraIndex.LABEL], Const.CLZ_3, True), ] ) row = None return row
def getCountParts(self, fromPath): """""" fsize = Sys.getsize(fromPath) count = Sys.ceil(fsize / 19710000) minp, maxp = 52, 62 if fsize < 4800000: minp, maxp = 8, 16 elif fsize < 22200000: minp, maxp = 16, 22 elif fsize < 48000000: minp, maxp = 22, 32 elif fsize < 222000000: minp, maxp = 32, 42 if count < minp: count = choice(list(range(minp, maxp))) if not count > 62: return count else: raise Exception( fromPath + " size exceeds limits (max : " + formatBytes( * 62) + " [" + str( * 64) + " bytes])" )
def getFile(self, uid): """""" # ~ Sys.pwlog([(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR*Const.LINE_SEP_LEN , Const.CLZ_0, True)]) done = False key = self.idxu.index.getById(uid) row = self.idxu.index.get(key) filePath = None try: if row is not None: account = self.idxu.switchFileAccount(row[self.idxu.index.ACCOUNT]) km = Kirmah(row[self.idxu.index.KEY]) hlst =, row[self.idxu.index.PARTS], True) ids = self.idxu.ih.searchBySubject(hlst["head"][2], True) Sys.cli_emit_progress(0) Sys.sleep(0.2) Sys.pwlog( [ (" Downloading : ", Const.CLZ_7), (row[self.idxu.index.LABEL] + row[self.idxu.index.EXT], Const.CLZ_2), (" (", Const.CLZ_0), (Sys.readableBytes(row[self.idxu.index.SIZE]), Const.CLZ_3), (")", Const.CLZ_0), (" please wait...", Const.CLZ_7, True), ] ) if len(ids) >= row[self.idxu.index.PARTS]: self.getFileParts(row, ids) Sys.pwlog([(" Merging parts...", Const.CLZ_7, True)]) Sys.cli_emit_progress(0) Sys.sleep(0.2) filePath = km.merge( hlst, self.deploy + row[self.idxu.index.CATG] + Sys.sep + row[self.idxu.index.LABEL], ext=row[self.idxu.index.EXT], uid=row[self.idxu.index.UID], dirs=self.inbox, ) Sys.pwlog( [ (" Deployed as ", Const.CLZ_7), (filePath, Const.CLZ_2), (" (", Const.CLZ_0), (Sys.readableBytes(Sys.getsize(filePath)), Const.CLZ_3), (") ", Const.CLZ_0, True), (" Checking integrity...", Const.CLZ_7, True), ] ) Sys.sleep(0.2) sha256 = hash_sha256_file(filePath) done = sha256 == row[ImpraIndex.HASH] done = True else: print("incomplete") except Exception as e: print(e) Sys.pwlog([(" done" if done else "ko", Const.CLZ_2 if done else Const.CLZ_1, True)]) return done, filePath
def sendFile(self, data, retry=False): """""" done = None key = None if data is not None: key, label, ext, count, catg, hlst, usr, ownerHash, sha256, size = data self.idxu.index.addUser(usr, ownerHash) account = self.idxu.switchFileAccount() sendIds = [] cancel = False d = None Sys.cli_emit_progress(0) Sys.sleep(0.2) if not retry: Sys.pwlog( [ (" Sending... ", Const.CLZ_7), (" (", Const.CLZ_0), ( " ~" + Sys.readableBytes(Sys.getsize(self.outbox + hlst["data"][0][1] + Kirmah.EXT)), Const.CLZ_3, ), (" per msg ) ", Const.CLZ_0, True), ] ) else: Sys.pwlog( [ (" Retry sending last file... ", Const.CLZ_0), (label + ext, Const.CLZ_7), (" (" + catg + ")", Const.CLZ_3, True), ] ) ignore = False for i, row in enumerate(hlst["data"]): """""" if retry: if not Io.file_exists(self.outbox + row[1] + Kirmah.EXT): continue elif not ignore: Sys.pwlog([(" Ignoring file 1 to " + str(i), Const.CLZ_1, True)]) ignore = True d = msg =, "all", hlst["head"][2], self.outbox + row[1] + Kirmah.EXT) try: mid = self.idxu.ih.send(msg.as_string(), self.rootBox) except Exception as e: Sys.pwarn((("addFile : ", (str(e), Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), " !"),)) Sys.echo("waiting 5 s and retry") Sys.sleep(5) # force reconnect self.impst.idxu.switchFileAccount(account, True) # retry mid = self.idxu.ih.send(msg.as_string(), self.rootBox) finally: if not mid is None: status, resp = self.idxu.ih.fetch(mid[1], "(UID BODYSTRUCTURE)", True) if status == self.idxu.ih.OK: sendIds.append((mid[1], row)) Sys.pwlog( [ (" part ", Const.CLZ_0), (str(row[0]).rjust(2, "0"), Const.CLZ_2), (" sent as msg ", Const.CLZ_0), (str(mid[1]).rjust(5, "0"), Const.CLZ_1), (" (", Const.CLZ_7), (str(int(row[4]) + 1).rjust(2, "0"), Const.CLZ_2), ("/", Const.CLZ_7), (str(count), Const.CLZ_3), (") in ", Const.CLZ_7), (Sys.getDelta(d), Const.CLZ_4, True), ] ) Sys.cli_emit_progress(int((i + 1) * 100 / len(hlst["data"]))) Sys.removeFile(self.outbox + row[1] + Kirmah.EXT) else: Sys.pwarn((("error occured when sending part ", (row[0], Sys.Clz.fgb3), " !"),)) diff = self.checkSendIds(sendIds, hlst["head"][2]) if len(sendIds) == count or retry: self.idxu.get(True) self.idxu.index.add(key, label, hlst["head"][1], ext, ownerHash, catg, sha256, size, account) done = self.idxu.update() Io.removeFile(self.addmapPath + Kirmah.EXT) # resending missing parts else: Sys.pwarn((("TODO => must resending ", ("missing", Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), " parts"),)) print(diff) # clean for mid, row in sendIds: if Io.file_exists(self.outbox + row[1] + Kirmah.EXT): Sys.removeFile(self.outbox + row[1] + Kirmah.EXT) if cancel: delids = [mid for mid, row in senids] print(delids) self.idxu.ih.delete(delids, True) return done, key