def __init__(self, slop, threshold, init_theta=None, score=None, iter_method='newton'): """ 不管是probit还是logit,都是用一样的参数估计算法, 基于牛顿迭代的极大似然算法和贝叶斯最大后验算法 :param slop: ndarray(float), 多维向量,斜率,区分度 :param threshold: ndarray(float), 单维向量,阈值,通俗度,难度 :param init_theta: ndarray(int|float), 特质向量初值 :param score: ndarray(0|1), 得分向量 """ if not isinstance(slop, np.ndarray): raise ItemParamError('item param must be ndarray') if not isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray): raise ItemParamError('item param must be ndarray') if len(slop.shape) == 1: slop.shape = 1, slop.shape[0] if len(slop) != len(threshold): raise ItemParamError('item param must be same length') if score is not None: if not isinstance(score, np.ndarray): raise ScoreError('score must be ndarray') if len(score) != len(slop): raise ScoreError('score must be same length as item param') if init_theta is not None and not isinstance(init_theta, np.ndarray): raise ThetaError('init_theta must be ndarray') if iter_method not in ('newton', 'gradient_ascent'): raise IterMethodError( 'iter_method must be newton or gradient_ascent') self._slop = slop self._score = score self._threshold = threshold self._init_theta = init_theta if init_theta is not None else np.zeros( len(self._slop[0])) # 默认bayes先验正态分布标准差 # TODO 改为根据样本估计 self._inv_psi = np.identity(len(self._slop[0])) self._iter_method = iter_method
def z(self, theta): if not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray): raise ThetaError('theta must be ndarray') return self._z(theta)
def prob(self, theta): # 回答为1的概率 if not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray): raise ThetaError('theta must be ndarray') return self._prob(theta)
def info(self, theta): # 信息矩阵 if not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray): raise ThetaError('theta must be ndarray') _info = super(BayesProbitModel, self).info(theta) return _info + self._inv_psi
def info(self, theta): # 信息矩阵 if not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray): raise ThetaError('theta must be ndarray') h, prob_val, w = self._get_h_prob_val_w(theta) return * w, self._slop)
def info(self, theta): # 信息矩阵 if not isinstance(theta, np.ndarray): raise ThetaError('theta must be ndarray') prob_val = self._prob(theta) return self._expect(prob_val)