def main(): groups = create_stim_sequence(BLOCK1, BLOCK2, BLOCK3, TRIALREPEATS) print groups disp = Window(size=SIZE, monitor=MON, units='deg', color=BACKCOL, screen=1, fullscr=True) mouse = Mouse() fixmark = Circle(disp, radius=0.05, edges=32, pos=CENTER, lineColor=FIXCOL) images = [] for item in CIRCLES.keys(): image = ImageStim(disp, image=CIRCLES[item][1], pos=CIRCLES[item][0], size=CIRCLES[item][3]) images.append(image) fixmark.draw() draw_group(images) disp.flip() while True: button = mouse.getPressed() if button[0]: break for item in groups: flashes = [] for i in item: flash = ImageStim(disp, image=CIRCLES[i][2], pos=CIRCLES[i][0], size=CIRCLES[i][3]) flashes.append(flash) fixmark.draw() draw_group(images) draw_group(flashes) disp.flip() wait(FLASH) fixmark.draw() draw_group(images) wait(PAUSE) disp.flip() disp.close()
def __init__(self, output_str, output_dir=None, settings_file=None): """ Initializes base Session class. parameters ---------- output_str : str Name (string) for output-files (e.g., 'sub-01_ses-post_run-1') output_dir : str Path to output-directory. Default: $PWD/logs. settings_file : str Path to settings file. If None, exptools2's default_settings.yml is used attributes ---------- settings : dict Dictionary with settings from yaml clock : psychopy Clock Global clock (reset to 0 at start exp) timer : psychopy Clock Timer used to time phases exp_start : float Time at actual start of experiment log : psychopy Logfile Logfile with info about exp (level >= EXP) nr_frames : int Counter for number of frames for each phase win : psychopy Window Current window default_fix : TextStim Default fixation stim (a TextStim with '+') actual_framerate : float Estimated framerate of monitor """ self.output_str = output_str self.output_dir = op.join(os.getcwd(), 'logs') if output_dir is None else output_dir self.settings_file = settings_file self.clock = core.Clock() self.timer = core.Clock() self.exp_start = None self.exp_stop = None self.current_trial = None self.global_log = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'trial_nr', 'onset', 'event_type', 'phase', 'response', 'nr_frames' ]) self.nr_frames = 0 # keeps track of nr of nr of frame flips self.first_trial = True self.closed = False # Initialize self.settings = self._load_settings() self.monitor = self._create_monitor() = self._create_window() self.mouse = Mouse(**self.settings['mouse']) self.logfile = self._create_logfile() self.default_fix = create_circle_fixation(, radius=0.075, color=(1, 1, 1)) self.mri_trigger = None # is set below self.mri_simulator = self._setup_mri()
def __init__(self, settings_file=None, eyetracker_on=False): """ Initializes base Session class. parameters ---------- settings_file : str Path to settings file. If None, default_settings.yml is used eyetracker_on : bool Whether to enable eyetracker """ self.settings_file = settings_file self.eyetracker_on=eyetracker_on self.clock = Clock() self.timer = Clock() self.start_exp = None self.current_trial = None self.log = [] self.logfile = logging.LogFile(f='log.txt', filemode='w', level=logging.EXP) # Initialize self.settings = self._load_settings() self.monitor = self._create_monitor() = self._create_window() self.mouse = Mouse(**self.settings['mouse']) self.default_fix = Circle(, radius=0.3, fillColor='white', edges=1000) self.mri_simulator = self._setup_mri_simulator() if self.settings['mri']['simulate'] else None self.tracker = None
def __init__(self, disp, width=None, height=None, margin=None, wait_time=0 ): self.window = disp self.origin = (0, 0) self.wait_time = wait_time self.t0 = 0 if width is not None: self.width = width else: self.width = self.window.hres if height is not None: self.height = height else: self.height = self.window.vres if margin is not None: self.margin = margin else: self.margin = self.window.margin self.continue_button = button.Button( window=self.window, pos=self.coords(((self.width - 2*self.margin), (self.height - 2*self.margin) )) ) self.move_on_flag = Event() self.mouse = Mouse()
def __init__(self, disp, text, end_event): super(EventInstructionsScreen, self).__init__(disp, text) self.move_on_flag = end_event self.indicator = Circle(self.window, radius=10) self.mouse = Mouse() self.ticker = 0 self.ticker_unit = 2*pi/30 self.ticker_max = 2*pi self.indicator_dist = 15
class WaitScreen(EventInstructionsScreen): def __init__(self, disp, text, end_event): super(EventInstructionsScreen, self).__init__(disp, text) self.move_on_flag = end_event self.indicator = Circle(self.window, radius=10) self.mouse = Mouse() self.ticker = 0 self.ticker_unit = 2*pi/30 self.ticker_max = 2*pi self.indicator_dist = 15 def draw(self, debug_mode=False): self.instructions_text.draw() mouse_pos = self.mouse.getPos() x = mouse_pos[0] + self.indicator_dist*cos(self.ticker) y = mouse_pos[1] + self.indicator_dist*sin(self.ticker) self.indicator.pos = (x,y) self.indicator.draw() self.ticker += self.ticker_unit if self.ticker > self.ticker_max: self.ticker = 0
win = visual.Window(size=(1366, 768), fullscr=True, screen=0, allowGUI=False, allowStencil=False, monitor='testMonitor', color='black', colorSpace='rgb', blendMode='avg', useFBO=True, units='norm') session, phases = 30, 120 R1, R2, score, phase, zeros, ones = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 lpressed, rpressed = False, False mouse = Mouse() stimuli_timer = CountdownTimer(0) phase_timer = CountdownTimer(0) global_time = Clock() p_list = [0.25, 0.75] data = [] #array for data data.append(['time', 'R1', 'R2', 'score', 'number', 'zeros', 'ones', 'p']) #column names in csv file #displayed text text = TextStim(win=win, pos=(0, 0), text=' ') #defines click boxes lbox = Rect(win=win, width=0.3,
if int( info['ID'] ) % 2 == 1: #order of choice on or off (baseline = no aid, on = select an answer, off = agree/disagree with automation) a = [0, 1, 2] # baseline, on, off else: a = [2, 0, 1] # off, baseline, on #Equipment set-up: win = Window([1028, 768], monitor="testMonitor", units='deg', allowGUI=False, color=(-.5, -.5, -.5), fullscr=True) myMouse = Mouse() #Output file set-up filename = 'Mahoney_exp_' + info['ID'] + '.txt' logClicks = logging.LogFile( filename, filemode='a', #if you set this to 'a' it will append instead of overwriting level=logging.CRITICAL) message = 'ID\tgender\torder\texperiment\tdifficulty\tfalseAlarm\ttrial\tcondition\ttrial.start.time\tsignal\thumanResp\thumanRT\tautoResp\tautoRT\tACC\tstimlength\tRTor\tRTand\n' logClicks.write(message) pracfilename = 'Mahoney_exp_practice_' + info['ID'] + '.txt' logClicksPrac = logging.LogFile(pracfilename, filemode='a', level=logging.CRITICAL) message2 = 'ID\tage\tgender\torder\texperiment\ttrial\ttrial.start.time\tsignal\thumanResp\thumanRT\tautoResp\tautoRT\ttrialACC\tstimlength\n'
class Screen(object): """ Base Screen class, contains methods and data members common to all screens. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta default_font_size = 40 def __init__(self, disp, width=None, height=None, margin=None, wait_time=0 ): self.window = disp self.origin = (0, 0) self.wait_time = wait_time self.t0 = 0 if width is not None: self.width = width else: self.width = self.window.hres if height is not None: self.height = height else: self.height = self.window.vres if margin is not None: self.margin = margin else: self.margin = self.window.margin self.continue_button = button.Button( window=self.window, pos=self.coords(((self.width - 2*self.margin), (self.height - 2*self.margin) )) ) self.move_on_flag = Event() self.mouse = Mouse() def run(self): self.t0 = getAbsTime() while not self.move_on_flag.is_set(): if self.continue_button.clickable: if self.mouse.isPressedIn(self.continue_button.frame, [0]): self.move_on_flag.set() elif self.wait_time > 0: if getAbsTime() - self.t0 > self.wait_time: self.continue_button.clickable = True else: self.continue_button.clickable = False elif self.wait_time == 0: self.continue_button.clickable = True self.draw() self.window.flip() wait(0.016666, 0.016666) self.cleanup() @abc.abstractmethod def draw(self, debug_mode=False): """To override!""" def cleanup(self): """To override!""" pass def _cfg_2_pix(self, dimension, cfg_val): if cfg_val < 0: return dimension + cfg_val elif cfg_val <= 1: return self.margin + cfg_val*(dimension - 2*self.margin) else: return cfg_val def x_cfg_2_pix(self, cfg_val): return self._cfg_2_pix(self.width, cfg_val) def y_cfg_2_pix(self, cfg_val): return self._cfg_2_pix(self.height, cfg_val) def w_cfg_2_pix(self, cfg_val): if cfg_val <= 1: return cfg_val*(self.width - 2*self.margin) else: return cfg_val def h_cfg_2_pix(self, cfg_val): if cfg_val <= 1: return cfg_val*(self.height - 2*self.margin) else: return cfg_val def dict2text_stim(self, cfg): if u'width' in cfg: width = self.w_cfg_2_pix(cfg[u'width']) else: width = None text_stim_to_return = TextStim(self.window, text=cfg[u'text'], pos=self.coords((self.x_cfg_2_pix(cfg[u'x']), self.y_cfg_2_pix(cfg[u'y']))), height=cfg[u'font_size'], wrapWidth=width) return text_stim_to_return def coords(self, arg1, arg2=None): if arg2 is None: coords_tuple = arg1 else: coords_tuple = (arg1, arg2) coords_tuple = (coords_tuple[0]+self.origin[0], coords_tuple[1]+self.origin[1]) return self.window.tl2c(coords_tuple)
def run_lextale(): global trial_num, stim_text, stim_type, stim_status, incorrect, response, rt_start print("len(blck_itms):", len(lextale_items)) maus = Mouse() instruction_page.setText(lextale_instructions) instruction_page.draw() ok_button.draw() ok_text.draw() win.flip() while not maus.isPressedIn(ok_button, buttons=[0]): pass stopwatch = Clock() for trial_num in range( len(lextale_items)): # go through all stimuli of current block print("------- Trial number:", trial_num) stim_current = lextale_items[trial_num] stim_type = stim_current["dummy"] stim_text = stim_current["word"] stim_status = stim_current["wstatus"] center_disp.setText(stim_text) draw_labels() center_disp.draw() win.callOnFlip(stopwatch.reset) clearEvents() win.flip() while True: if maus.isPressedIn(right_bg, buttons=[0]): rt_start = stopwatch.getTime() response = 'yes' right_bg.fillColor = "darkgreen" draw_labels() center_disp.draw() win.flip() while maus.isPressedIn(right_bg, buttons=[0]): pass right_bg.fillColor = "green" if stim_status == 1: incorrect = 0 if stim_type == 0: lextale_data[ 'corr_word'] = lextale_data['corr_word'] + 1 else: incorrect = 1 break elif maus.isPressedIn(left_bg, buttons=[0]): rt_start = stopwatch.getTime() response = 'no' left_bg.fillColor = "darkred" draw_labels() center_disp.draw() win.flip() while maus.isPressedIn(left_bg, buttons=[0]): pass left_bg.fillColor = "red" if stim_status == 0: incorrect = 0 if stim_type == 0: lextale_data[ 'corr_nonword'] = lextale_data['corr_nonword'] + 1 else: incorrect = 1 break elif len(getKeys(keyList=[escape_key], timeStamped=stopwatch)) > 0: end_on_esc(escape_key) draw_labels() center_disp.draw() win.flip() add_resp() # store trial data
def showCalibrationResults(logfiledir, calibration_result): """shows calibration results on control monitor (screen 0)""" DS = CONTROL_DISPSIZE #(2048, 1152) win = visual.Window(size=DS, fullscr=True, winType='pyglet', screen=1, units='pix', color='black') kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'r'], timeout=0.1) # target points (calibration points) to draw clickable circles targetPoints = [ tobii_norm_2_psy_px(p) for p in [(0.5, 0.5), (0.1, 0.9), (0.1, 0.1), (0.9, 0.9), (0.9, 0.1)] ] clickable_circles = [] for i in range(len(targetPoints)): clickable_circles.append( visual.Circle(win, lineColor='red', pos=targetPoints[i], radius=DS[0] / 120, fillColor='green')) mouse = Mouse(visible=True, win=win) mousePressed = [] for i in range(len(targetPoints)): mousePressed.append(False) # texts on screen infoText = visual.TextStim( win, text= "Press the \'r\' key to recalibrate or \'space\' to continue and start showing stimuli", pos=(0, -0.4 * DS[1]), color="white") infoText.autoDraw = True leftEyeText = visual.TextStim(win, "Left Eye", pos=(0, 0.45 * DS[1]), color="red") leftEyeText.autoDraw = True rightEyeText = visual.TextStim(win, "Right Eye", pos=(0, 0.47 * DS[1]), color="blue") rightEyeText.autoDraw = True recalibration_points = [] # target calibration points and gaze sample points for point in calibration_result.calibration_points: target = visual.Circle(win, lineColor='green', pos=tobii_norm_2_psy_px( point.position_on_display_area), radius=DS[0] / 200, fillColor=None) target.autoDraw = True for sample in point.calibration_samples: if sample.left_eye.validity == tr.VALIDITY_VALID_AND_USED: leftGazePoint = visual.Circle( win, lineColor="red", pos=tobii_norm_2_psy_px( sample.left_eye.position_on_display_area), radius=DS[0] / 450, lineWidth=DS[0] / 450, fillColor="red") leftGazePoint.autoDraw = True if sample.right_eye.validity == tr.VALIDITY_VALID_AND_USED: rightGazePoint = visual.Circle( win, lineColor="blue", pos=tobii_norm_2_psy_px( sample.right_eye.position_on_display_area), radius=DS[0] / 450, lineWidth=DS[0] / 450, fillColor="blue") rightGazePoint.autoDraw = True key = kb.get_key()[0] k = 0 while (not (key == 'space' or key == 'r')): key = kb.get_key()[0] for i in range(len(targetPoints)): if (mouse.isPressedIn(clickable_circles[i], buttons=[0])): if not mousePressed[i] and k == 0: clickable_circles[i].autoDraw = True mousePressed[i] = True recalibration_points.append( calibration_result.calibration_points[i]. position_on_display_area) k = 20 if mousePressed[i] and k == 0: clickable_circles[i].autoDraw = False mousePressed[i] = False recalibration_points.remove( calibration_result.calibration_points[i]. position_on_display_area) k = 20 win.flip() if k > 0: k -= 1 if (key == 'space'): win.getMovieFrame( ) # Defaults to front buffer, I.e. what's on screen now. win.saveMovieFrames("{0}\{1}".format(logfiledir, "calibration_results.png")) win.close() return [] elif (key == 'r'): win.close() if len(recalibration_points) == 0: return [1] else: return recalibration_points
quit() # Also quit in case of invalid participant nr or age if exp_info['participant_nr'] > 99 or int(exp_info['age']) < 18: quit() else: # let's star the experiment! print( f"Started experiment for participant {exp_info['participant_nr']} " f"with age {exp_info['age']}.") # Initialize a fullscreen window with my monitor (HD format) size # and my monitor specification called "samsung" from the monitor center win = Window(size=(1920, 1080), fullscr=False, monitor='samsung') # Also initialize a mouse, although we're not going to use it mouse = Mouse(visible=False) # Initialize a (global) clock clock = Clock() # Initialize Keyboard kb = Keyboard() kb.clearEvents() ### START BODY OF EXPERIMENT ### # # This is where we'll add stuff from the second # Coder tutorial. # ### END BODY OF EXPERIMENT ###
def move_target_at_random_pos(target): pos_x = randint(-700, 700) pos_y = randint(-400, 400) new_pos = (pos_x, pos_y) target.setPos(new_pos) # I call out the objects I will use and define my DISP and BGC: DISPSIZE = (1400,800) BGC = (-1,-1,-1) score = 0 win = Window(size=DISPSIZE, units='pix', fullscr=False, color=BGC) target = ImageStim(win, 'target.png', size = (420, 420)) # i created this target in photoshop mouse = Mouse(win) mouse_click_clock = Clock() # The game starts now by drawing the target at a random location: move_target_at_random_pos(target) while True: target.draw() win.flip() # since I am still to develop the game, I give myself the option to stop it # at any time by pressing 'q' (avoiding the otherwise infinite loop) keys_pressed = getKeys()
def main(): # I set up my siplay size and background colour DISPSIZE = (1400, 800) BGC = (-1, -1, -1) # for my game I need to create some variables: score = 0 lives = 3 level = 1 mouse_x = 0 mouse_y = 0 # I create some objects: win = Window(size=DISPSIZE, units='pix', fullscr=False, color=BGC) mouse = Mouse(win) target = ImageStim(win, 'target.png', size=(420, 420)) # I will display three text stimuli to the player while playing the game: lives_count = TextStim( win, text=f'Lives = {lives}', height=35, color=(1, 0.2, 0.6), pos=(100, 330), ) score_count = TextStim(win, text=f'Score = {score}', height=35, color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.8), pos=(450, 330)) level_count = TextStim(win, text=f'Level = {level}', height=35, color=(1, -0.5, 1), pos=(850, 330)) # I define the messages to show the player the outcome of the game: you_have_lost = TextStim( win, text='Boo! Not a great game, pal... Get it together!', height=35, color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.8), pos=(250, 230)) you_have_won = TextStim(win, text='Yey! Well done, champ! Time to celebrate!', height=35, color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.8), pos=(250, 230)) # These are the images I use for the winning and loosing scenarios: looser = ImageStim(win, 'failed.jpg', pos=(0, -100), size=(420, 420)) winner = ImageStim(win, 'tiny_trash.jpg', pos=(0, -100), size=(420, 420)) # I introduce this dialog to save the user's ID: user_id_dialog = gui.Dlg(title="Target Game") user_id_dialog.addText('Please write your subject ID: a 4-digit code') user_id_dialog.addField('Subject ID:') ok_data = # show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel if not user_id_dialog.OK: print('user cancelled') # NOW THE GAME WILL START: # If enabled, intro will play: enable_intro = True if enable_intro: show_intro(win) # We create this list to save our results into target_hits_per_level = [ [], [], [], [], ] move_target_at_random_pos( target) # first the target is shown on the screen lives_timer = CountdownTimer( 5) # Level 1 starts with 5 sec to hit the target mouse_click_clock = Clock() reaction_time_clock = Clock() change_target = False while level < 4 and lives > 0: target.draw() target_x, target_y = target.pos lives_count.draw() score_count.draw() level_count.draw() win.flip() keys_pressed = getKeys() if 'q' in keys_pressed: break mouse_is_pressed = mouse.getPressed()[0] == True mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse.getPos() level_count.setText(f'Level = {level}') #if the player does not click, the target moves and the player looses a life if lives_timer.getTime() <= 0: lives -= 1 lives_count.setText(f'Lives = {lives}') mouse_in_target = None mouse_in_target_x = None mouse_in_target_y = None change_target = True # Check for a mouse click every 0.2s, so that we don't accept more than 1 # press on mouse hold if mouse_is_pressed and mouse_click_clock.getTime() > 0.2: mouse_click_clock.reset() change_target = True if mouse_clicked_in_target(mouse, target): mouse_in_target = True mouse_in_target_x = mouse_x - target_x mouse_in_target_y = mouse_y - target_y score += 1 score_count.setText(f'Score = {score}') else: lives -= 1 lives_count.setText(f'Lives = {lives}') mouse_in_target = False mouse_in_target_x = None mouse_in_target_y = None if change_target: mouse_click = { 'mouse_x': mouse_in_target_x, 'mouse_y': mouse_in_target_y, 'reaction_time': reaction_time_clock.getTime(), 'mouse_in_target': mouse_in_target, } target_hits_per_level[level - 1].append( mouse_click) # inddexes start from 0 --> level - 1 if score == 5: lives_timer.reset(3) level = 2 elif score == 10: lives_timer.reset(1) level = 3 elif score == 15: level = 4 move_target_at_random_pos(target) lives_timer.reset() reaction_time_clock.reset() change_target = False # Here we display the outcome of the game: if level == 4: you_have_won.draw() winner.draw() else: you_have_lost.draw() looser.draw() win.flip() wait(3) # Finally, we draw the overwivew for thr player draw_overview_target( win=win, level=1, target_pos=(-450, 0), text_pos=(50, 300), mouse_clicks_all_levels=target_hits_per_level, ) draw_overview_target( win=win, level=2, target_pos=(0, 0), text_pos=(450, 300), mouse_clicks_all_levels=target_hits_per_level, ) draw_overview_target( win=win, level=3, target_pos=(450, 0), text_pos=(850, 300), mouse_clicks_all_levels=target_hits_per_level, ) win.flip() wait(4) # The user has not clicked Cancel on the subject ID window if ok_data is not None: write_results(target_hits_per_level, 'results-' + ok_data[0] + '.csv') win.close()
'forceboard': False, 'twochoice': True, 'trial_table': 'tables/test.csv', 'adaptive': False } # NB: ignored in the MultiChoice example dialog = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=settings, title='Replanning') if not dialog.OK: core.quit() # could have a second menu, depending on the experiment if settings['twochoice']: experiment = TwoChoice(settings=settings) else: experiment = MultiChoice(settings=settings) mouse = Mouse(visible=False, with experiment.device: while experiment.state is not 'cleanup': experiment.input() # collect input experiment.draw_input() # draw the input experiment.step() # evaluate any transitions if any(mouse.getPressed()): experiment.to_cleanup() # flip frame buffer # # for debugging core.quit()
from psychopy.event import Mouse from ctypes import * from iViewXAPI import * def trigger_signal(): Beep(750, 800) #frequency, HZ, duration, ms print 'SIGNAL WAS TRIGGERED' disp = Window(size=DISPSIZE, units='pix', color=(-1, -1, -1), fullscr=True, screen=0) mouse = Mouse() stim = Rect(disp, pos=RECPOS, width=RECSIZE[0], height=RECSIZE[1], lineColor=(0, 0, 0), fillColor=(0, 0, 0), lineWidth=3) def main(): tracker = Eyetracker(debug=True) tracker.connect_to_iView() tracker.calibrate() tracker.validate()