예제 #1
def dkl2rgb(dkl_Nx3, conversionMatrix=None):
    #Convert from DKL color space (cone-opponent space from Derrington,
    #Krauskopf & Lennie) to RGB. 

    #Requires a conversion matrix, which will be generated from generic
    #Sony Trinitron phosphors if not supplied (note that this will not be
    #an accurate representation of the color space unless you supply a 
    #conversion matrix
        #rgb(Nx3) = dkl2rgb(dkl_Nx3(el,az,radius), conversionMatrix)
    dkl_3xN = numpy.transpose(dkl_Nx3)#its easier to use in the other orientation!
    if numpy.size(dkl_3xN)==3:
        RG, BY, LUM = sph2cart(dkl_3xN[0],dkl_3xN[1],dkl_3xN[2])
        RG, BY, LUM = sph2cart(dkl_3xN[0,:],dkl_3xN[1,:],dkl_3xN[2,:])
    dkl_cartesian = numpy.asarray([LUM, RG, BY])

    if conversionMatrix==None:
        conversionMatrix = numpy.asarray([ \
            #LUMIN	%L-M	%L+M-S  (note that dkl has to be in cartesian coords first!)
            [1.0000, 1.0000, -0.1462],	#R
            [1.0000, -0.3900, 0.2094],	#G
            [1.0000, 0.0180, -1.0000]])	#B
    #rgb = numpy.dot(dkl_cartesian,numpy.transpose(conversionMatrix))
    rgb = numpy.dot(conversionMatrix, dkl_cartesian)
    return numpy.transpose(rgb)#return in the shape we received it
예제 #2
def dkl2rgb(dkl, conversionMatrix=None):
    """Convert from DKL color space (cone-opponent space from Derrington,
    Krauskopf & Lennie) to RGB.

    Requires a conversion matrix, which will be generated from generic
    Sony Trinitron phosphors if not supplied (note that this will not be
    an accurate representation of the color space unless you supply a
    conversion matrix).


        rgb(Nx3) = dkl2rgb(dkl_Nx3(el,az,radius), conversionMatrix)

    if conversionMatrix==None:
        conversionMatrix = numpy.asarray([ \
            #LUMIN    %L-M    %L+M-S  (note that dkl has to be in cartesian coords first!)
            [1.0000, 1.0000, -0.1462],#R
            [1.0000, -0.3900, 0.2094],#G
            [1.0000, 0.0180, -1.0000]])#B
        logging.warning('This monitor has not been color-calibrated. Using default DKL conversion matrix.')

    if len(dkl.shape)==3:
        dkl_NxNx3 = dkl
        """convert a 2D (image) of Spherical DKL colours to RGB space"""
        origShape = dkl_NxNx3.shape#remember for later
        NxN = origShape[0]*origShape[1]#find nPixels
        dkl = np.reshape(dkl_NxNx3,[NxN,3])#make Nx3
        rgb = dkl2rgb(dkl,conversionMatrix)#convert
        return np.reshape(rgb,origShape)#reshape and return
    if len(dkl.shape)==2:
        dkl_3xN = numpy.transpose(dkl_Nx3)#its easier to use in the other orientation!
        if numpy.size(dkl_3xN)==3:
            RG, BY, LUM = misc.sph2cart(dkl_3xN[0],dkl_3xN[1],dkl_3xN[2])
            RG, BY, LUM = misc.sph2cart(dkl_3xN[0,:],dkl_3xN[1,:],dkl_3xN[2,:])
        dkl_cartesian = numpy.asarray([LUM, RG, BY])
        rgb = numpy.dot(conversionMatrix, dkl_cartesian)

        return numpy.transpose(rgb)#return in the shape we received it
예제 #3
def dkl2rgb2d(dkl, conversionMatrix=None):
    if conversionMatrix==None:
        conversionMatrix = numpy.asarray([ \
            #LUMIN    %L-M    %L+M-S  (note that dkl has to be in cartesian coords first!)
            [1.0000, 1.0000, -0.1462],#R
            [1.0000, -0.3900, 0.2094],#G
            [1.0000, 0.0180, -1.0000]])#B
        logging.warning('This monitor has not been color-calibrated. Using default DKL conversion matrix.')

    if len(dkl.shape)==3:

        origShape = dkl.shape
        elevation = dkl[:,:,0]
        azimuth = dkl[:,:,1]
        radius = dkl[:,:,2]
        dkl = numpy.asarray([elevation.reshape([-1]), azimuth.reshape([-1]), radius.reshape([-1])])
        LM, S, Lum = misc.sph2cart(elevation, azimuth, radius)

        rgb = misc.dklCart2rgb(LUM = Lum, LM = LM, S = S, conversionMatrix = conversionMatrix)
예제 #4
from psychopy import visual, misc
import numpy

nDots = 1000
angVelocity = 1  # deg rotation per frame

win = visual.Window((600, 600))
myStim = visual.ElementArrayStim(win, elementTex=None, elementMask="circle", texRes=64, nElements=nDots, sizes=0.01)

# starting spherical coordinates for our dots
azims = numpy.random.random(nDots) * 360
elevs = numpy.random.random(nDots) * 180 - 90
radii = 0.5

for frameN in range(1000):

    azims += angVelocity  # add angVel to the azimuth of the dots
    x, y, z = misc.sph2cart(elevs, azims, radii)

    xy = numpy.transpose(numpy.vstack([x, z]))

예제 #5
win = visual.Window((600, 600))

#Ideally, we should subclass DotStim and override the _updateDots method to
#what we want with the spherical rotation. But we'll just set speed and dotLife
#so that they won't update (?)
myStim = visual.DotStim(win,
                        fieldSize=[500, 500],
                        dotLife=-1)  #this is a hack

#starting spherical coordinates for our dots
azims = numpy.random.random(nDots) * 360
elevs = numpy.random.random(nDots) * 180 - 90
radii = 0.5

for frameN in range(1000):

    azims += angVelocity  #add angVel to the azimuth of the dots
    x, y, z = misc.sph2cart(elevs, azims, radii)

    myStim._dotsXY[:, 0] = x
    myStim._dotsXY[:, 1] = z  #?!


print win.fps()