예제 #1
def test_datasymbol_constant_value_setter():
    '''Test that a DataSymbol constant value can be set if given a new valid
    constant value.'''

    # Test with valid constant values
    sym = DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=7)
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "7"
    sym.constant_value = 9
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "9"

    sym = DataSymbol('a', REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=3.1415)
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "3.1415"
    sym.constant_value = 1.0
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "1.0"

    sym = DataSymbol('a', BOOLEAN_TYPE, constant_value=True)
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "true"
    sym.constant_value = False
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "false"

    # Test with valid constant expressions
    lhs = Literal('2', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    rhs = Reference(DataSymbol('constval', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE))
    ct_expr = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD, lhs, rhs)
    sym = DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=ct_expr)
    assert isinstance(sym.constant_value, BinaryOperation)
    assert sym.constant_value is ct_expr
예제 #2
def test_datasymbol_is_constant():
    '''Test that the DataSymbol is_constant property returns True if a
    constant value is set and False if it is not.

    sym = DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    assert not sym.is_constant
    sym.constant_value = 9
    assert sym.is_constant
예제 #3
def test_datasymbol_constant_value_setter_invalid():
    '''Test that a DataSymbol constant value setter raises the appropriate
    error if an invalid value and/or datatype are given.'''

    # Test with invalid constant values
    sym = DataSymbol('a', DeferredType())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        sym.constant_value = 1.0
    assert ("Error setting constant value for symbol 'a'. A DataSymbol with "
            "a constant value must be a scalar or an array but found "
            "'DeferredType'." in str(error.value))

    # Test with invalid constant expressions
    ct_expr = Return()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        _ = DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=ct_expr)
    assert "Error setting constant value for symbol 'a'. PSyIR static " \
        "expressions can only contain PSyIR literal, operation or reference" \
        " nodes but found:" in str(error.value)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
    assert ("Error setting constant value for symbol 'a'. A DataSymbol with "
            "an ArgumentInterface can not have a constant value."
            in str(error.value))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=9.81)
    assert ("Error setting constant value for symbol 'a'. This DataSymbol "
            "instance datatype is 'Scalar<INTEGER, SINGLE>' which "
            "means the constant value is expected to be") in str(error.value)
    assert "'int'>' but found " in str(error.value)
    assert "'float'>'." in str(error.value)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        DataSymbol('a', CHARACTER_TYPE, constant_value=42)
    assert ("Error setting constant value for symbol 'a'. This DataSymbol "
            "instance datatype is 'Scalar<CHARACTER, UNDEFINED>' which "
            "means the constant value is expected to be") in str(error.value)
    assert "'str'>' but found " in str(error.value)
    assert "'int'>'." in str(error.value)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
        DataSymbol('a', BOOLEAN_TYPE, constant_value="hello")
    assert ("Error setting constant value for symbol 'a'. This DataSymbol "
            "instance datatype is 'Scalar<BOOLEAN, UNDEFINED>' which "
            "means the constant value is expected to be") in str(error.value)
    assert "'bool'>' but found " in str(error.value)
    assert "'str'>'." in str(error.value)