def _revert_meta(self, meta_name, search_table, version=None): meta_cols, _, jsonb_idx = _meta_cols_types_jsonb_idx(meta_name) # the column which will match search_table table_name = _meta_table_name(meta_name) table_name_sql = Identifier(table_name) meta_name_sql = Identifier(meta_name) meta_name_hist_sql = Identifier(meta_name + "_hist") # by the default goes back one step currentversion = self._get_current_meta_version( meta_name, search_table) if currentversion == -1: raise RuntimeError("No history to revert") if version is None: version = max(0, currentversion - 1) with DelayCommit(self, silence=True): # delete current rows self._execute( SQL("DELETE FROM {} WHERE {} = %s").format( meta_name_sql, table_name_sql), [search_table], ) # copy data from history cols_sql = SQL(", ").join(map(Identifier, meta_cols)) rows = self._execute( SQL("SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {} = %s AND version = %s").format( meta_name_hist_sql, cols_sql, table_name_sql), [search_table, version], ) place_holder = SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * len(meta_cols)) query = SQL("INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})").format( meta_name_sql, cols_sql, place_holder) cols = meta_cols + ("version", ) cols_sql = SQL(", ").join(map(Identifier, cols)) place_holder = SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * len(cols)) query_hist = SQL("INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})").format( meta_name_hist_sql, cols_sql, place_holder) for row in rows: row = [ Json(elt) if i in jsonb_idx else elt for i, elt in enumerate(row) ] self._execute(query, row) self._execute(query_hist, row + [currentversion + 1])
def save(self, knowl, who): """who is the ID of the user, who wants to save the knowl""" new_history_item = self.get_knowl(, ['id'] + self._default_fields + ['history']) new_knowl = new_history_item is None if new_knowl: history = [] authors = [] else: history = new_history_item.pop('history') if history is not None: history += [new_history_item] else: history = [] authors = new_history_item.pop('authors', []) if authors is None: authors = [] if who and who not in authors: authors = authors + [who] search_keywords = make_keywords(knowl.content,, knowl.title) cat = extract_cat( values = (authors, cat, knowl.content, who, knowl.quality, knowl.timestamp, knowl.title, history, search_keywords) with DelayCommit(self): insterer = SQL( "INSERT INTO kwl_knowls (id, {0}, history, _keywords) VALUES (%s, {1}) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET ({0}, history, _keywords) = ({1})" ) insterer = insterer.format( SQL(', ').join(map(Identifier, self._default_fields)), SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * (len(self._default_fields) + 2))) self._execute(insterer, (, ) + values + values) self.save_history(knowl, who)
def add_feature(self, columns, values, columns_with_types): # Validation error = False for i in range(1, len(columns)): value = values[i] column_name = columns[i] if isinstance(values[i], type(None)): continue if columns_with_types[column_name] == "dict": dict_ = Dict.get(layer_id=self.lid, column_name=column_name) allowed_values = dict_.get_values() if value not in allowed_values: error = f"value '{value}' is not allowed for dict-column '{column_name}'. allowed values: '{allowed_values}'" elif not isinstance(value, TYPES[columns_with_types[column_name]]): error = f"value '{values[i]}' invalid type of column '{column_name}' ({columns_with_types[column_name]})" break elif columns_with_types[ column_name] == 'timestamp without time zone': values[i] = datetime.fromtimestamp(value) if error: raise ValueError(error) query_string = SQL( "INSERT INTO {} ({}) values ({}) RETURNING id;").format( Identifier(, SQL(', ').join(map(lambda c: Identifier(c), columns)), SQL(', ').join(Placeholder() * len(columns))) cursor = self.execute(query_string, *[values]) return self.as_geojson_by_fid(cursor.fetchone()[0])
def _reload_meta(self, meta_name, filename, search_table, sep="|"): meta_cols, _, jsonb_idx = _meta_cols_types_jsonb_idx(meta_name) # the column which will match search_table table_name = _meta_table_name(meta_name) table_name_idx = meta_cols.index(table_name) table_name_sql = Identifier(table_name) meta_name_sql = Identifier(meta_name) meta_name_hist_sql = Identifier(meta_name + "_hist") with open(filename, "r") as F: lines = [line for line in csv.reader(F, delimiter=str(sep))] if len(lines) == 0: return for line in lines: if line[table_name_idx] != search_table: raise RuntimeError( "in %s column %d (= %s) in the file " "doesn't match the search table name %s" % (filename, table_name_idx, line[table_name_idx], search_table) ) with DelayCommit(self, silence=True): # delete the current columns self._execute( SQL("DELETE FROM {} WHERE {} = %s").format(meta_name_sql, table_name_sql), [search_table], ) # insert new columns with open(filename, "r") as F: try: cur = self._db.cursor() cur.copy_from(F, meta_name, columns=meta_cols, sep=sep) except Exception: self.conn.rollback() raise version = self._get_current_meta_version(meta_name, search_table) + 1 # copy the new rows to history cols_sql = SQL(", ").join(map(Identifier, meta_cols)) rows = self._execute( SQL("SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {} = %s").format(cols_sql, meta_name_sql, table_name_sql), [search_table], ) cols = meta_cols + ("version",) cols_sql = SQL(", ").join(map(Identifier, cols)) place_holder = SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * len(cols)) query = SQL("INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})").format(meta_name_hist_sql, cols_sql, place_holder) for row in rows: row = [ Json(elt) if i in jsonb_idx else elt for i, elt in enumerate(row) ] self._execute(query, row + [version])
def value_to_sql(self, value, column_name=None): if isinstance(value, Expression): sql, args = value.to_sql() return SQL('{}').format(sql), args else: if self.relation and column_name: column = self.relation.get_column(column_name) value = column.to_db_value(value) return Placeholder(), (value, )
def filter_sql_injection(clause, col, col_type, op, table): """ INPUT: - ``clause`` -- a plain string, obtained from the website UI so NOT SAFE - ``col`` -- an SQL Identifier for a column in a table - ``col_type`` -- a string giving the type of the column - ``valid_cols`` -- the column names for this table - ``op`` -- a string giving the operator to use (`=` or one of the values in the ``postgres_infix_ops dictionary`` above) - ``table`` -- a PostgresTable object for determining which columns are valid """ # Our approach: # * strip all whitespace: this makes some of the analysis below easier # and is okay since we support implicit multiplication at a higher level # * Identify numbers (using a float regular expression) and call int or float on them as appropriate # * whitelist names of columns and wrap them all in identifiers; # * no other alphabetic characters allowed: this prevents the use # of any SQL functions or commands # * The only other allowed characters are +-*^/(). # * We also prohibit --, /* and */ since these are comments in SQL clause = re.sub(r"\s+", "", clause) # It's possible that some search columns include numbers (dim1_factor in av_fq_isog for example) # However, we don't support columns that are entirely numbers (such as some in smf_dims) # since there's no way to distinguish them from integers # We also want to include periods as part of the word/number character set, since they can appear in floats FLOAT_RE = r"^((\d+([.]\d*)?)|([.]\d+))([eE][-+]?\d+)?$" ARITH_RE = r"^[+*-/^()]+$" processed = [] values = [] pieces = re.split(r"([A-Za-z_.0-9]+)", clause) for i, piece in enumerate(pieces): if not piece: # skip empty strings at beginning/end continue if i % 2: # a word/number if piece in table.search_cols: processed.append(Identifier(piece)) elif re.match(FLOAT_RE, piece): processed.append(Placeholder()) if any(c in piece for c in "Ee."): values.append(float(piece)) else: values.append(int(piece)) else: raise SearchParsingError("%s: %s is not a column of %s" % (clause, piece, table.search_table)) else: if re.match(ARITH_RE, piece) and not any(comment in piece for comment in ["--", "/*", "*/"]): processed.append(SQL(piece)) else: raise SearchParsingError( "%s: invalid characters %s (only +*-/^() allowed)" % (clause, piece)) return SQL("{0} %s {1}" % op).format(col, SQL("").join(processed)), values
def load_table(cursor, tablename, columns, data, unique_key=None): unique_key = unique_key or (get_pkey_column(cursor, tablename), ) # FIXME: Most of the branching here can be replaced # by an upsert in postgres >9.4 if unique_key == (None, ): sql = SQL(""" INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({}) """).format(Identifier(tablename), SQL(', ').join(map(Identifier, columns)), SQL(', ').join(Placeholder() for c in columns)) else: unique_as_idents = list(map(Identifier, unique_key)) unique_as_placeholders = [Placeholder() for c in unique_key] unique_matches_condition = SQL(' AND ').join( map( lambda ident_ph_tup: SQL('{} = {}').format( ident_ph_tup[0], ident_ph_tup[1]), zip(unique_as_idents, unique_as_placeholders))) sql = SQL(""" INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) SELECT {2} WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {3} )""").format(Identifier(tablename), SQL(', ').join(map(Identifier, columns)), SQL(', ').join(Placeholder() for c in columns), unique_matches_condition) for row in data: if unique_key == (None, ): params = row else: row_data = dict(zip(columns, row)) unique_values = tuple( map(lambda column: row_data[column], unique_key)) params = row + unique_values try: cursor.execute(sql, params) except psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation as e: logging.error(e)
def delete(self, knowl): """deletes this knowl from the db. (DANGEROUS, ADMIN ONLY!)""" with DelayCommit(self): insterer = SQL( "INSERT INTO kwl_deleted (id, {0}) VALUES (%s, {1})").format( SQL(', ').join(map(Identifier, self._default_fields)), SQL(', ').join(Placeholder() * len(self._default_fields))) values = self.get_knowl( self._execute(insterer, [] + [values[i] for i in self._default_fields]) deletor = SQL("DELETE FROM kwl_knowls WHERE id = %s") self._execute(deletor, (, ))
def insert(self, subset=None): """Build INSERT statement on current table for all columns, or subset if specified. :param iterable subset: collection of columns to specify in query :return: (*psycopg2.sql.SQL*) -- template for insert statement """ n_values = len(subset) if subset is not None else len(self.columns) return SQL("INSERT INTO {table} ({fields}) VALUES ({values})").format( table=self._table(), fields=self._columns(subset), values=SQL(",").join(Placeholder() * n_values), )
def update_task(user: namedtuple, task_id: int, details: dict) -> dict: """ Update task details such as name, estimation and etc. """ db = get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: changes = [ SQL('{field} = {value}').format(field=Identifier(field), value=Placeholder(field)) for field in details.keys() ] query = SQL(''' WITH prepare_task_for_update(task_id) as ( SELECT task.task_id FROM task INNER JOIN user_to_team ON user_to_team.team_id = task.team_id AND user_to_team.user_id = %(user_id)s WHERE task.task_id = %(task_id)s ) UPDATE task SET {changes} FROM prepare_task_for_update WHERE task.task_id = prepare_task_for_update.task_id RETURNING task.task_id, task.project_id, task.team_id,, task.description, task.estimation, task.status, task.created_at, task.created_by, task.due_date, task.assignee_id ; ''').format(changes=SQL(', ').join(changes)) params = {**details, 'task_id': task_id, 'user_id': user.user_id} cursor.execute(query, params) db.commit() updated_task = cursor.fetchone() if not updated_task: raise EntityNotFound() return updated_task
def get_updates(config, conn): update_list = [] with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" select id, satellite_id, full_path from downloader_history where tiles is null and status_id in (2, 5, 6, 7) {} """) if config.site_id is not None: query = query.format(SQL("and site_id = {}").format(Placeholder())) cursor.execute(query, (config.site_id, )) else: query = query.format(SQL("")) cursor.execute(query) products = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() for (id, satellite_id, full_path) in products: try: if satellite_id == 1: tiles = get_sentinel_tiles(full_path) elif satellite_id == 2: tiles = get_landsat_tiles(full_path) else: print("Unknown satellite id {} for product {}".format( satellite_id, full_path)) continue if len(tiles) > 0: update_list.append((id, tiles)) elif len(tiles) == 0: print("No tiles found for product {}".format(full_path)) update_list.append((id, [])) else: print("Unable to recognize product {}".format(full_path)) except Exception: print("While checking product {}".format(full_path)) traceback.print_exc() return update_list
def save(self, data): if not self._rw_userdb:"no attempt to save, not enough privileges") return data = dict(data) # copy uid = data.pop("username", None) if not uid: raise ValueError("data must contain username") if not self.user_exists(uid): raise ValueError("user does not exist") if not data: raise ValueError("no data to save") fields, values = zip(*data.items()) updater = SQL( "UPDATE userdb.users SET ({0}) = ({1}) WHERE username = %s" ).format( SQL(", ").join(map(Identifier, fields)), SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * len(values))) self._execute(updater, list(values) + [uid])
def save(self, knowl, who, most_recent=None, minor=False): """who is the ID of the user, who wants to save the knowl""" if most_recent is None: most_recent = self.get_knowl(, ['id'] + self._default_fields, allow_deleted=False) new_knowl = most_recent is None if new_knowl: authors = [] else: authors = most_recent.pop('authors', []) if not minor and who and who not in authors: authors = authors + [who] search_keywords = make_keywords(knowl.content,, knowl.title) cat = extract_cat( # When renaming, source is set explicitly on the knowl if knowl.type == 0 and knowl.source is not None: typ, source, name = 0, knowl.source, knowl.source_name else: typ, source, name = extract_typ( links = extract_links(knowl.content) if typ == 2: # column description defines = [".")[-1]] else: defines = extract_defines(knowl.content) # id, authors, cat, content, last_author, timestamp, title, status, type, links, defines, source, source_name values = (, authors, cat, knowl.content, who, knowl.timestamp, knowl.title, knowl.status, typ, links, defines, source, name, search_keywords) with DelayCommit(self): inserter = SQL( "INSERT INTO kwl_knowls (id, {0}, _keywords) VALUES ({1})") inserter = inserter.format( SQL(', ').join(map(Identifier, self._default_fields)), SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * (len(self._default_fields) + 2))) self._execute(inserter, values) self.cached_titles[] = knowl.title
def postgres_create_user(username, conn, cur, password=None): """ Create a postgres user, including a password if provided. """ from psycopg2.errors import DuplicateObject, ProgrammingError from psycopg2.sql import SQL, Identifier, Placeholder # Run the CREATE USER try: if password: cur.execute( SQL("CREATE USER {} WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD {}").format( Identifier(username), Placeholder()), [password], ) else: cur.execute(SQL("CREATE USER {}").format(Identifier(username))) print(f"User {username} created successfully") except DuplicateObject as e: # it's okay if user already exists print(f"User {username} already exists")
def upsertRecord(self, record): assert isinstance(record, records.Record) mData = makeData(record) table = Identifier(type(record).__name__.lower()) aFields = [] mArgs = {} for sField, sType, value in mData.values(): aFields.append(sField) mArgs[sField] = value fields = SQL(', ').join(Identifier(sField) for sField in aFields) values = SQL(', ').join(Placeholder(sField) for sField in aFields) if (record.aPKs): action = (SQL('DO UPDATE SET ({}) = ({})').format(fields, values) if aFields else SQL('DO NOTHING')) pks = SQL(', ').join(Identifier(sPK) for sPK in record.aPKs) conflict = SQL('ON CONFLICT ({}) {}').format(pks, action) else: conflict = SQL('') query = SQL('INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({}) {};').format( table, fields, values, conflict) self._execute(query, mArgs) log.debug('record "{}" upserted'.format(record))
def search_distinct( table, selecter, counter, iterator, query={}, projection=1, limit=None, offset=0, sort=None, info=None, include_deleted=False, include_pending=False, more=False, ): """ Replacement for db.*.search to account for versioning, return Web* objects. Doesn't support split_ors, raw or extra tables. Always computes count. INPUT: - ``table`` -- a search table, such as db.seminars or db.talks - ``counter`` -- an SQL object counting distinct entries - ``selecter`` -- an SQL objecting selecting distinct entries - ``iterator`` -- an iterator taking the same arguments as ``_search_iterator`` """ if offset < 0: raise ValueError("Offset cannot be negative") query = dict(query) if not include_deleted: query["deleted"] = {"$or": [False, {"$exists": False}]} all_cols = SQL(", ").join( map(IdentifierWrapper, ["id"] + table.search_cols)) search_cols, extra_cols = table._parse_projection(projection) tbl = IdentifierWrapper(table.search_table) if limit is None: qstr, values = table._build_query(query, sort=sort) else: qstr, values = table._build_query(query, limit, offset, sort) prequery = {} if include_pending else { '$or': [{ 'display': True }, { 'by_api': False }] } if prequery: # We filter the records before finding the most recent (normal queries filter after finding the most recent) # This is mainly used for setting display=False or display=True # We take advantage of the fact that the WHERE clause occurs just after the table name in all of our query constructions pqstr, pqvalues = table._parse_dict(prequery) if pqstr is not None: tbl = tbl + SQL(" WHERE {0}").format(pqstr) values = pqvalues + values if more is not False: # might empty dictionary more, moreval = table._parse_dict(more) if more is None: more = Placeholder() moreval = [True] cols = SQL(", ").join( list(map(IdentifierWrapper, search_cols + extra_cols)) + [more]) extra_cols = extra_cols + ("more", ) values = moreval + values else: cols = SQL(", ").join(map(IdentifierWrapper, search_cols + extra_cols)) fselecter = selecter.format(cols, all_cols, tbl, qstr) cur = table._execute( fselecter, values, buffered=False, slow_note=( table.search_table, "analyze", query, repr(projection), limit, offset, ), ) results = iterator(cur, search_cols, extra_cols, projection) if info is not None: # caller is requesting count data nres = count_distinct(table, counter, query) if limit is None: info["number"] = nres return results if offset >= nres > 0: # We're passing in an info dictionary, so this is a front end query, # and the user has requested a start location larger than the number # of results. We adjust the results to be the last page instead. offset -= (1 + (offset - nres) / limit) * limit if offset < 0: offset = 0 return search_distinct( table, selecter, counter, iterator, query, projection, limit, offset, sort, info, ) info["query"] = dict(query) info["number"] = nres info["count"] = limit info["start"] = offset info["exact_count"] = True res = list(results) return res
def rename_table(self, old_name, new_name, commit=True): """ Rename a table. INPUT: - ``old_name`` -- the current name of the table, as a string - ``new_name`` -- the new name of the table, as a string """ assert old_name != new_name assert new_name not in self.tablenames with DelayCommit(self, commit, silence=True): table = self[old_name] # first rename indexes and constraints icols = [Identifier(s) for s in ["index_name", "table_name"]] ccols = [Identifier(s) for s in ["constraint_name", "table_name"]] rename_index = SQL("ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS {0} RENAME TO {1}") rename_constraint = SQL("ALTER TABLE {0} RENAME CONSTRAINT {1} TO {2}") for meta, mname, cols in [ ("meta_indexes", "index_name", icols), ("meta_indexes_hist", "index_name", icols), ("meta_constraints", "constraint_name", ccols), ("meta_constraints_hist", "constraint_name", ccols), ]: indexes = list(self._execute( SQL("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE table_name = %s").format( Identifier(mname), Identifier(meta) ), [old_name], )) if indexes: rename_index_in_meta = SQL("UPDATE {0} SET ({1}) = ({2}) WHERE {3} = {4}") rename_index_in_meta = rename_index_in_meta.format( Identifier(meta), SQL(", ").join(cols), SQL(", ").join(Placeholder() * len(cols)), cols[0], Placeholder(), ) for old_index_name in indexes: old_index_name = old_index_name[0] new_index_name = old_index_name.replace(old_name, new_name) self._execute(rename_index_in_meta, [new_index_name, new_name, old_index_name]) if meta == "meta_indexes": self._execute(rename_index.format( Identifier(old_index_name), Identifier(new_index_name), )) elif meta == "meta_constraints": self._execute(rename_constraint.format( Identifier(old_name), Identifier(old_index_name), Identifier(new_index_name), )) else: print("Renamed all indexes, constraints and the corresponding metadata") # rename meta_tables and meta_tables_hist rename_table_in_meta = SQL("UPDATE {0} SET name = %s WHERE name = %s") for meta in ["meta_tables", "meta_tables_hist"]: self._execute(rename_table_in_meta.format(Identifier(meta)), [new_name, old_name]) else: print("Renamed all entries meta_tables(_hist)") rename = SQL("ALTER TABLE {0} RENAME TO {1}") # rename extra table if table.extra_table is not None: old_extra = table.extra_table assert old_extra == old_name + "_extras" new_extra = new_name + "_extras" self._execute(rename.format(Identifier(old_extra), Identifier(new_extra))) print("Renamed {0} to {1}".format(old_extra, new_extra)) for suffix in ["", "_counts", "_stats"]: self._execute(rename.format(Identifier(old_name + suffix), Identifier(new_name + suffix))) print("Renamed {0} to {1}".format(old_name + suffix, new_name + suffix)) # rename oldN tables for backup_number in range(table._next_backup_number()): for ext in ["", "_extras", "_counts", "_stats"]: old_name_old = "{0}{1}_old{2}".format(old_name, ext, backup_number) new_name_old = "{0}{1}_old{2}".format(new_name, ext, backup_number) if self._table_exists(old_name_old): self._execute(rename.format(Identifier(old_name_old), Identifier(new_name_old))) print("Renamed {0} to {1}".format(old_name_old, new_name_old)) for ext in ["", "_extras", "_counts", "_stats"]: old_name_tmp = "{0}{1}_tmp".format(old_name, ext) new_name_tmp = "{0}{1}_tmp".format(new_name, ext) if self._table_exists(old_name_tmp): self._execute(rename.format(Identifier(old_name_tmp), Identifier(new_name_tmp))) print("Renamed {0} to {1}".format(old_name_tmp, new_name_old)) # initialized table tabledata = self._execute( SQL( "SELECT name, label_col, sort, count_cutoff, id_ordered, " "out_of_order, has_extras, stats_valid, total, include_nones " "FROM meta_tables WHERE name = %s" ), [new_name], ).fetchone() table = self._search_table_class_(self, *tabledata) self.__dict__[new_name] = table self.tablenames.append(new_name) self.tablenames.remove(old_name) self.tablenames.sort()
def update(self, an_id: id = None, where_key: str = None, name: str = None, data=None, latex: str = None, notes: str = None, unit_id: int = None, image: bytes = None, template_id: int = None, dimensions: int = None, modified_by: str = None, created_by: str = None, verbose: bool = None): """Insert New Record Into math_object""" if where_key is None: where_key = self.id_name if an_id is None: warn("No Record ID Specified", NoRecordIDError) else: if data is None: data = {} db_params = config() data.update(self._add_field('name', name)) data.update(self._add_field('notes', notes)) data.update(self._process_latex(latex, image, template_id, verbose)) data.update(self._add_field('dimensions', dimensions)) data.update(self._add_field('unit_id', unit_id)) data.update(self._add_field('created_by', created_by)) # If there is no data, then skip. Of course one could still change modified by: if len(data) > 0 or modified_by is not None: # Always require a modified by and because one can change data without specifying a modifer, # this is necessary. We don't check it before the previous if, because we don't want to create # a modified_by if not data was set and no modified_by was set. if modified_by is None: modified_by = db_params['user'] data.update(modified_by=modified_by) fields = data.keys() sql = "UPDATE {table} SET {fields} WHERE {pkey} = {a_value} RETURNING *" query = SQL(sql).format( table=Identifier(self.table), fields=SQL(', ').join( Composed([Identifier(k), SQL(' = '), Placeholder(k)]) for k in fields), pkey=Identifier(where_key), a_value=Placeholder('where_key')) data.update(where_key=an_id) conn = connect(**db_params) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=NamedTupleCursor) if verbose: print(query.as_string(conn)) print(cur.mogrify(query, data)) try: cur.execute(query, data) except OperationalError as error: print(error) new_record = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() self.last_inserted = self.as_columns(new_record) self.records = self.all_records()
def update(self, an_id: id = None, where_key: str = None, name: str = None, data=None, notes: str = None, modified_by: str = None, created_by: str = None, my_conn: Optional[dict] = None, t_log: Optional[TimeLogger] = None, verbose: bool = None): """Insert New Record Into grouped_physics_object""" if my_conn is None: my_conn = self.my_conn else: self.my_conn = my_conn if verbose is True and t_log is None: t_log = TimeLogger() my_conn = my_connect(my_conn=my_conn, t_log=t_log, verbose=verbose) conn = my_conn['conn'] db_params = my_conn['db_params'] if where_key is None: where_key = self.id_name() if an_id is None: warn("No Record ID Specified", NoRecordIDError) else: if data is None: data = {} data.update(add_field('name', name)) data.update(add_field('notes', notes)) data.update(add_field('created_by', created_by)) # If there is no data, then skip. Of course one could still change modified by: if len(data) > 0 or modified_by is not None: # Always require a modified by and because one can change data without specifying a modifer, # this is necessary. We don't check it before the previous if, because we don't want to create # a modified_by if not data was set and no modified_by was set. if modified_by is None: modified_by = db_params['user'] data.update(modified_by=modified_by) fields = data.keys() sql = "UPDATE {table} SET {fields} WHERE {pkey} = {a_value}" if verbose: print('Data:\n', data) print('\nFields:\n', fields) query = SQL(sql).format( table=Identifier(self.table_name), fields=SQL(', ').join( Composed([Identifier(k), SQL(' = '), Placeholder(k)]) for k in fields ), pkey=Identifier(where_key), a_value=Placeholder('where_key') ) data.update(where_key=an_id) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=NamedTupleCursor) if verbose: print(query.as_string(conn)) print(cur.mogrify(query, data)) try: cur.execute(query, data) except OperationalError as error: print(error) conn.commit() cur.close() self.pull_data()