예제 #1
    def test_function(self):
        fun = pnl.NormalDist(mean=5.0).function
        spec = SampleSpec(function=fun)
        sample_iterator = SampleIterator(specification=spec)

        expected = [
            5.978737984105739, 7.240893199201458, 6.867557990149967,
            4.022722120123589, 5.950088417525589

        for i in range(5):
            assert np.allclose(next(sample_iterator), expected[i])
예제 #2
    def test_int_num(self):
        spec = SampleSpec(num=6, start=0, stop=10)
        sample_iterator = SampleIterator(specification=spec)

        expected = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

        for i in range(6):
            assert np.allclose(next(sample_iterator), expected[i])

        assert next(sample_iterator, None) is None


        for i in range(6):
            assert np.allclose(next(sample_iterator), expected[i])

        assert next(sample_iterator, None) is None
예제 #3
    def test_float_step(self):
        # Need to decide whether stop should be exclusive
        spec = SampleSpec(step=2.79, start=0.65, stop=10.25)
        sample_iterator = SampleIterator(specification=spec)

        expected = [0.65, 3.44, 6.23, 9.02]

        for i in range(4):
            assert np.allclose(next(sample_iterator), expected[i])

        assert next(sample_iterator, None) is None


        for i in range(4):
            assert np.allclose(next(sample_iterator), expected[i])

        assert next(sample_iterator, None) is None
예제 #4
def test_moving_average():

    # Set an arbitrary seed and a global random state to keep the randomly generated quantities the same between runs
    seed = 20170530  # this will be separately given to ELFI

    # true parameters
    t1_true = 0.6
    t2_true = 0.2

    # Define a function that simulates a 2nd order moving average, assuming mean zero:
    # y_t = w_t + t1*w_t-1 + t2*w_t-2
    # where t1 and t2 are real and w_k is i.i.d sequence white noise with N(0,1)
    def MA2(input=[0],
        # FIXME: Convert arguments to scalar if they are not. Why is this nescessary?
        # PsyNeuLink, when creating a user defined function, seems to expect the function
        # to support inputs of type np.ndarray even when they are only allowed to be
        # scalars.
        n_obs = n_obs[0] if (type(n_obs) is np.ndarray) else n_obs
        batch_size = batch_size[0] if (
            type(batch_size) is np.ndarray) else batch_size

        # Make inputs 2d arrays for numpy broadcasting with w
        t1 = np.asanyarray(t1).reshape((-1, 1))
        t2 = np.asanyarray(t2).reshape((-1, 1))
        random_state = random_state or np.random

        w = random_state.randn(int(batch_size),
                               int(n_obs) + 2)  # i.i.d. sequence ~ N(0,1)
        x = w[:, 2:] + t1 * w[:, 1:-1] + t2 * w[:, :-2]
        return x

    # Lets make some observed data. This will be the data we try to fit parameters for.
    y_obs = MA2(t1_true, t2_true)

    # Make a processing mechanism out of our simulator.
    ma_mech = ProcessingMechanism(function=MA2,
                                  name='Moving Average (2nd Order)')

    # Now lets add it to a composition
    comp = Composition(name="Moving_Average")

    # Now lets setup some control signals for the parameters we want to
    # infer. This is where we would like to specify priors.
    signalSearchRange = SampleSpec(start=0.1, stop=2.0, step=0.2)
    t1_control_signal = ControlSignal(projections=[('t1', ma_mech)],
    t2_control_signal = ControlSignal(projections=[('t2', ma_mech)],

    # A function to calculate the auto-covariance with specific lag for a
    # time series. We will use this function to compute the summary statistics
    # for generated and observed data so that we can compute a metric between the
    # two. In PsyNeuLink terms, this will be part of an ObjectiveMechanism.
    # A function to calculate the auto-covariance with specific lag for a
    # time series. We will use this function to compute the summary statistics
    # for generated and observed data so that we can compute a metric between the
    # two. In PsyNeuLink terms, this will be part of an ObjectiveMechanism.
    def autocov(agent_rep, x=None, lag=1):
        if x is None:
            return np.asarray(0.0)

        C = np.mean(x[:, lag:] * x[:, :-lag], axis=1)
        return C

    # # Lets make one function that computes all the summary stats in one go because PsyNeuLink
    # # objective mechanism expect a single function.
    # def objective_function(x):
    #     return np.concatenate((autocov(x), autocov(x, lag=2)))
    # # Objective Mechanism and its function currently need to be specified in the script.
    # # (In future versions, this will be set up automatically)
    # objective_mech = ObjectiveMechanism(function=objective_function,
    #                                         monitor=[ma_mech])

    # Setup the controller with the ParamEstimationFunction
                't1': (scipy.stats.uniform, 0, 2),
                't2': (scipy.stats.uniform, 0, 2)
            summary=[(autocov, 1), (autocov, 2)],
            quantile=0.01,  # Set very small now cause things are slow.
        control_signals=[t1_control_signal, t2_control_signal]))


    # Lets setup some input to the mechanism, not that it uses it for anything.
    stim_list_dict = {ma_mech: [0]}

    # # FIXME: Show graph fails when the controller doesn't have an objective mechanism.
    # comp.show_graph(show_controller=True,
    #                 show_projection_labels=True,
    #                 show_node_structure=True,
    #                 show_cim=True,
    #                 show_dimensions=True)


    # FIXME: The final test should be to check if the true parameters set above are
    # recovered approximately. Not sure how to get all the samples out from
    # above yet though so just pass for now.
    assert True
예제 #5
import numpy as np
import psyneulink.core.llvm as pnlvm
import psyneulink.core.components.functions.function as Function
import psyneulink.core.components.functions.objectivefunctions as Functions
import psyneulink.core.components.functions.optimizationfunctions as OPTFunctions
import psyneulink.core.globals.keywords as kw
from psyneulink.core.globals.sampleiterator import SampleIterator, SampleSpec
import pytest

SIZE = 5
# Some metrics (CROSS_ENTROPY) don't like 0s
test_var = np.random.rand(SIZE) + Function.EPSILON
EPS = float(Function.EPSILON)
search_space = [
    SampleIterator([EPS, 1.0] if i %
                   2 == 0 else SampleSpec(start=EPS, stop=1.0, num=2))
    for i in range(SIZE)
results = {
    Functions.Stability: {
        kw.ENERGY: {
            True: {
                OPTFunctions.MINIMIZE: {
                    'FIRST': ((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -0.4, [], []),
                    'RANDOM': ((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -0.4, [], []),
                OPTFunctions.MAXIMIZE: {
                    'FIRST': ((EPS, EPS, EPS, EPS, EPS),
                              -1.9721522630525296e-32, [], []),
                    'RANDOM': ((1.0, EPS, EPS, EPS, EPS),
                               -1.9721522630525296e-32, [], []),
예제 #6
 def test_neither_num_nor_step(self):
     with pytest.raises(SampleIteratorError) as error_text:
         SampleSpec(start=0, stop=10)
     assert "Must specify one of 'step', 'num' or 'function'" in str(