예제 #1
파일: get_fwhm.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
def _init_psf_phot_process(data, all_positions, all_amplitudes,
                           idx, nidx, psf, amplitudes, positions):
    Global variables for psf photometry processes
    import multiprocessing
    global gbl_data
    global gbl_all_positions
    global gbl_all_amplitudes
    global gbl_idx
    global gbl_nidx
    global gbl_psf
    global gbl_amplitudes
    global gbl_positions

    gbl_data = data
    gbl_all_positions = all_positions
    gbl_all_amplitudes = all_amplitudes
    gbl_idx = idx
    gbl_nidx = nidx
    gbl_psf = psf
    gbl_amplitudes = amplitudes
    gbl_positions = positions
    log.info("Initializing process {0}".format(
예제 #2
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def combine_second(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Doing second combination ...")

        fltr_a, fltr_b = self.lowest_resolution_filters
        frames = self.frames[fltr_a, fltr_b]

        frames.convert_to_same_unit(unit="MJy/sr") # here conversion to surface brightness, related to the pixelscale is necessary

        # Set the frames
        #self.second = frames

        frames.convert_to_same_unit(unit="Lsun", density=True, distance=self.distance) # convert to solar luminosity

        # Now do something
        self.second = np.random.random() * frames[fltr_a] + np.random.random() * frames[fltr_b]

        # Set unit
        self.second.unit = "Lsun"
예제 #3
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def extract(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Extracting the sources ...")

        # Loop over the images
        for fltr in self.frames:

            name = str(fltr)

            # Inform the user
            log.info("Extracting the sources for the '" + name + "' image ...")

            # Settings
            settings = dict()
            settings["input"] = self.find_paths[name]
            settings["output"] = self.extract_paths[name]

            # Input
            input_dict = dict()
            input_dict["frame"] = self.frames[fltr]

            # Construct the command
            command = Command("extract", "extract the sources", settings, input_dict)

            # Run the command
            extractor = self.run_command(command, remote=self.remote)

            # Add the extractor
            self.extractors[fltr] = extractor
예제 #4
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def get_frames(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform theb user
        log.info("Getting the frames ...")

        # Get the frames
        #self.frames = self.database.get_framelist_for_filters(self.galaxy_name, filter_names)

        self.frames = FrameList()

        # Loop over the filter names
        for filter_name in filter_names:

            # Parse filter
            fltr = parse_filter(filter_name)

            # Get wcs
            wcs = get_coordinate_system(fltr)

            # Generate frame
            #frame = Frame.random(wcs.shape, wcs=wcs, filter=fltr)
            frame = Frame.ones(wcs.shape, wcs=wcs, filter=fltr)
            frame.unit = "Jy"

            # Add the frame
예제 #5
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def deploy(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Deploying SKIRT and PTS ...")

        # Create the deployer
        deployer = Deployer()

        # Set the host ids
        deployer.config.hosts = [self.host]

        # Set the host id on which PTS should be installed (on the host for extra computations and the fitting hosts
        # that have a scheduling system to launch the pts run_queue command)
        #deployer.config.pts_on = self.moderator.all_host_ids

        # Set
        #deployer.config.check = self.config.check_versions

        # Set
        #deployer.config.update_dependencies = self.config.update_dependencies

        # Run the deployer
예제 #6
파일: sfr_to_lum.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
def show_luminosities(sed):

    This function ...
    :param sed:

    # Get spectral luminosity density
    lum = sed.photometry_at(fltr_wavelength, unit="W/micron")
    lum2 = sed.photometry_at(fltr_wavelength, unit="W/micron", interpolate=False)

    log.info("Luminosity: " + tostr(lum))
    log.info("No interpolation: " + tostr(lum2))

    # Convert to solar SPECTRAL luminosity DENSITY at wavelength
    lum_spectral_solar = lum.to("W/micron").value / solar_wavelength_density.to("W/micron").value

    # Convert to neutral
    lum_neutral = lum.to("W", density=True, wavelength=fltr_wavelength)
    lum_solar = lum.to("Lsun", density=True, wavelength=fltr_wavelength)

    # Neutral and solar
    log.info("Luminosity in spectral solar units: " + tostr(lum_spectral_solar) + " Lsun_" + fltr.band)
    log.info("Luminosity in neutral units: " + tostr(lum_neutral))
    log.info("Luminosity in solar units: " + tostr(lum_solar))
예제 #7
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def combine_first(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Doing first combination ...")

        fltr_a, fltr_b = self.highest_resolution_filters
        frames = self.frames[fltr_a, fltr_b]

        frames.convert_to_same_unit(unit="W/micron/m2") # here conversion related to frequency/wavelength is necessary
        frames.convert_to_same_unit(unit="W/m2", density=True) # here conversion from spectral flux density to flux is necessary

        # Set the frames
        #self.first = frames

        # Now do something, like adding them
        self.first = np.random.random() * frames[fltr_a].get_log10() + np.random.random() * frames[fltr_b].get_log10()

        # Set the unit
        self.first.unit = "W/m2"
예제 #8
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def create_wcs(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the WCS ...")

        min_pixelscale = None

        # Determine the path to the headers directory
        headers_path = fs.join(m81_data_path, "headers")

        # Loop over the header files
        for path, name in fs.files_in_path(headers_path, extension="txt", returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Get the filter
            fltr = parse_filter(name)
            filter_name = str(fltr)

            # Set the path of the file for the filter name
            self.wcs_paths[filter_name] = path

            # Get WCS
            wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_header_file(path)

            # Adjust the pixelscale
            if min_pixelscale is None:
                min_pixelscale = wcs.pixelscale
                self.wcs = wcs
            elif min_pixelscale > wcs.pixelscale:
                min_pixelscale = wcs.pixelscale
                self.wcs = wcs
예제 #9
파일: interpolator.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def write_frame(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Saving the result ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = self.output_path_file(self.image_name)

        # Check if already existing
        if fs.is_file(path):

            if self.config.replace:
                if self.config.backup: fs.backup_file(path, suffix=self.config.backup_suffix)
                #raise ValueError("The image already exists")
                path = self.output_path_file("result.fits")

        # Save
        self.frame.saveto(path, header=self.header)
예제 #10
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def find(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Finding the sources ...")

        # Settings
        settings = dict()
        # settings["input"] =
        settings["output"] = self.find_path
        settings["nprocesses"] = self.config.nprocesses

        # Input
        input_dict = dict()
        input_dict["dataset"] = self.dataset
        #input_dict["extended_source_catalog"] = self.extended_source_catalog
        input_dict["point_source_catalog"] = self.point_source_catalog
        input_dict["output_paths"] = self.find_paths

        # Construct the command
        command = Command("find_sources", "find sources", settings, input_dict)

        # Run the command
        self.finder = self.run_command(command)
예제 #11
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def make_animation(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making animation ...")

        # Get the best
        best = self.optimizer.best

        # Determine path
        temp_path = self.optimizer.config.path
        filepath = fs.join(temp_path, "best.png")

        # Make plot of best

        # Create animated gif
        animation = Animation()

        # Open the images present in the directory
        for path in fs.files_in_path(temp_path, extension="png", exact_not_name="best"):
            # Add frame to the animation

        # Save the animation
        animation_path = fs.join(temp_path, "animation.gif")
예제 #12
파일: python.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def attach(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Attaching to the screen session '" + self.screen_name + "' ...")

        # Tmux or screen
        if self.tmux: self.remote.execute("tmux a -t " + self.screen_name, expect=">>>")

            #self.remote.execute("screen -r " + self.screen_name, expect=">>>")
            self.remote.ssh.sendline("screen -r " + self.screen_name)

            while True:

                index = self.remote.ssh.expect([">>>", pexpect.TIMEOUT])
                if index == 1: break

        # Set attached flag
        self.attached = True

        # Set displayhook to default
        self.remote.execute("sys.displayhook = sys.__displayhook__", expect=">>>")
예제 #13
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def create_coordinate_systems(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the coordinate systems ...")

        # Loop over the number of frames
        for index in range(self.config.nframes):

            # Get the next filter
            fltr = parse_filter(filter_names[index])

            # Set properties
            size = Extent(self.config.npixels, self.config.npixels)
            center_pixel = size * 0.5
            pixelscale = Pixelscale(1.0, unit="arcsec")

            # Create the coordinate system
            wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_properties(size, center_pixel, self.center, pixelscale)

            # Add the wcs
            self.coordinate_systems.append(wcs, fltr)
예제 #14
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def create_wavelength_grid(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the wavelength grid ...")

        # Create the wavelength generator
        generator = WavelengthGridGenerator()

        # Set input
        input_dict = dict()
        input_dict["ngrids"] = 1
        input_dict["npoints"] = self.config.nwavelengths
        input_dict["fixed"] = [self.i1_filter.pivot, self.fuv_filter.pivot]
        input_dict["add_emission_lines"] = True
        input_dict["lines"] = ["Halpha"] # only the H-alpha line is of importance
        input_dict["min_wavelength"] = self.config.wavelength_range.min
        input_dict["max_wavelength"] = self.config.wavelength_range.max
        input_dict["filters"] = [parse_filter(string) for string in fitting_filter_names]

        # Run the generator

        # Set the wavelength grid
        self.wavelength_grid = generator.single_grid
예제 #15
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def set_bulge(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting the old stellar bulge component ...")

        # Get the title for this component
        title = titles["bulge"]

        # Create the new component

        # Set the geometry
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_geometry(title, self.bulge)

        # Set the SED
        # component_id, template, age, metallicity
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_sed(title, bulge_template, bulge_age, bulge_metallicity)

        # Convert the flux density into a spectral luminosity
        luminosity = bulge_fluxdensity.to("W/micron", fltr=self.i1_filter, distance=self.galaxy_distance)

        # Set the normalization
        # luminosity, filter_or_wavelength=None
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_luminosity(title, luminosity, self.i1_filter.pivot)
예제 #16
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def test_brightness(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Testing surface brightness units ...")

        units = [u("Jy"), u("W/micron"), u("Lsun"), u("erg/s/Hz"), u("W/sr"), u("Lsun/pc2", brightness=True), u("W/m2/micron")]

        for unit in units:

            print(" - symbol: " + unit.symbol)
            print(" - physical type: " + unit.physical_type)
            print(" - base physical type: " + unit.base_physical_type)
            print(" - base unit: " + str(unit.base_unit))
            print(" - density: " + str(unit.density))
            print(" - brightness: " + str(unit.brightness))

            angular_area_unit = unit.corresponding_angular_area_unit
            intrinsic_area_unit = unit.corresponding_intrinsic_area_unit

            print(" - corresponding angular area unit: " + str(angular_area_unit))
            print(" - corresponding intrinsic area unit: " + str(intrinsic_area_unit))
예제 #17
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def create_deprojections(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the deprojections ...")

        # Set deprojection of old stars
        wcs = self.maps["old"].wcs
        if wcs is None: raise IOError("The map of old stars has no WCS information")
        self.deprojections["old"] = DeprojectionModel3D.from_wcs(wcs, self.galaxy_center, self.galaxy_distance, self.galaxy_position_angle, self.galaxy_inclination, old_filename, old_scale_height)

        # Set deprojection of young stars
        wcs = self.maps["young"].wcs
        if wcs is None: raise IOError("The map of young stars has no WCS information")
        self.deprojections["young"] = DeprojectionModel3D.from_wcs(wcs, self.galaxy_center, self.galaxy_distance, self.galaxy_position_angle, self.galaxy_inclination, young_filename, young_scale_height)

        # Set deprojection of ionizing stars
        wcs = self.maps["ionizing"].wcs
        if wcs is None: raise IOError("The map of ionizing stars has no WCS information")
        self.deprojections["ionizing"] = DeprojectionModel3D.from_wcs(wcs, self.galaxy_center, self.galaxy_distance, self.galaxy_position_angle, self.galaxy_inclination, ionizing_filename, ionizing_scale_height)

        # Set deprojection of dust map
        wcs = self.maps["dust"].wcs
        if wcs is None: raise IOError("The map of old stars has no WCS information")
        self.deprojections["dust"] = DeprojectionModel3D.from_wcs(wcs, self.galaxy_center, self.galaxy_distance, self.galaxy_position_angle, self.galaxy_inclination, dust_filename, dust_scale_height)
예제 #18
파일: restore.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_chi_squared(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Restoring the chi squared tables ...")

        # Loop over the generations
        for generation_name in self.generation_names:

            # Has generation?
            if not self.has_generation(generation_name): continue

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Creating backup of chi squared table for generation '" + generation_name + "' ...")

            # Get the generation
            generation = self.generations[generation_name]

            # Get the generation path
            generation_path = self.get_generation_restore_path(generation_name)

            # Determine the filepath
            filepath = fs.join(generation_path, "chi_squared.dat")

            # Copy the file
            fs.copy_file(filepath, generation.chi_squared_table_path)
예제 #19
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def setup_modelling(self):

        This fucntion ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting up the modelling ...")

        # Settings
        settings_setup = dict()
        settings_setup["type"] = "sed"
        settings_setup["name"] = self.modeling_name
        settings_setup["fitting_host_ids"] = self.moderator.host_ids_for_ensemble("fitting", none_if_none=True)

        # Create input dict for setup
        input_setup = dict()
        input_setup["sed"] = self.observed_sed
        input_setup["ski"] = self.ski_template
        #input_setup["ski_input"] = self.required_input_files
        input_setup["ski_input"] = self.all_input_files # Important so that the fittinginitializer can choose the number
        #  of wavelengths for the fitting based on what the user used as a wavelength grid file for the ski file

        # Create object config
        object_config = dict()
        # object_config["ski"] = ski_path
        input_setup["object_config"] = object_config

        # Construct the command
        stp = Command("setup", "setup the modeling", settings_setup, input_setup, cwd=".")

        # Call the command
        tool = self.run_command(stp)
예제 #20
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def make_sky(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding sky ...")

        # Loop over the frames
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Determine random sky level
            sky_level = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.)

            # Create sky gradient
            y, x = np.mgrid[:frame.ysize, :frame.xsize]
            sky_gradient =  x * y

            # Normalize so that the maximal sky is 20%
            sky_gradient = sky_gradient / np.max(sky_gradient) * 20

            # Add the sky
            frame += sky_level + sky_gradient

            # Mask
            frame[self.rotation_masks[fltr]] = 0.0
예제 #21
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def test_dust_mass(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Testing the dust mass ...")

        ndigits = 4

        nbits = numbers.binary_digits_for_significant_figures(ndigits)

        print(str(nbits) + " bits for " + str(ndigits) + " digits")

        mass_range = parsing.quantity_range("1500000.0 Msun > 300000000.0 Msun")

        unit = "Msun"

        minimum = mass_range.min
        maximum = mass_range.max

        low = minimum.to(unit).value
        high = maximum.to(unit).value

        value = parse_quantity("1.5e7 Msun").to(unit).value

        if light_test_from_number_rounding(value, low, high, ndigits): log.success("Test succeeded")
        else: log.error("Test failed")
예제 #22
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def set_old(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting the old stellar disk component ...")

        # Get the title
        title = titles["old"]

        # Create the new component

        # Set the geometry
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_geometry(title, self.deprojections["old"])

        # Set the SED
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_sed(title, disk_template, disk_age, disk_metallicity)

        # Convert the flux density into a spectral luminosity
        luminosity = old_fluxdensity.to("W/micron", fltr=self.i1_filter, distance=self.galaxy_distance)

        # Set the normalization
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_luminosity(title, luminosity, self.i1_filter.pivot)
예제 #23
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def make_sources(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making the sources ...")

        flux_range = [self.config.flux_range.min, self.config.flux_range.max]
        xmean_range = [0, self.config.shape[1]]
        ymean_range = [0, self.config.shape[0]]

        # Ranges of sigma
        xstddev_range = [self.sources_sigma, self.sources_sigma]
        ystddev_range = [self.sources_sigma, self.sources_sigma]

        table = make_random_gaussians(self.config.nsources, flux_range, xmean_range,
                                      ymean_range, xstddev_range,
                                      ystddev_range, random_state=12345)
        self.source_table = table

        data = make_gaussian_sources(self.config.shape, table)
        self.sources = Frame(data)

        # mask
        self.sources[self.rotation_mask] = 0.0

        if self.config.plot: plotting.plot_box(self.sources, title="sources")
예제 #24
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def set_ionizing(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting the ionizing stellar disk component ...")

        # Get the title
        title = titles["ionizing"]

        # Create the new component

        # Set the geometry
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_geometry(title, self.deprojections["ionizing"])

        # Set the SED
        # metallicity, compactness, pressure, covering_factor
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_mappingssed(title, ionizing_metallicity, ionizing_compactness, ionizing_pressure, ionizing_covering_factor)

        # Set the normalization
        self.ski.set_stellar_component_luminosity(title, fuv_ionizing, self.fuv_filter.pivot)
예제 #25
파일: python.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def start_session(self, python_command="python"):

        This function ...
        :param python_command:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Starting session for python ...")

        # Construct the command
        if self.tmux: command = "tmux new -d -s " + self.screen_name + " " + python_command
        elif self.output_path is not None: command = "screen -dmS " + self.screen_name + " -L"
        else: command = "screen -dmS " + self.screen_name

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Starting session with the command:")

        # Execute the command
        self.remote.execute(command, show_output=True, cwd=self.output_path)

        # Using screen
        if not self.tmux:

            start_python_command = "screen -S " + self.screen_name + " -p 0 -X stuff '" + python_command + "\n'"
예제 #26
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def setup_modelling(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting up the modelling ...")

        # Settings
        settings_setup = dict()
        settings_setup["type"] = "galaxy"
        settings_setup["name"] = self.modeling_name
        settings_setup["fitting_host_ids"] = None

        # Create input dict for setup
        input_setup = dict()
        input_setup["ngc_name"] = self.properties.ngc_name
        input_setup["hyperleda_name"] = self.properties.hyperleda_name

        # Construct the command
        stp = Command("setup", "setup the modeling", settings_setup, input_setup, cwd=".")

        # Call the command
        tool = self.run_command(stp)
예제 #27
파일: residuals.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def load_i1(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the IRAC 3.6 micron image ...")

        # Determine the path to the truncated 3.6 micron image
        #path = fs.join(truncation_path, "IRAC I1.fits")

        path = fs.join(self.prep_path, "IRAC I1", "result.fits")
        frame = Frame.from_file(path)

        # Convert the frame to Jy/pix
        conversion_factor = 1.0
        conversion_factor *= 1e6

        # Convert the 3.6 micron image from Jy / sr to Jy / pixel
        pixelscale = frame.average_pixelscale
        pixel_factor = (1.0/pixelscale**2).to("pix2/sr").value
        conversion_factor /= pixel_factor
        frame *= conversion_factor
        frame.unit = "Jy"

        # Set the frame
        self.i1_jy = frame
예제 #28
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def initialize_frames(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Initializing the frames ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.coordinate_systems.filters:

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Initializing the '" + str(fltr) + "' frame ...")

            # Get the wcs
            wcs = self.coordinate_systems[fltr]

            # Create new frame
            frame = Frame.zeros(wcs.shape)

            # Add the wcs
            frame.wcs = wcs

            # Set the filter
            frame.filter = fltr

            # Set the unit
            frame.unit = "Jy"

            # Add the frame
            self.frames[fltr] = frame
예제 #29
파일: base.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def create_dataset(self, masks=None):

        This function ...
        :param masks:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the dataset ...")

        # Initialize
        self.dataset = DataSet()

        # Add the frames
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Determine name for the image
            name = str(fltr)

            # Determine path for this frame
            path = fs.join(self.data_frames_path, name + ".fits")

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Saving the frame ...")

            # Save the frame

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Adding the '" + name + "' image to the dataset ...")

            # Add the frame to the dataset
            self.dataset.add_path(name, path)

            # Determine the path for the mask
            mask_path = fs.join(self.data_masks_path, name + ".fits")

            # Mask
            if masks is not None and fltr in masks:

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Saving the mask ...")

                # Save

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Adding mask ...")

                # Add the mask
                self.dataset.add_mask_path(name, mask_path)

        # Determine database path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "database.dat")

        # Write the dataset
예제 #30
파일: test.py 프로젝트: SKIRT/PTS
    def write(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing ...")
예제 #31
    def load_model(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the model image ...")

        # Determine the path to the truncated model image
        path = fs.join(self.components_images_path, "model.fits")
        self.model_jy = Frame.from_file(path)
예제 #32
    def load_bulge2d(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the bulge 2D image ...")

        # Determine the path to the bulge 2D image
        path = fs.join(self.components_images_path, "bulge2D.fits")
        self.bulge2d_jy = Frame.from_file(path)
예제 #33
파일: all.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def show(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Showing the pages ...")

        # Open
예제 #34
    def load_disk(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the disk image ...")

        # Determine the path to the disk image
        path = fs.join(self.components_images_path, "disk.fits")
        self.disk_jy = Frame.from_file(path)
예제 #35
    def get_image(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Getting the image ...")

        # Get the image
        self.frame = get_image(self.config.galaxy_name, self.config.filter,
예제 #36
파일: all.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def create_progression(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the modeling progression ...")

        # Create
        self.progression = create_modeling_progression(self.config.path)
예제 #37
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def load_images(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the images ...")

        # The common wcs of the images
        wcs = None

        # Loop over the images in the data directory
        for path, filename in fs.files_in_path(self.data_path,
                                               returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Load the frame
            frame = Frame.from_file(path)

            # Set filter
            previous_filter = frame.filter
            frame.filter = parse_filter(filename.split("_norm")[0])
            if previous_filter != frame.filter: frame.save()

            # Check filter
            if str(frame.filter) not in [
                    str(fltr) for fltr in self.config.fitting_filters

            # Determine name
            name = str(frame.filter)

            # Check wcs
            if wcs is None: wcs = frame.wcs
            elif wcs == frame.wcs: pass
                raise IOError("The coordinate system of image '" + filename +
                              "' does not match that of other images")

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Adding frame '" + filename + "' ...")

            # Add to dictionary
            self.images[name] = frame

            # Set original path
            self.image_paths[name] = path

        # Set the wcs
        self.wcs = wcs
예제 #38
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def test_gray_conversion_dynamic(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Testing the Gray code conversions (dynamic nbits) ...")

        max_number = 15

        if check_gray_conversion(max_number): log.success("Test succeeded")
        else: log.error("Test failed")
예제 #39
    def make_point_sources(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making point sources ...")

        # Call the appropriate function
        if self.config.vary_fwhm: self.make_point_sources_variable_fwhm()
        else: self.make_point_sources_fixed_fwhm()
예제 #40
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def reference(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Estimating background with photutils ...")

        # Plot total mask
        if self.config.plot:
            plotting.plot_mask(self.total_mask, title="total mask")

        integer_aperture_radius = int(math.ceil(self.aperture_radius))
        box_shape = (integer_aperture_radius, integer_aperture_radius)
        filter_size = (3, 3)

        # Estimate the background
        sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3., iters=10)
        #bkg_estimator = MedianBackground()
        bkg_estimator = SExtractorBackground()

        bkg = Background2D(self.frame.data,

        # Statistics
        #print("median background", bkg.background_median)
        #print("rms background", bkg.background_rms_median)

        self.statistics.reference = Map()
        self.statistics.reference.median = bkg.background_median
        self.statistics.reference.rms = bkg.background_rms_median

        # Plot
        if self.config.plot:
                              title="background from photutils")

        # Set the sky
        self.reference_sky = Frame(bkg.background)

        # Set bkg object
        self.photutils_bkg = bkg

        # Plot
        if self.config.plot:
            plotting.plot_box(self.reference_sky, title="reference sky")
예제 #41
    def write_reference(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing ...")

        # Write the ski file

        # Write the input
예제 #42
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_subtracted(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the sky-subtracted frame ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "subtracted.fits")

        # Save
예제 #43
    def plot_reference(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Plotting ...")

        # Plot the wavelengths

        # Plot the filters
예제 #44
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_reference_sky(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the reference sky map ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "reference_sky.fits")

        # Save
예제 #45
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_estimated_sky(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the estimated sky map ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "estimated_sky.fits")

        # Save
예제 #46
    def test(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Testing ...")

        # Check the best value

        # Check the database
예제 #47
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_galaxy_mask(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the galaxy mask ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "galaxy_mask.fits")

        # Save
예제 #48
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def make_attenuation_maps(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making attenuation maps ...")

        # Make FUV attenuation map

        # Make NUV attenuation map
예제 #49
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def create_catalog(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the catalog ...")

        # Initialize catalogs

        # Add random sources
예제 #50
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def make_sky(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making sky ...")

        # make constant sky

        # Make gradient sky
예제 #51
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def make_constant_sky(self):
        This function ..

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making constant sky ...")

        self.constant_sky = Frame.filled_like(self.sources,

        # Mask
        self.constant_sky[self.rotation_mask] = 0.0
예제 #52
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_statistics(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the statistics ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "statistics.dat")

        # Write
        save_mapping(path, self.statistics)
예제 #53
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_residual(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the residual map ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "residual.fits")

        # Save
예제 #54
    def create_instrument(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the instrument ...")

        # Create a full instrument
        # center, distance, inclination, azimuth, position_angle
        azimuth = 0.0
        self.instrument = FullInstrument.from_wcs(self.wcs, self.galaxy_center, self.galaxy_distance, self.galaxy_inclination, azimuth, self.galaxy_position_angle)
예제 #55
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def make_dust_maps(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making dust maps ...")

        # Diffuse dust through attenuation

        # Hot dust
예제 #56
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_frame(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the frame ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "frame.fits")

        # SAve the frame
예제 #57
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def write_sources(self):
        THis function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing the sources frame with noise ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "sources_noise.fits")

        # Save the frame
예제 #58
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def make_tir_maps(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making TIR maps ...")

        # Make TIR maps based on single bands

        # Make TIR maps based on multiple bands
예제 #59
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def make_old_stars_maps(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making old stellar maps ...")

        # Make bulge map

        # Make disk map
예제 #60
파일: test.py 프로젝트: rag9704/PTS
    def setup_modelling(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting up the modeling ...")

        # Settings
        settings_setup = dict()
        settings_setup["type"] = "sed"
        settings_setup["name"] = "SN1987A"
        settings_setup["fitting_host_ids"] = None

        # -----------------------------------------------------------------

        # Input

        # Construct the observed SED
        sed = ObservedSED(photometry_unit="Jy")
        sed.add_point("Pacs 70", 0.0455 * u("Jy"), 0.0034 * u("Jy"))
        sed.add_point("Pacs 100", 0.0824 * u("Jy"), 0.0045 * u("Jy"))
        sed.add_point("Pacs 160", 0.1530 * u("Jy"), 0.0090 * u("Jy"))
        sed.add_point("SPIRE 250", 0.1107 * u("Jy"), 0.0252 * u("Jy"))
        sed.add_point("SPIRE 350", 0.0693 * u("Jy"), 0.0228 * u("Jy"))
        sed.add_point("ALMA 440um", 0.0500 * u("Jy"), 0.0150 * u("Jy"))
        sed.add_point("ALMA 870um", 0.0050 * u("Jy"), 0.0010 * u("Jy"))

        # Create object config
        object_config = dict()
        ski_path = fs.join(this_dir_path, "SN1987A.ski")
        object_config["ski"] = ski_path

        # Create input dict for setup
        input_setup = dict()
        input_setup["object_config"] = object_config
        input_setup["sed"] = sed

        # Construct the command
        setup_command = Command("setup",
                                "setup the modelling",

        # Add the command

        tool = self.run_command(setup_command)