def __init__(self, bot): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') defaultConfig = config['DEFAULT'] self.api_key = defaultConfig['api_key'] self.api = PUBG(self.api_key, Shard.PC_NA) = bot
def search_player(request): shard = request.GET['shard'] player_name = request.GET['player_name'] with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'token'), 'r') as f: api = PUBG([:-1], Shard[shard]) try: players = api.players().filter(player_names=[player_name]) for player in players: player_id = Player.objects.get(player_id=player_id) except NotFoundError: response = "Name error" return HttpResponse(response) except Player.DoesNotExist: p = Player(player_id=player_id, player_name=player_name, shard=shard, count=0) print('player ' + player_name + ' is registered') return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('pubg_gyachat:closet', args=(player_id, )))
def __init__(self, name): = name self.api = PUBG(api_token, Shard.PC_NA) # Player Data: self.playerMatchDetail = self._getMatchDetail( (self.api.players().filter(player_names=[])[0]).matches) self.playerDF = self._getDF(self.playerMatchDetail)
def test_player(self): api = PUBG(os.environ.get('PUBGapi'), Shard.PC_NA) players = api.players().filter(player_names=['shroud']) for player in players: player_id = player = api.players().get(player_id) self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(player.created_at) self.assertTrue(player.shard_id) self.assertTrue(player.title_id) self.assertTrue(player.updated_at)
def gyachat(request, player_id): player = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=player_id) with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'token'), 'r') as f: api = PUBG([:-1], player.get_shard()) api_player = api.players().get(player_id) template = loader.get_template('pubgHackGoso/gyachat.html') context = { 'player_id': player_id, 'api_player': api_player, 'count': player.count, } return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard SHARDS = { "STEAM": Shard.STEAM, "KAKAO": Shard.KAKAO, "XBOX": Shard.XBOX, "PSN": Shard.PSN } if __name__ == "__main__": api = PUBG( input("API KEY : "), SHARDS[input("platform [" + ", ".join(SHARDS.keys()) + "] : ").upper()]) sel = input( "\n[menu]\n1. get random sample matches\n2. get matches by player name\n>>> " ) if sel == "1": sample = api.samples().get() print("===================") for match in sample.matches: print( print("===================") print("match id list. pick the one you want!") elif sel == "2": players = api.players().filter(player_names=[input("player name : ")]) print("===================") for player in players: for match in player.matches: print(
#!/usr/bin/python3 import pprint import re from typing import List import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Context from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard from config import Config from stat_options import StatOptions from weapons import Weapons conf = Config() pubg_api = PUBG(conf.pubg_api, Shard.PC_NA) # client = discord.Client() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='$') _weapons = Weapons() stat_options = StatOptions() @bot.command() async def weapon(ctx: Context, weapon_name: str = '', player_name: str = ''): """Look up a specific weapon and print its stats to Discord.""" print('You are in the weapon function') p_name = _player_name(, player_name) author = pubg_player_id = player_id(p_name) if pubg_player_id == -1:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot import matplotlib.image as image import datetime from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard from import LogParachuteLanding import seaborn as sns import threading import math import logging import telemetry_filters as filters from telemetry_filters import COMMON_COLUMNS, ITEM_COLUMNS, KILL_KNOCK_COLUMNS logger = logging.getLogger('pubg-agg') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) api_key = os.environ.get('API_KEY') api = PUBG(api_key=api_key, shard=Shard.PC_NA) #COLUMNS = ['match_id', 'map_name', 'game_mode', 'telemetry_url', "landing_x", "landing_y", "landing_zone", "player", "match_start"] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=COMMON_COLUMNS + ITEM_COLUMNS + KILL_KNOCK_COLUMNS) quant = 100 def main(date=None): start_time = print(f"script start time: {start_time}") ret = api.samples() #query string for samples call params = { 'filter[createdAt-start]': f"{date}T12:00:00Z" } if date is not None else None
def test_match(self): api = PUBG(os.environ.get('PUBGapi'), Shard.PC_NA) players = api.players().filter(player_names=['shroud']) for player in players: player_id = player = api.players().get(player_id) match = api.matches().get(player.matches[0]) self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(match.created_at) self.assertTrue(match.duration) self.assertTrue(match.game_mode) self.assertTrue(match.title_id) self.assertTrue(match.shard_id) # Returns none # self.assertTrue(match.stats) # Returns an empty string # self.assertTrue(match.patch_version) # Returns none # self.assertTrue(match.tags) roster = match.rosters[0] self.assertTrue(roster.shard_id) self.assertTrue(roster.won) self.assertTrue(roster.stats) participant = roster.participants[0] self.assertTrue(participant.shard_id) self.assertTrue(participant.stats) # Returns none # self.assertTrue( # Stats # Minimum 0 according to api self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.dbnos, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.assists, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.boosts, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.damage_dealt, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.headshot_kills, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.heals, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.kills, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.last_kill_points, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.last_win_points, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.longest_kill, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.most_damage, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.revives, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.ride_distance, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.road_kills, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.team_kills, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.vehicle_destroys, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.weapons_acquired, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.boosts, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(participant.damage_dealt, 0) # Between 1 and 100 according to api self.assertTrue(1 <= participant.kill_place <= 100) self.assertTrue(1 <= participant.win_place <= 100) # Between 0 and 99 according to api self.assertTrue(0 <= participant.kill_streaks <= 99) # Should be an number according to api self.assertTrue(type(participant.kill_points_delta) == float) self.assertTrue(type(participant.win_points_delta) == float) self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue(participant.player_id) self.assertTrue(participant.time_survived) self.assertTrue(participant.walk_distance) self.assertTrue(participant.death_type)
def show_profile(player_name): """ Show player profile page. ARGS: player_name, region 1. Check whether player name and region are correctly given. i) If not so: abort. 2. Check if player with given name and region exists in DB. i) If not so: (a) Find PUBG player ID using API. If not found, render page for not found. (b) Create new player with stats for each game mode, append them accordingly and commit. (c) Render profile page for player created. ii) If so: render profile page for player found. 3. Check whether stats exist for current season. i) If not so: (a) Create new stats for each game mode, for current season. (b) Add all, append and then commit. """ api_key = current_app.config['API_KEY'] season = current_app.config['CURRENT_SEASON'] region = request.args.get('region', '') if not (player_name or region): abort(404) player = dao.query(Player).filter_by(name=player_name).\ filter_by(region=region).first() if not player: api = PUBG(api_key, shardDict(region)) pubg_player = api.players.filter(player_names=[player_name]) #pubg_id = getPlayerId(region, player_name, api_key[region]) if not pubg_id: return render_template('search.html', results=None, query=player_name) try: player = Player(player_name, pubg_id, region) soloStats = SoloStats(season) duoStats = DuoStats(season) squadStats = SquadStats(season) dao.add_all([player, soloStats, duoStats, squadStats]) player.solo.append(soloStats) player.duo.append(duoStats) player.squad.append(squadStats) dao.commit()'New player %r added.' % player) except Exception as e: dao.rollback() Log.error(str(e)) raise e else: return render_template('profile_overview.html', player=player) stats_exist = any(x.season == season for x in player.solo) if not stats_exist: try: soloStats = SoloStats(season) duoStats = DuoStats(season) squadStats = SquadStats(season) dao.add_all([soloStats, duoStats, squadStats]) player.solo.append(soloStats) player.duo.append(duoStats) player.squad.append(squadStats) dao.commit()'New season stats for player %r added.' % player) except Exception as e: dao.rollback() Log.error(str(e)) raise e return render_template('profile_overview.html', player=player)
from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard api = PUBG('apikey', Shard.STEAM) def test_asia_shard(): api.shard = Shard.PC_AS assert isinstance(api._shard, Shard) assert api._shard.value == 'pc-as' def test_europe_shard(): api.shard = Shard.PC_EU assert isinstance(api._shard, Shard) assert api._shard.value == 'pc-eu' def test_pc_kakao_shard(): api.shard = Shard.PC_KAKAO assert isinstance(api._shard, Shard) assert api._shard.value == 'pc-kakao' def test_korea_shard(): api.shard = Shard.PC_KRJP assert isinstance(api._shard, Shard) assert api._shard.value == 'pc-krjp' def test_north_america_shard(): api.shard = Shard.PC_NA
def __init__(self, shard): Configuration.__init__(self) self.api = PUBG(self.API_KEY, shard)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard with open("emacser.api_key", "r") as api_key_file: api_key = api_key_file.readline().rstrip() api = PUBG(api_key, Shard.PC_KAKAO) players = api.players().filter(player_names=['GNUemacs']) player = players[0] print(player.matches)
import json import requests from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard from PIL import Image VendingMachinecount=0 #打开图片读取数组'C:/Users/a7385/Desktop/PUBG/测试数据/Miramar_Main_High_Res.png') #打开图像 pix=im.load()#导入像素 api = PUBG("Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJhMmZiNjI1MC0wZDQzLTAxMzgtNzE2NS0yZGY4YzdjNjQ2ZmYiLCJpc3MiOiJnYW1lbG9ja2VyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTc3NzE4Mjg0LCJwdWIiOiJibHVlaG9sZSIsInRpdGxlIjoicHViZyIsImFwcCI6ImE3Mzg1MzE1ODItZ21hIn0.ZqMmAbzh-nQbCWUuUuy2I86_CGKqGWyHZvZxVhDe4F0", Shard.PC_AS) #查询玩家信息 url = "[playerNames]=wozuiniuOO" header = { "Authorization": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJhMmZiNjI1MC0wZDQzLTAxMzgtNzE2NS0yZGY4YzdjNjQ2ZmYiLCJpc3MiOiJnYW1lbG9ja2VyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTc3NzE4Mjg0LCJwdWIiOiJibHVlaG9sZSIsInRpdGxlIjoicHViZyIsImFwcCI6ImE3Mzg1MzE1ODItZ21hIn0.ZqMmAbzh-nQbCWUuUuy2I86_CGKqGWyHZvZxVhDe4F0", "Accept": "application/json " } Player = requests.get(url, headers=header) Player_jsondata = json.loads(Player.text) PlayerID=Player_jsondata['data'][0]['id'] #对中括号部分读取数据需要使用[0] #print('玩家ID:'+PlayerID) #获取比赛信息 #根据玩家ID查询比赛的ID MatchID=[(m['id']) for m in Player_jsondata['data'][0]['relationships']['matches']['data']] #进行for循环 #获得某人批量的匹配URL MatchURL = [('' + MatchIDURl) for MatchIDURl in MatchID]
def main(): shardName = 'STEAM' charaNameIndex = [] charaIdIndex = [] charaPositionXIndex = [] charaPositionYIndex = [] charaPositionZIndex = [] charaRankIndex = [] elapsedTimeIndex = [] playerDeadPositionIndex = [] killPlayerPositionIndex = [] playerKillCountIndex = [] playerLandingPositionIndex = [] zoneElapsedTimeIndex = [] safetyZonePositionXIndex = [] safetyZonePositionYIndex = [] safetyZoneRadiusIndex = [] poisonGasPositionXIndex = [] poisonGasPositionYIndex = [] poisonGasRadiusIndex = [] airLineAlpha = 0 airLineBeta = 0 airLineFirstPositionIndex = [] airLineEndPositionIndex = [] airLineFirstPos = [] matchDay = "" api = PUBG('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJiMGVhNmM0MC1kNGQzLTAxMzYtYmQ3ZC03MzkyZGYzNjZhZTAiLCJpc3MiOiJnYW1lbG9ja2VyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTQzMzY1NDQxLCJwdWIiOiJibHVlaG9sZSIsInRpdGxlIjoicHViZyIsImFwcCI6InlvdXJpNDAxIn0.Z9i2twdF8yDkSPQ2DVjy1jbr7E5PbtiiB9n3UgfyKCg', Shard.STEAM) sample = api.samples().get() for i in range(len(sample.matches)): try: matchId = sample.matches[i].id match = api.matches().get(matchId) asset = match.assets[0] telemetry = api.telemetry(asset.url) log_match_start = telemetry.events_from_type('LogMatchStart') log_player_position = telemetry.events_from_type('LogPlayerPosition') if not(log_match_start[0].map_name == "Range_Main"): if not(log_match_start[0].is_event_mode): map = getMapImg(log_match_start[0].map_name) player = getPlayersPositonInfo(map,telemetry) matchDay = match.attributes["createdAt"] customMatchFlag = log_match_start[0].is_custom_game charaNameIndex,charaIdIndex,charaPositionXIndex,charaPositionYIndex,charaPositionZIndex,charaRankIndex,elapsedTimeIndex = player.getAllPlayersAllInfo() playerDeadPositionIndex,killPlayerPositionIndex,playerKillCountIndex = player.getPlayerKillDeadPosition(charaIdIndex,charaRankIndex) playerLandingPositionIndex = player.getPlayerLandingPosition(charaIdIndex) instanceMatch = getMatchInfo(telemetry) zoneElapsedTimeIndex,safetyZonePositionXIndex,safetyZonePositionYIndex,safetyZoneRadiusIndex,poisonGasPositionXIndex,poisonGasPositionYIndex,poisonGasRadiusIndex = instanceMatch.getSafetyAndPoisonGasPosInfo() airLineAlpha,airLineBeta,airLineFirstPositionIndex,airLineEndPositionIndex = instanceMatch.getAirPlaneInfo(map) wpIndex = makePlayerWriteIndex(charaNameIndex,charaIdIndex,charaRankIndex,playerLandingPositionIndex,elapsedTimeIndex,charaPositionXIndex,charaPositionYIndex,charaPositionZIndex,playerDeadPositionIndex,killPlayerPositionIndex,playerKillCountIndex, wmIndex = makeMatchWriteIndex(match.map_name,match.game_mode,,matchDay,customMatchFlag,airLineAlpha,airLineBeta,airLineFirstPositionIndex,airLineEndPositionIndex,zoneElapsedTimeIndex,safetyZonePositionXIndex,safetyZonePositionYIndex,safetyZoneRadiusIndex,poisonGasPositionXIndex,poisonGasPositionYIndex,poisonGasRadiusIndex,shardName) print(str(i)+"/"+str(len(sample.matches))+" : "+match.map_name) writePlayerCsv(wpIndex,match.map_name,match.game_mode) writeMatchCsv(wmIndex) else: print(str(i)+" : this match is EventMode") else: print(str(i)+"/"+str(len(sample.matches))+" : this match is Range_Main") except Exception as e: print(e)
from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard player_name = "" api = PUBG("", Shard.PC_NA) def iterator_func(player_name, api): players = api.players().filter(player_names=[player_name]) player = players[0] for index, match in enumerate(player.matches): match_data = api.matches().get(player.matches[index].id) #print(match_data) match_roster = match_data.rosters print("-----------------MATCH NUMBER %s ---------------" % (index + 1)) print("Game Mode -", match_data.game_mode) print("Match Duration -", match_data.duration) participant_filtering(match_roster) print("\n") def participant_filtering(match_roster): # Filter the list of participants for the one I want for squads in match_roster: participant = squads.participants[0] #print( if == player_name: print("Player Name -----", print("Kills -", participant.kills) print("Assists -", participant.assists)
def main(argv): player_name = '' server = None out_heatmap_file_name = '' timed = False match_number = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hp:s:o:m:t",["playername=","server=","outputfile=","match=","timed"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(' -p <playername> -s <server> [-t] [-o <outputfile>]') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(' -p <playername> -s <server> [-t/--timed] [-o <outputfile>]') print('Allowed servers: pc-as, pc-eu, pc-krjp, pc-na, pc-oc, pc-sa, pc-sea') print('Example of a static match heatmap: -p tetraquark -s pc-eu -o heatmap.jpg') print('Example of a temporal heatmap: -p tetraquark -s pc-eu -t') print('In temporal heatmap frame, you can use the left or right arrow keys to rewind.') print('') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--playername"): player_name = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--server"): server = Shard(arg) elif opt in ("-o", "--outputfile"): out_heatmap_file_name = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--match"): match_number = int(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--timed"): timed = True if not player_name or server is None: print('Forgot to enter the player name or server.') print(' -p <playername> -s <server> -o <outputfile>') sys.exit(2) print('Trying to get data from PUBG servers.') api = PUBG(API_KEY, server) # get required player players = api.players().filter(player_names=[player_name]) myPlayer = players[0] # get the last player matches mathcesIdList = [ for match in myPlayer.matches] # get required match object match = api.matches().get(mathcesIdList[match_number]) print('Done.') if not timed: print('Trying to build the match heatmap.') # get match heatmap (PIL image file) heatmapImg = getMatchHeatmap(api=api, match=match) # save image to the file if not out_heatmap_file_name: out_heatmap_file_name = mathcesIdList[match_number] + '_heatmap.jpg' print('Heatmap built. Saving to file', out_heatmap_file_name) print('Done.') else: print('Trying to build the match heatmaps.') # get match heatmaps heatmapImgs = getMatchTimedHeatmap(api=api, match=match) root = tk.Tk() root.title("pubgheatmap - temporal hitmap") heatmapsPhotoImgsList = [] final_img_size = root.winfo_screenheight() - 20 # 20px for slider if heatmapImgs[0][1].size[0] > final_img_size or heatmapImgs[0][1].size[1] > final_img_size: for time, heatmapImg in heatmapImgs: heatmapsPhotoImgsList.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage( heatmapImg.resize((final_img_size, final_img_size), Image.ANTIALIAS))) else: for time, heatmapImg in heatmapImgs: heatmapsPhotoImgsList.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(heatmapImg)) # Launching an image gallery with a slider sliderGalleryFrame = SliderGalleryFrame(root, heatmapsPhotoImgsList, final_img_size) sliderGalleryFrame.mainloop() print('Done.')
## Mesmo programa, mas apenas para PREMIUMS from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard import MySQLdb from openpyxl import Workbook KEY = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" con = MySQLdb.connect(host="xxxx", port=xxxx, user='******', passwd='xxx', db='xxx') cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT nick_pubg FROM premium') jogadores = cursor.fetchall() jogadores = [jogador[0] for jogador in jogadores] api = PUBG(KEY, Shard.PC_SA) wb = Workbook(write_only=True) ws = wb.create_sheet() ws.append(["Nome", "Mapa", "Modo de Jogo", "Data", "Kills", "Posição Final"]) jogadoresSeparados = [] posFinalConjunto5Array1 = 0 cont = 1 while cont<=(len(jogadores)/5): jogs = [] i=(cont*5)-5 while i<5*cont: jogs.append(jogadores[i]) i+=1
def on_message(message): # we do not want the bot to reply to itself if == client.user: return if message.content.startswith('!players'): plist = " et ".join( [", ".join(userList['users'][:-1]), userList['users'][-1]] if len(userList['users']) > 2 else userList['users']) msg = 'Tracked players : ' + plist.format(message) yield from client.send_message(, msg) @client.event @asyncio.coroutine def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') # ***************** # Init # ***************** config = json.load(open('config.json')) api = PUBG(config['api']['key'], Shard.PC_NA) userList = json.load(open('users.json')) # Pre-fly InitMatchesPerUser(api, userList) client.loop.create_task(background_tasks())['discord']['client_run'])
def start_convert(api_key, shard, match_id): print("변환을 시작합니다. 잠시 기다려주세요...") api = PUBG(api_key, shard) match = api.matches().get(match_id) telemetry = api.telemetry(match.assets[0].url) replay = dict() map_name = match.map_name # Erangel remake map (future update) if map_name == "Baltic_Main": map_name = "Erangel_Main" winners = [] for roster in match.rosters: for player in roster.participants: if player.stats["winPlace"] == 1: winners.append(player.stats["name"]) info = { "canRevive": False, "interpolation": True, "playerScale": 0.33, "speed": 10, "map": map_name, "win": ", ".join(winners), "sortPlayerList": True, "teamVS": False } replay["info"] = info player_kill_events = telemetry.events_from_type("LogPlayerKill") player_position_events = telemetry.events_from_type("LogPlayerPosition") player_creation_events = telemetry.events_from_type("LogPlayerCreate") package_events = telemetry.events_from_type("LogCarePackageLand") start_event = telemetry.events_from_type("LogMatchStart")[0] state_events = telemetry.events_from_type("LogGameStatePeriodic") gamestart_timestamp = ISODate2MicroTimestamp(start_event.timestamp) id_dict = dict() players = [] for ev in player_creation_events: user = ev.character id_dict[user.account_id] = str(len(id_dict) + 1) players.append({ "name": re.sub("\\s\\s+", " ",, "team": user.team_id, "id": id_dict[user.account_id] }) info["players"] = players events = [] for i in state_events: state = i.game_state timestamp = relativeTimestamp(gamestart_timestamp, i.timestamp) if state.safety_zone_radius > 0: location = adjustLocation(state.safety_zone_position["x"], state.safety_zone_position["y"], map_name) events.append( GameEvent( "CIRCLE_ON", timestamp, { "id": "S_ZONE", "x": location[0], "y": location[1], "radius": adjustLocation(state.safety_zone_radius, 0, map_name)[0], "color": "0x0055FF" })) if state.poison_gas_warning_radius > 0: location = adjustLocation(state.poison_gas_warning_position["x"], state.poison_gas_warning_position["y"], map_name) events.append( GameEvent( "CIRCLE_ON", timestamp, { "id": "W_ZONE", "x": location[0], "y": location[1], "radius": adjustLocation(state.poison_gas_warning_radius, 0, map_name)[0], "color": "0xFFFFFF" })) for n, i in enumerate(package_events): location = adjustLocation(i.item_package.location.x, i.item_package.location.y, map_name) timestamp = relativeTimestamp(gamestart_timestamp, i.timestamp) events.append( GameEvent( "CREATE", timestamp, { "id": "PACKAGE_%d" % (n + 1), "x": location[0], "y": location[1], "sprite": "package", })) for i in player_position_events: user = i.character location = adjustLocation(user.location.x, user.location.y, map_name) timestamp = relativeTimestamp(gamestart_timestamp, i.timestamp) if timestamp < 0: continue events.append( GameEvent( "MOVE", timestamp, { "id": id_dict[user.account_id], "x": location[0], "y": location[1], "rank": user.ranking, })) for i in player_kill_events: try: timestamp = relativeTimestamp(gamestart_timestamp, i.timestamp) killer = id_dict.get(i.killer.account_id, None) try: assists = [id_dict[["assistant"]["accountId"]] ] if "assistant" in else [] except: assists = [] gev = GameEvent("KILL", timestamp, {"victimId": id_dict[i.victim.account_id]}) if killer is not None:["killerId"] = killer if assists == [killer]: assists = []["assistIds"] = assists events.append(gev) except: pass events.sort() replay["timeline"] = events result = json.dumps(replay, cls=GameEventJSONEncoder) output_file = "pubg_output.json" with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(result) print("===========================================") print("Complete!", os.path.abspath(output_file), "에 저장되었습니다.")
def makeScrimResult(date): [year, month, day] = (int(s) for s in date.split('-')) api = PUBG(api_key.api_key(), Shard.PC_TOURNAMENT) scrim_result_list = [] rank_pts_list = { "1": 10, "2": 6, "3": 5, "4": 4, "5": 3, "6": 2, "7": 1, "8": 1, "9": 0, "10": 0, "11": 0, "12": 0, "13": 0, "14": 0, "15": 0, "16": 0, "17": 0, "18": 0, "19": 0, "20": 0, "21": 0, "22": 0, "23": 0, "24": 0, "25": 0 } map_name_list = {"Desert_Main": "Miramar", "Baltic_Main": "Erangel"} name = "test-pjssc" for match in (api.tournaments().get(name)).matches: match_time = datetime.strptime(match.attributes['createdAt'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') if ([match_time.year, match_time.month,] == [year, month, day]): matchDetail = func4start.get_matchData_from_server( api_key.api_key(),, "tournament") for rosters in matchDetail.rosters: for participants in rosters.participants: if ("zoo" in pts = sum(item.kills for item in rosters.participants ) + rank_pts_list[str(rosters.stats['rank'])] high_pts = " " if pts > 9: high_pts = "★" scrim_result_list.append({ 'map_name': map_name_list[str(matchDetail.map_name)], 'rank': rosters.stats['rank'], 'pts': pts, 'id':, 'high_pts': high_pts }) break # send scrim result to Dscord result_list = [] result_list.append("**" + date + "**") for i in reversed(scrim_result_list): result_list.append('{high_pts} {map_name} {rank}位 {pts}pt'.format( high_pts=i['high_pts'], map_name=i['map_name'], rank=str(i['rank']), pts=str(i['pts']), )) resultStr = "\r".join(result_list) webhook_url = api_key.discord4scrim_result() main_content = {'content': resultStr} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, json.dumps(main_content), headers=headers) # send match id to Discord result_list = [] result_list.append("**" + date + "**") for i in reversed(scrim_result_list): result_list.append('{id}'.format(id=str(i['id']))) resultStr = "\r".join(result_list) webhook_url = api_key.discord4match_id() main_content = {'content': resultStr} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, json.dumps(main_content), headers=headers) return scrim_result_list
from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging logging.basicConfig(filename='debug.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') description = """>>>>>Mr. Pubg-bot<<<<< This bot will be your go-to pubg information buddy! Look at these neat commands: All commands begin with "!" """ bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', description=description) DATA = json.load(open('bot_info.json')) PUBG_CLIENT = PUBG(DATA["PUBG_API_KEY"], Shard.PC_NA) @bot.event @asyncio.coroutine def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') # Test server channel, '#general,' will receive the message. # Thought this best to not blow people up if the bot isnt working and # we need to restart it a lot. channel = bot.get_channel('422922120608350210') yield from bot.send_message( channel,
def main(): airLineAlpha = 0 airLineBeta = 0 limit = 0 airLineFirstPositionIndex = [] airLineEndPositionIndex = [] tempListFirst = [] tempListEnd = [] #matchedListFirst = [] #matchedListEnd = [] playerMatchList = [] #weakPlayerMatchList = [] matchedAlphaList = [] matchedBetaList = [] matchedMatchIdList = [] playerList = [] print("input player name") name = input() print("input last match (example: 0 is last match, 1 is 2d last match)") matchNumber = input() print() api = PUBG('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJiMGVhNmM0MC1kNGQzLTAxMzYtYmQ3ZC03MzkyZGYzNjZhZTAiLCJpc3MiOiJnYW1lbG9ja2VyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTQzMzY1NDQxLCJwdWIiOiJibHVlaG9sZSIsInRpdGxlIjoicHViZyIsImFwcCI6InlvdXJpNDAxIn0.Z9i2twdF8yDkSPQ2DVjy1jbr7E5PbtiiB9n3UgfyKCg', Shard.STEAM) players = api.players().filter(player_names=[name]) player = players[0] match = api.matches().get(player.matches[int(matchNumber)].id) asset = match.assets[0] telemetry = api.telemetry(asset.url) instance = getMatchInfo(telemetry) if not(match.map_name == "Range_Main"): map = getMapImg(match.map_name) print(match.game_mode) h,w,c = map.shape limit = h/10 print(getMapName(match.map_name)) airLineAlpha,airLineBeta,airLineFirstPositionIndex,airLineEndPositionIndex = instance.getAirPlaneInfo(map) df = pd.read_pickle('pickle/match.pickle') df_exact = df[df['mapName'] == match.map_name] df_exact = df[df['mode'] == match.game_mode] df_airLineFirstPos = df_exact['airLineFirstPos'] df_airLineEndPos = df_exact['airLineEndPos'] df_airLineAlpha = df_exact['airLineAplha'] df_airLineBeta = df_exact['airLineBeta'] df_matchId = df_exact['matchId'] airLineFirstList = df_airLineFirstPos.values.tolist() airLineEndList = df_airLineEndPos.values.tolist() airLineAlphaList = df_airLineAlpha.values.toList() airLineBetaList = df_airLineBeta.values.toList() matchIdList = df_matchId.values.tolist() df_player = getPlayerPickle(match.map_name,match.game_mode) for i in range(len(airLineFirstList)): tempListFirst = airLineFirstList[i].split(',') tempListEnd = airLineEndList[i].split(',') if (abs(int(tempListFirst[0])-airLineFirstPositionIndex[0])+abs(int(tempListFirst[1])-airLineFirstPositionIndex[1])+abs(int(tempListEnd[0])-airLineEndPositionIndex[0])+abs(int(tempListEnd[1])-airLineEndPositionIndex[1])) < limit: #matchedListFirst.append([int(tempListFirst[0]),int(tempListFirst[1])]) #類似AirLine出力用 #matchedListEnd.append([int(tempListEnd[0]),int(tempListEnd[1])]) matchedMatchIdList.append(matchIdList[i]) df_player_exact = df_player[df_player['matchId'].isin(matchedMatchIdList)] df_drop = df_player_exact[df_player_exact['ranking'] != '[]'].copy() castData = df_drop['ranking'].astype(np.int64) df_drop.loc[df_drop['ranking']!='[]','ranking'] = castData df_top10player = df_drop[(df_drop['ranking'] != 0) & (df_drop['ranking'] < 10)] df_weakPlayer = df_drop[(df_drop['ranking'] > 10) | (df_drop['ranking']== 0)] df_top10PlayerLanding = df_top10player['landingPos'] df_weakPlayerLanding = df_weakPlayer['landingPos'] top10PlayerList = df_top10PlayerLanding.values.tolist() weakPlayerList = df_weakPlayerLanding.values.tolist() #playerMatchList.extend(top10PlayerList) #weakPlayerMatchList.extend(weakPlayerList) print('Number of Similar Match',len(matchedMatchIdList)) mpom = matPlotOnMap(map) playerList.extend(weakPlayerList) playerList.extend(top10PlayerList) #map = pom.plotAirLine(airLineFirstPositionIndex,airLineEndPositionIndex,(0,0,0)) #mpom.plotPlayerHeatMap(top10PlayerList,'red',0.1) #mpom.plotPlayerHeatMap(weakPlayerList,'blue',0.04) #mpom.plotAirLine(airLineAlpha,airLineBeta) mpom.makeHeatIndex(weakPlayerList,-1) mpom.makeHeatIndex(top10PlayerList,1) mpom.plotHeatMap() mpom.plotAirLine(airLineAlpha,airLineBeta) mpom.getLandingPositionWinningPercentage(name,telemetry.events_from_type('LogParachuteLanding')) mpom.saveFigure(match.game_mode,getMapName(match.map_name)) print('end') else:print('this match is range map')
from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard, Telemetry import time, pprint, json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Pool import pymysql import math api = PUBG(apikey, Shard.PC_NA) class PlayerPosition(): def __init__(self, ftime, position): # the final time this persons position is recorded self.final_time = ftime # the final position that the person was recorded in self.position = position self.location = False def updateposition(self, newposition): self.position = newposition def town_location(self): if self.location == False: self.towns = town_list() self.location = self.distance_formula() return self.location def distance_formula(self):
def main(argv): player_name = '' server = None out_heatmap_file_name = '' match_number = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "hp:s:o:m:", ["playername=", "server=", "outputfile=", "match"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(' -p <playername> -s <server> -o <outputfile>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(' -p <playername> -s <server> -o <outputfile>') print( 'Allowed servers: pc-as, pc-eu, pc-krjp, pc-na, pc-oc, pc-sa, pc-sea' ) print( 'Example: -p tetraquark -s pc-eu -o heatmap.jpg' ) print('') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--playername"): player_name = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--server"): server = Shard(arg) elif opt in ("-o", "--outputfile"): out_heatmap_file_name = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--match"): match_number = int(arg) if not player_name or server is None: print('Forgot to enter the player name or server.') print(' -p <playername> -s <server> -o <outputfile>') sys.exit(2) print('Trying to get data from PUBG servers.') api = PUBG(API_KEY, server) # get required player players = api.players().filter(player_names=[player_name]) myPlayer = players[0] # get the last player matches mathcesIdList = [ for match in myPlayer.matches] # get required match object match = api.matches().get(mathcesIdList[match_number]) print('Done.') print('Trying to build the match heatmap.') # get match heatmap (PIL image file) heatmapImg = getMatchHeatmap(api=api, match=match) print('Done.') # save image to the file if not out_heatmap_file_name: out_heatmap_file_name = mathcesIdList[match_number] + '_heatmap.jpg'
def __init__(self): self.api = PUBG(config['tokens']['pubg'], Shard.STEAM)
from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard import copy from enum import Enum import requests from contextlib import suppress import requests import csv import requests import json import secrets pubg_api = PUBG(secrets.pubg_key, Shard.PSN) username = input("Please specify a username: ") username player_list = [username] players = pubg_api.players().filter(player_names=player_list) try: for player in players: player_name = player_id = print(player_name) print(player) match_count = 0 match_time = 0 vikendi_count = 0 erangel_count = 0 miramar_count = 0 sanhok_count = 0 karakin_count = 0 playerlistitem = []
def test_unauthorized(self): api = PUBG('', Shard.PC_NA) self.assertRaises(UnauthorizedError, api.players().get, '')
from pubg_python import PUBG, Shard import config import database import json import logging logging.basicConfig(filename='nemesis.log', level=logging.DEBUG) api = PUBG(config.api_key, Shard.PC_AS) d = database.database() def killtally(players): """ :param players: :return: """ l = [] for a in players[0].matches: l.append( for match in l: get_match = api.matches().get(match) match_asset = get_match.assets[0] match_tel = api.telemetry(match_asset.url) player_kill_events = match_tel.events_from_type('LogPlayerKill') print('======================') print('Match ID:' + match) for b in player_kill_events: if not == '': # ie blue zone killed them d.insert_row(
def __init__(self, shard=Shard.PC_OC): self.api = PUBG(os.environ['PUBG_API_KEY'], shard)