def useDefaultLoggingNotification(all=True, **kwargs): '''The kwargs are the same as for PubsubTopicMsgLogger constructor, except that 'all' defaults to True instead of None (ie assumes that if you don't specify what notifications you want, that you want them all).''' import pubsub.utils notifHandler = pubsub.utils.NotifyByPubsubMessage() import pubsubconf pubsubconf.setNotificationHandler(notifHandler) from pubsub import pub notifHandler.createNotificationTopics() pub.setNotification(all=all, **kwargs) return PubsubTopicMsgLogger(pub)
def useNotifyByPubsubMessage(): '''Install an instance of NotifyByPubsubMessage as notification handler. Return the instance. You must call its init() once pubsub imported (since instance defines some pubsub topics): import pubsub.utils notifHandler = pubsub.utils.useNotifyByPubsubMessage() ... from pubsub import pub notifHandler.createNotificationTopics() ''' import pubsub.utils notifHandler = pubsub.utils.NotifyByPubsubMessage() import pubsubconf pubsubconf.setNotificationHandler(notifHandler) return notifHandler