def hourly(location='Fresno, CA', days=1, start=None, end=None, years=1, use_cache=True, verbosity=1): """ Get detailed (hourly) weather data for the requested days and location The Weather Underground URL for Fresno, CA on 1/1/2011 is: This will fail periodically on Travis, b/c wunderground says "No daily or hourly history data available" >> df = hourly('Fresno, CA', verbosity=-1) >> 1 <= len(df) <= 24 * 2 True The time zone of the client where this is used to compose the first column label, hence the ellipsis >> df.columns # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Index([u'Time... >> df = hourly('Fresno, CA', days=5, verbosity=-1) >> 24 * 4 <= len(df) <= 24 * (5 + 1) * 2 True """ airport_code = airport(location, default=location) if isinstance(days, int): start = start or None end = end or days = pd.date_range(end=end, periods=days) # refresh the cache each calendar month or each change in the number of days in the dataset cache_path = 'hourly-{}-{}-{:02d}-{:04d}.csv'.format(airport_code, days[-1].year, days[-1].month, len(days)) cache_path = os.path.join(CACHE_PATH, cache_path) if use_cache: try: return pd.DataFrame.from_csv(cache_path) except: pass df = pd.DataFrame() for day in days: url = ('{airport_code}/{year}/{month}/{day}/DailyHistory.html?MR=1&format=1'.format( airport_code=airport_code, year=day.year, month=day.month, if verbosity > 1: print('GETing *.CSV using "{0}"'.format(url)) buf = urllib.urlopen(url).read() if verbosity > 0: N = buf.count('\n') M = (buf.count(',') + N) / float(N) print('Retrieved CSV for airport code "{}" with appox. {} lines and {} columns = {} cells.'.format( airport_code, N, int(round(M)), int(round(M)) * N)) if (buf.count('\n') > 2) or ((buf.count('\n') > 1) and buf.split('\n')[1].count(',') > 0): table = util.read_csv(buf, format='header+values-list', numbers=True) columns = [s.strip() for s in table[0]] table = table[1:] tzs = [s[4:] for s in columns if (s[5:] in ['ST', 'DT'] and s[4] in 'PMCE' and s[:4].lower() == 'time')] if tzs: tz = tzs[0] else: tz = 'UTC' for rownum, row in enumerate(table): try: table[rownum] = [util.make_tz_aware(row[0], tz)] + row[1:] except ValueError: pass dates = [row[-1] for row in table] if not all(isinstance(date, (datetime.datetime, pd.Timestamp)) for date in dates): dates = [row[0] for row in table] if len(columns) == len(table[0]): df0 = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns, index=dates) df = df.append(df0) elif verbosity >= 0: msg = "The number of columns in the 1st row of the table:\n {}\n doesn't match the number of column labels:\n {}\n".format( table[0], columns) msg += " probably can't find the airport: {} ({})\n or the date: {}\n in its database.\n".format( airport_code, location, day) msg += "Attempted a GET request using the URI:\n {0}\n".format(url) warnings.warn(msg) try: df.to_csv(cache_path) except: if verbosity > 0 and use_cache: from traceback import print_exc print_exc() warnings.warn('Unable to write weather data to cache file at {}'.format(cache_path)) return df
def daily(location='Fresno, CA', years=1, use_cache=True, verbosity=1): """Retrieve weather for the indicated airport code or 'City, ST' string. >>> df = daily('Camas, WA', verbosity=-1) >>> 365 <= len(df) <= 365 * 2 + 1 True Sacramento data has gaps (airport KMCC): 8/21/2013 is missing from 2013. Whole months are missing from 2014. >>> df = daily('Sacramento, CA', years=[2013], verbosity=-1) >>> 364 <= len(df) <= 365 True >>> df.columns Index([u'PST', u'Max TemperatureF', u'Mean TemperatureF', u'Min TemperatureF', u'Max Dew PointF', u'MeanDew PointF', u'Min DewpointF', u'Max Humidity', u'Mean Humidity', u'Min Humidity', u'Max Sea Level PressureIn', u'Mean Sea Level PressureIn', u'Min Sea Level PressureIn', u'Max VisibilityMiles', u'Mean VisibilityMiles', u'Min VisibilityMiles', u'Max Wind SpeedMPH', u'Mean Wind SpeedMPH', u'Max Gust SpeedMPH', u'PrecipitationIn', u'CloudCover', u'Events', u'WindDirDegrees'], dtype='object') """ this_year = if isinstance(years, (int, float)): # current (incomplete) year doesn't count in total number of years # so 0 would return this calendar year's weather data years = np.arange(0, int(years) + 1) years = sorted(years) if not all(1900 <= yr <= this_year for yr in years): years = np.array([abs(yr) if (1900 <= abs(yr) <= this_year) else (this_year - abs(int(yr))) for yr in years])[::-1] airport_code = airport(location, default=location) # refresh the cache each time the start or end year changes cache_path = 'daily-{}-{}-{}.csv'.format(airport_code, years[0], years[-1]) cache_path = os.path.join(CACHE_PATH, cache_path) if use_cache: try: return pd.DataFrame.from_csv(cache_path) except: pass df = pd.DataFrame() for year in years: url = ('{airport}/{yearstart}/1/1/' + 'CustomHistory.html?dayend=31&monthend=12&yearend={yearend}' + '&req_city=&req_state=&req_statename=&').format( airport=airport_code, yearstart=year, yearend=year ) if verbosity > 1: print('GETing *.CSV using "{0}"'.format(url)) buf = urllib.urlopen(url).read() if verbosity > 0: N = buf.count('\n') M = (buf.count(',') + N) / float(N) print('Retrieved CSV for airport code "{}" with appox. {} lines and {} columns = {} cells.'.format( airport_code, N, int(round(M)), int(round(M)) * N)) if verbosity > 2: print(buf) table = util.read_csv(buf, format='header+values-list', numbers=True) # # clean up the last column (if it contains <br> tags) table = [util.strip_br(row) if len(row) > 1 else row for row in table] # numcols = max(len(row) for row in table) # table = [row for row in table if len(row) == numcols] columns = table.pop(0) tzs = [s for s in columns if (s[1:] in ['ST', 'DT'] and s[0] in 'PMCE')] dates = [float('nan')] * len(table) for i, row in enumerate(table): for j, value in enumerate(row): if not value and value is not None: value = 0 continue if columns[j] in tzs: table[i][j] = util.make_tz_aware(value, tz=columns[j]) if isinstance(table[i][j], datetime.datetime): dates[i] = table[i][j] continue try: table[i][j] = float(value) if not (table[i][j] % 1): table[i][j] = int(table[i][j]) except: pass df0 = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns, index=dates) df = df.append(df0) if verbosity > 1: print(df) try: df.to_csv(cache_path) except: if verbosity > 0 and use_cache: from traceback import print_exc print_exc() warnings.warn('Unable to write weather data to cache file at {}'.format(cache_path)) return df