예제 #1
def increment_failure_count(schedule_id):
    Increment the number of consecutive failures, and if it has met or exceeded
    the threshold, disable the schedule.

    :param schedule_id: ID of the schedule whose count should be incremented
    :type  schedule_id: str
        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
    delta = {
        '$inc': {'consecutive_failures': 1},
        '$set': {'last_updated': time.time()},
    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, update=delta, new=True)
    if schedule:
        scheduled_call = ScheduledCall.from_db(schedule)
        if scheduled_call.failure_threshold is None or not scheduled_call.enabled:
        if scheduled_call.consecutive_failures >= scheduled_call.failure_threshold:
            _logger.info(_('disabling schedule %(id)s with %(count)d consecutive failures') % {
                'id': schedule_id, 'count': scheduled_call.consecutive_failures
            delta = {'$set': {
                'enabled': False,
                'last_updated': time.time(),
            ScheduledCall.get_collection().update(spec, delta)
예제 #2
 def tearDown(self):
     super(SchedulerTests, self).tearDown()
     self.scheduler = None
     dispatch_factory.coordinator = self._coordinator_factory
     self._coordinator_factory = None
     dispatch_factory._SCHEDULER = None
예제 #3
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: CUXIDUMDUM/pulp
def increment_failure_count(schedule_id):
    Increment the number of consecutive failures, and if it has met or exceeded
    the threshold, disable the schedule.

    :param schedule_id: ID of the schedule whose count should be incremented
    :type  schedule_id: str
        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
    delta = {
        '$inc': {'consecutive_failures': 1},
        '$set': {'last_updated': time.time()},
    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, update=delta, new=True)
    if schedule:
        scheduled_call = ScheduledCall.from_db(schedule)
        if scheduled_call.failure_threshold is None or not scheduled_call.enabled:
        if scheduled_call.consecutive_failures >= scheduled_call.failure_threshold:
            _logger.info(_('disabling schedule %(id)s with %(count)d consecutive failures') % {
                'id': schedule_id, 'count': scheduled_call.consecutive_failures
            delta = {'$set': {
                'enabled': False,
                'last_updated': time.time(),
            ScheduledCall.get_collection().update(spec, delta)
예제 #4
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: CUXIDUMDUM/pulp
def delete_by_resource(resource):
    Deletes all schedules for the specified resource

    :param resource:    string indicating a unique resource
    :type  resource:    basestring
    ScheduledCall.get_collection().remove({'resource': resource}, safe=True)
예제 #5
def delete_by_resource(resource):
    Deletes all schedules for the specified resource

    :param resource:    string indicating a unique resource
    :type  resource:    basestring
    ScheduledCall.get_collection().remove({'resource': resource}, safe=True)
예제 #6
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: CUXIDUMDUM/pulp
def delete(schedule_id):
    Deletes the schedule with unique ID schedule_id

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring
        ScheduledCall.get_collection().remove({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}, safe=True)
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
예제 #7
파일: scheduler.py 프로젝트: ehelms/pulp
 def remove(self, schedule_id):
     Remove a scheduled call request
     @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
     @type  schedule_id: str
     if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
         schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)
     if ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_one(schedule_id) is None:
         raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(schedule=str(schedule_id))
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call_collection.remove({'_id': schedule_id}, safe=True)
예제 #8
def delete(schedule_id):
    Deletes the schedule with unique ID schedule_id

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring
        ScheduledCall.get_collection().remove({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)},
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
예제 #9
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: preethit/pulp-1
def reset_failure_count(schedule_id):
    Reset the consecutive failure count on a schedule to 0, presumably because
    it ran successfully.

    :param schedule_id: ID of the schedule whose count should be reset
    :type  schedule_id: str
    spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    delta = {'$set': {
        'consecutive_failures': 0,
        'last_updated': time.time(),
    ScheduledCall.get_collection().update(spec=spec, document=delta)
예제 #10
 def test_remove(self):
     call_request = CallRequest(call)
     schedule_id = self.scheduler.add(call_request, SCHEDULE_START_TIME)
     collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call = collection.find_one({'_id': schedule_id})
     self.assertTrue(scheduled_call is None)
예제 #11
파일: scheduler.py 프로젝트: ehelms/pulp
 def update(self, schedule_id, **schedule_updates):
     Update a scheduled call request
     Valid schedule updates:
      * call_request
      * schedule
      * failure_threshold
      * remaining_runs
      * enabled
     @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
     @type  schedule_id: str
     @param schedule_updates: updates for scheduled call
     @type  schedule_updates: dict
     if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
         schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     if scheduled_call_collection.find_one(schedule_id) is None:
         raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(schedule=str(schedule_id))
     call_request = schedule_updates.pop('call_request', None)
     if call_request is not None:
         schedule_updates['serialized_call_request'] = call_request.serialize()
     schedule = schedule_updates.get('schedule', None)
     if schedule is not None:
         interval, start, runs = dateutils.parse_iso8601_interval(schedule)
         schedule_updates.setdefault('remaining_runs', runs) # honor explicit update
         # XXX (jconnor) it'd be nice to update the next_run if the schedule
         # has changed, but it requires mucking with the internals of the
         # of the scheduled call instance, which is all encapsulated in the
         # ScheduledCall constructor
         # the next_run field will be correctly updated after the next run
     scheduled_call_collection.update({'_id': schedule_id}, {'$set': schedule_updates}, safe=True)
예제 #12
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: aweiteka/pulp
def update(schedule_id, delta):
    Updates the schedule with unique ID schedule_id. This only allows updating
    of fields in ScheduledCall.USER_UPDATE_FIELDS.

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring
    :param delta:       a dictionary of keys with values that should be modified
                        on the schedule.
    :type  delta:       dict

    :return:    instance of ScheduledCall representing the post-update state
    :rtype      ScheduledCall

    :raise  exceptions.UnsupportedValue
    :raise  exceptions.MissingResource
    unknown_keys = set(delta.keys()) - ScheduledCall.USER_UPDATE_FIELDS
    if unknown_keys:
        raise exceptions.UnsupportedValue(list(unknown_keys))

    delta['last_updated'] = time.time()

        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, update={'$set': delta}, safe=True, new=True)
    if schedule is None:
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
    return ScheduledCall.from_db(schedule)
예제 #13
def update(schedule_id, delta):
    Updates the schedule with unique ID schedule_id. This only allows updating
    of fields in ScheduledCall.USER_UPDATE_FIELDS.

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring
    :param delta:       a dictionary of keys with values that should be modified
                        on the schedule.
    :type  delta:       dict

    :return:    instance of ScheduledCall representing the post-update state
    :rtype      ScheduledCall

    :raise  exceptions.UnsupportedValue
    :raise  exceptions.MissingResource
    unknown_keys = set(delta.keys()) - ScheduledCall.USER_UPDATE_FIELDS
    if unknown_keys:
        raise exceptions.UnsupportedValue(list(unknown_keys))

    delta['last_updated'] = time.time()

        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, update={'$set': delta}, safe=True, new=True)
    if schedule is None:
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
    return ScheduledCall.from_db(schedule)
예제 #14
 def add(self, call_request, schedule, **schedule_options):
     Add a scheduled call request
     Valid schedule options:
      * failure_threshold: max number of consecutive failures, before scheduled call is disabled, None means no max
      * last_run: datetime of the last run of the call request or None if no last run
      * enabled: boolean flag if the scheduled call is enabled or not
     @param call_request: call request to schedule
     @type  call_request: pulp.server.dispatch.call.CallRequest
     @param schedule: iso8601 formatted interval schedule
     @type  schedule: str
     @param schedule_options: keyword options for this schedule
     @type  schedule_options: dict
     @return: schedule id if successfully scheduled or None otherwise
     @rtype:  str or None
     validate_schedule_options(schedule, schedule_options)
     scheduled_call = ScheduledCall(call_request, schedule, **schedule_options)
     next_run = self.calculate_next_run(scheduled_call)
     if next_run is None:
         return None
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call['next_run'] = next_run
     scheduled_call_collection.insert(scheduled_call, safe=True)
     return str(scheduled_call['_id'])
예제 #15
 def test_add_no_runs(self):
     call_request = CallRequest(call)
     schedule_id = self.scheduler.add(call_request, SCHEDULE_0_RUNS)
     self.assertTrue(schedule_id is None)
     collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     cursor = collection.find()
     self.assertTrue(cursor.count() == 0)
예제 #16
    def find_by_repo_list(repo_id_list):
        Returns serialized versions of all importers for given repos. Any
        IDs that do not refer to valid repos are ignored and will not
        raise an error.

        @param repo_id_list: list of importer IDs to fetch
        @type  repo_id_list: list of str

        @return: list of serialized importers
        @rtype:  list of dict
        spec = {'repo_id': {'$in': repo_id_list}}
        projection = {'scratchpad': 0}
        importers = list(RepoImporter.get_collection().find(spec, projection))

        # Process any scheduled syncs and get schedule details using schedule id
        for importer in importers:
            scheduled_sync_ids = importer.get('scheduled_syncs', None)
            if scheduled_sync_ids is not None:
                scheduled_sync_details = list(
                        {"id": {
                            "$in": scheduled_sync_ids
                importer['scheduled_syncs'] = [
                    s["schedule"] for s in scheduled_sync_details

        return importers
예제 #17
 def update_last_run(self, scheduled_call, call_report=None):
     Update the metadata for a scheduled call that has been run
     @param scheduled_call: scheduled call to be updated
     @type  scheduled_call: dict
     @param call_report: call report from last run, if available
     @type  call_report: CallReport instance or None
     schedule_id = scheduled_call['_id']
     update = {}
     # use scheduled time instead of current to prevent schedule drift
     delta = update.setdefault('$set', {})
     delta['last_run'] = scheduled_call['next_run']
     # if we finished in an error state, make sure we haven't crossed the threshold
     state = getattr(call_report, 'state', None)
     if state == dispatch_constants.CALL_ERROR_STATE:
         inc = update.setdefault('$inc', {})
         inc['consecutive_failures'] = 1
         failure_threshold = scheduled_call['failure_threshold']
         consecutive_failures = scheduled_call['consecutive_failures'] + 1
         if failure_threshold and failure_threshold <= consecutive_failures:
             delta = update.setdefault('$set', {})
             delta['enabled'] = False
             msg = _('Scheduled task [%s] disabled after %d consecutive failures')
             _LOG.error(msg % (schedule_id, consecutive_failures))
         delta = update.setdefault('$set', {})
         delta['consecutive_failures'] = 0
     # decrement the remaining runs, if we're tracking that
     if scheduled_call['remaining_runs'] is not None:
         inc = update.setdefault('$inc', {})
         inc['remaining_runs'] = -1
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call_collection.update({'_id': schedule_id}, update, safe=True)
예제 #18
def reset_failure_count(schedule_id):
    Reset the consecutive failure count on a schedule to 0, presumably because
    it ran successfully.

    :param schedule_id: ID of the schedule whose count should be reset
    :type  schedule_id: str
        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])
    delta = {'$set': {
        'consecutive_failures': 0,
        'last_updated': time.time(),
    ScheduledCall.get_collection().update(spec=spec, document=delta)
예제 #19
    def __init__(self, dispatch_interval=30):
        self.dispatch_interval = dispatch_interval
        self.scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()

        self.__exit = False
        self.__lock = threading.RLock()
        self.__condition = threading.Condition(self.__lock)
        self.__dispatcher = None
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, dispatch_interval=30):
        self.dispatch_interval = dispatch_interval
        self.scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()

        self.__exit = False
        self.__lock = threading.RLock()
        self.__condition = threading.Condition(self.__lock)
        self.__dispatcher = None
예제 #21
def get_enabled():
    Get schedules that are enabled, that is, their "enabled" attribute is True

    :return:    pymongo cursor of ScheduledCall database objects
    :rtype:     pymongo.cursor.Cursor
    criteria = Criteria(filters={'enabled': True})
    return ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
예제 #22
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: CUXIDUMDUM/pulp
def get_enabled():
    Get schedules that are enabled, that is, their "enabled" attribute is True

    :return:    pymongo cursor of ScheduledCall database objects
    :rtype:     pymongo.cursor.Cursor
    criteria = Criteria(filters={'enabled': True})
    return ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
예제 #23
 def setUp(self):
     super(SchedulerTests, self).setUp()
     self.scheduler = Scheduler()
     # replace the coordinator so we do not actually execute tasks
     self._coordinator_factory = dispatch_factory.coordinator
     dispatch_factory.coordinator = mock.Mock()
     # NOTE we are not starting the scheduler
     self.scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
예제 #24
 def remove(self, schedule_id):
     Remove a scheduled call request
     @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
     @type  schedule_id: str
     if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
         schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call_collection.remove({'_id': schedule_id}, safe=True)
예제 #25
 def disable(self, schedule_id):
     Disable a scheduled call request without removing it
     @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
     @type  schedule_id: str
     if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
         schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     update = {'$set': {'enabled': False}}
     scheduled_call_collection.update({'_id': schedule_id}, update, safe=True)
예제 #26
 def enable(self, schedule_id):
     Enable a previously disabled scheduled call request
     @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
     @type  schedule_id: str
     if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
         schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     update = {'$set': {'enabled': True}}
     scheduled_call_collection.update({'_id': schedule_id}, update, safe=True)
예제 #27
def scheduler_complete_callback(call_request, call_report):
    Call back for call request results and rescheduling
    scheduler = dispatch_factory.scheduler()
    scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()

    schedule_id = call_report.schedule_id
    scheduled_call = scheduled_call_collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)})

    scheduler.update_last_run(scheduled_call, call_report)
예제 #28
 def test_disable_enable(self):
     call_request = CallRequest(call)
     schedule_id = self.scheduler.add(call_request, SCHEDULE_3_RUNS)
     collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call = collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)})
     scheduled_call = collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)})
     scheduled_call = collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)})
예제 #29
def scheduler_complete_callback(call_request, call_report):
    Call back for call request results and rescheduling
    scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
    schedule_id = call_report.schedule_id
    scheduled_call = scheduled_call_collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)})

    if scheduled_call is None: # schedule was deleted while call was running

    scheduler = dispatch_factory.scheduler()
    scheduler.update_last_run(scheduled_call, call_report)
예제 #30
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: CUXIDUMDUM/pulp
def get_by_resource(resource):
    Get schedules by resource

    :param resource:    unique ID for a lockable resource
    :type  resource:    basestring

    :return:    iterator of ScheduledCall instances
    :rtype:     iterator
    criteria = Criteria(filters={'resource': resource})
    schedules = ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
    return itertools.imap(ScheduledCall.from_db, schedules)
예제 #31
    def remove(self, schedule_id):
        Remove a scheduled call request
        @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
        @type  schedule_id: str
        if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
            schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)

        if ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_one(schedule_id) is None:
            raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(schedule=str(schedule_id))

        self.scheduled_call_collection.remove({'_id': schedule_id}, safe=True)
예제 #32
 def find(self, *tags):
     Find the scheduled call requests for the given call request tags
     @param tags: call request tags
     @type  tags: list
     @return: possibly empty list of scheduled call report dictionaries
     @rtype:  list
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     query = {'serialized_call_request.tags': {'$all': tags}}
     scheduled_calls = scheduled_call_collection.find(query)
     reports = [scheduled_call_to_report_dict(s) for s in scheduled_calls]
     return reports
예제 #33
def get_by_resource(resource):
    Get schedules by resource

    :param resource:    unique ID for a lockable resource
    :type  resource:    basestring

    :return:    iterator of ScheduledCall instances
    :rtype:     iterator
    criteria = Criteria(filters={'resource': resource})
    schedules = ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
    return itertools.imap(ScheduledCall.from_db, schedules)
예제 #34
    def test_complete_callback(self):
        scheduled_call_request = CallRequest(itinerary_call)
        schedule_id = self.scheduler.add(scheduled_call_request, SCHEDULE_3_RUNS)

        run_call_request = scheduled_call_request.call()[0]
        run_call_report = CallReport.from_call_request(run_call_request)
        run_call_report.schedule_id = schedule_id

        scheduler_complete_callback(run_call_request, run_call_report)

        collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
        scheduled_call = collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)})

        self.assertNotEqual(scheduled_call['last_run'], None)
예제 #35
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: preethit/pulp-1
def get(schedule_ids):
    Get schedules by ID

    :param schedule_ids:    a list of schedule IDs
    :type  schedule_ids:    list

    :return:    iterator of ScheduledCall instances
    :rtype:     iterator
    object_ids = map(ObjectId, schedule_ids)
    criteria = Criteria(filters={'_id': {'$in': object_ids}})
    schedules = ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
    return itertools.imap(ScheduledCall.from_db, schedules)
예제 #36
    def test_create_schedule(self):
        sync_options = {'override_config': {}}
        schedule_data = {'schedule': 'R1/P1DT'}
        schedule_id = self.schedule_manager.create_sync_schedule(self.repo_id,
        collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
        schedule = collection.find_one(ObjectId(schedule_id))
        self.assertFalse(schedule is None)
        self.assertTrue(schedule_id == str(schedule['_id']))

        schedule_list = self._importer_manager.list_sync_schedules(self.repo_id)
        self.assertTrue(schedule_id in schedule_list)
예제 #37
    def test_create_schedule(self):
        sync_options = {'override_config': {}}
        schedule_data = {'schedule': 'R1/P1DT'}
        schedule_id = self.schedule_manager.create_sync_schedule(self.repo_id,
        collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
        schedule = collection.find_one(ObjectId(schedule_id))
        self.assertFalse(schedule is None)
        self.assertTrue(schedule_id == str(schedule['_id']))

        schedule_list = self._importer_manager.list_sync_schedules(self.repo_id)
        self.assertTrue(schedule_id in schedule_list)
예제 #38
파일: scheduler.py 프로젝트: ashcrow/pulp
    def __init__(self, dispatch_interval=DEFAULT_DISPATCH_INTERVAL):
        :param dispatch_interval: scheduler dispatch interval
        :type  dispatch_interval: int
        assert dispatch_interval > 0

        self.dispatch_interval = dispatch_interval
        self.scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()

        self.__exit = False
        self.__lock = threading.RLock()
        self.__condition = threading.Condition(self.__lock)
        self.__dispatch_thread = None
예제 #39
    def test_complete_callback_missing_schedule(self):
        scheduled_call_request = CallRequest(itinerary_call)
        schedule_id = self.scheduler.add(scheduled_call_request, SCHEDULE_3_RUNS)

        run_call_request = scheduled_call_request.call()[0]
        run_call_report = CallReport.from_call_request(run_call_request)
        run_call_report.schedule_id = schedule_id

        collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
        collection.remove({'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}, safe=True)

            scheduler_complete_callback(run_call_request, run_call_report)
예제 #40
 def update_next_run(self, scheduled_call):
     Update the metadata for a scheduled call that will be run again
     @param scheduled_call: scheduled call to be updated
     @type  scheduled_call: dict
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     schedule_id = scheduled_call['_id']
     next_run = self.calculate_next_run(scheduled_call)
     if next_run is None:
         # remove the scheduled call if there are no more
         scheduled_call_collection.remove({'_id': schedule_id}, safe=True)
     update = {'$set': {'next_run': next_run}}
     scheduled_call_collection.update({'_id': schedule_id}, update, safe=True)
예제 #41
def get_updated_since(seconds):
    Get schedules that are enabled, that is, their "enabled" attribute is True,
    and that have been updated since the timestamp represented by "seconds".

    :param seconds: seconds since the epoch
    :param seconds: float

    :return:    pymongo cursor of ScheduledCall database objects
    :rtype:     pymongo.cursor.Cursor
    criteria = Criteria(filters={
        'enabled': True,
        'last_updated': {'$gt': seconds},
    return ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
예제 #42
 def get(self, schedule_id):
     Get the call request and the schedule for the given schedule id
     @param schedule_id: id of the schedule for the call request
     @type  schedule_id: str
     @return: scheduled call report dictionary
     @rtype:  dict
     if isinstance(schedule_id, basestring):
         schedule_id = ObjectId(schedule_id)
     scheduled_call_collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
     scheduled_call = scheduled_call_collection.find_one({'_id': schedule_id})
     if scheduled_call is None:
         raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(schedule=str(schedule_id))
     report = scheduled_call_to_report_dict(scheduled_call)
     return report
예제 #43
def get(schedule_ids):
    Get schedules by ID

    :param schedule_ids:    a list of schedule IDs
    :type  schedule_ids:    list

    :return:    iterator of ScheduledCall instances
    :rtype:     iterator
        object_ids = map(ObjectId, schedule_ids)
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_ids'])
    criteria = Criteria(filters={'_id': {'$in': object_ids}})
    schedules = ScheduledCall.get_collection().query(criteria)
    return itertools.imap(ScheduledCall.from_db, schedules)
예제 #44
def update(schedule_id, delta):
    Updates the schedule with unique ID schedule_id. This only allows updating
    of fields in ScheduledCall.USER_UPDATE_FIELDS.

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring
    :param delta:       a dictionary of keys with values that should be modified
                        on the schedule.
    :type  delta:       dict

    :return:    instance of ScheduledCall representing the post-update state
    :rtype      ScheduledCall

    :raise  exceptions.UnsupportedValue
    :raise  exceptions.MissingResource
    unknown_keys = set(delta.keys()) - ScheduledCall.USER_UPDATE_FIELDS
    if unknown_keys:
        raise exceptions.UnsupportedValue(list(unknown_keys))

    delta['last_updated'] = time.time()

    # bz 1139703 - if we update iso_schedule, update the pickled object as well
    if 'iso_schedule' in delta:
        interval, start_time, occurrences = dateutils.parse_iso8601_interval(
        delta['schedule'] = pickle.dumps(CelerySchedule(interval))

        # set first_run and next_run so that the schedule update will take effect
        new_schedule_call = ScheduledCall(delta['iso_schedule'],
        delta['first_run'] = new_schedule_call.first_run
        delta['next_run'] = new_schedule_call.next_run

        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        # During schedule update, MissingResource should be raised even if
        # schedule_id is invalid object_id.
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, update={'$set': delta}, safe=True, new=True)
    if schedule is None:
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
    return ScheduledCall.from_db(schedule)
예제 #45
def delete(schedule_id):
    Deletes the schedule with unique ID schedule_id

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring

        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['schedule_id'])

    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, remove=True, safe=True)
    if schedule is None:
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
예제 #46
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: taftsanders/pulp
def delete(schedule_id):
    Deletes the schedule with unique ID schedule_id

    :param schedule_id: a unique ID for a schedule
    :type  schedule_id: basestring

        spec = {'_id': ObjectId(schedule_id)}
    except InvalidId:
        # During schedule deletion, MissingResource should be raised even if
        # schedule_id is invalid object_id.
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)

    schedule = ScheduledCall.get_collection().find_and_modify(
        query=spec, remove=True)
    if schedule is None:
        raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
예제 #47
    def test_delete_schedule(self):
        publish_options = {'override_config': {}}
        schedule_data = {'schedule': 'R1/P1DT'}
        schedule_id = self.schedule_manager.create_publish_schedule(self.repo_id,
        collection = ScheduledCall.get_collection()
        schedule = collection.find_one(ObjectId(schedule_id))
        self.assertFalse(schedule is None)

        schedule = collection.find_one(ObjectId(schedule_id))
        self.assertTrue(schedule is None)

        schedule_list = self._distributor_manager.list_publish_schedules(self.repo_id,
        self.assertFalse(schedule_id in schedule_list)
예제 #48
 def clean(self):
     super(ScheduleTests, self).clean()