예제 #1
파일: scheduler.py 프로젝트: eslynunez/pulp
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks.

        This method updates the last heartbeat time of the scheduler. We do not actually send a
        heartbeat message since it would just get read again by this class.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float
        # Setting the celerybeat name
        celerybeat_name = constants.SCHEDULER_WORKER_NAME + "@" + platform.node(

        # this is not an event that gets sent anywhere. We process it
        # immediately.
        scheduler_event = {
            'timestamp': time.time(),
            'local_received': time.time(),
            'type': 'scheduler-event',
            'hostname': celerybeat_name

        old_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
                _('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s') %
                {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
            ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name,
                    _("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                    {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = constants.CELERY_TICK_DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
                    _("Duplicate or new celerybeat Instance, "
                      "ticking again in %(ret)s seconds.") % {'ret': ret})
        return ret
예제 #2
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks.

        This method updates the last heartbeat time of the scheduler.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float

        if celery_version.startswith('4') and self.schedule_changed:
            # Setting _heap = None is a workaround for this bug in Celery4
            # https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/3958
            # Once 3958 is released and updated in Fedora this can be removed
            self._heap = None

        now = ensure_tz(datetime.utcnow())
        old_timestamp = now - timedelta(seconds=constants.PULP_PROCESS_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL)

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
            _logger.debug(_('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s')
                          % {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})
            ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME, timestamp=lock_timestamp)
                _logger.debug(_("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                              {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

                if not self._first_lock_acq_check:
                    msg = _("Failover occurred: '%s' is now the primary celerybeat "
                            "instance") % CELERYBEAT_NAME

                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = constants.PULP_PROCESS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL

                if self._first_lock_acq_check:
                    _logger.info(_("Hot spare celerybeat instance '%(celerybeat_name)s' detected.")
                                 % {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

        self._first_lock_acq_check = False
        return ret
예제 #3
파일: scheduler.py 프로젝트: hjensas/pulp
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes
        all due tasks.

        This method adds a call to trim the failure watcher and updates the
        last heartbeat time of the scheduler. We do not actually send a
        heartbeat message since it would just get read again by this class.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float

        # Setting the celerybeat name
        celerybeat_name = SCHEDULER_WORKER_NAME + "@" + platform.node()

        # this is not an event that gets sent anywhere. We process it
        # immediately.
        scheduler_event = {'timestamp': time.time(),
                           'type': 'scheduler-event',
                           'hostname': celerybeat_name}

        old_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=CELERYBEAT_WAIT_SECONDS)

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
            _logger.debug(_('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s')
                          % {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
            ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(celerybeat_name=celerybeat_name,
                _logger.info(_("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                             {'celerybeat_name': celerybeat_name})
                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(self, celerybeat_name)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = TICK_SECONDS
                _logger.info(_("Duplicate or new celerybeat Instance, "
                               "ticking again in %(ret)s seconds.")
                             % {'ret': ret})
        return ret
예제 #4
파일: scheduler.py 프로젝트: lanky/pulp
    def tick(self):
        Superclass runs a tick, that is one iteration of the scheduler. Executes all due tasks.

        This method updates the last heartbeat time of the scheduler.

        :return:    number of seconds before the next tick should run
        :rtype:     float

        if celery_version.startswith('4') and self.schedule_changed:
            # Setting _heap = None is a workaround for this bug in Celery4
            # https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/3958
            # Once 3958 is released and updated in Fedora this can be removed
            self._heap = None

        now = ensure_tz(datetime.utcnow())
        old_timestamp = now - timedelta(

        # Updating the current lock if lock is on this instance of celerybeat
        result = CeleryBeatLock.objects(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME).\

        # If current instance has lock and updated lock_timestamp, call super
        if result == 1:
                _('Lock updated by %(celerybeat_name)s') %
                {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})
            ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)
            # check for old enough time_stamp and remove if such lock is present
                lock_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()

                # Insert new lock entry
                new_lock = CeleryBeatLock(name=CELERYBEAT_NAME,
                    _("New lock acquired by %(celerybeat_name)s") %
                    {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

                if not self._first_lock_acq_check:
                    msg = _(
                        "Failover occurred: '%s' is now the primary celerybeat "
                        "instance") % CELERYBEAT_NAME

                # After acquiring new lock call super to dispatch tasks
                ret = self.call_tick(CELERYBEAT_NAME)

            except mongoengine.NotUniqueError:
                # Setting a default wait time for celerybeat instances with no lock
                ret = constants.PULP_PROCESS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL

                if self._first_lock_acq_check:
                        _("Hot spare celerybeat instance '%(celerybeat_name)s' detected."
                          ) % {'celerybeat_name': CELERYBEAT_NAME})

        self._first_lock_acq_check = False
        return ret