def main():
    run = '20170706_4'
    datapath = "/bluearc/storage/SBC-17-data/"
    runpath = datapath + run
    events = [evnt for evnt in listdir(runpath) if not isfile(join(runpath,evnt))]
    [m, smallpulses, smallpulsebins] = get_gain(datapath,run, sendPulses=True)
    print("gain calculated with all small pulses: %.2e"%m)
    V = []
    VwithNIM = []
    A = []
    AwithNIM = []
    Anogain = []
    AnogainNIM = []
    for event in events:
        e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(runpath,event)
        tr = e["PMTtraces"]
        trac = tr["traces"]
        dt = tr["dt"]
        for i in range(len(trac)):
            trace = np.fabs(trac[i][0])
            nimpulse = trac[i][1]
            b = np.mean(trace[0:50])
            trace -= b
            dt_tr = dt[i][0]
            if min(nimpulse) < -30:
    NIM_efficiency_and_plot(V, VwithNIM, A, AwithNIM, Anogain, AnogainNIM, '20170706_4', smallpulses, smallpulsebins)
예제 #2
def randomized_t0_scintillation(runs, m):


    Ncoinc = 0
    Nblocked = 0
    ntotcoinc = 0
    totevents = 0
    totbub = 0
    diffs = []
    goodz = []
    pmtdiffs = []
    coincspec = []

    allxyzfname = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/SimpleXYZ_all.bin"
    xyzf = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(allxyzfname)
    for run in runs:
        print("randomized_t0_scintillation processing run " + run)
        indices = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(xyzf["runid"])
            if str(x[0]) + "_" + str(x[1]) == run
        runposreco = {
            "ev": [xyzf["ev"][indices]],
            "x": [xyzf["bubX"][indices]],
            "y": [xyzf["bubY"][indices]],
            "z": [xyzf["bubZ"][indices]]
        runrawpath = "/bluearc/storage/SBC-17-data/%s/" % run
        runreconpath = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/%s/" % run
        acousticfilename = runreconpath + "AcousticAnalysis_%s.bin" % run
        a = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(acousticfilename)
        #c = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(getbubfile)
        bubt0 = a["bubble_t0"]
        events = [
            evnt for evnt in listdir(runrawpath)
            if not isfile(join(runrawpath, evnt))

        for x in events:
            totevents += 1
            if not np.isnan(runposreco["z"][0][int(x)]):
                totbub += 1
                e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(runrawpath, x)
                cgate = e["fastDAQ"]["CAMgate"]
                dcam = np.diff(cgate)
                fdt = e["fastDAQ"]["time"]
                camOffTimes = [
                    fdt[i] for i in range(len(dcam)) if dcam[i] > 0.5

                pmttracetime = e["PMTtraces"]["t0_sec"][:, 0] + e["PMTtraces"][
                    "t0_frac"][:, 0]
                d = sbc.AnalysisModules.PMTfastDAQalignment.PMTandFastDAQalignment(
                pmtalign = d["PMT_trigt0_sec"] + d["PMT_trigt0_frac"]
                tracetimes = pmttracetime - pmtalign
                #at0 = bubt0[int(x),0]
                rand_at0 = fdt[randrange(np.shape(fdt)[0])]
                if rand_at0 - fdt[0] < 500e-6:
                    print("too close to beginning")
                    rand_at0 = fdt[randrange(
                        np.shape(fdt)[0])]  # just trying one more time
                #print("real t0: %f"%bubt0[int(x),0])
                #print("randomized t0: %f"%rand_at0)
                i = 0  # to match the indexing of the pre-made code I had 1???
                candidate = 0
                candidate_time = 0
                #candidate_PMTtime = 0
                #candidate_index = 0
                for t in (tracetimes - rand_at0):
                    # loop through every PMT trace for the event

                    if t < 0 and t > -500e-6:

                        lastCamOff = 0
                        for k in range(len(camOffTimes)):
                            if t + rand_at0 > camOffTimes[k]:
                                lastCamOff = camOffTimes[k]
                            elif t + rand_at0 < camOffTimes[k]:
                        if t + rand_at0 - lastCamOff > 25e-6:
                            # if the trace time is within 500 microseconds before acoustic t0:
                            ntotcoinc += 1

                            #take abs to get positive area:
                            trace = np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][0])
                            #if ch0 saturated, stitch in low res channel:
                            if max(trace) == 128:
                                trace = pi.stitchTraces(
                            dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"][i][0]

                            #subtract baseline:
                            #Actually this gets done in pulse_integrator anyway
                            #baseline = np.mean(trace[0:50])
                            #trace -= baseline

                            #integrate and convert to phe:
                            [phe, n, totInt, pktimes
                             ] = pi.SBC_pulse_integrator_bressler(trace, dt)
                            if phe != None:
                                phe /= m
                                #keep track of largest candidate:
                                if phe > candidate:
                                    candidate = phe
                                    candidate_time = t
                                    #candidate_PMTtime = t+at0
                                    #candidate_index = i
                    i += 1
                #i.e. if there is a candidate PMT trace with area greater than zero
                if candidate > 0:
                    Ncoinc += 1
                    #ind = candidate_index
                    #pmtt = candidate_PMTtime
                elif candidate == 0 and not np.isnan(float(x)):
                    bl = isBlocked(run, int(x), float(rand_at0),
                    if bl:
                        Nblocked += 1

    print("total number of events: " + str(totevents))
    print("total number of bubbles: " + str(totbub))
    print("total coincident triggers: " + str(ntotcoinc))
    print("total blocked bubbles: " + str(Nblocked))
    print("total coincident bubbles with scintillation greater than 0phe: " +
        "fraction of bubbles with a coincident scintillation signal greater than 0phe: "
        + str(Ncoinc * 100 / totbub) + "%")

    return [coincspec, Ncoinc, ntotcoinc, totevents, totbub]
def zdependence(runs, m):
    #m = 1e7


    Ncoinc = [0, 0]
    ntotcoinc = [0, 0]
    totevents = [0, 0]
    totbub = [0, 0]
    diffs = [[], []]
    goodz = [[], []]
    pmtdiffs = [[], []]
    coincspec = [[], []]

    allxyzfname = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/SimpleXYZ_all.bin"
    xyzf = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(allxyzfname)
    for run in runs:
        print("zdependence processing run " + run)
        indices = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(xyzf["runid"])
            if str(x[0]) + "_" + str(x[1]) == run
        runposreco = {
            "ev": [xyzf["ev"][indices]],
            "x": [xyzf["bubX"][indices]],
            "y": [xyzf["bubY"][indices]],
            "z": [xyzf["bubZ"][indices]]
        runrawpath = "/bluearc/storage/SBC-17-data/%s/" % run
        runreconpath = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/%s/" % run
        acousticfilename = runreconpath + "AcousticAnalysis_%s.bin" % run
        a = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(acousticfilename)
        #c = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(getbubfile)
        bubt0 = a["bubble_t0"]
        events = [
            evnt for evnt in listdir(runrawpath)
            if not isfile(join(runrawpath, evnt))
        for j in [0, 1]:
            with open(
                    "/nashome/b/bressler/sbcoutput/%s_PMTmatching_ch%s.txt" %
                (run, str(j)), "w+") as f, open(
                    "/nashome/b/bressler/sbcoutput/%s_muonCoincidences.txt" %
                    run, 'w+') as fmu:
                    "run event PMT_t0_index PMT_t0_-at0_us PMT_t0 at0 phe z\n")
                fmu.write("run event phe\n")
                for x in events:
                    yes = False
                    if int(x) < len(runposreco["z"][0]) - 1:
                        yes = True
                    totevents[j] += 1
                    if yes and not np.isnan(runposreco["z"][0][int(x)]):
                        totbub[j] += 1
                        e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(
                            runrawpath, x)
                        veto = e["fastDAQ"]["VetoCoinc"]
                        cgate = e["fastDAQ"]["CAMgate"]
                        dcam = np.diff(cgate)
                        fdt = e["fastDAQ"]["time"]
                        camOffTimes = [
                            fdt[i] for i in range(len(dcam)) if dcam[i] > 0.5
                        muon = False
                        pmttracetime = e["PMTtraces"]["t0_sec"][:, 0] + e[
                            "PMTtraces"]["t0_frac"][:, 0]
                        d = sbc.AnalysisModules.PMTfastDAQalignment.PMTandFastDAQalignment(
                        pmtalign = d["PMT_trigt0_sec"] + d["PMT_trigt0_frac"]
                        tracetimes = pmttracetime - pmtalign
                        at0 = bubt0[int(x), j]
                        i = 0  # to match the indexing of the pre-made code I had 1???
                        candidate = 0
                        candidate_time = 0
                        candidate_PMTtime = 0
                        candidate_index = 0
                        for t in (tracetimes - at0):
                            # loop through every PMT trace for the event

                            if t < -150e-6 and t > -600e-6:
                                # if the trace time is within 500 microsec before acoustic t0
                                if max(veto) > 0.1:
                                    if fdt[list(veto).index(
                                    )] - at0 < 0 and fdt[list(veto).index(
                                            max(veto))] - at0 > -500e-6:
                                        print("Veto Coincidence: event " +
                                              run + "-" + str(x))
                                        muon = True

                                #lastCamOff = 0
                                #for k in range(len(camOffTimes)):
                                #    if t+at0 > camOffTimes[k]:
                                #        lastCamOff = camOffTimes[k]
                                #    elif t+at0 < camOffTimes[k]:
                                #        break
                                #if t+at0-lastCamOff > 25e-6:
                                # if the trace time is more than 25 microseconds away from a camera gate rise
                                #but not doing it this way anymore because we'll check for the LED being on later during the merge
                                ntotcoinc[j] += 1

                                #take abs to get positive area:
                                trace = np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][0])
                                #if ch0 saturated, stitch in low res channel:
                                if max(trace) == 128:
                                    trace = pi.stitchTraces(
                                dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"][i][0]

                                #subtract baseline:
                                #Actually this gets done in pulse_integrator anyway
                                #baseline = np.mean(trace[0:50])
                                #trace -= baseline

                                #integrate and convert to phe:
                                [phe, n, totInt,
                                 pktimes] = pi.SBC_pulse_integrator_bressler(
                                     trace, dt)
                                if phe != None:
                                    phe /= m
                                    #keep track of largest candidate:
                                    if phe > candidate:
                                        candidate = phe
                                        candidate_time = t
                                        candidate_PMTtime = t + at0
                                        candidate_index = i
                                #    candidate = -1.0
                            i += 1
                        #i.e. if there is a candidate PMT trace with area greater than zero
                        if candidate > 0:
                            Ncoinc[j] += 1
                            ind = candidate_index
                            pmtt = candidate_PMTtime
                                "%s %s %d %f %f %f %f %f\n" %
                                (run, x, ind, candidate_time * 1e6, pmtt, at0,
                                 candidate, runposreco["z"][0][int(x)]))
                        if muon:
                            fmu.write("%s %s %f\n" % (run, x, candidate))
            print("run " + run + " file %s written" % str(j))
    print("total number of events: " + str(totevents))
    print("total number of bubbles: " + str(totbub))
    print("total coincident triggers: " + str(ntotcoinc))
    print("total coincident bubbles with scintillation greater than 0phe: " +
        "fraction of bubbles with a coincident scintillation signal greater than 0phe: "
        + str(sum(Ncoinc) * 100 / sum(totbub)) + "%")

    return [goodz, diffs, coincspec, Ncoinc, ntotcoinc, totevents, totbub]
def coincidences(runs, m, PMTsearchwindow):

    Ncoinc = [0, 0]
    ntotcoinc = [0, 0]
    totevents = [0, 0]
    totbub = [0, 0]
    diffs = [[], []]
    goodz = [[], []]
    pmtdiffs = [[], []]
    coincspec = [[], []]

    allxyzfname = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/SimpleXYZ_all.bin"
    xyzf = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(allxyzfname)
    for run in runs:
        print("zdependence processing run " + run)
        indices = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(xyzf["runid"])
            if str(x[0]) + "_" + str(x[1]) == run
        runposreco = {
            "ev": [xyzf["ev"][indices]],
            "x": [xyzf["bubX"][indices]],
            "y": [xyzf["bubY"][indices]],
            "z": [xyzf["bubZ"][indices]]
        runrawpath = "/bluearc/storage/SBC-17-data/%s/" % run
        runreconpath = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/%s/" % run
        acousticfilename = runreconpath + "AcousticAnalysis_%s.bin" % run
        a = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(acousticfilename)
        bubt0 = a["bubble_t0"]
        events = [
            evnt for evnt in listdir(runrawpath)
            if not isfile(join(runrawpath, evnt))
        for j in [0, 1]:
            with open(
                    "/nashome/b/bressler/sbcoutput/%s_PMTmatching_ch%s.txt" %
                (run, str(j)), "w+") as f, open(
                    "/nashome/b/bressler/sbcoutput/%s_muonCoincidences.txt" %
                    run, 'w+') as fmu:
                    "run event PMT_t0_index PMT_t0_-at0_us PMT_t0 at0 phe z\n")
                fmu.write("run event phe\n")
                for x in events:
                    oktokeepgoing = False
                    if int(x) < len(runposreco["z"][0]) - 1:
                        oktokeepgoing = True
                    totevents[j] += 1
                    if oktokeepgoing and not np.isnan(
                        totbub[j] += 1
                        e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(
                            runrawpath, x)
                        veto = e["fastDAQ"]["VetoCoinc"]

                        fdt = e["fastDAQ"]["time"]
                        muon = False
                        pmttracetime = e["PMTtraces"]["t0_sec"][:, 0] + e[
                            "PMTtraces"]["t0_frac"][:, 0]
                        d = sbc.AnalysisModules.PMTfastDAQalignment.PMTandFastDAQalignment(
                        pmtalign = d["PMT_trigt0_sec"] + d["PMT_trigt0_frac"]
                        tracetimes = pmttracetime - pmtalign
                        at0 = bubt0[int(x), j]
                        i = 0
                        candidate = 0
                        candidate_time = 0
                        candidate_PMTtime = 0
                        candidate_index = 0
                        for t in (tracetimes - at0):
                            # loop through every PMT trace for the event

                            if t < PMTsearchwindow[1] and t > PMTsearchwindow[
                                # if the trace time is in the window
                                if max(veto) > 0.1:
                                    if fdt[list(veto).index(max(
                                            veto))] - at0 < PMTsearchwindow[
                                                1] and fdt[list(veto).index(
                                                )] - at0 > PMTsearchwindow[0]:
                                        print("Veto Coincidence: event " +
                                              run + "-" + str(x))
                                        muon = True

                                ntotcoinc[j] += 1

                                #take abs to get positive area:
                                trace = np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][0])
                                #if ch0 saturated, stitch in low res channel:
                                if max(trace) == 128:
                                    trace = pi.stitchTraces(
                                dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"][i][0]

                                #integrate and convert to phe:
                                [phe, n, totInt,
                                 pktimes] = pi.SBC_pulse_integrator_bressler(
                                     trace, dt)
                                if phe != None:
                                    phe /= m
                                    #keep track of largest candidate:
                                    if phe > candidate:
                                        candidate = phe
                                        candidate_time = t
                                        candidate_PMTtime = t + at0
                                        candidate_index = i

                            i += 1
                        #i.e. if there is a candidate PMT trace with area greater than zero
                        if candidate > 0:
                            Ncoinc[j] += 1
                            ind = candidate_index
                            pmtt = candidate_PMTtime
                                "%s %s %d %f %f %f %f %f\n" %
                                (run, x, ind, candidate_time * 1e6, pmtt, at0,
                                 candidate, runposreco["z"][0][int(x)]))
                        if muon:
                            fmu.write("%s %s %f\n" % (run, x, candidate))
            print("run " + run + " file %s written" % str(j))
    print("total number of events: " + str(totevents))
    print("total number of bubbles: " + str(totbub))
    print("total coincident triggers: " + str(ntotcoinc))
    print("total coincident bubbles with scintillation greater than 0phe: " +
        "fraction of bubbles with a coincident scintillation signal greater than 0phe: "
        + str(sum(Ncoinc) * 100 / sum(totbub)) + "%")
def PMTandPiezoPlot(datadir, run, event, gain):
    Plots the piezo trace from piezo 0 and PMT pulse sizes near the acoustic
        signal on one figure. The green line indicates the time of acoustic t0.
        The red line indicates the time and size of the PMT t0 chosen by Matt's
        analysis. The yellow lines indicate the times and sizes of other PMT
    Also plots in separate windows the PMT traces for pulses 500 microseconds
        or less before acoustic t0.
    en = event
    mu = gain
    e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(datadir + '/' + run, en)
    cgate = e["fastDAQ"]["CAMgate"]
    dcam = np.diff(cgate)

    p0 = e["fastDAQ"]["Piezo1"]
    p1 = e["fastDAQ"]["Piezo2"]
    fdt = e["fastDAQ"]["time"]
    runreconpath = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/%s/" % run
    pmtdiffs = []
    diffs = []

    camOnTimes = [fdt[i] for i in range(len(dcam)) if dcam[i] < -0.5]
    camOffTimes = [fdt[i] for i in range(len(dcam)) if dcam[i] > 0.5]

    acousticfilename = runreconpath + "AcousticAnalysis_%s.bin" % run
    a = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(acousticfilename)
    bubt0 = a["bubble_t0"]

    pmttracetime = e["PMTtraces"]["t0_sec"][:,
                                            0] + e["PMTtraces"]["t0_frac"][:,
    d = sbc.AnalysisModules.PMTfastDAQalignment.PMTandFastDAQalignment(e)
    pmtalign = d["PMT_trigt0_sec"] + d["PMT_trigt0_frac"]
    tracetimes = pmttracetime - pmtalign
    at0 = bubt0[en, 0]
    at0_1 = bubt0[en, 1]

    allxyzfname = "/pnfs/coupp/persistent/grid_output/SBC-17/output/SimpleXYZ_all.bin"
    xyzf = sbc.DataHandling.ReadBinary.ReadBlock(allxyzfname)
    indices = [
        i for i, x in enumerate(xyzf["runid"])
        if str(x[0]) + "_" + str(x[1]) == run
    xyz_reconstructed = True
    if len(indices) > 0:
        runposreco = {
            "ev": [xyzf["ev"][indices]],
            "x": [xyzf["bubX"][indices]],
            "y": [xyzf["bubY"][indices]],
            "z": [xyzf["bubZ"][indices]]
        z = runposreco["z"][0][int(int(en))]
        print("no handscan?")
        z = 1.5
        xyz_reconstructed = False
    lag_expected = (-23.387649 * z -
                    261.020495) * 1e-6  # fit from other analysis
    t0_expected_p0 = at0 + lag_expected
    t0_expected_p1 = at0_1 + lag_expected

    i = 0
    candidates = []
    candidate_times = []
    for t in (tracetimes - at0):

        if t < 0.2 and t > -0.2:
            lastCamOff = 0
            for k in range(len(camOffTimes)):
                if t + at0 > camOffTimes[k]:
                    lastCamOff = camOffTimes[k]
                elif t + at0 < camOffTimes[k]:
            if t + at0 - lastCamOff > 25e-6:

                trace = np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][0])
                if max(trace) == 128:
                    trace = pi.stitchTraces(
                        trace, np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][1]))
                dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"][i][0]
                #baseline = np.mean(trace[0:50])
                #trace = trace - baseline
                [phe, n, totInt,
                 pktimes] = pi.SBC_pulse_integrator_bressler(trace, dt)

                if phe != None:
                    phe /= mu
        i += 1
    candidate_phe = 0
    the_index = 0
    i = 0
    near_trace_indices = []
    for t in candidate_times:
        if t > -500e-6 and t < 0:
            near_trace_indices.append(list(tracetimes - at0).index(t))
            if candidates[i] > candidate_phe:
                candidate_phe = candidates[i]
                the_index = i
        i += 1

    if len(candidates) != 0:
        if max(candidates) > 0:
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax1.plot(fdt, p0, 'b', alpha=0.6, label='piezo 0')
    ax1.plot(fdt, p1, 'k', alpha=0.2, label='piezo 1')
    for i in range(len(candidates)):
        if i == the_index:
            ax2.plot([candidate_times[i] + at0, candidate_times[i] + at0],
                     [0, candidates[i]],
            ax2.plot([candidate_times[i] + at0, candidate_times[i] + at0],
                     [0, candidates[i]],
    ax1.plot([at0, at0], [-0.5, 0.5],
             label='acoustic t0, p0')
    ax1.plot([at0_1, at0_1], [-0.5, 0.5],
             label='acoustic t0, p1')
    if xyz_reconstructed:
        ax1.plot([t0_expected_p0,t0_expected_p0],[-0.5,0.5],'b:',linewidth=2, label = 'expected PMT t0, p0')
        ax1.plot([t0_expected_p1,t0_expected_p1],[-0.5,0.5],'k:',linewidth=2, label = 'expected PMT t0, p1')
        ax1.plot([t0_expected_p0,t0_expected_p0],[-0.5,0.5],'b:',linewidth=2, label = 'expected PMT t0, p0, center of chamber')
        ax1.plot([t0_expected_p1,t0_expected_p1],[-0.5,0.5],'k:',linewidth=2, label = 'expected PMT t0, p1, center of chamber')
    ax1.plot(fdt, cgate, 'c')
    ax1.plot(fdt[:-1], dcam, 'm')
    ax2.set_ylabel('pmt signal (phe)', fontsize=20)
    ax1.set_xlabel('time (s)', fontsize=20)
    ax1.set_ylabel('Acoustic signa(V)', fontsize=20)
    ax1.set_ylim([min(p1), max(p1)])
    ax2.set_xlim([-0.1, 0.1])

    for j in near_trace_indices:
        trace = e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][j][0]
        dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"]
        dt_tr = dt[j][0]
        tPMT = np.arange(len(trace)) * dt_tr
        plt.plot(tPMT, trace)
        plt.xlabel("t (s)")
        plt.ylabel("PMT signal")

    plt.plot(e["fastDAQ"]["time"], e["fastDAQ"]["VetoCoinc"])
    plt.ylabel("Veto Coincidence signal", fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel("time (s)")
예제 #6
    i = 0
    indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(pmt["ev"]) if int(x) == n]
    areas = pmt["PMT_pulse_area"][indices]
    e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(runpath, n)
    for k in range(len(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"])):
        trace = np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][k][0])
        #if ch0 saturated, stitch in low res channel:
        if max(trace) == 128:
            trace = pi.stitchTraces(trace,
        dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"][k][0]

        #integrate and convert to phe:
        [a, n, totInt, pktimes] = pi.SBC_pulse_integrator_bressler(trace, dt)
        myphe[i] = a
        theirphe[i] = -areas[i] * CONVERSION_TO_CHARGE
        i += 1

plt.scatter(myphe, theirphe)

plt.hist(theirphe, 30)
def check_multibub_scintillation(run, event, at0, PMTgain, PMTwindow):
    tstart = PMTwindow[0]
    t_end = PMTwindow[1]
    scintillation_signal = 0
    datadir = '/bluearc/storage/SBC-17-data'
    e = sbc.DataHandling.GetSBCEvent.GetEvent(datadir + '/' + run, event)
    cgate = e["fastDAQ"]["CAMgate"]
    fdt = e["fastDAQ"]["time"]

    LED_on = [fdt[i] for i in range(len(cgate)) if cgate[i] < -0.5]
    look_times = [x for x in LED_on if (x < 0 and abs(x - at0) < tstart)]
    if len(look_times) > 0:
        LED_during_window = True

        LED_during_window = False

        dcam = np.diff(cgate)
        fdt = e["fastDAQ"]["time"]
        camOffTimes = [fdt[i] for i in range(len(dcam)) if dcam[i] > 0.5]
        pmttracetime = e["PMTtraces"]["t0_sec"][:, 0] + e["PMTtraces"][
            "t0_frac"][:, 0]
        d = sbc.AnalysisModules.PMTfastDAQalignment.PMTandFastDAQalignment(e)
        pmtalign = d["PMT_trigt0_sec"] + d["PMT_trigt0_frac"]
        tracetimes = pmttracetime - pmtalign

        i = 0  # to match the indexing of the pre-made code I had 1???
        candidate = 0

        for t in (tracetimes - at0):
            # loop through every PMT trace for the event

            if t < t_end and t > tstart:
                # if the trace time is within 500 microsec before acoustic t0
                lastCamOff = 0
                for k in range(len(camOffTimes)):
                    if t+at0 > camOffTimes[k]:
                        lastCamOff = camOffTimes[k]
                    elif t+at0 < camOffTimes[k]:
                if t+at0-lastCamOff > 25e-6:
                    # if the trace time is more than 25 microseconds away from a camera gate rise
                #take abs to get positive area:
                trace = np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][0])
                #if ch0 saturated, stitch in low res channel:
                if max(trace) == 128:
                    trace = pi.stitchTraces(
                        trace, np.fabs(e["PMTtraces"]["traces"][i][1]))
                dt = e["PMTtraces"]["dt"][i][0]

                #integrate and convert to phe:
                [phe, n, totInt,
                 pktimes] = pi.SBC_pulse_integrator_bressler(trace, dt)
                if phe != None:
                    phe /= PMTgain
                    #keep track of largest candidate:
                    if phe > candidate:
                        candidate = phe

            i += 1
        #i.e. if there is a candidate PMT trace with area greater than zero
        if candidate > 0:
            scintillation_signal = candidate

    return [LED_during_window, scintillation_signal]