예제 #1
def adopt_puppy(adopter_id):
    """page to adopt puppies, accessed from the Adopter directory."""

    if request.method == "POST":
        adopt_this_puppy_id = request.form["adopt_this_puppy_id"]
        adopt_this_puppy_name = session.query(Puppy).\
                                filter_by(id = adopt_this_puppy_id).first().name
        result = session.execute("""
            UPDATE puppy
            SET adopter_id = :adopter_id,
                shelter_id = NULL
            WHERE id = :adopt_this_puppy_id
        { "adopter_id": adopter_id,
          "adopt_this_puppy_id": adopt_this_puppy_id }
        flash("Puppy '" + adopt_this_puppy_name + "' adopted! Congrats!")
        return redirect(url_for("adopt_puppy", adopter_id = adopter_id))

    if request.method == "GET":
        output = render_template('page_head.html', title = "Adopt a Puppy!!!", form = 0)
        adopter = session.query(Adopter).filter_by(id = adopter_id).first()
        puppies = session.execute("""
                SELECT *
                FROM puppy
                WHERE adopter_id ISNULL
        logging.debug( "puppies length is: ", len(puppies) )
        flash("Please select a puppy to adopt.")
        output += render_template( 'adopt_puppy.html',
                                   puppies=puppies )
        return output
예제 #2
def edit_puppy(shelter_id, puppy_id):
    """page to edit a puppy's basic information."""
    if request.method == "POST":
        edited_name = request.form['edited_name']
        old_name = session.query(Puppy).filter_by(id = puppy_id).first().name

        result = session.execute("""
                UPDATE puppy
                SET name=:edited_name
                WHERE id=:edited_puppy_id;
            {"edited_name": edited_name,
            "edited_puppy_id": puppy_id}
        flash( "item '" +  old_name + "' edited to '" + edited_name + "'. Jawohl!")
        return redirect(url_for("show_puppies", shelter_id=shelter_id))

        output = render_template('page_head.html', title = "The Menu Manager", form = 0)
        puppy = session.query(Puppy).filter_by(id = puppy_id).first()
        logging.info( "shelter_id is: ", shelter_id )
        if shelter_id == "n":
            shelter = session.query(Shelter).filter_by(id = puppy.shelter_id).first()
            shelter = session.query(Shelter).filter_by(id = shelter_id).first()
        output += render_template('edit_puppy.html',
                                  shelter = shelter,
                                  puppy = puppy )
        return output