class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 3. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0 self.ang_ctrl_max = 1.0 self.ang_ctrl_min = -1.0 self.pos_station_max = 0.5 self.pos_station_min = -0.5 self.turn_threshold = 20 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.7 self.station_keeping_dis = 0.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'map' self.is_station_keeping = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/planning_path", Path, self.path_cb, queue_size=1) #self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/odometry/ground_truth', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/X1/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("/lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("/goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("/station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.initialize_PID() def path_cb(self, msg): self.final_goal = [] for pose in msg.poses: self.final_goal.append( [pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y]) self.goal = self.final_goal self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = True self.purepursuit.set_goal(self.robot_position, self.goal) def odom_cb(self, msg): self.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.robot_position = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose(self.robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() if reach_goal or reach_goal is None: pos_output, ang_output = 0, 0 else: self.publish_lookahead(self.robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_distance = self.get_distance(self.robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, self.robot_position, pursuit_point) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2 '''goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal) if goal_distance < self.station_keeping_dis or self.is_station_keeping: rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle)''' cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = pos_output cmd_msg.angular.z = ang_output self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) #self.publish_goal(self.goal) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_constrain(self.ang_control.output * 2 / 180.) if abs(self.ang_control.output) > self.turn_threshold: if pos_output > 0.1: pos_output = 0.1 return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_station_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_station_constrain( -self.pos_station_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_station_control.output / 180. # if the goal is behind the robot if abs(goal_angle) > 90: pos_output = -pos_output ang_output = -ang_output return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping_cb(self, req): if == True: self.goal = self.stop_pos self.is_station_keeping = True else: self.goal = self.final_goal self.is_station_keeping = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def ang_constrain(self, input): if input > self.ang_ctrl_max: return self.ang_ctrl_max if input < self.ang_ctrl_min: return self.ang_ctrl_min return input def pos_station_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_station_max: return self.pos_station_max if input < self.pos_station_min: return self.pos_station_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def publish_lookahead(self, robot, lookahead): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP marker.action = marker.ADD wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = robot[:2] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = lookahead[0], lookahead[1] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_lookahead.publish(marker)
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 1. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0.0 self.pos_station_max = 0.5 self.pos_station_min = -0.5 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.95 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.95 self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None #parameter self.sim = rospy.get_param('sim', False) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " %(self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size = 1, buff_size = 2**24) if self.sim: from duckiepond_vehicle.msg import UsvDrive self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", UsvDrive, queue_size = 1) else : self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", MotorCmd, queue_size = 1) self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.navigate_srv = rospy.Service("navigation", SetBool, self.navigation_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.initialize_PID() def odom_cb(self, msg): robot_position = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [[msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y]] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.robot_position = robot_position if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return if not self.start_navigation: return reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose(robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2. if reach_goal or reach_goal is None: self.publish_lookahead(robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) elif self.is_station_keeping: rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") self.publish_lookahead(robot_position, self.goal[0]) goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal[0]) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal[0]) pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) else: self.publish_lookahead(robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, pursuit_point) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) if self.sim: cmd_msg = UsvDrive() else: cmd_msg = MotorCmd() cmd_msg.left = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output - ang_output) cmd_msg.right = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output + ang_output) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output/self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_control.output/180. return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_station_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_station_constrain(-self.pos_station_control.output/self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_station_control.output/180. # if the goal is behind the robot if abs(goal_angle) > 90: pos_output = - pos_output ang_output = - ang_output return pos_output, ang_output def goal_cb(self, p): if self.final_goal is None: self.final_goal = [] self.final_goal.append([p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y]) self.goal = self.final_goal def station_keeping_cb(self, req): if == True: self.goal = self.stop_pos self.is_station_keeping = True else: self.is_station_keeping = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def navigation_cb(self, req): if == True: if not self.is_station_keeping: self.purepursuit.set_goal(self.robot_position, self.goal) self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = True else: self.start_navigation = False self.final_goal = None self.goal = self.stop_pos res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def pos_station_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_station_max: return self.pos_station_max if input < self.pos_station_min: return self.pos_station_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1]+1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0,v1]),,v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def publish_lookahead(self, robot, lookahead): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP marker.action = marker.ADD wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = robot[:2] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = lookahead[0], lookahead[1] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_lookahead.publish(marker) def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def lookahead_cb(self, config, level): print("Look Ahead Distance: {Look_Ahead}\n".format(**config)) lh = float("{Look_Ahead}".format(**config)) self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(lh) return config
class NAVIGATION(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.state = "normal" self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.over_bridge_count = 4 self.stop_pos = [] self.goals = [] self.full_goals = [] self.get_path = False self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None self.cycle = rospy.get_param("~cycle", True) self.gazebo = rospy.get_param("~gazebo", False) self.lookahead = rospy.get_param("~lookahead", 2.2) rospy.loginfo("LookAhead: " + str(self.lookahead)) self.over_bridge_counter = 0 self.satellite_list = [] self.satellite_thres = 15 self.imu_angle = 0 self.angle_thres = 0.85 self.pre_pose = [] self.bridge_mode = False self.stop_list = [] self.stop_start_timer = rospy.get_time() self.stop_end_timer = rospy.get_time() self.satellite_avg = 0 self.satellite_curr = 0 self.log_string = "" rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.pub_robot_goal = rospy.Publisher("robot_goal", RobotGoal, queue_size=1) self.pub_fake_goal = rospy.Publisher("fake_goal", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_log_str = rospy.Publisher("log_str", String, queue_size=1) self.path_srv = rospy.Service("set_path", SetRobotPath, self.path_cb) self.reset_srv = rospy.Service("reset_goals", SetBool, self.reset_cb) # self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(self.lookahead) rospy.Subscriber("odometry", Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/global_position/raw/satellites", UInt32, self.satellite_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) # rospy.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu, self.imu_cb, queue_size = 1, buff_size = 2**24) def stop_state(self, time_threshold): if (rospy.get_time() - self.stop_start_timer) > time_threshold: self.state = "normal" return rg = RobotGoal() rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = pursuit_point[ 0], pursuit_point[1] rg.robot = msg.pose.pose def imu_cb(self, msg): quat = (msg.orientation.x,\ msg.orientation.y,\ msg.orientation.z,\ msg.orientation.w) _, _, angle = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) while angle >= np.pi: angle = angle - 2 * np.pi while angle < -np.pi: angle = angle + 2 * np.pi self.imu_angle = angle def satellite_cb(self, msg): self.satellite_curr = def publish_fake_goal(self, x, y): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "fake_goal" marker.type = marker.CUBE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.position.x = x marker.pose.position.y = y marker.pose.orientation.x = 0 marker.pose.orientation.y = 0 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.scale.x = 0.7 marker.scale.y = 0.7 marker.scale.z = 0.7 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 self.pub_fake_goal.publish(marker) def odom_cb(self, msg): self.robot_position = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [[ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ]] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) while yaw >= np.pi: yaw = yaw - 2 * np.pi while yaw < -np.pi: yaw = yaw + 2 * np.pi self.imu_angle = yaw if len( self.goals ) == 0 or not self.get_path: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose(self.robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() is_last_idx = self.purepursuit.is_last_idx() if reach_goal or pursuit_point is None or is_last_idx: if self.cycle: # The start point is the last point of the list self.stop_list = [] start_point = [ self.goals[-1].waypoint.position.x, self.goals[-1].waypoint.position.y ] self.full_goals[0] = self.full_goals[-1] self.purepursuit.set_goal(start_point, self.goals) else: rg = RobotGoal() rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = self.goals[ -1].waypoint.position.x, self.goals[-1].waypoint.position.y rg.robot = msg.pose.pose = False = "normal" self.pub_robot_goal.publish(rg) return rg = RobotGoal() # if AUV is under the bridge if self.full_goals[self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index - 1] self.bridge_mode = True = "bridge" fake_goal, is_robot_over_goal = self.purepursuit.get_parallel_fake_goal( ) if fake_goal is None: return self.publish_fake_goal(fake_goal[0], fake_goal[1]) rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = fake_goal[0], fake_goal[1] if is_robot_over_goal: if self.legal_angle(): if self.satellite_curr >= int( self.satellite_avg) or self.gazebo: self.over_bridge_counter = self.over_bridge_counter + 1 self.log_string = "over bridge, leagal angle, satellite" else: self.over_bridge_counter = 0 self.log_string = "over bridge, leagal angle, " + str( self.satellite_curr) + "," + str( self.satellite_avg) else: self.over_bridge_counter = 0 self.log_string = "over bridge, illeagal angle" else: self.over_bridge_counter = 0 self.log_string = "not over the bridge" if self.over_bridge_counter > self.over_bridge_count: if not (not self.cycle and self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index == len(self.purepursuit.waypoints) - 1): rospy.loginfo("[%s]Arrived waypoint: %d" % ("Over Bridge", self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index)) if self.purepursuit.status != -1: self.purepursuit.status = self.purepursuit.status + 1 self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index = self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index + 1 else: = "normal" self.log_string = "not under bridge" self.bridge_mode = False rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = pursuit_point[ 0], pursuit_point[1] if self.satellite_avg == 0: self.satellite_avg = self.satellite_curr else: self.satellite_avg = (self.satellite_avg * 3. + self.satellite_curr) / 4. if self.full_goals[self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index - 1] != 0: if self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index not in self.stop_list: self.stop_list.append(self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index) self.state = "stop" self.stop_start_timer = rospy.get_time() if self.state == "stop": time_threshold = self.full_goals[ self.purepursuit.current_waypoint_index - 1] if (rospy.get_time() - self.stop_start_timer) > time_threshold: self.state = "normal" else: rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = self.robot_position[ 0], self.robot_position[1] rg.robot = msg.pose.pose self.purepursuit.bridge_mode = self.bridge_mode self.pub_robot_goal.publish(rg) self.pre_pose = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2. # if reach_goal or reach_goal is None: # self.publish_lookahead(self.robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) # else: # self.publish_lookahead(self.robot_position, pursuit_point) ss = String() = self.log_string self.pub_log_str.publish(ss) def legal_angle(self): if self.pre_pose != []: angle = self.getAngle() if angle < self.angle_thres: return True return False # Calculate the angle difference between robot heading and vector start from start_pose, end at end_pose and unit x vector of odom frame, # in radian def getAngle(self): if self.pre_pose == []: return delta_x = self.robot_position[0] - self.pre_pose[0] delta_y = self.robot_position[1] - self.pre_pose[1] theta = np.arctan2(delta_y, delta_x) angle = theta - self.imu_angle # Normalize in [-pi, pi) while angle >= np.pi: angle = angle - 2 * np.pi while angle < -np.pi: angle = angle + 2 * np.pi # print(theta, self.imu_angle, abs(angle)) return abs(angle) def reset_cb(self, req): if == True: self.full_goals = [] self.goals = [] self.get_path = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def path_cb(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Get Path") res = SetRobotPathResponse() wp = WayPoint() = False = False self.full_goals.append(wp) if len( > 0: self.goals = self.full_goals = self.full_goals + self.get_path = True self.purepursuit.set_goal(self.robot_position, self.goals) res.success = True return res def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_lookahead(self, robot, lookahead): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP marker.action = marker.ADD wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = robot[:2] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = lookahead[0], lookahead[1] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.5 marker.scale.y = 0.5 marker.scale.z = 0.5 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.r = 0.0 #self.pub_lookahead.publish(marker) def lookahead_cb(self, config, level): print("Look Ahead Distance: {Look_Ahead}\n".format(**config)) lh = float("{Look_Ahead}".format(**config)) self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(lh) return config
class NAVIGATION(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.stop_pos = [] self.goals = [] self.diving_points = [] self.diving_points_hold = [] self.get_path = False self.yaw = 0 self.dive = False self.finish_diving = True self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None self.dive_dis = 5 self.cycle = rospy.get_param("~cycle", True) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.pub_robot_goal = rospy.Publisher("robot_goal", RobotGoal, queue_size=1) self.path_srv = rospy.Service("set_path", SetRobotPath, self.path_cb) self.finish_diving_srv = rospy.Service("finish_diving", SetBool, self.finish_diving_cb) # self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(5) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("odometry", Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu, self.imu_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) def odom_cb(self, msg): if self.dive and not self.finish_diving: return self.robot_position = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [[ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ]] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if len( self.goals ) == 0 or not self.get_path: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose(self.robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() is_last_idx = self.purepursuit.is_last_idx() if reach_goal or pursuit_point is None or is_last_idx: if self.cycle: # The start point is the last point of the list start_point = [ self.goals[-1].position.x, self.goals[-1].position.y ] self.purepursuit.set_goal(start_point, self.goals) self.diving_points = self.diving_points_hold[:] else: rg = RobotGoal() rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = self.goals[ -1].position.x, self.goals[-1].position.y rg.robot = msg.pose.pose self.pub_robot_goal.publish(rg) return self.dive = self.if_dive() rg = RobotGoal() rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = pursuit_point[ 0], pursuit_point[1] rg.robot = msg.pose.pose = False self.pub_robot_goal.publish(rg) #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2. # if reach_goal or reach_goal is None: # self.publish_lookahead(self.robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) # else: # self.publish_lookahead(self.robot_position, pursuit_point) def imu_cb(self, msg): quat = (msg.orientation.x,\ msg.orientation.y,\ msg.orientation.z,\ msg.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.yaw = yaw if self.dive: if self.finish_diving: self.dive = False reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose( self.robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() is_last_idx = self.purepursuit.is_last_idx() if reach_goal or pursuit_point is None or is_last_idx: rg = RobotGoal() rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = self.goals[ -1].position.x, self.goals[-1].position.y rg.robot = msg.pose.pose self.pub_robot_goal.publish(rg) return rg = RobotGoal() rg.goal.position.x, rg.goal.position.y = pursuit_point[ 0], pursuit_point[1] p = Pose() p.position.x = self.robot_position[0] p.position.y = self.robot_position[1] rg.robot = p = True self.pub_robot_goal.publish(rg) def path_cb(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Get Path") res = SetRobotPathResponse() if len( > 0: self.goals = self.diving_points_hold = self.goals[:] self.diving_points = self.diving_points_hold[:] self.get_path = True self.purepursuit.set_goal(self.robot_position, self.goals) res.success = True return res def finish_diving_cb(self, req): if == True: rospy.loginfo("Finish Diving") self.finish_diving = True res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def if_dive(self): arr = False del_pt = None for dv_pt in self.diving_points: p1 = [dv_pt.position.x, dv_pt.position.y] p2 = self.robot_position if self.get_distance(p1, p2) <= self.dive_dis: print("DIVE") arr = True del_pt = dv_pt self.finish_diving = False self.srv_dive() if arr: self.diving_points.remove(del_pt) return True return False def srv_dive(self): #rospy.wait_for_service('/set_path') rospy.loginfo("SRV: Send diving") set_bool = SetBoolRequest() = True try: srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('dive', SetBool) resp = srv(set_bool) return resp except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e