def __persistence_okex_spot_account(self, databank, access_key, secret_key, passphrase): spot_dict = {} okex_spot = _okspot(access_key, secret_key, passphrase) spot_accounts_info = okex_spot.get_account_info() for item in spot_accounts_info: if float(item['balance']) > 0: if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_spot_accounts( "okex账户", "现货", item['currency'], item['balance'], item['hold'], item['available']) elif databank == "mongodb": = True spot_dict[item['currency']] = { "余额": item['balance'], "冻结": item['hold'], "可用": item['hold'] } else: raise DataBankError if == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="现货", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "现货" }, "accounts": spot_dict })
def save_strategy_position(self, strategy_direction, strategy_amount): """下单后将仓位信息保存至数据库.""" if self.__databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_strategy_position(self.__database, self.__datasheet, strategy_direction, strategy_amount) elif self.__databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(data={"时间": get_localtime(), "strategy_direction": strategy_direction, "strategy_amount": strategy_amount}, database=self.__database, collection=self.__datasheet) else: raise DataBankError
async def handle_ws_data(*args, **kwargs): """ callback function Args: args: values kwargs: key-values. """ try: dict = {"data": ("callback param", *args)} # print(dict['data'][1]) if "topic" in dict['data'][1]: topic = dict['data'][1]['topic'] if "position" in topic: if 'data' in dict['data'][1]: data = dict['data'][1]['data'][0] if 'contract_code' in data: contract_code = data['contract_code'] amount = data['volume'] price = data['cost_hold'] direction = data['direction'] last = data['last_price'] leverage = data['lever_rate'] info = "【交易提醒】HUOBI交割合约持仓更新!合约ID:{} 持仓方向:{} 持仓量:{} 持仓均价:{} 最新成交价:{} 杠杆倍数:{}".format( contract_code, direction, amount, price, last, leverage) if dict['data'][1]['event'] == 'order.match' or dict[ 'data'][1]['event'] == 'settlement' or dict[ 'data'][1]['event'] == 'order.liquidation': push(info) else: if config.mongodb_console == "true": print("callback param", *args, **kwargs) dict = {"data": ("callback param", *args)} storage.mongodb_save(dict, config.mongodb_database, config.mongodb_collection) except: pass
async def subscribe_without_login(url, channels): l = [] while True: try: async with websockets.connect(url) as ws: sub_param = {"op": "subscribe", "args": channels} sub_str = json.dumps(sub_param) await ws.send(sub_str) while True: try: res_b = await asyncio.wait_for(ws.recv(), timeout=25) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed) as e: try: await ws.send('ping') res_b = await ws.recv() timestamp = get_timestamp() res = inflate(res_b).decode('utf-8') print(timestamp + res) continue except Exception as e: timestamp = get_timestamp() print(timestamp + "连接关闭,正在重连……") print(e) break timestamp = get_timestamp() res = inflate(res_b).decode('utf-8') if config.mongodb_console == "true": print(timestamp + res) data = {'data': res} storage.mongodb_save(data, config.mongodb_database, config.mongodb_collection) res = eval(res) if 'event' in res: continue for i in res: if 'depth' in res[i] and 'depth5' not in res[i]: # 订阅频道是深度频道 if res['action'] == 'partial': for m in l: if res['data'][0]['instrument_id'] == m[ 'instrument_id']: l.remove(m) # 获取首次全量深度数据 bids_p, asks_p, instrument_id = partial( res, timestamp) d = {} d['instrument_id'] = instrument_id d['bids_p'] = bids_p d['asks_p'] = asks_p l.append(d) # 校验checksum checksum = res['data'][0]['checksum'] print(timestamp + '推送数据的checksum为:' + str(checksum)) check_num = check(bids_p, asks_p) print(timestamp + '校验后的checksum为:' + str(check_num)) if check_num == checksum: print("校验结果为:True") else: print("校验结果为:False,正在重新订阅……") # 取消订阅 await unsubscribe_without_login( url, channels, timestamp) # 发送订阅 async with websockets.connect(url) as ws: sub_param = { "op": "subscribe", "args": channels } sub_str = json.dumps(sub_param) await ws.send(sub_str) timestamp = get_timestamp() print(timestamp + f"send: {sub_str}") elif res['action'] == 'update': for j in l: if res['data'][0]['instrument_id'] == j[ 'instrument_id']: # 获取全量数据 bids_p = j['bids_p'] asks_p = j['asks_p'] # 获取合并后数据 bids_p = update_bids( res, bids_p, timestamp) asks_p = update_asks( res, asks_p, timestamp) # 校验checksum checksum = res['data'][0]['checksum'] print(timestamp + '推送数据的checksum为:' + str(checksum)) check_num = check(bids_p, asks_p) print(timestamp + '校验后的checksum为:' + str(check_num)) if check_num == checksum: print("校验结果为:True") else: print("校验结果为:False,正在重新订阅……") # 取消订阅 await unsubscribe_without_login( url, channels, timestamp) # 发送订阅 async with websockets.connect( url) as ws: sub_param = { "op": "subscribe", "args": channels } sub_str = json.dumps(sub_param) await ws.send(sub_str) timestamp = get_timestamp() print(timestamp + f"send: {sub_str}") except Exception as e: timestamp = get_timestamp() print(timestamp + "连接断开,正在重连……") print(e) continue
def __persistence_okex_futures_account(self, databank, access_key, secret_key, passphrase): futures_usdt_crossed_dict = {} futures_usd_crossed_dict = {} futures_usdt_fixed_dict = {} futures_usd_fixed_dict = {} okex_futures = _okfutures(access_key, secret_key, passphrase) futures_accounts_info = okex_futures.get_accounts()["info"] for key, value in futures_accounts_info.items(): if "usdt" in key and value[ "margin_mode"] == "crossed": # USDT本位的全仓模式 symbol = value["underlying"] currency = value["currency"] margin_mode = value["margin_mode"] equity = value["equity"] total_avail_balance = value["total_avail_balance"] margin = value["margin"] margin_frozen = value["margin_frozen"] margin_for_unfilled = value["margin_for_unfilled"] realized_pnl = value["realized_pnl"] unrealized_pnl = value["unrealized_pnl"] margin_ratio = value["margin_ratio"] maint_margin_ratio = value["maint_margin_ratio"] liqui_mode = value["liqui_mode"] can_withdraw = value["can_withdraw"] liqui_fee_rate = value["liqui_fee_rate"] if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_crossedfutures_accounts( "okex账户", "交割合约usdt全仓模式", symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, total_avail_balance, margin, margin_frozen, margin_for_unfilled, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, margin_ratio, maint_margin_ratio, liqui_mode, can_withdraw, liqui_fee_rate) elif databank == "mongodb": self.futures_usdt_crossed = True futures_usdt_crossed_dict[symbol] = { "余额币种": currency, "账户类型": margin_mode, "账户权益": equity, "账户余额": total_avail_balance, "保证金": margin, "持仓已用保证金": margin_frozen, "挂单冻结保证金": margin_for_unfilled, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl, "保证金率": margin_ratio, "维持保证金率": maint_margin_ratio, "强平模式": liqui_mode, "可划转数量": can_withdraw, "强平手续费": liqui_fee_rate } else: raise DataBankError if "usdt" not in key and value[ "margin_mode"] == "crossed": # 币本位的全仓模式 symbol = value["underlying"] currency = value["currency"] margin_mode = value["margin_mode"] equity = value["equity"] total_avail_balance = value["total_avail_balance"] margin = value["margin"] margin_frozen = value["margin_frozen"] margin_for_unfilled = value["margin_for_unfilled"] realized_pnl = value["realized_pnl"] unrealized_pnl = value["unrealized_pnl"] margin_ratio = value["margin_ratio"] maint_margin_ratio = value["maint_margin_ratio"] liqui_mode = value["liqui_mode"] can_withdraw = value["can_withdraw"] liqui_fee_rate = value["liqui_fee_rate"] if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_crossedfutures_accounts( "okex账户", "交割合约usd全仓模式", symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, total_avail_balance, margin, margin_frozen, margin_for_unfilled, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, margin_ratio, maint_margin_ratio, liqui_mode, can_withdraw, liqui_fee_rate) elif databank == "mongodb": self.futures_usd_crossed = True futures_usd_crossed_dict[symbol] = { "余额币种": currency, "账户类型": margin_mode, "账户权益": equity, "账户余额": total_avail_balance, "保证金": margin, "持仓已用保证金": margin_frozen, "挂单冻结保证金": margin_for_unfilled, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl, "保证金率": margin_ratio, "维持保证金率": maint_margin_ratio, "强平模式": liqui_mode, "可划转数量": can_withdraw, "强平手续费": liqui_fee_rate } else: raise DataBankError if "usdt" in key and value["margin_mode"] == "fixed" and len( value["contracts"]) > 0: # USDT本位的逐仓模式 v = value["contracts"][0] symbol = v["instrument_id"][0:8] fixed_balance = v["fixed_balance"] available_qty = v["available_qty"] margin_frozen = v["margin_frozen"] margin_for_unfilled = v["margin_for_unfilled"] realized_pnl = v["realized_pnl"] unrealized_pnl = v["unrealized_pnl"] total_avail_balance = value["total_avail_balance"] currency = value["currency"] margin_mode = value["margin_mode"] equity = value["equity"] auto_margin = value["auto_margin"] liqui_mode = value["liqui_mode"] can_withdraw = value["can_withdraw"] if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_fixedfutures_accounts( "okex账户", "交割合约usdt逐仓模式", symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, fixed_balance, available_qty, margin_frozen, margin_for_unfilled, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, total_avail_balance, auto_margin, liqui_mode, can_withdraw) elif databank == "mongodb": self.futures_usdt_fixed = True futures_usdt_fixed_dict[symbol] = { "余额币种": currency, "账户类型": margin_mode, "账户动态权益": equity, "逐仓账户余额": fixed_balance, "逐仓可用余额": available_qty, "持仓已用保证金": margin_frozen, "挂单冻结保证金": margin_for_unfilled, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl, "账户静态权益": total_avail_balance, "是否自动追加保证金": auto_margin, "强平模式": liqui_mode, "可划转数量": can_withdraw } else: raise DataBankError if "usdt" not in key and value["margin_mode"] == "fixed" and len( value["contracts"]) > 0: # 币本位的逐仓模式 v = value["contracts"][0] symbol = v["instrument_id"][0:7] fixed_balance = v["fixed_balance"] available_qty = v["available_qty"] margin_frozen = v["margin_frozen"] margin_for_unfilled = v["margin_for_unfilled"] realized_pnl = v["realized_pnl"] unrealized_pnl = v["unrealized_pnl"] total_avail_balance = value["total_avail_balance"] currency = value["currency"] margin_mode = value["margin_mode"] equity = value["equity"] auto_margin = value["auto_margin"] liqui_mode = value["liqui_mode"] can_withdraw = value["can_withdraw"] if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_fixedfutures_accounts( "okex账户", "交割合约usd逐仓模式", symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, fixed_balance, available_qty, margin_frozen, margin_for_unfilled, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, total_avail_balance, auto_margin, liqui_mode, can_withdraw) elif databank == "mongodb": self.futures_usd_fixed = True futures_usd_fixed_dict[symbol] = { "余额币种": currency, "账户类型": margin_mode, "账户动态权益": equity, "逐仓账户余额": fixed_balance, "逐仓可用余额": available_qty, "持仓已用保证金": margin_frozen, "挂单冻结保证金": margin_for_unfilled, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl, "账户静态权益": total_avail_balance, "是否自动追加保证金": auto_margin, "强平模式": liqui_mode, "可划转数量": can_withdraw } else: raise DataBankError if self.futures_usdt_crossed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="交割合约usdt全仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "交割合约usdt全仓模式" }, "accounts": futures_usdt_crossed_dict }) if self.futures_usd_crossed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="交割合约usd全仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "交割合约usd全仓模式" }, "accounts": futures_usd_crossed_dict }) if self.futures_usd_fixed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="交割合约usd逐仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "交割合约usd逐仓模式" }, "accounts": futures_usd_fixed_dict }) if self.futures_usdt_fixed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="交割合约usdt逐仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "交割合约usdt逐仓模式" }, "accounts": futures_usdt_fixed_dict })
def __persistence_okex_swap_account(self, databank, access_key, secret_key, passphrase): swap_usdt_crossed_dict = {} swap_usdt_fixed_dict = {} swap_usd_crossed_dict = {} swap_usd_fixed_dict = {} okex_swap = _okswap(access_key, secret_key, passphrase) swap_accounts_info = okex_swap.get_accounts()["info"] for item in swap_accounts_info: currency = item["currency"] equity = item["equity"] fixed_balance = item["fixed_balance"] maint_margin_ratio = item["maint_margin_ratio"] margin = item["margin"] margin_frozen = item["margin_frozen"] margin_mode = item["margin_mode"] margin_ratio = item["margin_ratio"] max_withdraw = item["max_withdraw"] realized_pnl = item["realized_pnl"] timestamp = item["timestamp"] total_avail_balance = item["total_avail_balance"] symbol = item["underlying"] unrealized_pnl = item["unrealized_pnl"] if currency == "USDT" and margin_mode == "crossed" and float( equity) > 0: # 永续合约USDT全仓模式 if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_swap_accounts( "okex账户", "永续合约usdt全仓模式", timestamp, symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, total_avail_balance, fixed_balance, margin, margin_frozen, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, margin_ratio, maint_margin_ratio, max_withdraw) elif databank == "mongodb": self.swap_usdt_crossed = True swap_usdt_crossed_dict[symbol] = { "账户余额币种": currency, "账户权益": equity, "逐仓账户余额": fixed_balance, "维持保证金率": maint_margin_ratio, "已用保证金": margin, "开仓冻结保证金": margin_frozen, "仓位模式": margin_mode, "保证金率": margin_ratio, "可划转数量": max_withdraw, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "时间": timestamp, "账户余额": total_avail_balance, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl } else: raise DataBankError if currency != "USDT" and margin_mode == "crossed" and float( equity) > 0: # 永续合约币本位全仓模式 if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_swap_accounts( "okex账户", "永续合约usd全仓模式", timestamp, symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, total_avail_balance, fixed_balance, margin, margin_frozen, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, margin_ratio, maint_margin_ratio, max_withdraw) elif databank == "mongodb": self.swap_usd_crossed = True swap_usd_crossed_dict[symbol] = { "账户余额币种": currency, "账户权益": equity, "逐仓账户余额": fixed_balance, "维持保证金率": maint_margin_ratio, "已用保证金": margin, "开仓冻结保证金": margin_frozen, "仓位模式": margin_mode, "保证金率": margin_ratio, "可划转数量": max_withdraw, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "时间": timestamp, "账户余额": total_avail_balance, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl } else: raise DataBankError if currency == "USDT" and margin_mode == "fixed" and float( equity) > 0: # 永续合约USDT逐仓模式 if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_swap_accounts( "okex账户", "永续合约usdt逐仓模式", timestamp, symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, total_avail_balance, fixed_balance, margin, margin_frozen, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, margin_ratio, maint_margin_ratio, max_withdraw) elif databank == "mongodb": self.swap_usdt_fixed = True swap_usdt_fixed_dict[symbol] = { "账户余额币种": currency, "账户权益": equity, "逐仓账户余额": fixed_balance, "维持保证金率": maint_margin_ratio, "已用保证金": margin, "开仓冻结保证金": margin_frozen, "仓位模式": margin_mode, "保证金率": margin_ratio, "可划转数量": max_withdraw, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "时间": timestamp, "账户余额": total_avail_balance, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl } else: raise DataBankError if currency != "USDT" and margin_mode == "fixed" and float( equity) > 0: # 永续合约USDT本位全仓模式 if databank == "mysql": storage.mysql_save_okex_swap_accounts( "okex账户", "永续合约usd逐仓模式", timestamp, symbol, currency, margin_mode, equity, total_avail_balance, fixed_balance, margin, margin_frozen, realized_pnl, unrealized_pnl, margin_ratio, maint_margin_ratio, max_withdraw) elif databank == "mongodb": self.swap_usd_fixed = True swap_usd_fixed_dict[symbol] = { "账户余额币种": currency, "账户权益": equity, "逐仓账户余额": fixed_balance, "维持保证金率": maint_margin_ratio, "已用保证金": margin, "开仓冻结保证金": margin_frozen, "仓位模式": margin_mode, "保证金率": margin_ratio, "可划转数量": max_withdraw, "已实现盈亏": realized_pnl, "时间": timestamp, "账户余额": total_avail_balance, "未实现盈亏": unrealized_pnl } else: raise DataBankError if self.swap_usdt_crossed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="永续合约usdt全仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "永续合约usdt全仓模式" }, "accounts": swap_usdt_crossed_dict }) if self.swap_usd_crossed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="永续合约usd全仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "永续合约usd全仓模式" }, "accounts": swap_usd_crossed_dict }) if self.swap_usdt_fixed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="永续合约usdt逐仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "永续合约usdt逐仓模式" }, "accounts": swap_usdt_fixed_dict }) if self.swap_usd_fixed == True and databank == "mongodb": storage.mongodb_save(database="okex账户", collection="永续合约usd逐仓模式", data={ "data": { "时间": get_localtime(), "账户": "永续合约usd逐仓模式" }, "accounts": swap_usd_fixed_dict })