def generate(self, uri): """ Returns a newly-generated PwdHash password for the received 'uri'.- """ from pwdhash_vault.md5 import HmacMd5 # # get the master password of this generator from the hashed list # passwd = [unichr(self._reversible_hash(c)) for c in self.hashed_pwd] passwd = ''.join(passwd) # # extract the domain from the received URI # realm = self._extract_domain(uri) # # the lenght of the generated password # size = len(passwd) + len(self.password_prefix) # # whether to include non-alphanumeric characters in the # generated password # non_alpha = len(re.findall(r'\W', passwd)) != 0 # # generate the password # pwd_hash = HmacMd5.b64_hmac_md5(passwd, realm) del passwd return self._apply_constraints(pwd_hash, size, non_alpha)
def test_binl2b64(self): params = [] expected = [] params.append([[-379130694, 866638437, 433126637, 553295998]]) expected.append('uuxm6WXapzPt/NAZfqD6IA') for i, p in enumerate(params): self.assertEqual(HmacMd5._binl2b64(*p), expected[i])
def test_core_md5(self): chrsz = 8 lst = [ 1397117766, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 909522486, 1735356263, 1663985004, 28015 ] expected = [-1906562005, 1347505609, -2070658591, 639279188] result = HmacMd5._core_md5(lst, 512 + 10 * chrsz) self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_core_hmac_md5(self): params = [] expected = [] params.append([u"^čufti^", ""]) expected.append([-1150369439, 320447430, 2092528897, -2140662759]) params.append([u"pepe", ""]) expected.append([233115305, 81019179, -227315827, -927036398]) for i, p in enumerate(params): self.assertEqual(HmacMd5._core_hmac_md5(*p), expected[i])
def test_md5_ff(self): params = [] expected = [] params.append([ 1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878, 1397117766, 7, -680876936 ]) expected.append(1212779038) params.append([ 271733878, 1212779038, -271733879, -1732584194, 909522486, 12, -389564586 ]) expected.append(173550240) params.append([ -1732584194, 173550240, 1212779038, -271733879, 909522486, 17, 606105819 ]) expected.append(680127582) for i, p in enumerate(params): self.assertEqual(HmacMd5._md5_ff(*p), expected[i])
def test_str2binl(self): string = "pepe" expected = [1701864816] self.assertEqual(HmacMd5._str2binl(string, 8), expected)
def test_bit_rol(self): params = [[716240829, 7], [137109738, 12], [-522252520, 17]] expected = [1484512917, -1039228798, 506577342] for i, p in enumerate(params): self.assertEqual(HmacMd5._bit_rol(*p), expected[i])
def test_safe_add(self): params = [[668467704, 2130783302], [-1526234400, -1971324652]] expected = [-1495716290, 797408244] for i, p in enumerate(params): self.assertEqual(HmacMd5._safe_add(*p), expected[i])