def __init__(self, agent, epoch): super(Environment, self).__init__() self._agent = agent self._epoch = epoch self._epoch_num = 0 self._last_render = None channels = agent.supported_channels() Environment.params += [ Parameter('_channel_%d' % ch, min_value=0, max_value=1, meta=ch + 1) for ch in range(featurizer.histogram_size) if ch + 1 in channels ] self.last = { 'reward': 0.0, 'observation': None, 'policy': None, 'params': {}, 'state': None, 'state_v': None } self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([p.space_size() for p in Environment.params if p.trainable]) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=featurizer.shape, dtype=np.float32) self.reward_range = reward.range
def __init__(self, agent, epoch): super(Environment, self).__init__() self._agent = agent self._epoch = epoch self._epoch_num = 0 self._last_render = None # see self._supported_channels = agent.supported_channels() self._extended_spectrum = any(ch > 140 for ch in self._supported_channels) self._histogram_size, self._observation_shape = featurizer.describe(self._extended_spectrum) Environment.params += [ Parameter('_channel_%d' % ch, min_value=0, max_value=1, meta=ch + 1) for ch in range(self._histogram_size) if ch + 1 in self._supported_channels ] self.last = { 'reward': 0.0, 'observation': None, 'policy': None, 'params': {}, 'state': None, 'state_v': None } self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([p.space_size() for p in Environment.params if p.trainable]) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=self._observation_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.reward_range = reward.range
class Environment(gym.Env): metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} params = [ # Parameter('advertise', trainable=False), # Parameter('deauth', trainable=False), # Parameter('associate', trainable=False), Parameter('min_rssi', min_value=-200, max_value=-50), Parameter('ap_ttl', min_value=30, max_value=600), Parameter('sta_ttl', min_value=60, max_value=300), Parameter('recon_time', min_value=5, max_value=60), Parameter('max_inactive_scale', min_value=3, max_value=10), Parameter('recon_inactive_multiplier', min_value=1, max_value=3), Parameter('hop_recon_time', min_value=5, max_value=60), Parameter('min_recon_time', min_value=1, max_value=30), Parameter('max_interactions', min_value=1, max_value=25), Parameter('max_misses_for_recon', min_value=3, max_value=10), Parameter('excited_num_epochs', min_value=5, max_value=30), Parameter('bored_num_epochs', min_value=5, max_value=30), Parameter('sad_num_epochs', min_value=5, max_value=30), ] + [ Parameter('_channel_%d' % ch, min_value=0, max_value=1, meta=ch + 1) for ch in range(featurizer.histogram_size) ] def __init__(self, agent, epoch): super(Environment, self).__init__() self._agent = agent self._epoch = epoch self._epoch_num = 0 self._last_render = None self.last = { 'reward': 0.0, 'observation': None, 'policy': None, 'params': {}, 'state': None, 'state_v': None } self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete( [p.space_size() for p in Environment.params if p.trainable]) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=featurizer.shape, dtype=np.float32) self.reward_range = reward.range @staticmethod def policy_size(): return len(list(p for p in Environment.params if p.trainable)) @staticmethod def policy_to_params(policy): num = len(policy) params = {} assert len(Environment.params) == num channels = [] for i in range(num): param = Environment.params[i] if '_channel' not in params[] = param.to_param_value(policy[i]) else: has_chan = param.to_param_value(policy[i]) # print("%s policy:%s bool:%s" % (, policy[i], has_chan)) chan = param.meta if has_chan: channels.append(chan) params['channels'] = channels return params def _next_epoch(self): # core.log("[ai] waiting for epoch to finish ...") return self._epoch.wait_for_epoch_data() def _apply_policy(self, policy): new_params = Environment.policy_to_params(policy) self.last['policy'] = policy self.last['params'] = new_params self._agent.on_ai_policy(new_params) def step(self, policy): # create the parameters from the policy and update # update them in the algorithm self._apply_policy(policy) self._epoch_num += 1 # wait for the algorithm to run with the new parameters state = self._next_epoch() self.last['reward'] = state['reward'] self.last['state'] = state self.last['state_v'] = featurizer.featurize(state, self._epoch_num) self._agent.on_ai_step() return self.last['state_v'], self.last[ 'reward'], not self._agent.is_training(), {} def reset(self): # core.log("[ai] resetting environment ...") self._epoch_num = 0 state = self._next_epoch() self.last['state'] = state self.last['state_v'] = featurizer.featurize(state, 1) return self.last['state_v'] def _render_histogram(self, hist): for ch in range(featurizer.histogram_size): if hist[ch]: core.log(" CH %d: %s" % (ch + 1, hist[ch])) def render(self, mode='human', close=False, force=False): # when using a vectorialized environment, render gets called twice # avoid rendering the same data if self._last_render == self._epoch_num: return if not self._agent.is_training() and not force: return self._last_render = self._epoch_num core.log("[ai] --- training epoch %d/%d ---" % (self._epoch_num, self._agent.training_epochs())) core.log("[ai] REWARD: %f" % self.last['reward']) # core.log("[ai] policy: %s" % ', '.join("%s:%s" % (name, value) for name, value in self.last['params'].items())) core.log("[ai] observation:") for name, value in self.last['state'].items(): if 'histogram' in name: core.log(" %s" % name.replace('_histogram', '')) self._render_histogram(value)