def pltPwrLoadScaling(output, fileID, loadSize, plotName, pwrThresh=100): loadSize = loadSize[::-1] plt.figure()'classic') for size in loadSize: file = output + fileID + size df = pc.readMetrics(file) # data,start,end = pc.getComputationStartEnd (dff,pwrThresh) # df = pc.getStablePwr(data,start,end) maxp = max(df['pwr']) minp = min(df['pwr']) meanp = df['pwr'].mean() std = stdev(df['pwr']) print("\nMax: ", maxp, "Min: ", minp, "Mean: ", meanp, "Std: ", std, "\n") plt.plot(df['time'], df['pwr'], label=size) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') #plt.xlim(0, 12) # Set the y axis label of the current axis. plt.ylabel('Power (W)') #plt.ylim(0, 275) plt.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) # Set a title of the current axes. #plt.title('Power vs Load') # show a legend on the plot plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(output + fileID + plotName)
def pltPwrcapTimeIF(arch, app, dataPath, pltPath, thresh): tot_time = [] mean_pwr = [] r2r_time = [] r2r_mean_pwr = [] fID = "" pls = [] for p in np.arange(125, 255, 5): pls.append(p) pl = str(p) if arch == "P100": fID = app + '-fp64-run-' + pl + '-P100-1328-' elif arch == "V100": fID = app + '-fp64-run-' + pl + '-V100-1380-' r2r_mean_pwr.clear() r2r_time.clear() for r in range(3): d = pc.readMetrics(dataPath + fID + str(r)) df, s, e = pc.getComputationStartEnd(d, thresh) # striping non-computing power consumption data = pc.getStablePwr(df, s, e) r2r_mean_pwr.append(data['pwr'].mean()) seconds = max(data['time']) - min(data['time']) r2r_time.append(seconds) mean_pwr.append(mean(r2r_mean_pwr)) tot_time.append(mean(r2r_time)) #print ('\nTime: ',tot_time,'\n') #print ('\nPower: ',mean_pwr,'\n') return tot_time, mean_pwr, arch, app, pltPath, 'PWRCAP', pls
def getPwrPerfCounters(output, fileID, size, pwrThresh=100): #os.chdir('../') #baseDir = os.getcwd() #file = baseDir+'/test/output/'+app+'-'+prec+'-'+mode+'-'+size file = output + fileID + size # striping non-computing power consumption data = pc.readMetrics(file) gdata, cpStartTime, cpEndTime = pc.getComputationStartEnd(data, pwrThresh) df = pc.getStablePwr(gdata, cpStartTime, cpEndTime) #gpu0Pwr['time'] = (df['time'] - (df['time'].iloc[0])) tot_seconds = max(df['time']) - min(df['time']) #timedelta = tot_time - datetime(1900, 1, 1) #tot_seconds = timedelta.total_seconds() print('\nTotal Seconds', tot_seconds) s = 0.0 if size == '16' or size == '32' or size == '48' or size == '64' or size == '72': s = float(size) * 320 else: s = float(size) gflop = 2 * s * s * s / 1e9 print('\nGFlops:', gflop) if tot_seconds != 0: gflops = gflop / tot_seconds else: gflops = gflop return (df['pwr'].mean()), gflops
def getPyMMPwr(output,fileID,numRuns,pwrThresh = 100): pyMMPwrs = [] for r in numRuns: file = output+fileID+r data = pc.readMetrics(file) data,s,e = pc.getComputationStartEnd (data,pwrThresh) # striping non-computing power consumption df = pc.getStablePwr(data,s,e) pyMMPwrs.append(df['pwr'].mean()) return pyMMPwrs
def pltIndividual(output, fileID, size): file = output + fileID + size gpu0Pwr = pc.readMetrics(file) GPU0MeanPwr = gpu0Pwr['pwr'].mean() plt.figure() plt.plot(gpu0Pwr['time'], gpu0Pwr['pwr'], label="Real-time") meanGPUPwr = [GPU0MeanPwr for x in range(len(gpu0Pwr))] plt.plot(gpu0Pwr['time'], meanGPUPwr, linestyle='--', label="Mean") plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('GPU Power Consumption (W)') plt.title('Matrix size: ' + size + 'x' + size) plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) plt.savefig(output + fileID + size + '.png') meanGPUPwr.clear()
def getPyMMPwr(output, fileID, numRuns, pwrThresh=100): pyMMPwrs = [] for r in numRuns: ''' if fileID+r == 'dgemm-fp64-run-250-V100-135-8' or fileID+r == 'dgemm-fp64-run-250-V100-135-9': print ("\n ***SKIPPING*** \n") print (fileID+r) print ("\n ***SKIPPING*** \n") continue ''' file = output + fileID + r data = pc.readMetrics(file) data, s, e = pc.getComputationStartEnd(data, pwrThresh) # striping non-computing power consumption df = pc.getStablePwr(data, s, e) pyMMPwrs.append(df['pwr'].mean()) return pyMMPwrs
def pltVarations(output, fileID, r, pwrThresh=100): file = output + fileID + r gpu0Pwr = pc.readMetrics(file) # striping non-computing power consumption data, start, end = pc.getComputationStartEnd(gpu0Pwr, pwrThresh) rampUp, stable, rampDown = getVariationSlices(data, start, end) ''' print ('\ntotal length:', len(gpu0Pwr)) print('\nrampUp:',rampUp) print ('\nrampUp length:',len(rampUp)) print('\nStable:',stable) print ('\nStable length:',len(stable)) print('\nrampDown:',rampDown) print ('\nrampDown length:',len(rampDown)) ''' pltRampUp(rampUp, output, fileID) pltStable(stable, output, fileID) pltRampDown(rampDown, output, fileID)
def pltDVFSTimeIF(arch, app, dataPath, pltPath, thresh): tot_time = [] mean_pwr = [] r2r_time = [] r2r_mean_pwr = [] freqs = [] if arch == 'V100': alt = 0 f = 135 while f <= upper_freq: fID = app + '-fp64-run-250-V100-' + str(f) + '-' freqs.append(f) r2r_mean_pwr.clear() r2r_time.clear() if f == 1005: thresh = 85 for r in range(3): d = pc.readMetrics(dataPath + fID + str(r)) df, s, e = pc.getComputationStartEnd(d, thresh) # striping non-computing power consumption data = pc.getStablePwr(df, s, e) r2r_mean_pwr.append(data['pwr'].mean()) seconds = max(data['time']) - min(data['time']) r2r_time.append(seconds) mean_pwr.append(mean(r2r_mean_pwr)) tot_time.append(mean(r2r_time)) if alt == 0: f += 7 alt = 1 else: f += 8 alt = 0 #print ('\nTime: ',tot_time,'\n') print('\nPower: ', mean_pwr, '\n') return tot_time, mean_pwr, arch, app, pltPath, 'DVFS', freqs elif arch == 'P100': f = 544 while f <= 1329: # 1328 fID = app + '-fp64-run-250-P100-' + str(f) + '-' freqs.append(f) r2r_mean_pwr.clear() r2r_time.clear() if f > 1005: thresh = 85 for r in range(3): d = pc.readMetrics(dataPath + fID + str(r)) df, s, e = pc.getComputationStartEnd(d, thresh) # striping non-computing power consumption data = pc.getStablePwr(df, s, e) r2r_mean_pwr.append(data['pwr'].mean()) seconds = max(data['time']) - min(data['time']) r2r_time.append(seconds) mean_pwr.append(mean(r2r_mean_pwr)) tot_time.append(mean(r2r_time)) if f == 1328: break if (path.exists(dataPath + app + '-fp64-run-250-P100-' + str(f + 12) + '-0')): f += 12 elif (path.exists(dataPath + 'dgemm-fp64-run-250-P100-' + str(f + 13) + '-0')): f += 13 return tot_time, mean_pwr, arch, app, pltPath, 'DVFS', freqs