예제 #1
def test_dist():
    X = rand(100,5)
    Y = rand(80,5)
    d1 = num.distsq(X,Y)
    d2 = ((X[:,None,...] - Y[None,...])**2.0).sum(axis=-1)
    d3 = cdist(X,Y, metric='euclidean')**2.0
    print "d1 - d2"
    print "d1 - d3"
예제 #2
def test_dist():
    X = rand(100, 5)
    Y = rand(80, 5)
    d1 = num.distsq(X, Y)
    d2 = ((X[:, None, ...] - Y[None, ...])**2.0).sum(axis=-1)
    d3 = cdist(X, Y, metric='euclidean')**2.0
    print("d1 - d2")
    aaae(d1, d2)
    print("d1 - d3")
    aaae(d1, d3)
예제 #3
파일: rbf.py 프로젝트: elcorto/pwtools
    def get_dist_mat(self, X=None, C=None):
        """Matrix of distance values r_ij = ||x_i - c_j|| with::

            x_i : X[i,:]
            c_i : C[i,:]

        X : None or array (M,N) with N-dim points
            Training data or interpolation points. If None then self.Rsq is
        C : 2d array (K,N), optional
            If None then self.C is used.

        Rsq : (M,K), where K = M usually for training
        # pure numpy:
        #     dist = X[:,None,...] - C[None,...]
        #     Rsq = (dist**2.0).sum(axis=-1)
        # where   
        #     X:    (M,N)
        #     C:    (K,N)
        #     dist: (M,K,N) "matrix" of distance vectors (only for numpy case)
        #     Rsq:  (M,K)    matrix of squared distance values
        # Creates *big* temorary arrays if X is big (~1e4 points).
        # training:
        #     If X == C, we could also use pdist(X), which would give us a 1d
        #     array of all distances. But we need the redundant square matrix
        #     form for get_rbf_mat() anyway, so there is no real point in
        #     special-casing that. These two are the same:
        #      >>> R = spatial.squareform(spatial.distances.pdist(X))
        #      >>> R = spatial.distances.cdist(X,X)
        #      >>> Rsq = R**2
        if X is not None:
            C = self.C if C is None else C
            if self.distmethod == 'spatial':
                Rsq = distance.cdist(X, C)**2.0
            elif self.distmethod == 'fortran':                
                Rsq = num.distsq(X,C)
            elif self.distmethod == 'numpy':                
                dist = X[:,None,...] - C[None,...]
                Rsq = (dist**2.0).sum(axis=-1)
                raise StandardError("unknown value for distmethod: %s"
            return Rsq
            assert self.Rsq is not None, ("self.Rsq is None")
            return self.Rsq