예제 #1
def test_pdos():
    filename = tools.unpack_compressed('files/pw.md.out.gz', prefix=__file__)
    pp = parse.PwMDOutputFile(filename=filename)
    traj = pp.get_traj()

    # timestep dt
    # -----------
    # Only needed in pd.*_pdos(), not in pd.velocity(). Here is why:
    # vacf_pdos, direct_pdos:
    # If we compute the *normalized* VCAF, then dt is a factor: 
    #       <v_x(0) v_x(t)> = 1/dt^2 <dx(0) dx(t)> 
    # which cancels in the normalization. dt is not needed in the velocity
    # calculation, hence not 
    #   V=velocity(coords, dt=dt) 
    # only
    #   V=velocity(coords).
    V = traj.velocity # Ang / fs
    mass = traj.mass # amu
    dt = traj.timestep # fs
    timeaxis = traj.timeaxis
    assert np.allclose(150.0, dt * constants.fs / constants.tryd) # dt=150 Rydberg time units
    fd, dd = pd.direct_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, npad=1, tonext=False)
    fv, dv = pd.vacf_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, mirr=True)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(fd, fv, err_msg="freq not equal")
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dd, dv, err_msg="dos not equal")
    assert np.allclose(fd, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/fd.txt.gz'))
    assert np.allclose(fv, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/fv.txt.gz'))
    assert np.allclose(dd, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/dd.txt.gz'))
    assert np.allclose(dv, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/dv.txt.gz'))

    df = fd[1] - fd[0]
    print "Nyquist freq: %e" %(0.5/dt)
    print "df: %e:" %df
    print "timestep: %f fs = %f tryd" %(dt, dt * constants.fs / constants.tryd)
    print "timestep pw.out: %f tryd" %(pp.timestep)
    # API
    fd, dd, ffd, fdd, si = pd.direct_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, full_out=True)
    fv, dv, ffv, fdv, si, vacf, fft_vacf = pd.vacf_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt,
                                                        mirr=True, full_out=True)

    # Test padding for speed.
    fd, dd, ffd, fdd, si = pd.direct_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, npad=1, tonext=True, \
    assert len(fd) == len(dd)
    assert len(ffd) == len(fdd)
    # If `tonext` is used, full fft array lengths must be a power of two.
    assert len(ffd) >= 2*V.shape[timeaxis] - 1
    assert np.log2(len(ffd)) % 1.0 == 0.0
예제 #2
def test_pdos():
    filename = tools.unpack_compressed('files/pw.md.out.gz', prefix=__file__)
    pp = parse.PwMDOutputFile(filename=filename)
    traj = pp.get_traj()

    # timestep dt
    # -----------
    # Only needed in pd.*_pdos(), not in pd.velocity(). Here is why:
    # vacf_pdos, direct_pdos:
    # If we compute the *normalized* VCAF, then dt is a factor: 
    #       <v_x(0) v_x(t)> = 1/dt^2 <dx(0) dx(t)> 
    # which cancels in the normalization. dt is not needed in the velocity
    # calculation, hence not 
    #   V=velocity(coords, dt=dt) 
    # only
    #   V=velocity(coords).
    V = traj.velocity # Ang / fs
    mass = traj.mass # amu
    dt = traj.timestep # fs
    timeaxis = traj.timeaxis
    assert np.allclose(150.0, dt * constants.fs / constants.tryd) # dt=150 Rydberg time units
    fd, dd = pd.direct_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, npad=1, tonext=False)
    fv, dv = pd.vacf_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, mirr=True)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(fd, fv, err_msg="freq not equal")
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dd, dv, err_msg="dos not equal")
    assert np.allclose(fd, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/fd.txt.gz'))
    assert np.allclose(fv, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/fv.txt.gz'))
    assert np.allclose(dd, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/dd.txt.gz'))
    assert np.allclose(dv, np.loadtxt('files/ref_test_pdos/dv.txt.gz'))

    df = fd[1] - fd[0]
    print("Nyquist freq: %e" %(0.5/dt))
    print("df: %e:" %df)
    print("timestep: %f fs = %f tryd" %(dt, dt * constants.fs / constants.tryd))
    print("timestep pw.out: %f tryd" %(pp.timestep))
    # API
    fd, dd, ffd, fdd, si = pd.direct_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, full_out=True)
    fv, dv, ffv, fdv, si, vacf, fft_vacf = pd.vacf_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt,
                                                        mirr=True, full_out=True)

    # Test padding for speed.
    fd, dd, ffd, fdd, si = pd.direct_pdos(V, m=mass, dt=dt, npad=1, tonext=True, \
    assert len(fd) == len(dd)
    assert len(ffd) == len(fdd)
    # If `tonext` is used, full fft array lengths must be a power of two.
    assert len(ffd) >= 2*V.shape[timeaxis] - 1
    assert np.log2(len(ffd)) % 1.0 == 0.0
예제 #3
def pdos(coords_arr_3d, axis=0):
    f, d = pd.direct_pdos(velocity_traj(coords_arr_3d, axis=axis))
    return d
예제 #4
freqs = rand(natoms, 3, nfreq) * fmax
for i in range(natoms):
    for k in range(3):
        # vector w/ frequencies: freqs[i,k,:] <=> f_j, j=0, ..., nfreq-1
        # sum_j sin(2*pi*f_j*t)
        coords[:, i, k] = np.sin(2 * pi * freqs[i, k, :][:, None] *

##arr = coords
arr = crys.velocity_traj(coords)
massvec = rand(natoms)

# no mass weighting
M = None
f4, y4n = pydos.vacf_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M, mirr=True)
f5, y5n = pydos.direct_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M)

# with mass weighting
M = massvec
f6, y6nm = pydos.vacf_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M, mirr=True)
f7, y7nm = pydos.direct_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M)

if use_fourier:
    # For each atom, write an array (time.shape[0], 3) with coords at all time
    # steps, run fourier.x on that, sum up the power spectra. No mass
    # weighting.
    fourier_in_data = np.zeros((arr.shape[time_axis], 7))
    fourier_in_data[:, 0] = np.arange(arr.shape[time_axis])
    fourier_out_fn = pj(fourier_dir, 'fourier_3d.log')
    common.system("rm -f %s" % fourier_out_fn)
    for iatom in range(arr.shape[1]):
예제 #5
def pdos(coords_arr_3d, axis=0):
    f, d = pd.direct_pdos(velocity_traj(coords_arr_3d, axis=axis))
    return d
예제 #6
# `nfreq` frequencies for each x,y,z component of each atom
freqs = rand(natoms, 3, nfreq)*fmax
for i in range(natoms):
    for k in range(3):
        # vector w/ frequencies: freqs[i,k,:] <=> f_j, j=0, ..., nfreq-1
        # sum_j sin(2*pi*f_j*t)
        coords[:,i,k] = np.sin(2*pi*freqs[i,k,:][:,None]*taxis).sum(axis=0)

##arr = coords
arr = crys.velocity_traj(coords)
massvec = rand(natoms)

# no mass weighting
M = None
f4, y4n = pydos.vacf_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M, mirr=True)
f5, y5n = pydos.direct_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M)

# with mass weighting
M = massvec
f6, y6nm = pydos.vacf_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M, mirr=True)
f7, y7nm = pydos.direct_pdos(arr, dt=dt, m=M)

if use_fourier:
    # For each atom, write an array (time.shape[0], 3) with coords at all time
    # steps, run fourier.x on that, sum up the power spectra. No mass
    # weighting.
    fourier_in_data = np.zeros((arr.shape[time_axis],7))
    fourier_in_data[:,0] = np.arange(arr.shape[time_axis])
    fourier_out_fn = pj(fourier_dir, 'fourier_3d.log')
    common.system("rm -f %s" %fourier_out_fn)
    for iatom in range(arr.shape[1]):