def add_vessel_ret(self, haul_id, vessel_ret): """ Add a vessel retained ListElement to our model and save to DB @param haul_id: Haul DB Id (Fishing Activity) @param vessel_ret: ListElement QJSValue @return: """ if isinstance(vessel_ret, QJSValue): # convert QJSValue to QVariant (then to dict) vessel_ret = vessel_ret.toVariant() found_cc_code = CatchCategories.get( CatchCategories.catch_category_code == vessel_ret['cc_code']) catch_num = ObserverCatches.get_next_catch_num_for_this_haul( haul_id, self._logger) Catches.create( fishing_activity=haul_id, catch_category=found_cc_code.catch_category, catch_weight=vessel_ret['weight'], catch_weight_method='7', catch_purity=None, catch_weight_um='LB', catch_disposition='R', catch_num=catch_num, created_by=ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id(), created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr(), ) self.appendItem(vessel_ret)
def currentSetId(self, current_id): """ Assigned in SetsScreen. Also sets current_haulset_id with dbid here :param current_id: set number (not DB ID) :return: None """ self._logger.debug('Set currentSet using ID {}'.format(current_id)) try: self._current_set = FishingActivities.get( FishingActivities.trip == self._trip_id, FishingActivities.fishing_activity_num == current_id) ObserverDBUtil.db_save_setting('current_haulset_id', self._current_set.fishing_activity) self._logger.debug( f"Setting current_haulset_id to {self._current_set.fishing_activity}" ) self._internal_set_idx = self._sets_model.get_item_index( 'fishing_activity_num', self._current_set.fishing_activity_num) self._fishing_locations.load_fishing_locations( fishing_activity_id=self._current_set.fishing_activity) if self._current_set.biolist_localonly is None: self._current_set.biolist_localonly = self._default_biolist_num self._save_notes_biolist_num() except FishingActivities.DoesNotExist:"Can't get set ID for trip {}, num {}".format( self._trip_id, current_id)) self._current_set = None return self.modelChanged.emit()
def _add_species_basket(self, weight, count): """ Add species comp item to DB and model Check for 0-weight basket @param weight: lbs @param count: fish num """ self._logger.debug('Add species basket. wt: {}, ct: {}'.format( weight, count)) if self._current_species_comp_item is None: self._logger.error('Species ID / Current Species Comp ID is None') return try: new_basket = SpeciesCompositionBaskets.create( species_comp_item=self._current_species_comp_item, basket_weight_itq=weight, fish_number_itq=count, created_by=ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id(), created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr( date_format=ObserverDBUtil.oracle_date_format), is_fg_tally_local=1 if self._is_fixed_gear else None) self._baskets_model.add_basket(new_basket)'Added basket wt: {weight} ct: {count}') finally: self._calculate_totals() self.basketAdded.emit()
def create_trip(self, vessel_id, observer_id, program_id): """ Create a new trip in the DB @param vessel_id: ID of vessel @param observer_id: ID of user @param program_id: ID of program @return: new trip cursor (peewee) """ try: is_fixed_gear = ObserverTrip.get_fg_value() newtrip = Trips.create( user=observer_id, vessel=vessel_id, program=program_id, partial_trip='F', trip_status='FALSE', created_by=observer_id, created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr(), is_fg_trip_local=is_fixed_gear, data_source=ObserverDBUtil.get_data_source() # FIELD-2099: setting data source initially ) self.add_trip(newtrip) return newtrip except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e) return None
def _calculate_subsample_count(self): """ FIELD-1471: get rounded avg weight of fish in same day as haul (using created_date of current haul) :return: sets float val _todays_avg_weight (exposed as todaysAvgWeight property) """ trip_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_trip_id() species_list = self._observer_species.get_related_species( self._observer_species.currentSpeciesItemSpeciesID) haulset_date = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_haulset_createddate() if not haulset_date or not species_list or not trip_id: self.logger.error( f"haulset_date/species/trip list not retrieved, can't calculate subsample count" ) f"Daily subsample count calc'd, species {species_list} day {haulset_date[:10]} trip {trip_id}" ) self.subsampleCount = fn.sum(SpeciesCompositionBaskets.fish_number_itq) ).join(FishingActivities).join( Catches, on=FishingActivities.fishing_activity == Catches.fishing_activity ).join(SpeciesCompositions).join(SpeciesCompositionItems).join( SpeciesCompositionBaskets).join( Species, on=SpeciesCompositionItems.species == Species.species # no rel_model in model def... ).where((Trips.trip == trip_id) & (Species.species.in_(species_list)) & (fn.substr(SpeciesCompositionBaskets.created_date, 1, 10) == fn.substr(haulset_date, 1, 10)) & (SpeciesCompositionBaskets.is_subsample == 1)).scalar()
def delete_trip(self, trip_id): """ Deletes a trip if empty @param trip_id: DBID @return: True if trip deleted, false otherwise """ # double check empty if not self.check_trip_empty(trip_id): return False'Deleting empty trip {}'.format(trip_id)) # Delete from DB trip = Trips.get(Trips.trip == trip_id) ObserverDBUtil.log_peewee_model_instance(self._logger, trip, 'Deleting trip') trip.delete_instance(recursive=True) # Delete from model model_idx = self._trips_model.get_item_index('trip', trip_id) if model_idx >= 0: self._trips_model.remove(model_idx) else: self._logger.error( 'Unable to find and remove trip {} from model.'.format( trip_id)) return True
def delete_haul(self, haul_id): if haul_id is None or not self.check_haul_empty(haul_id): return trip_id = self._trip_id self._current_haul = None # FIELD-1817 always clear current haul ID if deleting # Delete from DB haul = FishingActivities.get( FishingActivities.fishing_activity == haul_id) ObserverDBUtil.log_peewee_model_instance(self._logger, haul, 'Deleting haul') haul.delete_instance(recursive=True) # Delete from model result = self._hauls_model.remove_haul_set(haul_id) # Check for hauls with greater fishing_activity_num # than this one, and if found, decrement them. renumber_hauls = (FishingActivities.fishing_activity > haul_id) & (FishingActivities.trip == trip_id)) for h in renumber_hauls: old_num = h.fishing_activity_num h.fishing_activity_num -= 1 fishing_number_row = self._hauls_model.get_haul_set_index( h.fishing_activity) f'Renumbered FISHING_ACTIVITY_NUM {old_num} to {h.fishing_activity_num} for haul {h.fishing_activity}' ) self._hauls_model.setProperty(fishing_number_row, 'fishing_activity_num', h.fishing_activity_num) return result
def currentHaulId(self, current_id): """ Assigned in HaulsScreen. Also sets current_haulset_id with dbid here :param current_id: haul number (not DB ID) :return: None """ self._logger.debug('Set currentHaul using ID {}'.format(current_id)) try: self._current_haul = FishingActivities.get( FishingActivities.trip == self._trip_id, FishingActivities.fishing_activity_num == current_id) # FIELD-1471: setting db id for downstream use in baskets ObserverDBUtil.db_save_setting('current_haulset_id', self._current_haul.fishing_activity) self._logger.debug( f"Setting current_haulset_id to {self._current_haul.fishing_activity}" ) self._internal_haul_idx = self._hauls_model.get_item_index( 'fishing_activity_num', self._current_haul.fishing_activity_num) self._fishing_locations.load_fishing_locations( fishing_activity_id=self._current_haul.fishing_activity) except FishingActivities.DoesNotExist:"Can't get haul ID for trip {}, num {}".format( self._trip_id, current_id)) self._current_haul = None return self.modelChanged.emit()
def update_comments(self): if not self.currentTripId or not self.currentObserver: #'No trip, skip saving comments: {self.currentTripId}') return trip_id = int(self.currentTripId)'Updating comments for TRIP ID {trip_id}') self._comments_all = '' self._comments_trip = '' self._comments_haul = dict() # { haul_id: "comment" } self._db_formatted_comments_trip = '' self._db_formatted_comments_haul = dict() comments_q = == trip_id).order_by(Comment.comment_id) if not comments_q.count(): self._logger.debug(f'No comments found for trip: {trip_id}') return for comment in comments_q: # Removed starting dash comment delimiter to adhere to IFQ TRIP_CHECK convention that # notes start with an alphanumeric. But continuing to use trailing dash separator. new_comment_string = f'{comment.username} ({comment.appstateinfo}) ' \ f'{comment.comment_date} ---\n{comment.comment}\n\n' self._comments_all += new_comment_string try: # Only want first half of appstateinfo, that variable now also holds the page title text if comment.fishing_activity is None or comment.appstateinfo.split("::")[0] in self.trip_comment_states: self._comments_trip += new_comment_string self._db_formatted_comments_trip += self._db_format_one_comment(comment) else: haul_id = comment.fishing_activity.fishing_activity if haul_id not in self._comments_haul.keys(): self._comments_haul[haul_id] = new_comment_string self._db_formatted_comments_haul[haul_id] = self._db_format_one_comment(comment) else: # append self._comments_haul[haul_id] += new_comment_string self._db_formatted_comments_haul[haul_id] += self._db_format_one_comment(comment) except Exception as e: # Handle load of bad previous comment weirdness self._logger.error(e) # now save to NOTES for Trip try: trip_q = Trips.get(Trips.trip == trip_id) trip_q.notes = ObserverDBUtil.escape_linefeeds(self._db_formatted_comments_trip)"Wrote {len(trip_q.notes)} characters to Trips.notes.") for haul_id in self._comments_haul.keys(): haul_q = FishingActivities.get((FishingActivities.trip == trip_id) & (FishingActivities.fishing_activity == haul_id)) haul_q.notes = ObserverDBUtil.escape_linefeeds(self._db_formatted_comments_haul[haul_id])"Wrote {len(haul_q.notes)} characters to FishingActivities.notes.") except Trips.DoesNotExist as e: self._logger.warning(f'Cannot save comment, {e}') except FishingActivities.DoesNotExist as e: self._logger.warning(f'Cannot save comment, {e}') self.commentsChanged.emit(self._comments_trip)
def tripId(self, value): # select matching trip ID and set current trip id PK # does NOT change trip number in the DB if value is None or value == '': self.clear_trip_id() return try: current_user_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() trip_q = Trips.get((int(value) == Trips.trip) & (Trips.user == current_user_id)) self._current_trip = trip_q self._current_trip_model_idx = self._trips_model.get_item_index( 'trip', int(value))'Selected trip #{}'.format( self._current_trip.trip)) self.tripIdChanged.emit(str(value)) ObserverDBUtil.db_save_setting('trip_number', self._current_trip.trip) ObserverDBUtil.set_current_fishery_id(self._current_trip.fishery) if self._current_trip.vessel is not None: self.currentVesselNameChanged.emit( self._current_trip.vessel.vessel_name) self.tripsChanged.emit() # Load corresponding tickets self._tickets_model.clear() tickets_query = FishTickets.trip == trip_q.trip) ntickets = tickets_query.count() if ntickets > 0: for ticket in tickets_query: self._tickets_model.add_ticket(ticket) # Load corresponding trip certificates self._certs_model.clear() certs_query = TripCertificates.trip == trip_q.trip) ncerts = certs_query.count() if ncerts > 0: for cert in certs_query: self._certs_model.add_cert(cert) except ValueError as e: self._logger.error('Error with Trip ID specified: {}, {}'.format( value, e)) self.clear_trip_id() except Trips.DoesNotExist as e: self._logger.error( 'Trip ID does not exist for this user: {}, {}'.format( value, e)) self.clear_trip_id() except Vessels.DoesNotExist as e: self._logger.error(f'Vessel ID not set... {e}') self.clear_trip_id()
def currentFisheryName(self, fishery_name): """ :param fishery_name: fishery name str """ if self._current_trip is not None: fishery_id = self._get_fishery_ID(fishery_name) self._current_trip.fishery = fishery_id self._set_cur_prop('fishery', fishery_name) ObserverDBUtil.set_current_fishery_id(fishery_id) self.tripDataChanged.emit()
def addTripCert(self, cert_num): """ Add Trip Certificate (Permit / License #) @param cert_num: trip or license number """ # TODO certification_id? if self._current_trip is not None: user_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() created_date = ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr() cert = TripCertificates.create(certificate_number=cert_num, trip=self._current_trip.trip, created_by=user_id, created_date=created_date) self._certs_model.add_cert(cert)
def currentCollectionMethod(self, method): """ FIELD-2123: Setter emits when val changed for updating back to UI :param method: str, DirectEntry, DirectFormHybrid, FormsOnly :return: """ if self._current_collection_method != method: self._current_collection_method = method self.collectionMethodChanged.emit(method) if not method: ObserverDBUtil.clear_setting('current_collection_method') else: ObserverDBUtil.db_save_setting('current_collection_method', method)
def _create_biolist_comment(self): """ Replaces _save_notes_biolist_num func Adds biolist string to comment table instead of saving directly to fishing_activity.notes. Comment record is picked up for comment parsing later (FIELD-2071) :return: None """ if not self._current_haul: self._logger.error( 'Tried to save biolist num, but current haul not set.') return BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX = 'Biolist #' APPSTATE = f"haul_details_state::Haul {self.currentHaulId} Details" # could make a param, but shouldn't change # check if biolist comment already exists existing_comments = (Comment.trip == self._current_haul.trip) & (Comment.fishing_activity == self._current_haul.fishing_activity) & (fn.Lower(Comment.comment).contains(BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX.lower()))) if not existing_comments: Comment.create( username=ObserverDBUtil.get_setting('current_user'), comment_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr(), comment=f"{BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX}{self.currentBiolistNum}", appstateinfo=APPSTATE, trip=self._current_haul.trip, fishing_activity=self._current_haul.fishing_activity) self._logger.debug( f"{BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX}{self.currentBiolistNum} comment created." ) else: # not sure if this will ever get used for trawl, but will update if necessary query = Comment.update( username=ObserverDBUtil.get_setting('current_user'), comment_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr(), comment=f"{BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX}{self.currentBiolistNum}", appstateinfo=APPSTATE, ).where((Comment.fishing_activity == self._current_haul.fishing_activity) & (Comment.trip == self._current_haul.trip) & (Comment.comment.regexp('^' + BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX + '\d+$') ) # starts with Biolist #, ends with nums ) query.execute() self._logger.debug( f"{BIOLIST_NOTE_PREFIX}{self.currentBiolistNum} comment updated." )
def addFishTicket(self): if self.fishTicketNum is None or self.fishTicketDate is None or self.fishTicketState is None: return user_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() created_date = ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr() fish_ticket_number = FishTickets.create(fish_ticket_number=self.fishTicketNum, fish_ticket_date=self.fishTicketDate, state_agency=self.fishTicketState, trip=self._current_trip.trip, created_by=user_id, created_date=created_date) self._tickets_model.add_ticket(fish_ticket_number) self.fishTicketDate = None self.fishTicketNum = None
def you_are_up(self): """ Called by ObserverSM.qml when context switches to Hauls screen. Used to pull counts of haul-level issues from the current trip's last Trip Error Report, if any. :return: None """"Screen is active. Current TripID={self._trip_id}.") f"Count of hauls (from HaulsModel)={self._hauls_model.count}.") current_user_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() # If a Trip Error Report has been run for this trip, get the latest run's haul-level error counts, per-haul. trip_issues, run_date = TripChecksOptecsManager.get_issues_from_last_ter_run( self._trip_id, self._logger) if not trip_issues: for row in range(self._hauls_model.count): self._hauls_model.setProperty(row, "errors", "N/A") self._logger.debug( "No Trip Error Report has been run for this trip yet. Haul-level error counts to N/A." ) else: haul_error_counts = self._calculate_per_haul_errors(trip_issues) view_model_rows = self._hauls_model.items # Update view model with haul-level errors, on a haul-by-haul basis for row_idx in range(self._hauls_model.count): view_model_row = view_model_rows[row_idx] haul_num = int(view_model_row["fishing_activity_num"]) errors_this_haul = haul_error_counts[haul_num] \ if haul_num in haul_error_counts else 0 self._hauls_model.setProperty(row_idx, "errors", str(errors_this_haul)) self._logger.debug( f"Updated view model with Trip Error Report with run date {run_date}." )
def update_drive_letters(self): """ Send new drive letters signal @return: """ self.driveLettersChanged.emit( ObserverDBUtil.get_external_drive_letters())
def upsert_comment(self, comment_prefix, comment, appstate): """ Use for comment update/insert oustide of Comment dialog box. Find comment with prefix, if exists, replace, else insert :param comment_prefix: str, e.g. CollectionMethod= :param comment: str, e.g. string after prefix :param appstate: str, e.g. state of app + title of current screen :return: None """ new_comment_date = ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr() new_comment = f"{comment_prefix}{comment}" # try to get comment model and update try: c = Comment.get(Comment.comment.contains(comment_prefix), Comment.trip == self.currentTripId) Comment.update(comment=new_comment, comment_date=new_comment_date, username=self.currentObserver).where( Comment.comment_id == c.comment_id).execute() except ValueError: # trip id is not defined yet return # if existing comment not found, create a new one except Comment.DoesNotExist: Comment.create(comment=new_comment, comment_date=new_comment_date, username=self.currentObserver, trip=self.currentTripId, appstateinfo=appstate) # parse comments to trips/fishing_activities self.update_comments()
def isTestMode(self): """ if DB is pointing at IFQADMIN or IFQDEV, True else False (production!) @return: True if Test mode """ mode = ObserverDBUtil.get_setting('optecs_mode') return False if mode == 'ifq' else True
def update_programs_for_user(self, username): """ Sets the AvailablePrograms model appropriately @param username: username to look up """ user_id = self.get_user_id(username) self._current_user_info[ 'userid'] = user_id # this will be set again at login if user_id: self._logger.debug( 'Retrieving programs and roles for user {}'.format( username[:3] + '****')) programs = self._get_user_program_names(user_id) roles = self._get_user_roles(user_id) self._current_user_programs.setStringList(programs) self._current_user_roles = roles current_progname = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_program_name() if current_progname in programs: self.currentProgramName = current_progname elif programs: # set default program for user self.currentProgramName = programs[0] else: self.currentProgramName = None self.program_model_changed.emit() self.currentUserPwExpiresChanged.emit() self.current_user_is_debriefer_changed.emit()
def _resequence_orm_location_positions(locations: List[FishingLocations]) -> List[FishingLocations]: """ Given a list of peewee ORM FishingLocations, return a list sorted by arrow time, assigning position number from -1 to N-2: Conventions: - Earliest location, aka "Set" is assigned POSITION = -1 - Latest location (in N > 1), aka "Up" is assigned POSITION 0 - If additions locations, assign position from 0 to N-2, in ascending datetime order. - In case of exactly same datetime, use FISHING_LOCATION_ID as minor sort key. :param locations: List of Peewee ORM fishing locations with POSITION values possibly out of sequence due to a location being added or deleted. :return: List of fishing locations with POSITION set by datetime order given above. Note: neither SQLite FISHING_LOCATIONS table nor FishingLocationModel's model have been updated. """ slocations = sorted(locations, key=lambda loc: " ".join([ ObserverDBUtil.str_to_datetime(loc.location_date).format('MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm'),#'YMMDDHHmm'), str.format("{0:0>5}", loc.fishing_location)])) # Earliest if len(slocations) > 0: slocations[0].position = -1 # Last if len(slocations) > 1: slocations[-1].position = 0 # In-between if len(slocations) > 2: for i in range(1, len(slocations) - 1): slocations[i].position = i return slocations
def __init__(self, db): super().__init__() self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._data = db self._hauls_model = HaulSetModel() self._current_haul = None self._internal_haul_idx = None # FramListModel index self._hauls_count = 0 self._trip_id = None self._fishing_locations = ObserverFishingLocations() self._beaufort = db.beaufort self._gearperf = db.gearperf self._obs_ret_models = dict() self._obs_ret_max_count = 0 self._vessel_ret_models = dict() self._vessel_ret_max_count = 0 # Hauls fields that must be specified in UI (can't be left empty) self._required_field_names = ( # As known in peewee 'observer_total_catch', # Visual OTC 'otc_weight_method', 'brd_present', # No: 'fit', # No: 'cal_weight', # Has 'No Scale' value if not-calibrated. 'gear_type', 'gear_performance', 'beaufort_value', ) self._thread_ter = None # Runs TER in background random.seed() # ensure device_random_seed is randomly seeded self._device_random_seed = int(ObserverDBUtil.get_or_set_setting('biolist_rng_seed', random.randint(1, 10000))) self._trip_seed = 0
def add_comment(self, comment, appstate): """ Adds date, username, and comment to Comments :return: """ if not self.currentTripId: self._logger.error( 'No trip selected, comment NOT saved: {}'.format(comment)) return f'Adding comment "{comment}" to current trip {self.currentTripId}') # TODO Add to trips, not Comment if self.isFixedGear: haul_db_id = self.sets.currentSetDBId if self.sets else None else: haul_db_id = self.hauls.currentHaulDBId if self.hauls else None newcomment = Comment.create( username=self.currentObserver, comment_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr(), appstateinfo=appstate, comment=comment, trip=self.currentTripId, fishing_activity=haul_db_id) self.update_comments()
def __init__(self, db): super().__init__() self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._data = db # The three alternative models for the lists of catch categories # Instantiate here and nowhere else: references are being used. # To reset, clear rather than re-instantiate. self._full_list_cc_model = CatchCategoryModel() self._frequent_list_cc_model = CatchCategoryModel() self._trip_list_cc_model = CatchCategoryModel() # The Full catch category is initialized from Observer.db table CATCH_CATEGORIES. # The Frequent catch category is initialized from a list stored in the SETTINGS table of Observer.db. # The TrawlFrequentCatchCategories instance gets from the db or uses a default. self._frequent_catch_category_codes = TrawlFrequentCatchCategories( ).catch_category_codes # The Trip catch category is initialized here. self._trip_list_catch_category_codes = list() self._filter_code = '' # Filter by PACFIN code self._is_fixed_gear = ObserverDBUtil.is_fixed_gear() self.load_full_list() self.load_frequent_list() self.load_trip_list() # Default model associated with tvAvailableCC TableView: full self._active_cc_model = self._full_list_cc_model self._active_cc_model_type = "Full"
def create_set(self, set_num): """ @param set_num: ID local to this trip @return: haul db ID """ self.load_sets(trip_id=self._trip_id) observer_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() newset = FishingActivities.create( trip=self._trip_id, fishing_activity_num=set_num, created_by=observer_id, created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr())'Created FishingActivities (set {}) for trip={}'.format( newset.fishing_activity_num, self._trip_id)) self.SetsModel.add_set(newset) self.currentSetId = newset.fishing_activity_num return int(newset.fishing_activity)
def add_update_location_haul_id(self, haul_id, position, date, latitude, longitude, depth): # depth_um assumed to be "ftm" try: try: location_item = FishingLocations.get( (FishingLocations.fishing_activity == haul_id) & (FishingLocations.position == position)) self._logger.debug( 'Fishing location haul ID={}, position={} found, updating.' .format(haul_id, position)) location_item.location_date = date location_item.latitude = latitude location_item.longitude = longitude location_item.depth = depth location_item.depth_um = 'FM' location_item.position = position # Update the database # Update location positions in DB and the view model to handle possible shift in position. self._update_location_positions() except FishingLocations.DoesNotExist: self._logger.debug( 'Create fishing location haul ID={}, position={}'.format( haul_id, position)) user_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() location_item = FishingLocations.create( fishing_activity=haul_id, location_date=date, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, depth=depth, depth_um='FM', position=position, created_by=user_id, created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr()) self._logger.debug( 'Fishing location position {} created.'.format( location_item.position)) # New entry added, but position number sequence may be off, depending on datetime of new entry. # Update location positions in DB and the view model to handle possible insertion. self._update_location_positions() except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e) return location_item.fishing_location ## Primary key index of location
def _add_additional_basket(self, basket_weight, basket_type): """ Utility for adding weighed and unweighed baskets to CATCH_ADDITIONAL_BASKETS for use in WM3 calculation of catch weight. :param basket_weight: :param basket_type: digit as text. :return: """ if basket_type not in self._catch_additional_basket_types: raise Exception(f"Unrecognized catch additional basket type {basket_type}") if self._weight_method != '3': msg = f"Weight Method is '{self._weight_method}', not '3'; additional baskets not allowed." self._logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Consistency check: if basket type is unweighed, basket weight should be 0 or None if basket_type == ObserverCatchBaskets.LOOKUP_VALUE_CAB_BASKET_TYPE_UNWEIGHED_FULL and \ basket_weight is not None and basket_weight != 0.0: msg = f"Basket type unweighed should have no or zero basket weight." self._logger.error(f"Basket type unweighed should have no or zero basket weight.") raise Exception(msg) basket_type_description = self._catch_additional_basket_types[basket_type] self._logger.debug(f'Add catch additional basket with wt={basket_weight} and ' f'type={basket_type_description}.') if basket_weight is None: basket_weight = 0.0 self._logger.debug(f"Unweighted baskets will be given weight of 0.0") new_basket = None try: new_basket = CatchAdditionalBaskets.create( catch=self._current_catch.catch, basket_weight=float(basket_weight), basket_type=basket_type, created_by=ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id(), created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr(date_format=ObserverDBUtil.oracle_date_format) ) except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e) finally: return new_basket
def currentEndDateTime(self, date_time): """ :param date_time: end date ISO str """ date_time = ObserverDBUtil.convert_jscript_datetime(date_time) self._current_trip.return_date = date_time self._set_cur_prop('return_date', date_time) self.tripDataChanged.emit()
def create_haul(self, haul_num): """ @param haul_num: ID local to this trip @return: haul db ID """ self.load_hauls(trip_id=self._trip_id) observer_id = ObserverDBUtil.get_current_user_id() newhaul = FishingActivities.create(trip=self._trip_id, fishing_activity_num=haul_num, created_by=observer_id, created_date=ObserverDBUtil.get_arrow_datestr()) 'Created FishingActivities (haul {}) for trip={}'.format(newhaul.fishing_activity_num, newhaul.trip)) self.HaulsModel.add_haul(newhaul) self.currentHaulId = newhaul.fishing_activity_num self._create_biolist_comment() return int(newhaul.fishing_activity)
def currentStartDateTime(self, date_time): """ :param date_time: start date ISO str """ if self._current_trip is not None: date_time = ObserverDBUtil.convert_jscript_datetime(date_time) self._current_trip.departure_date = date_time self._set_cur_prop('departure_date', date_time) self.tripDataChanged.emit()